By Anna Von Reitz
I wish someone would break the news the JFK, Jr. and Trump that they don't have the ability to recreate and occupy "the Federal Republic" on their own merit. That is part of the reconstruction that the States of the Union must undertake --- first to reconstruct the Confederation of States, and then for the Confederation to reboot the Federal Republic.
What they can do is act as Officers of the Federation of States and help direct and supervise the entire Reconstruction process. They can be heroes, and they can bring the run amok military back to serve the civilian populace of this country, and that would be more than enough achievement to go down honorably in the history of the world.
To actually do the right thing, you have to do it the right way --- and as it stands, the American Confederation owns and operates the Federal Republic, and the American Confederation hasn't been operable since the Great Schism of 1861.
So--- for now, the Federation of States operates everything directly as it did from 1776 to 1781.
The Confederation is rebuilt by our American States which are now in Session.
The Confederation takes up its responsibility and operates the Federal Republic under the Federal Constitution: The Constitution for the united States of America.
1, 2, 3 -- and if this is to be done right, if this is to be lawful and legal, this is the way it has to be done.
If Mr. Trump and the U.S. military tries to re-inhabit the Federal Republic without addressing the Reconstruction and without correcting their own political status, the result will be invalidated as another act of fraud and commercial war and deceit by the British Territorial Government.
We will all be no further along toward peace and sanity than we were before. The conundrum left by the Civil War will not be resolved by any such "independent" action by the U.S. military and it will not result in the restoration of our lawful government.
It would instead result in another British Coo-Coo Bird Maneuver, in which they would substitute their "Personnel" for our government, and would substitute their "States of State" birthed in the District of Columbia and operating on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways for the American State of State organizations we are owed.
As appealing to the patriotic spirit as the planned panoply is, and as much of a relief as it would be to see someone with some business sense back in charge of Washington, DC, the scenario that the U.S. Army and other parties have developed is fake.
It's another show. Not the real thing. And though the real thing is more difficult, more time-consuming, and more problematic -- it has the bedrock advantage of being legal, lawful, and morally correct.
There is also no real need for any such takeover of the old Federal Republic. The Federation of States has received back all empowerments delegated to the Confederation of States, the Federal Republic, and the other two bankrupt Federal Service Provider corporations fronted by the Queen/British Crown and the Holy See.
As the Primary Delegator, the Federation is in control and command and is the direct assign of the sovereign States of the Union, just as it was during The War of Independence. There is no doubt that these powers naturally reverted to the Federation and there is no doubt that the Federation has the authority and ability to act in all these capacities, because it did so from 1776 to 1781.
Please tell this to the White Hats and President Trump, the Queen and whoever else needs to hear it.
The Brits may have gotten away with substituting their "States of States" for our "States of States" in the confusion after the Civil War hostilities ended in Armistice, but they will not get away with occupying our Federal Republic, which is not vacated and which is not delegated to them.
Thank you, everyone, for paying attention and keeping things moving forward to a peaceful conclusion.
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