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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, July 21, 2023

People Banks for People, Corporate Banks for Corporations

 By Anna Von Reitz

It sounds so obvious and stupid when you say it out loud. 

We need to have banks that work for and with living people, and banks that deal exclusively with corporations.  

We need this separation because doing it any other way imposes upon the living people and opens up opportunities for abuse and fraud.    
This is the way banking used to be set up more than a hundred years ago.  International Trade Banks served Lawful Persons (that is, People), while Commercial Banks served Corporate and Incorporated entities doing business as Legal Persons. 

As you begin to think about "money" and "credit", realize that International Trade Banks serve people and use actual gold and silver money, while Commercial Banks serve Corporations and use "commercial instruments" --- stocks, bonds, promissory notes, and so on.  

These are two different banking systems that stand under different forms of law.  

Many of the problems we face are the direct result of the breakdown of the private banking system throughout the world and the inability of people to access International Trade Banks.  

We didn't have "people banks" serving people. 

All that is about to change, and with it, comes sweeping change of many other kinds. 

The legal presumptions and systems of law you have been laboring under will change and suddenly, you'll be back in the country you recognize.  The heavy debts that most people have been carrying like overloaded rucksacks will be gone.  

Think about physical asset money versus credit based on "performances"--- that is, labor, international trade banks that operate in terms of physical assets, and commercial banks that operate in terms of "commercial paper".  

And remember how all this is connected, from Land to Air to Water and back again: (L)and, (A)ir, (W)ater, (L)(A)(W) ----- LAW. 

Yes, the very word "Law" stands as an acronym for Land, Air, and Water, and all the energy of the world is meant to move in a Great Circle through each of these separate jurisdictions, each ruled by their separate forms of law. 

Stop a moment and let these concepts sink in. 


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:

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Separating Wheat and Tares

 By Anna Von Reitz

There would not be a single State Assembly standing in this country without the Federation of States.  

Every State Assembly alive and in Session right now does so, and does so safely, because of the Federation of States.  

It is always a cause of wonderment to me why some people do not immediately see this and respond with relief and gratitude.  

Also a matter of wonder as to why some people mistake the Federation of States for the Federal Subcontractors long after the difference has been explained to them. 

Tonight certain people in Oregon are failing to accept responsibility for their own actions and they are “outraged” that they have been struck from the membership roster of The Oregon Assembly for warring against The Oregon Assembly and trying to reorganize it as something else. 

Why would you join the Lion’s Club and try to turn it into a Moose Lodge?  

That is what certain people have tried to do with The Oregon Assembly and they don’t even have decency enough to take responsibility for their own actions.

They have not been content to join The Oregon Assembly and work within its structure which is part of what makes a State Assembly a State Assembly.  

Each State has one State Assembly composed of all the State Nationals and State Citizens peacefully living within its physical borders.  

From the members of the State Assembly subsets are derived to perform specific functions—- a Jural Assembly, an International Business Assembly, and an Assembly Militia, but these are all functions of the one State Assembly and are performed under its auspices. 

Progress in Oregon has been stalled and stagnated for months because people have come into The Oregon Assembly and tried to turn it into something else other than a State Assembly. 

They still want to call it a State Assembly and still claim the authority and powers of a State Assembly and still benefit themselves from the going on five years of hard work that others put into building The Oregon Assembly….  

In response those would-be members who have been obstructing progress and warring against The Oregon Assembly and usurping upon its authority and functions , have been struck off the membership roster and are free  to go and take responsibility for what they are doing. 

Meanwhile, we separate the wheat from the Tares and the sheep from the goats.  Those in Oregon who wish to stay on the lawful and peaceful road as members of The Oregon Assembly are welcome to do so.  

Those who want to strike off and do some other kind of thing and promote some different kind of State Assembly are already struck off the roster. 

We have been clear about what we came here to do and how things are structured since 2019. Anyone who has a different agenda has no reason to join The Oregon Assembly and no right to obstruct it. 


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:

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