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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Message to the World Court: Dateline 23rd March 2021

 By Anna Von Reitz

The United States of America --- our Federation of States --- was never incorporated. It is a Lawful Person.
The present crisis is nothing but the end result of a national-level identity theft and credit fraud racket, with multiple bankruptcy frauds added on top of that, all implemented via a double-impersonation scheme, and washed down with more attempts to latch onto living people as private property.
Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Anthony Fauci, and their European compatriots have endeavored to convert innocent people into property by injecting patented mRNA into our gene codes, and claiming that they have thereby created new genetically modified organisms (GMO's) at a cellular level --- thus trying to take advantage of a loophole in the Patent Laws administered illegally and improperly by SERCO, INC. allowing this outrage.
Our State Assemblies which have been summoned into Session have taken emergency action to outlaw these repugnant, immoral, and unlawful claims which would otherwise result in the enslavement and further securitization of living people as chattel for the debts of these monsters.
The American States and People, and our lawful unincorporated American Government doing business as The United States of America --- are still alive and are the Persons of Interest owed all right title and interest in everything on our soil, including all US CORPORATIONS and USA, Inc. holdings, all land and mineral assets, all mortgages, all land assets, and everything else that is ours by principle and right.
We are not missing; we were never absent.
We didn't volunteer to be the Administrators or Executors of our own estates and we don't agree to be the victims of obvious identity theft, fraud, deceit, and Breach of Trust.
It's true that every corporation chartered in this country owes us money, but it is also true that these facts were not fully disclosed to the American Public, and that our estates have been established and administered by Territorial and Municipal Executors de Son Torte in the face of our living presence for decades without proper action by the international community, including those Principals named as Defendants and Debtors.
Corpus Juris Secundum Estate and Trust Law: “ANY administration on the Estate of a LIVING person is VOID; if it is made to appear that the person was in fact ALIVE at the time such administration was granted, the administration is absolutely VOID”. [Emphasis added.]
This means that every action brought by every Territorial Court and every Municipal COURT Officer acting against average Americans under color of law and the presumptions of the foreign corporation bankruptcies ever since March of 1863 is absolutely void.
This means that all the actual silver and gold, all land, all the actual homes and businesses mortgaged, all the theft of our labor through bondage and fraudulent taxation, all of it is required to be returned free and unencumbered and unharmed to the lawful living owners.
We are not the ones at fault, and those who did this were not acting as our agents.
This ongoing saga is a crime of genocide on paper promoted by self-interested con artists, public employees, who have been acting under color of law and impersonating us, their employers.
The Nazis have a history of paying their bills by killing off their Priority Creditors, and judging from the 800 FEMA Camps that have been built on our shores using our money, this is precisely the fate they have planned for us.
The time has come for everyone on Earth who has a face and a soul to awaken and to take determined, effective, and systemic action to obliterate this threat to mankind and to the Earth once and forever. It's time for everyone to remember the dark days of World War II and the endless outpouring of aid given to virtually every country on Earth by the Americans.
The American People were never anyone's enemy. They never sought to cheat anyone. It was "the" US --- foreign, incorporated, privately owned and operated commercial corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" that are responsible for the war-mongering, false flags, press-ganging, and other evils that we and the rest of the world have all suffered.
It's time to realize the parasitic nature of this "beast" made of paper and lies, and it's time for China to know that it is next on the menu, with Iran for a second course, if we are not assisted in our efforts to bring sanity back and an end to this lawlessness and depravity.
They are our runaway employees. Help us to fire them. They have commandeered our assets. Help us to regain them.
Everyone worldwide who gives a Flying Finger of Fate for their lives and property must wake up. Everyone needs to show their support for our government. Everyone needs to send us prayers and money and skills and everything else that can be mustered to end the incipient Reign of Terror and Theft before it begins---- lawfully and peacefully.
If it is to have any credibility at all, the International Court of Justice must move in our favor. The Vatican Chancery Court must move in our favor. The Court of the Lord High Steward must move in our favor.
We must all take a stand in defense of the Public Law of this country, the International Laws that apply to Fraud, Identity Theft, and Human Trafficking, the Ecclesiastical and Commercial Law concerning the disciplining of corporations and those running corporations, and all Trust Law known to Man.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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The Esau "Story"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Over the past few months I have been receiving tons of mail from apparently well-intentioned people talking about a supposed eternal fight between Jacob and Esau, his older brother, whom Jacob defrauded.
They are picking this up from reading the Book of Esdra, which is a book of scripture that was not included as part of the Bible.
According to Esdra, Esau and Jacob and all their respective progeny are at eternal war with each other, and we are stuck in the middle, choosing sides.
Oh, and did I tell you that Esau is the Bad Guy in this drama?
This is where "blame the victim" got its Big Start, folks.
You will remember that I told you that there are two (2) Gods in the Bible, and especially in the Old Testament, you must attune your ears to recognize their very different "voices", in order to discern which one is speaking at any given time. This is a case in point.
In the official canon of the scripture which is included in the Bible, we have God Number Two saying, "I have always hated Esau.... but Jacob I have loved....."
Okay? Well, let's take a look at the two brothers.
Esau, the oldest, is red-haired and bullish and strong, a hard worker, who goes out and hunts and works the farm and tends the animals and gets things done. He's a practical, down-to-earth type, not given to daydreaming and intangible things. In today's world, we would call Esau a man of action.
Jacob, Esau's younger brother, is dark-haired and handsome, more like the rest of the family, and he is much more effeminate, much more the Momma's Boy, who is allowed to stay home with Mom and be pampered and not work the hard jobs.
Obviously, within the context of the story, Esau suffers what too many children suffer --- parental favoritism, where a parent favors one of their children over the others, and thereby harms all of them. Esau is harmed for lack of maternal love, and Jacob is spoiled by too much of it. He also bears the burdens of the older son and heir apparent --- all the hard work and responsibility of taking care of the estate and the herds and needs of the family from an early age.
But getting back to the story, his own Mother actively plots against Esau to defraud him of his birthright that he has worked hard for all his life.
Think about that?
The true God ordained that Esau be born first, because that's what happened in real life, but a scheming Mother decided to promote the younger son over the older son, and fool her elderly husband, Isaac, into giving his blessing to the younger son.
And Jacob doesn't resist. He follows along in lock-step with his Mother. They devise a way to make his arms feel hairy like his brother's and being blind, Isaac gives him the blessing intended for Esau.
They try to defend their actions and claim that Esau "sold" his birthright for a bowl of porridge, but that, too, is based on deceitful contracting practices in breach of trust. There's no full disclosure. No reason for Esau to take his younger brother seriously.
This entire story is about fraud and deceit, unlawful contracting processes, and worst of all, betrayal of Isaac and disrespect for the True God.
If we are to believe this, the entire foundation of the Chosen People is based on fraud. And lies. And betrayal of trust. And who is the Father of All Lies?
If we don't recognize which "God" is speaking about how he hates Esau and loves Jacob, we get the impression that our God loves liars and deceivers and con artist Momma's Boys, because that is what Jacob is.
Yet throughout the Bible and in our own experience, our Father hates lies and liars and gossips. They are on his Top Ten list of Despicable-Creations-I-Have -Allowed-to-Exist, because I gave them freewill to hang themselves.
Are we supposed to think that he, our Creator, who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, just up-ended his eternal decision and nature, and made an exception, suddenly loving a Liar and Trickster over a truthful man?
In the actual Bible, Jacob returns to his home country after many years away wandering around in Egypt and other places, and he is in dread of meeting his brother, Esau, who stayed home and was blessed in his own way, with many children and abundant herds and possessions.
What will Esau do? Will he take his superior forces and fall upon Jacob and his family, take whatever they have, and maybe kill them all in vengeance? No. In the actual Bible, the two brothers meet, make peace about the past, and Esau helps Jacob find a place and settle down.
That's what the actual Bible says, and the actual Bible should be believed, if only because it shows the power of forgiveness, the strength of brotherhood in good men who honor their God-given responsibilities, and the Way of Peace, which doesn't spoil the present because of the past.
It's Esau who makes this happy resolution possible.
And the True God? The True God blessed Esau abundantly, and saw him well-settled and happy on the land of his Fathers, at peace, and doing what he loved to do.
Jacob was stuck wandering around like a lost sheep in a storm, facing one horrible conflict and loss after another, selling his beautiful wife's favors for his own advantage, losing his favorite son (or so he believed for many years), wrestling with the Devil at Bethesda and losing ten of his sons and their tribes to Baal worship.....losing Rachel, never properly valuing his first wife, Leah --- let's face it: Jacob was a mess. Drama was his middle name.
Esau was blessed, despite Isaac's mistake. And if Jacob was blessed, it would have been Big News to him, because his whole life was one big learning session after another.
So let's read the whole story as the actual Bible tells it, with discernment, and realize that no, Esau and Jacob were reconciled within their own earthly lifetimes. It is extremely unlikely any ill-will continued between them, much less extended into the far future of today; and, there are certainly other Biblical explanations for the conflict that is ever-present among us.
For example, the conflict between Cain and Abel. Clearly, this gave rise to two completely different mindsets and kinds of people, and clearly, the two brothers were so opposed that their conflict ended in murder. And once again, we have an unidentified "God", protecting a wrong-doer by placing a special mark or sign above his head.
Would our Father, the True God, protect and condone a murderer and egotist who could do such a thing and shrug and say, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
This is "God Number Two" at work again, putting in a cameo appearance in the rest of the narrative--- Satan protecting his own.
What happens to Cain? He went to the Land of Nod (forgetfulness: he forgot about killing his brother, didn't even consider what he'd done) and built cities.
And what do we find today? Hordes of city-dwellers who are under the sway of the money delusion, cut off from the Earth, encouraged to be selfish and materialistic and thoughtless and politically correct. Many have the same exact thought and attitude as their Father and when asked, will look at you like dumb animals and say, "What's it to me?"
They never heard the answer to their question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" because the True God didn't speak to them.

Now, please, take away a worthy lesson --- the Bible is a tricky book. You can read it many ways and it is up to you to see what you see in it, but being forewarned that you should take nothing for granted, read it with discernment, so that you can distinguish between the two "Gods" who speak from its pages, and find the truth in what it reveals.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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Montana immigration: Progress!

 Anti-sanctuaries bill headed to governor, and immigration-detainers bill is up for Senate vote

To All:

Good news!  Rep. Ken Holmlund's bill HB 200 ("Establish laws prohibiting sanctuary cities in Montana") passed the Senate last week without amendments.  It will soon be sent to Governor Gianforte for his signature, and he's said explicitly that he wants to sign it.

Meanwhile, Rep. Bill Mercer's HB 223 ("Create statutory authority for sworn law-enforcement officers to hold aliens"), which is necessary to make the Holmlund bill fully effective (it mandates that state and local law enforcement agencies in Montana honor immigration detainers issued by the feds), has been approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, 7-4, and will be on the Senate floor for "Second Reading" on Tuesday afternoon, 3/22.   If it passes Second Reading, it will be up for Third Reading, typically the next day.  (Third Reading is generally a formality, allowing legislators to change their minds after a day's reflection, a relatively unusual occurrence.)

The Senate committee made modest, clarifying amendments to HB 223, so if it passes the full Senate, the bill will go back to the House for a vote on the amended version.  But right now, the important thing is to have the bill approved by the Senate!
So Montana addressees on this note should, please, contact their state senator ASAP with the simple message, "Help combat illegal immigration in Montana by passing HB 223."   

- If you know who your senator is, you can find his/her email address and phone number here:  (For "Session," use "2021 Regular" from the drop-down list.)

- If you don't know your senator's name, start here:

The votes on the HB 223 so far (in the House committee, on the House floor, and in the Senate committee) have been essentially party-line, with all Democrats opposed.  The chance of changing their minds is slim. Nevertheless, if your senator is a Democrat, it still makes sense to email or phone him/her and urge a "Yes" vote on HB 223, so he and she will have some sense of public sentiment on the subject.

Especially with the ongoing chaos on the southern border, we can hope that senators will be moved to take this state-level action to combat illegal immigration.  

Please take a few minutes to nudge them in that direction!


Paul Nachman

Modus Operandi of the Criminals

 By Anna Von Reitz

Just change the meaning of the words. Or the labels. Or use slightly different words --- and attach new meanings to them.
This is how the criminals create codes --- including Federal codes, so that they can speak a different language in broad daylight, without other Americans knowing what is being said.
You will remember that they changed the meaning of "person" to mean "corporation" during the Civil War dust up, and also changed the meaning of "state" and such common phrases as, "Do you understand?"
And they always do this for specific reasons: (1) to avoid criminal charges; (2) to defraud others; (3) to obscure what they have done; (4) to promote theft; and (5) to legalize illegal acts--- especially after the fact.
No surprise that they are "at it" again, only this time, it's changing the definitions of "pandemic" and "vaccine" and "herd immunity" among other key words needed to discuss the current boondoggle.
They are rushing to change the definitions so that they can't be held accountable for promoting fraud. Again. Where does this end?
Who is going to stand up and take control of this miasma of miserable criminality?
Read on: Facebook friends will need to go to my website, to see this content, because of the censorship issues.

If you are as sick of this dishonesty as I am, please go to: and get involved in the pushback that is long, long overdue.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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The Truth Counts

 By Anna Von Reitz

One big problem with Fulford and his "reports" ---- he always makes assumptions based on his experiences in Asia and what the Asians tell him. We have FDR on movie film admitting that the Federal Reserve was initially funded with 6,000 tons of gold looted from the Americans, not any Asian gold deposited with the New York Fed. That was a separate issue, especially as all the Federal Reserve Banks are completely separate entities.
Sitting here between the worlds of East and West it is easier to sort out the Whole Truth. It wasn't that Asians weren't getting paid for their goods, though it may have looked that way to them. It was a matter of the "pipeline" carrying the goods and the money, both. The transfer mechanisms were all controlled by the Rockefellers, and later by the Generals of both the U.S. and China.
The Generals on both sides colluded to siphon off the money flowing from the West and the goods flowing from the East. Both militaries and the politicians associated with them gorged themselves on Chinese labor and American money.
This is how the "Secret" Space Force was funded. This is how the vast Chinese land forces, the cities in the Gobi Desert, and so many other Chinese development activities have been built and maintained.
Now they are all trying to circle the wagons and blame each other and blame the civilian politicians, but the Truth is that both the U.S. Military and the Chinese Military are to blame for stealing from our mutual trade pipeline. This has been set up to make it look like the Americans weren't paying their bills, and like the Chinese were being victimized, but the Truth is plain to see.
Neither side would have continued to trade if they weren't benefiting from it.
The benefit to both sides was the existence of a huge and readily accessible Slush Fund that they could secretively use to fund military and industrial projects without having to deal (much) with the civilian politicians.
And all without the public in either country knowing. So now we know.
The money has been spent, the goods have been purchased, and here we all sit. The economic "pump" is grinding slowly to a standstill, because we are all too stupid and selfish to deal with reality. There are those who want to go to war over this in hopes of killing off sufficient numbers of their Priority Creditors; indeed, this war is already launched in America --- the only place on Earth where any "health emergency" exists.
It is clear now that those who have been fully vaccinated are dying at the same rate as the general population. It is also clear that the overall death rate is the same, statistically, as it has always been, with respect to flu virus and seasonality of the Common Cold.
It is also clear that those responsible for all this have ties to the old Nazi Party, but not as people initially think ---- not the German Nazi Party. We are facing---primarily---- the French Nazi Party, which also had many adherents in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
Examination of the bank records in Monaco and Liechtenstein and Rome have proven that the Vichy French did not just disappear after the war, and that they were the primary beneficiaries of Hitler's Empire. The plans for this present situation were put in place as early as 1910. We are dealing with a vast international, multi-generational crime syndicate, with the kingpins operating out of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
The BIS was established to keep a lid on all the theft and banking chicanery. The World Bank was created to channel the profits. Thus we have the pillar and the post of Freemasonry sitting here in broad daylight, pretending to be anything and everything, but what they are.
Unlike their German Nazi counterparts who were hunted and forced to flee to the far corners of the Earth to try to eke out lives for themselves (many German Nazi soldiers ended up as mercenaries working for the French Government in Southeast Asia --- especially in Vietnam, South America, and Africa).
The Vichy French are also the connection to the continuing criminality in Canada.
Finally, it takes no great eyesight to see that the French have been at the center of the Nazi Globalist Movement for a very long time, even before Hitler, and that they were in turn the instruments and agents of the corrupt elements of the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church, both. Both these major bastions of Catholicism have been used as storefronts and as safehouses for criminals.
Just as we tend not to think about the Vichy French when we think of "Nazis", we tend not to think of the Eastern Orthodox Church as a problem akin to the Roman Catholic Church, but bear in mind that just as the German Nazis and French Nazis were born of the same political ideology, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Church of Roman share the Roman legacy in common--- which means that the same Roman paganism that co-opted the Church at the Council of Nicaea spread to the East as well as the West.
Note well Prince Philip's Greek origins, his family ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church (his Mother became a nun in the Eastern Orthodox Church) and his connections to the Vichy French Governor of Ottawa, who delivered $950 Trillion dollars worth of "Life Force Value Annuities" to Prince Philip in April of 2017, exactly three days before he "retired" from public life.
There is much more to be observed, like the physical similarities between Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and the most talented of all the German Nazi Lieutenants, Reinhard Heydrich ---- a similarity so pronounced that Prince Charles is never photographed in left profile.
And why is it, you may ask, that Eva Braun, a professional photographer, never allowed her beloved Adolph to be photographed from a complementary angle and always with a ridiculous moustache? We would have noticed his facial and physical similarity to George V.
The same sorts of issues apply to the entire Bush-Walker family hegemony running "the" United States. Get out your photos and look at GHWB, GW, and former Alaska Governor Bill Walker. Now look at Jeb Bush and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Now look closely at former VP Al Gore and U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski --- same family, the Gore Family, and they are in turn related to the Chicago Daley Clan.
And you wonder why Lisa Murkowski is famous as a RINO? Get out your spectacles and look---- simply look at the world around you.
These people are all Nazis. Prescott Bush funded Adolph Hitler, and thanks to the Vichy French and traitors in America, and traitors in the British Government, including members of the Queen's own family, guess who got to be President?
So how do you get rid of Satanism or Nazism or any bad idea?
Can you fight such a foe on a battlefield or even in a courtroom? No, you must fight such evil in your own mind and heart. You must examine the teachings of these ideologies and discern why innocent people would support them? And then you must remove those motivations.
Just as we rear-ended their plot to re-label people as animals and then via a phony vaccination gain the right to claim that everyone vaccinated was a Genetically Modified Product (GMO) at a cellular level, and therefore "property" belonging to their corporations, we can deprive them of their money and their profit motives and their rationales.
As we sit here at the start of 2021, watching the world economy implode via planned demolition, we seem stymied and confused, unable to take action because we can't interpret what's going on.
Well, here's a start. The practical problem lies with the BIS and World Bank, both of which are hopelessly crooked. After that, it lies with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the various so-called "depository trust company corporations" like the DTCC. These "depository trust company corporations" have been used to unlawfully securitize living flesh and to unlawfully convert international trade into international commerce.
Last, but not least, we can hold the ecclesiastical authorities responsible for the proliferation of all these forms of corporations and their resulting business models, accountable.
I recently read two articles that matter --- one proclaimed that every war in history has been preceded by a theft, and another that observed that the destruction of the world has occurred twice before, once by fire, once by flood, and now, it is coming to us from the air, that is, from the realm of ideas and mental constructs, both good and bad.
We have been indoctrinated to believe in the existence of such things as "the government" as if it were something separate and apart from ourselves; just as we have been taught to think of political parties and ideologies as being something separate and apart from ourselves.
Now, we must wake up and realize that, no, this isn't so. All these things exist only in our minds, via a process of compartmentalization, which seems to establish their identity as separate from us ---- when in fact, they cannot even exist without our belief in their existence.
Stand in the middle of a courtroom and ask, "Where is the State of Maryland? Does this man, the Prosecutor, represent the State of Maryland?" They will answer, "Yes, he does."
And then, you may question him ---- "And what is the State of Maryland?" ---- knowing that it is only a commercial corporation in the business of providing governmental services. "And where is your authority to act for this corporation?"
Go on, children. Have a Field Day. Tear apart and deconstruct this wall of ideas and purported authorities, choosing among them only those that faithfully serve your best interests to believe in.
As one of my favorite film heroes, Hub McCann, instructed his young Grand-nephew: you don't believe in things because you can hold them in your hand. You believe in them because they are worth believing in. Thus, we believe in love, even though we cannot see it. We believe in freedom, even if we have never experienced it.
And we must realize that we have the ability to choose what we believe in.
Do we believe in a world where we are helpless, brainless dolts? Mere slaves to a hodge-podge of bankers and securities brokers (and their collaborating insurance agents and bureaucrats) who make their livings from legalized theft of our assets?
Are we Slaves who meekly hand our proxies to "representatives" chosen for us by faceless, nameless political parties who no longer even try to deliver on their promises? Political Parties that can't even mount a roster of candidates faithful to their own platforms?
Not me, Brother. I will not be overwhelmed by such nonsense and puerile guile. I won't participate in it, just because it appears to be the only show in town.
I will choose other ideas and other forms of government.
Globalism is nothing but the newest shade of failed doctrines and bad ideas, the ghost of Nazism, the shadow of the Holy Roman Empire ---- all things founded on fraud and doomed to fail.
We each need to found our world on the solid bedrock of truth and fairness, and when we do, we find that the evil in High Places flees from the light of rational thought. We can discern the difference between what is imagined and what is real. We can enjoy the peace and security we are owed.

Go to: and get started toward a New World that you choose and create.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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Confusion Regarding Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

The spell-binding effect of the fraud and confusion is self-evident as indoctrination -- the many assumptions that we all consciously and unconsciously embrace as a means to navigate day to day.
In this country, many people assume that they are Americans and some form of "US Citizen" at the same time. We routinely accept such things as Daylight Savings Time. We stand in lines. We answer police questions. We endorse checks without limitations. We skip over the details of history, if we pay attention to history at all.
We are all so busy just dealing with life, paying bills, working, trying to raise families ---- that the shortest line between Point A and Point B and the simplest possible explanation always seems to be the preferable answer, even if it's not the right answer.
Many people are trying to recapture the funds that were raised by bonding their name and "monetizing" it --- without realizing that securitization of living flesh is a crime, and without realizing that for them, those bonds are not profits. They are debts that unlawfully convert free men and women into indentured servants.
The profit from this illegal trade which is a form of human trafficking, was long ago eaten up by the Perpetrators and Expediters --- the Depository Trust Company Corporation, which securitized the Birth Certificate associated with your birth event and issued the bonds, the Bank of New York Mellon which received the funds from the bond sales, the Vatican Bank which took its cut off the top, the Bank of Canada which took the Queen's cut, before returning the rest of the plunder to the Federal Reserve Banks --- which they then loaned out under the fraud of fractional reserve banking to create (and attach) even more debt to the phony Municipal CORPORATION, which was also constructed under conditions of fraud and used to "stand for you" as a public slave.
Don't seek after the rewards of crime against you. It only makes you an accomplice and beneficiary of those crimes.
Rather, stand against them for what they are --- acts of self-interested fraud and Breach of Trust. Don't believe in the existence of these THINGS, and they have no choice but to disappear, upon your demand.
The simple Maxim of Law is that fraud vitiates everything it touches.
The first fraud was to presume that you were a Territorial U.S. Citizen. The second fraud was to securitize and bond your Name as such--unlawfully converting you, an American, into a British Territorial Citizen and indentured bondservant owned by the British Crown.
The third fraud was to impersonate you as a Municipal citizen of the United States, thus unlawfully converting your Proper Name a second time, to create Municipal CITIZENS --- corporations of various kinds, owned and operated in your name by the Verminous Oligarchs running the Municipal Government of Washington, DC.
It's all fraud against you, first to last and top to bottom.
So don't bother mucking around, learning all the excuses the Perpetrators have offered for this circumstance, their Breach of Trust, their flagrant criminality --- any of it. There are no excuses.
Don't get tangled up trying to administer their legal fictions for them, pretending (or agreeing) to be the Executor of your own estate, or similar efforts. All that does is get you into closer proximity to the skunk(s) and their gigantic sting operation.
And what smells like a skunk can too easily be mistaken for a skunk, even when you are just making an honest mistake and trying to haul your chestnuts out of their firestorm of debt and dishonesty.
They took advantage of their positions of trust to unjustly enrich themselves. They created public trusts for the purpose of pillaging them. They unlawfully converted the natural political status of millions of Americans to do this.
All the corporations they created are forfeit to the actual people whose names and identities were abused to promote this unimaginably large bunko scheme.
And this is true on a worldwide basis, whether the banks and securities corporations like it, or whether they don't.
Fraud vitiates everything, wipes even the most solemn contracts and treaties away, as if they never existed. Everything associated with fraud is null and void as the Italians say, "ab initio" --- from the initiation.
So, as it turns out, Constantine did not grant the lands and holdings of the Western Roman Empire to the Roman Catholic Church. And that excuse for claiming the existence of "commonwealth" interests related to the former Roman Empire goes right out the window.
Good-bye to the Holy Roman Empire, and good riddance to bad rubbish.
So, as it turns out, King George arrogantly contracted with the American Indians via Treaties, that he subsequently evaded and dishonored with the collusion of his Cousin, George Washington.
Notice that the name "George" is common as dirt in that family, and means "Farmer" --- as in one who "farms" others, uses us as "livestock" and profits by our death and dismemberment.
There were plenty of good and earnest patriots who suffered and died in the Revolution, fully believing in freedom and brotherhood and the justice of what they fought for.
There were also cads and scam artists and bad actors who profited themselves and their own schemes on the backs of those patriots, and so we find that King George's evasion of his Treaties with the Natives became the driving force behind these less savory elements and their pursuit of The War of Independence.
It was only later, in the grips of what was supposed to be a brief salubrious war of political convenience, culminating in a resounding victory for King George III against the Americans, of course, that George Washington apparently realized that this was his chance to set up an American Kingdom.
So while he started out doing damage to his old foes, the Delawares, Lenapi, Mikmaks, and Iroquois, George Washington turned out to be a triple-crossing rat---- converting a war of political convenience into an actual war, and then, later, selling out America's control of her international interests back to the British Crown.
There is a reason that the Washington Monument is a giant phallic symbol.
My point to all of you, is that we are best served by exposing the fraud and the criminality of the abuse we have suffered, so as to rouse the conscience of our fellow-man and create the inescapable awareness of the political pundits---- plus all those bureaucrats and private law enforcement personnel they have been using to plunder and pillage the very people they are under contract to protect.

Our job is to deny them plausible deniability, expose the fraud, and enforce the Public Law --- remembering always that fraud is fraud, and piracy is piracy--- and studiously avoiding stepping in either pile.


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