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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Found: $700 Trillion in Stolen Life Force Value Annuities

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday we confirmed that the British Government and particularly, the Government of Westminster, colluded with the Vatican to replay an old insurance annuities fraud scheme in the wake of the Second World War.
We confirmed that Prince Philip received $950 Trillion dollars worth of precisely such "Life Force Value Annuities" from a Municipal CORPORATION in Canada, dba OTTAWA and GOVERNMENT OF OTTAWA and GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA in April 2017, precisely three days before his retirement from public life.
Now we appear to have found $700 Trillion of the stolen loot given to Filipinos, who are, obviously, still being misaddressed as our Trustees, long after the actual Donors have shown up to claim their assets.
A Filipino woman working for the "King of Koran" was given this gob of pre-paid credit and the security codes to it, but neither she nor her king have any actual right to it despite whatever the "World Court" or any U.S. Supreme Court might think they have to say about it.
As we pointed out, both the World Court and the U.S. Supreme Court are institutions charged with administration of Municipal PERSONS and Territorial Persons, none of which has anything to do with the assets of living Americans.
As I pointed out to her, no Filipino can presently claim to be "King" or claim to "own 248 nations", because:
(1) The United States of America owns the Philippines' land mass and without land, there is no national sovereignty available to the Philippines, no basis for any "kingship". We won the Philippines as spoils of war in the Spanish-American War (1898) and $20 million dollars in gold was paid "for us" in support of the Filipino Government, and thousands of American lives have been wasted defending the Philippines ever since.
No other valid successor land treaty has ever been established regarding the land of the Philippines and no repayment for our investment has been received, so all the Islands of the Philippines remain ours and in our possession and there is no room in America for any "king".
(2) Although the "King of Koran" may not have gotten the news, it has been illegal and unlawful to own people, that is, nations, since 1926 --- and we are all apt to have something to say about his presumption of lordship over us, especially as he is standing on ground that we bought and paid for.
There is widespread confusion on all sides but the land jurisdiction must be answered and our land treaties must be respected and both the value of the "Life Force Value Annuities" and the actual gold must be returned to the people it actually belongs to.
We hold the Pope and the British Government and the Government of Westminster totally accountable and the Government of the Philippines secondarily responsible.
All this pre-paid credit resulting from the British-Papist collusion in their worldwide insurance annuities scheme was most likely offered to the Filipinos in exchange for the actual physical gold assets in storage in the Philippines.
If so, this is just another example of the Vermin trying to give someone else's credit "as" payment to Third Parties in exchange for actual assets ---- more fraud and criminality, in other words. Someone else's credit is no "equitable" exchange for the same victim's physical gold assets--- and please note that both the credit and the gold belong to the same people being victimized by these pernicious Middlemen.
We assume that $250 T was held back as the portion owed to the Canadians, the $700 T was handed off to the Filipinos as "hot" goods owed to the Americans under the presumption that the Filipinos are our Trustees in the matter.
The actual "presumed" Donors of all these phony trusts and estates are here and the Filipinos are on Notice to yield back our assets with no further ado.
That includes the $700 T in Life Force Value Annuities and all our gold stored in the Philippines where the British placed it "for safekeeping".
We wish for everyone worldwide to take note of the following:
(1) The presumed upon American Donors of these trusts are not lost, dead, or incompetent; we are present and claiming return of our assets and credit;
(2) The Government of the Philippines is not a disinterested Trustee and must stand down; the money and blood used to buy the land of the Philippine Islands in the Spanish-American War and ever afterward, belongs to us, not the British Interlopers;
(3) Ferdinand Marcos was acting as our Presumed Trustee; none of our assets are any part of his estate and must be set aside if mistakenly encumbered;
(4) The Heirs of the D'Avila Trust, the Santiago Trust, the V.K. Durham Trust, the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust and many other so-called "Historic" or "Legacy Trusts" are Americans who are owed the return of their assets and investments made in their names;
(5) Hundreds of millions of people, Americans, Canadians, Australians, the countries of occupied Europe and Japan, have all been victimized by this insurance annuities scam and much else that has been perpetuated by Papist and British-affiliated Executors de Son Tort acting under color of law and conditions of deceit;
(6) These practices have been deliberate and criminal in nature, and based upon contrived presumptions of "perpetual war" ascribed to illegal mercenary conflicts engendered by the same British Territorial and Municipal Actors;
(7) Both the gold and the credit derived from it belongs to the people of each country and must be returned to them and to their lawful governments without obfuscation or delay.
The King of Koran is just another figment of desperate imagination, a convenient Fall Guy known to be a nice man, obliging enough to receive $700 T in purloined "insurance annuities" belonging to other people -- from the Perpetrators of this scheme.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff and their counterparts in NATO are under Notice and Demand. These crimes have occurred under your watch and require immediate correction. Your duty is to return the American assets to the Americans and assist in sorting this Mess out.
The assets, both gold and credit, need to be returned directly to us. We have Fiduciary Deputies in lieu of Trustees and no interest in Do-It-Yourself fulfillment of Bible Prophecies. We count on the True God to fulfill his own Prophets and leave all the Wannabes in the dust.

Possession by pirates does not change ownership --- Bynk, Book One, Chapter 17.
By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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About Richard Warren and His Teachings --- Plus, Filipino Accountability

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have repeatedly warned Richard and everyone listening to him that what he is teaching is not about our American Government.  It is information about the British Territorial and Papist Municipal Governments.  Therefore, anyone listening to him and mistaking this for having anything to do with our American Government is making a grave mistake.  

It is one thing to learn about their foreign practices and rules and presumptions so as to know what they are doing and why, it is another thing to participate in these sins and errors, and it is especially NOT RECOMMENDED (emphasis added) for anyone to "access" the value of the Birth Certificate Bond or otherwise mess around in these foreign jurisdictions.  

Any such "access" to the Pope's Birth Certificate Bond is an insurance claim posed by a British Territorial U.S. Citizen seeking damages related to harm to their estate. 

Are you a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and a Subject of the Queen?  If so, what are you doing in an American State Assembly?   If you admit to that status, you also inherit all the debts and obligations of it.  

Our Assemblies are for Americans who wish to function as Americans and who claim the blessings of their own birthright.  They are not for British Territorial U.S. Citizens trying to get their due out of a venal foreign insurance scam.  

The reason that we require everyone to declare their birthright status as Americans before joining a State Assembly is precisely because we are drawing a line between ourselves and our British and Papist Employees.  

When you go off the trolley and start acting as British Territorial U.S. Citizens in order to get some benefit out of the Pope's insurance bond, you are getting ensnared into their system again and forsaking your birthright for the sake of some porridge. 

You are undermining the credibility of your declarations and other paperwork, and opening yourself up to being an accomplice to these international crimes of baby-snatching, kidnapping, peonage, enslavement, conspiracy against the Constitutions, inland piracy, and more.  

This is why I don't teach people to "go onto the GMEI" or establish any accounts in that system whatsoever.  Those accounts are for British Territorial U.S. Citizens.   Not Americans.  

There will be restitution for Americans, but it will come at a much larger scale.

So far, we've tracked down where at least $700 Trillion of the $950 Trillion in ill-gotten gains purloined by Prince Philip were lodged after 2017. 

A Filipino woman working for the "King of Koran" was given this gob of pre-paid credit and the security codes to it, but neither she nor her king have any actual right to it despite whatever the "World Court" or any U.S. Supreme Court might think they have to say about it. 

As I pointed out, no Filipino can presently claim to be "King" or claim to "own 248 nations", because: 

(1) The United States of America owns the Philippines' land mass and without land, there is no national sovereignty available to the Philippines, no basis for any "kingship".  We won the Philippines as spoils of war in the Spanish-American War (1898) and $20 million dollars in gold was paid in support of the Filipino Government, and thousands of American lives have been wasted defending the Philippines ever since.  No other valid successor treaty has ever been established and no repayment for our "investment" has been received, so all the Islands of the Philippines remain ours and in our possession and there is no room in America for any "king". 

(2) Although the "King of Koran" may not have gotten the news, it has been illegal and unlawful to own people, that is, nations, since 1926 --- and we are all apt to have something to say about his presumption of lordship over us, especially as he is standing on ground that we bought and paid for.  

There is widespread confusion on all sides but the land jurisdiction must be answered and our land treaties must be respected and both the value of the "Life Force Value Annuities" and the actual gold must be returned to the people it actually all belongs to.  

We hold the Pope and the British Government and the Government of Westminster totally accountable.   

I suspect, though I cannot yet be certain, that all this pre-paid credit resulting from the British-Papist collusion in their worldwide  insurance annuities scheme was offered to the Filipinos in exchange for the actual physical gold assets in storage in the Philippines.  

If so, this is just another example of the Vermin trying to give someone else's credit in exchange for actual assets ---- more fraud and criminality, in other words.  Someone else's credit is no "equitable" exchange for the same victim's physical gold assets.  If the Filipino Government has been stupid enough to agree to any such arrangement, we will hold them accountable, too. 

All Americans and especially everyone associated in any way with our American State Assemblies need to stop muddling around and trying to get any benefit from these criminal activities.  Not only will you inherit the sins of Babylon and rate as an accomplice to these crimes if you don't correct, you will miss out on your actual inheritance.  


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Letter to H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti

 By Anna Von Reitz

How can you get up every morning and look in a mirror, now knowing what you know about the dishonest workings of the Church in collusion with the criminal British Government?  

It's a mystery to me.  

Having placed a venal man above you to rule as your king in the place of the One who should rule your heart, you continue in these gross errors on the basis of his presumed authority?  

That he should prey upon babies in their cradles, and you should prey upon them in his name, and so abuse the innocent and siphon away the value of their estates and their energy and their talents for your own unjust enrichment?  

And use the comparatively puny amounts of money you put into charity as a salve for your consciences?  For shame, Cardinal Mamberti.  Will you be an Apologist for the promotion of perpetual war for profit?   Really?  

We have come a long road together, you and I.   I have been a faithful correspondent, gathering the proof and bringing it to the High Courts, including the Vatican Chancery Court, for resolution. 

Still, there is no judgement in favor of the weary and the victims of these crimes of the churches and the governments that have been run and established under the auspices of the church, no declaration of peace and no good faith effort to end these abuses. 

I don't want to hear more talk.  I want to see more action.  

I wish to see an end to the following transgressions: 

(1) the use of Cestui Que Vie Trusts, Public Transmitting Utilities, and similar "Special Purpose Vehicles" as a means to rob the living to pay the debts of the dead; 

(2) an end to the misrepresentation of the causes of climate change so as to bilk money out of people while never addressing the actual causes of climate change at all; 

and (3) misuse of the United Nations, Incorporated, and especially WHO, Inc. as a means to subvert political power and promote disease for profit.  

Enough is enough.  If you don't want the entire population of the Earth set against you and against your Church for these crimes and schemes, then you must take action to correct course and do so immediately.  
                                                    By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                                                     The United States of America


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Read It and Get Angry

 By Anna Von Reitz

After the Second World War the victorious Allies declared everyone "dead, missing, whereabouts unknown" and the entire world was redefined as an occupied battlefield. 

This then allowed them to "salvage" the estates of the "dead, missing, whereabouts unknown" of all the people, whether they were ever in an active war zone or not.  They pulled it off in this country because they had never declared an end to the Civil War, so they just extended that to try to cover their butts for their nasty and unjustifiable acts and presumptions. 

It wasn't just Britain doing this.  All the other "Allies" did it, too, with the possible exception of Russia. 

So, you've just been born, are a baby in a cradle, and you've been deliberately misidentified as a person of unknown origin, an abandoned illegitimate child, so the British Territorial "Forces" that have been illegally occupying our country since the end of the Civil War claims that you are one of theirs ---- a "ward of the State" and a subject of their Queen.  

This isn't true, but they presume it is, and until you object and say otherwise, your name is marked down as that of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, as if you had been born in Puerto Rico. 

Of course, they never tell you a word about this.  

Next, under the provisions of the Buck Act and the Miller Act which make outrageous claims to own you and to own the benefit of your labor, they sell the British Territorial U.S. Citizen they created out of thin air and which they named after you, to the Pope.  

The Pope takes over as the manager of your estate and resources and makes up another entirely fictional PERSON named after you, the infamous "Strawman".  The Strawman in their original scheme was a Cestui Que Vie Trust named after you, a legal fiction representing your earthly estate, managed by the Pope and his henchmen for the benefit of the Pope and his British colluders. 

To guarantee that your estate isn't harmed, the Pope pays the Queen a bond in gold equal to your birth weight, and the Queen gives the Pope a Title to you and your assets known as a clearinghouse certificate, aka, Birth Certificate, allowing him to do all this in exchange for a share of the take. 

As the Party having the actual benefit and control of your estate through his MAGISTRATE COURTS,  the Pope collects taxes based on your labor (peonage and enslavement) and taxes on your estate (home, lands, businesses) and takes on your consumption (gas tax, electric and other utility taxes, alcohol taxes, tobacco taxes, sales taxes) and so on and on.  

After the Pope's men collect all this and the Pope gets his cut, the Queen is paid her share as an annuity owed for the use of her insured property, and you get to pay all this under force because why?   Because you have been misidentified as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen almost from birth. 

And because these Vermin have been allowed to pretend that they have some right to occupy our country, and keep everyone in a state of "perpetual war" ----when they don't have any such right at all.  

They have been "occupying" America and allowing their American Raj to run wild here since 1865, and they have been occupying the other countries of Europe using this insurance scam for over 75 years.

Are we the only ones who think the Brits and the Popes need to get a bloody nose and be told to take a hike?  


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It All Begins in Your Mind -- Plus, The Meaning and Destruction of Marriage

 By Anna Von Reitz

I wrote an article a week or two ago about "Keeping Your Mind" ---- meaning, keeping control of your own mind and being sure that you are thinking your own thoughts and not just drifting along like a filter-feeder ingesting whatever the media throws out.
If you stop a moment and think about it, you will realize that every response that you have, every belief that you hold, begins in your mind. Thought gives rise to feeling which gives rise to action.
Slavery begins in the mind.
It begins with the subtle and sometimes not so subtle demands that other people, "Authority Figures", make on you as a child, and this process only continues as an adult.
You have to do things thus-and-so because Mommy says so, and when we are very young and learning the ropes, such discipline is necessary for your own safety and to teach you how to get along in the world.
By age five, teachers take over that role, and after High School, Trade School or College, or the Military, the Boss or Drill Sergeant takes over that role. All your life, you have someone telling you how to think and what to do.
If you conform to this model, you might as well be an automaton, taking orders, fulfilling orders, getting your little allotment of "corn" and then doing the same thing the next day.
This is not natural. It's not what we need to build fulfilling lives, but of all the damage that this "model" of existence does, the very worst impact is that it cripples our minds. It reduces us to being dependent on other people's decisions and other people's authority, so that we never find our own will and our own authority.
We can never live as free men and women under conditions like these. We are not free, because our minds are not free.
When I was growing up, everyone had a calendar you could set your watch by. There was, in effect, a list of milestones that everyone had to meet. At sixteen you got a Driver's License, at eighteen you graduated from High School, at twenty-two you graduated from college, and God Forbid if you didn't then find a job, get married, and start having children immediately after that.
The Clock was always ticking and someone else set all the alarms.
Imagine the consternation I caused when I showed no interest in getting married straight out of college? When I wrinkled my nose and said, "Why do I have to follow someone else's time clock?" ---everyone I knew rolled their eyes toward heaven.
I meandered around for another ten years and when I did finally fall in love and settle down, it was with a man sixteen years older than me.
Everyone was aghast! You are marrying an old man? One old enough, technically, to be your Father? He will die decades before you! You will be alone! He's an artist! You'll starve!
I wasn't following the script. I was following my own mind and heart. And I was happy and we were successful and despite all the nay-sayers, here we are, decades later. Ironically, all my friends who married men their own ages are widows now.
I had both feet firmly planted, knew the odds, accepted them, and went forward anyhow---- because I knew my own mind. I knew what I valued. I knew I'd rather live in a tent with Jim Belcher than in a palace with anyone else.
When we turn marriage into a commercial transaction, it becomes a commercial relationship.
According to the State-of-State organizations that "license" marriages among their slaves, a marriage is a Joint Venture, in which the State-of-State shares a controlling interest and ownership of all the "products".
This is how they claim the right to distribute your property in a divorce, and decide who gets custody of the children---- by redefining "marriage" as a business Joint Venture.
It should be apparent that licensing of marriages is an outrageous concept, bearing in mind that a license is a permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal.
Since when did marriage become illegal? And for whom?
For slaves and former slaves in the wake of the Civil War.
Are you a slave? Do you define your marital relationship as a business venture? Are your children "products" and "inventory"?
All the State-of-State organizations and Courts in this country deserve to have the stuffing kicked out of them, for this sin if nothing else.
You can now record, not register, your marriage ---and have a public record of the event, without getting a license and without entering into a privileged undisclosed Joint Venture with the Devil.
You won't be able to get insurance for your marriage and incorporated employers won't recognize it, but if you don't intend to give a "share" of your estate including a share of your children away to these Monsters, it is what it is.

Their stamp of approval on your "business plan" isn't required by your Creator, and it certainly shouldn't be required by your fellow man, either. It is long overdue for the people of this country and this world to rise up and tell our Public Servants where to stuff their licensing requirements --- especially any "licenses" related to the most sacred relationship we have.


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