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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Caution About Bonds

By Anna Von Reitz

There are fraudsters out there trying to float huge bonds with the Treasury with absolutely nothing to back the bonds up.  This is, of course, fraud of a high order and people get in big trouble for doing it.  

Before you can issue a bond you have to have your own political status corrected and all the public records in place and complete.  There have to be at least three of you in that correct status to complete the bond, one indemnitee and two guarantors. 
We are able to do this correctly because members of our group have done the due diligence, made the proper claims and gone through the right procedures, and have established the basis for issuing such bonds.  

The Simple Fact of the Matter

By Anna Von Reitz

All cases in America are decided on the basis of public records.  Period. 

We amassed the public records to claim and re-convey our names and estates and put all the Due Process and Liens needed in place.

And then the long-lost heirs showed up at the ESTATE sale. 

When the long-lost heirs show up, the debts that the "presumed" beneficiaries accrued against the ESTATE have to be discharged. 

All the debts. 

The M1 Bond Scam

Yes, it's a trick.  If you use their "M1" bond, you are indemnified by them and not by your self and not by your native states of the union.  That then gives them permission to "claim" you and your assets as security backing their bonds.  It is a major scam.

When you use the bonds I established for each one of the states of the Union, you are indemnifying yourself and your native organic state, which you own and control.  

So, would you rather belong as property owned by whatever potentate in Indonesia (Barack Obama's old stomping ground) or would you rather (1) take back your actual status as the landowner and force the rats to discharge the odious debts you don't owe anyway? or (2) shelter under the indemnity owed to your own state of the Union and be responsible for taking care of that?  

Just say, "No" and keep on pushing.  

Anna Von Reitz