Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

For Dick Cheney, aka, "The Black Dragon"

By Anna Von Reitz

No doubt, Mr. Cheney, you have noticed that things are changing whether or not you like the change.  People you have known for years are changing. Or disappearing. You can no longer count on their support.  Bullying has to take on a whole new dimension to work.  It seems that their very hearts have changed, either gone soft or quailed within them, so that they are reduced to broken, blithering men.  Even the tried and true methods of bribery and forbidden sexual pleasures are running down and out. Something is happening. You know that, but what is it?

It's the Kingdom of Heaven, Mr. Cheney.

You can't stop it.  You can't change it.  You can't blow it up.  You can't threaten it.  The best you can do is face facts.

The days of the dragons are over.  Their rule is ended.

Certainly, you have seen Satan led off stage in chains.  Certainly, you have seen that your "power" is everywhere eroded and reduced to nothing more than a power to obstruct. Even in that, you can feel the building pressure, like water backing up behind a dam.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Teacher Says Shooter Wore SWAT Equipment Including Body Armor

Found Here:

BOMBSHELL CONFIRMED: Broward County deputies were *ORDERED* to stand down… then all radio communications were cut off while the shooting continued.

What Does Anna Want? --- Again

By Anna Von Reitz

Let's begin with the fact that I am raising my voice for the dead and the unborn and those who do not have or can't find a voice, not just myself.

Let's also clarify the fact that I don't want anything.  I have lived a good and happy life full of adventure, and at the end, I have all that I need.

So it isn't my wanting that need to be addressed. It's the whole concept of "want" and the repugnant Doctrine of Scarcity that needs to be addressed along with the question of why -- in this day and age -- there isn't abundant energy, clean water, food, and everything else that people need to live happy, healthy, secure lives on this planet? 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Let Those Who Have Understanding See

By Anna Von Reitz

Today I am posting a long and potent list of court decision citations kindly provided by Larry Moe, which taken together can lead to very mistaken assumptions if you are still in the dark about the nature of the federal government versus the actual government of this country.

First, read through these valuable citations which expose the nature of the federal and federated state and county courts, plus the need to establish jurisdiction ---and then engage your brain cells for my brief commentaries about each at the end.

"There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789, Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statues and Codes. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators." FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178

"Courts are Administrative Tribunals" Clearfield Trust, et al v. United States 318 U.S. 363 (1943)

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

The Shady Players of the Florida School Shooting

Sunday, February 25, 2018

SEDM and Family Guardian

By Anna Von Reitz

Beginning in 2001 a quiet endeavor began--- and I suppose that it can only be compared to compiling a virtual arsenal of paperwork and publishing it on the internet--that has grown into SEDM and Family Guardian and related websites:
All these websites are sponsored and maintained by the same Mom and Pop Christian Ministry, and they provide an almost unbelievable treasure trouve of forms, explanations, and processes. A first visit can be totally overwhelming and for that reason some people turn back, throw up their hands, and run screaming into the bushes. That would be a mistake.

This vast compendium of information is actually well-ordered once you learn their system, and there are abundant connections provided to related forms. You can also, for a modest fee, join their membership organization and get additional help and guidance.

I first became aware of SEDM/Family Guardian in the early 2000's when it was still a somewhat fledgling effort. When I checked back circa 2008 it has mushroomed into a mega Data Base. When I checked back in 2015 it had undergone additional mammoth expansions and improvements and it is today the single largest compendium of court-evidence-quality legal and administrative paperwork available for free (or for a very modest cost) on the internet.

End of the Month Review - February 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

I am sitting here looking at my desk in what has been dubbed "The Toad Hole" and the piles of work in danger of sliding off into the Oblivion Beyond....what a month this has been.  I get tired just thinking about it.

Six major international court suits in process....

Over forty research groups reporting almost daily....

Three banks under development....

Fourteen diplomatic corps engaged....

About a tenth of all counties now up and in the process of assembling....

And only God knows how many Americans taking their own action to correct their political status records and reclaim their names and estates.....

In the midst of all this my almost-daily dispatches to my Reader's worldwide seem like The Calm Moment in the Day....breathe, breathe....

As a result of all this activity and an emergency appendectomy for one of the Living Law Firm members our always strained resources are at a breaking point.  All that has been accomplished so far has been done entirely by volunteers.  We don't have a single paid staff member.

Think about that. 

What Isn't There and Why It Is Important

By Anna Von Reitz

In seeking the historical truth it is necessary to not only look at what is present, but also what isn't there ---that should be.

I have pointed out that what we call "The American Civil War" was never actually a war, but was an illegal commercial mercenary action carried out on our shores by the Hired Help.

How can I prove this?  There is no formal Declaration of War and no Peace Treaty ending the so-called civil war. 

It was a "conflict" like the Vietnam "Conflict".

In the same way I can prove that the bulk of the Reconstruction Acts remain in effect for the Territorial United States Government, by the absence of any wholesale repeal of those acts.

And it is the same way with The Articles of Confederation formed in 1781.

We have all been fed this "explanation" that the Constitutions superseded the Articles of Confederation, but this is not so and is merely a convenient assumption, because again--- there is no action ending or repealing The Articles of Confederation recorded anywhere. 

If they weren't repealed, they were obviously not superseded.  

Instead, the "perpetual Union of States" these Articles of Confederation created survived the adoption of the constitutions just fine, and were in fact included as part of the process as parties to The Constitution for the united States of America. 

"States of America" was and is the doing-business-as-name of the Union of States created by The Articles of Confederation.  You can now see that they were the parties holding the National level Constitution in the federal government.  (Read my monograph, America: Some Assembly Required to see how the actual structure worked.)

Some break-away members of this Confederation attempted to dissolve the "perpetual Union" established by The Articles of Confederation  by forming The Confederate States of America, but they lacked the unanimous support required to do so. 

It would be tempting to assume that fighting broke out among the member states of the Confederation as a result of this schism, but because Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Member, we can be sure that that is not the case, either.

The Titles of Nobility Amendment made part of The Constitution for the united States of America in 1819 precluded Lincoln from holding any office related to the States of America.  He could only act as President of the foreign companies providing Territorial and Municipal government services-- that is, the British United States of America (Company) and the Holy Roman Empire's United States (Company).

Thus what you are really witnessing as "The American Civil War" was an internal federal government cat-fight among some members of the States of America who broke away and attempted to form a new union of southern states doing business as The Confederate States of America against the British Territorial franchise and its ally the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal franchise.

The end result is that these foreign governmental services providers "won" their contest against The Confederate States of America, but could never claim any victory over the States of America represented by all the people and states that remained loyal to the original Union of States formed under The Articles of Confederation.

This then gives rise to the peculiar claim made by the Territorial and Municipal United States Governments that our National Government has been in "abeyance" for 150 years, and which has been their excuse for secretively usurping and preying upon the American states and people. 

Why have you never heard that your government was thought to be in abeyance?   Why have you never known that Abraham Lincoln could not possibly function as the President of the united States of America?  Why were you always given the "impression" that The Articles of Confederation simply disappeared after the Constitutional Conventions? 

Well, now you know.  It's because of what isn't there in the public records, what has been deliberately obfuscated and hidden and destroyed and "explained away" by the foreign Hired Help, which has helped itself to our natural resources and controlled and misdirected our government, and eaten out the substance of our labor, and waged surreptitious "war" against their employers, and illegally conscripted our young people to fight in wars for profit, and generally speaking, has operated as a rogue and criminal entity for six generations---and has done so under conditions of fraud, deceit, breach of trust, and violation of commercial contract.

This secretive and self-interested commandeering of our lawfully established government by the British Monarchs and the Holy See and their misuse of our delegated authority has meant that America has been their store front, their puppet, and via this deceit we have been blamed for their misdeeds and saddled with their debts and oppressed by their tax collectors.

This is why James Clinton Belcher has issued the Declarations and Proclamations ending any presumed "abeyance" of our government, acting as the Hereditary Head of State for The United States of America (unincorporated)---which is our sovereign level government in international jurisdictions.

It remains for us all to take action to fully restore the local county jural assemblies owed to our actual states, to assemble our lawful state conventions, and to convene a Continental Congress to address these matters. The foxes have been guarding our hen house for six generations. Nobody has been minding the store, though it has appeared otherwise. The facts of the matter are now set before us and the international community has been fully informed.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Tucker Carlson Gets it Right on The Gun Issue

Once in a great while one of the Mainstream news commentators gets it right.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Second Sunday In Lent

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Introit of this day's Mass, which begins with the word Reminiscere, from which this Sunday derives its name, is the prayer of a soul begging God's assistance, that she may sin no more:
INTROIT Remember, O Lord, Thy compassions and Thy mercies, which are from the beginning, lest at any time our enemies rule over us: deliver us O God of Israel, from all our tribulations. To Thee O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed. (Ps. XXIV.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT O God, who seest us to be destitute of strength, keep us both inwardly and outwardly; that we may be defended in the body from all adversities, and cleansed in our mind from all evil thoughts. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (I Thess. IV. 1-7.) Brethren, we pray and beseech you in the Lord Jesus, that as you have received of us, how you ought to walk, and to please God, so also you would walk, that you may abound the more. For you know what precepts I have given to you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that you should abstain from fornication; that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor; not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles that know not God: and that no man over-reach nor circumvent his brother in business; because the Lord is the avenger of all these things, as we have told you before, and have testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto sanctification; in Christ Jesus our Lord.
EXPLANATION From these words we see, that the great Teacher of Nations as carefully showed the Christian congregations the sanctity of their calling, as he labored to lead them from the blindness and abominations of heathenism.
ASPIRATION Grant, O God, that I may live an honest, chaste and holy life in accordance with my vocation, and go not after earthly and carnal pleasures, as the heathens who know Thee not.
GOSPEL (Matt. XVII. 1-9.) At that time, Jesus took Peter, and James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart: and he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun, and his garments became white as snow. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then Peter answering, said to Jesus: Lord, it is good for us to be here; if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, and lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And the disciples hearing, fell upon their face, and were very much afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, and said to them: Arise, and fear not. And they lifting up their eyes, saw no one, but only Jesus. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying: Tell the vision to no man: till the Son of Man be risen from the dead.
Why was Christ transfigured in the presence of His apostles on Mount Thabor?
To permit them to see the glorious majesty of His divinity; to guard them from doubts when they should afterwards see Him die on Mount Calvary; to encourage the disciples and all the faithful to be patient in all crosses and afflictions, for the bodies of the just at the resurrection will be made like the glorified body of Christ. (Phil. III. 21.)
Why did Moses and Elias appear there?
That they might testify, that Jesus was really the Saviour announced by the law and the prophets, and that the law and the prophets received fulfillment in Him. The former was represented by Moses, the latter by Elias.
Why, did Peter wish to build three tabernacles there?
The delightful sweetness of the apparition in which Jesus made him participator so enraptured him, that he knew not what he said, not considering that glory can be attained only through sufferings, the crown through fight, joy through crosses and afflictions.
ASPIRATION Draw us, O Jesus, to Thee, that by the contemplation of the sacred joys awaiting us, we, by Thy grace, may not be defeated in the spiritual contest, but conquer through Thy grace and carry off the unfading crown of victory.

Persistent Questions

By Anna Von Reitz

1. I have had people saying, "Oh, no!  You don't want to have anything to do with the STRAWMAN!"  --- but just like in the Wizard of Oz, the STRAWMAN is your friend.  I also have people running off and registering their NAMES with State of State organizations. Does it make sense to pay pirates for the use of your own name, however it is styled?  Hello?

There is a logic to everything and you must follow the logic of things to the end conclusion. 

When you claim and reconvey your Trade Name (also known as your Given Name) which is your Upper and Lower Case First Middle Last name just like you were taught in Grade School----that is, your name in this form:  "John Mark Doe" and reconvey it back to the "land and soil" of the state where you were born --- you in the same breath claim "all styles, orderings, permutations, variations, spellings, and punctuation(s)" of that name and establish their "permanent domicile" on the "land and soil" of the state where you were born. You bring the STRAWMEN -- JOHN DOE, JOHN MARK DOE, and JOHN M. DOE -- right along with you and put them back on the land jurisdiction, too. 

But, but, but....I hear some people saying, you don't want the STRAWMAN! The STRAWMAN is a public slave and owes tons of debt!  Why would you ever want to claim the STRAWMAN?

Emergency Broadcast – Health Ranger – Feb. 23, 2018

This is an emergency broadcast from the Health Ranger, Feb. 23, 2018.
This broadcast covers the accelerating attempted communist takeover of America by radicalized left-wing forces that include CNN, Antifa and other George Soros-funded sabotage operations.
Their goal is to de-legitimize all conservative voices by demolishing their First Amendment rights, revoking their Second Amendment rights, and violating their Fourth Amendment rights until every last non-liberal person in America is either silenced, destroyed, imprisoned or dead.
This is not a joke. The war on America’s patriots is already under way, and Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are complicit in this process. 

Found here:  

Friday, February 23, 2018

So Much Confusion Resolved

By Anna Von Reitz

People are grossly confused about the Birth Certificate, what it is, what it does, why it exists, etc.  That confusion is somewhat created and perpetuated by the document itself.  It appears to be a record belonging to us but, in fact, it is a registration document issued by a foreign government.  

That foreign government is under contract to provide "essential government services" (Article IV) for our states of the Union.  To finance those services, this foreign government assumes that you are responsible for its expenses.  They register the event of your birth and they issue bonds known as CUSIP Bonds in your NAME.  

These CUSIP Bonds are public debt obligations racked up against you and your assets. 

Your NAME is applied to a foreign corporation which is subject to United States Territorial law and is obligated as a debtor by definition.  Thus, almost the moment you come into this world you are set upon and "redefined" as a DEBTOR responsible for paying the debts of the foreign United States Territorial Government. 

Dana Loesch tells the Main Stream Media B.S. AT CPAC, TELLS IT LIKE IT REALLY IS

 Friends, first I'd like to say everyone is heart sick over the tragedy in the senseless Florida School shooting, the victims, families and friends of those involved, will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

Dana Loesch, speaker for the NRA, calls out the media, names CNN, calls B.S. AT CPAC 2018, short video and to the point, tells it like it is and no B.S..

Click this link:

POTUS & Congress: Leave the Second Amendment Alone!

For people who are still locked in to the 14th Amendment Slavery.

POTUS and Congress: Leave the Second Amendment Alone!
In the wake of the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that left 17 dead and 14 others injured, gun control advocates on the Left, the mainstream media, and academia quickly shouted for more onerous gun controls and restrictions on Americans' Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

During a recent CNN town hall, neoconservative Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a purported supporter of the Second Amendment, stopped short of calling for a so-called "assault weapons" ban but nevertheless teamed up with Democrats on the stage in supporting some gun-control measures.

"I absolutely believe that in this country if you are 18 years of age, you should not be able to buy a rifle, and I will support a law that takes that right away," Rubio unapologetically stated on CNN's town hall event.

Rubio also expressed consideration for banning high-capacity magazines or curtailing the number of rounds permitted. "I have traditionally not supported looking at magazine clip size and after this and some of the details I have learned about it, I am reconsidering that position," Rubio said.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Warning About Increased Vermin Activity

By Anna Von Reitz

Warning About Increased Vermin Activity
They are swarming now. Just visualize all the rats running from the ships down "ratlines"--- big ropes -- willy-nilly into the water and onto the docks, and then back onto the ships and then mashing about with all the cockroaches that have similarly been disturbed..... it's mass confusion.
You will hear many queer rumors and offers and there will be know-nothing quacks all over the internet seeking to sell you Shinola. Have none of it.
You must be very careful about signing anything now and vigilant about people making "offers" of any kind--- including "summons" to courts, "Notices of Liens" and other such veiled offers to contract that appear to be demands or obligations.

Continuity of Evidence and The Time Line You All Need to Know:

By Anna Von Reitz

In 1998, James and I gave Notice to the Pope that our states and people were never bankrupt and that this entire scam and Breach of Trust against our country was objected to in the strongest terms possible.
In 2008, we and about 900 other Americans served final Due Process concerning the Great Fraud to Pope Benedict XVI. We provided clear and convincing material evidence of the fraud, of the Due Process given to the Church and the British Monarch, and the harm done to our states and people and to the whole world.
On June 12th, 2011, the Romanus Pontifex was officially collapsed and terminated, via Ritus Mandamus and Ritus Probatum (Public Register Number 983210-331235-01004).
As a result, all claims to own the land and land assets were released by the Crown and the door opened for remedy and reclamation and restoration of the usurped national governments and the people's private property rights.

Bundys, Rod Class, and Michigan General Jural Assembly News

By Anna Von Reitz

1. Regarding the Bundys calling for an American Common Law Court to try their case: 

Everyone who has had a Birth Certificate issued in their NAME has to take action to correct the false legal presumptions that that creates.  

As things stand, the Bundys and the others have never corrected their status and so still stand subject to federal courts. That doesn't mean they can't bring their case to American Common Law Courts, too--- but it doesn't solve the problem, which is federal over-reach and false presumption and racketeering based on falsified public records kept on each one of us.  

Worse, there probably aren't enough people in that county who have corrected their status to form a jury pool of their "peers"---yet.    

Gun Grabbers Are Idiots; Pay Them No Mind

By Anna Von Reitz

I'm sorry, but it's true. These people have no grasp on real life at all, and if they did, they would already be down at the gun shop, signing up for gun safety courses, buying their own guns, buying ammo, and preparing to protect themselves, their families, their children, and their neighbors.
They would be attending School Board and City Council Meetings and banging their fists and demanding funding for Security Guard contingents in every school in America.
But instead they want to take our guns away from us, and "infringe" upon our rights to protect ourselves and our families.
I personally think that every Democrat and Progressive and Communist in America who wants to give up their guns should be allowed to do so. And they should be made to pay a hefty tax for leaving the responsibility for their own protection up to our police and to their more intelligent neighbors.
Think about just HOW stupid these people really are and where the logic of what they are saying goes.....
Let's outlaw chain saws. Why not?

The Americans Are Coming! The Americans Are Coming!

By Anna Von Reitz

Forgive me a little tongue in cheek, but I figure that raising the alarm is appropriate.  America: Some Assembly Required is available on
Our little monograph is being promoted  and reviewed as "explosive"--- "Intellectual C4 for the patriot movement" and "a powerful indictment of world government gone mad." 


Not what I expected to accomplish when I set out to give Donald Trump a blow-by-blow sound-bite version of the business history of America.  I just thought that, being a business man, he would more likely understand things in terms of business names and relationships, contracts, mergers, hostile take-overs, frauds, identity thefts, bankruptcies, and other concepts already in his professional toolbox. 

Names, Capacities, and Jurisdictions

By Anna Von Reitz

People keep stumbling over certain issues related to identity and function in society, yet we are or should all be pretty familiar with these concepts.

A true Proper Name in the English Language can only have two parts for grammatical reasons: John Doe. Prior to the late 18th and 19th century people used either this two-part Proper Name, like John Doe or John Adams or Benjamin Franklin--- or a descriptive name: Anne of Green Gables, Sydney McClure (equals "Sydney of the Clure Clan"), Anna von Reitzensten (equals "Anna from Reitzenstein"), Ole Johnson (equals "Ole John's Son"), Mick the Fishmonger, Emil the Stout, Mark the Younger Scribe, and so on.

In the late 1700's and 1800's the world began to change and the scope of travel and business dealings enlarged. Suddenly, or so it seemed, you could have ten John Browns all living within ten miles of each other, and then what is a poor merchant to do, when he can't tell one "John Brown" from another? The answer was the creation of the Trade Name, which we are all familiar with as a name with one or more middle names: John Michael Doe.

In the rush to very explicitly and uniquely identify themselves, it became fashionable for royals and nobles to have several middle names, usually chosen to honor dead family members or to give equal billing to the maternal line of the family: James Wilmington Clintwood-Smythe, Lorian Faythe Blair, William Perry Pennesfield, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Wilkes Booth, Louisa Sophia Margaret Olafson, and so on.

John Doe is a Proper Name.
John Michael Doe is a Trade Name.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Good News from Friends in the Territorial/Municipal Trenches

From Anna Von Reitz

This announcement just came in from Rod Class --  he has won his Supreme Court Case which was argued October 4, 2017 by Jessica Amunson of Jenner and Block, Washington, DC.  Court case ID:  16-424 Class v. United States, decided today, February 21, 2018

It was a six to three decision with Breyer, Roberts, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan and Gorsuch vindicating, Alito, Kennedy, and Thomas dissenting. 

The Dropbox Link to today's Supreme Court Decision is here:

Buy Silver Right Now not Gold. Here is why.

The ratio of ounces of silver to ounces of gold for equal value is very important.  For decades that ratio was 16 ounces of silver to one ounce of gold.

At today's prices of gold at $1324 per ounce, and silver at $16.50 per ounce that makes the ratio at over 80 to 1 so now is definitely the time to buy silver rather than gold.

Get your silver at your Mint Builder website. If you don't know what Mint Builder is just go watch the movie here:

Subscribe to Mike's newsletter here:   bottom right corner on the first screen.

For The Legal Eagles -- Certificate of Live Birth Synopsis

By Anna Von Reitz

Here's the full-boat legalese explanation of the Diagram of the Fraud I provided to all of you either directly or via my website:

A Certificate of Live Birth synopsis: the COLB is a private placement security for a landed mineral estate in expectancy that became a escheated alien estate initiated from a bifurcation of the title in a coterminus adoption; this now-incidental adoption created an incidental beneficiary/ heir: me, myself and I. To become the protected purchaser as an inevitable necessity as the acting special executor , the alienation/surrender by jus dispondi becoming the spoilated/naked owner to assign the reversionary interest over of the final accounting ledger to execute the livery of the seisen and thus release the expectancy.

The End of the Great Fraud Begins Here and Now

By Anna Von Reitz

The institutionalized fraud we are all wrestling with started in earnest in 1933-34 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt arbitrarily allowed foreign powers to presume that all our Trade Names were instead US Foreign Situs Trusts, and subject to salvage for the debts of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc. 

Let's pretend you are an American race horse called "Yankee Flyer" and some sharpies decide to pretend that you are a donkey called "Yankee Flyer" instead. 

Now, these same con men are responsible for caring for a donkey named "Yankee Flyer" but that doesn't imply that they actually own the donkey or the horse, either, does it?  

Monday, February 19, 2018

Use Your Heads

By Anna Von Reitz

If you cannot look at the two names "Riezinger" and "Ratzinger" and see for yourself at a glance that they are two different names, there is no hope for you. You need to give up and cling to your shackles and pray that your masters don't eat you instead of a turkey next Christmas.
Presumably, you also have trouble and confuse "Johnson" and "Olson"? Or "Sanford" and "Sandeman"? Or can't see that "O'Brien" and "Bannon" are different, either?
God help us all --- what happens when I try to teach you that the "Wisconsin State" is not the same as the "State of Wisconsin" and that "Wisconsin" itself is different than either one of them?
Why, exactly, would I need anyone in the old, failed, nasty, corrupt banking system to issue bonds for me against assets that I control?
Why, exactly, would I ever need anyone to issue bonds in my behalf at all, since it is plain on the public record that I have issued sovereign bonds aplenty and made them stick?

An Education on the Birth Certificate from Frank O'Collins

From Anna Von Reitz

I am constantly receiving questions about Birth Certificates.  The essence of a BC is that it proves that a live man or woman was born on the actual birth day, as opposed to the "filing date" or "birthdate" which marks the creation of the THING named after you. 

A Birth Certificate does not positively identify you, but it admits that a living being with your name came into this world, touched down, and there is no actual, viable proof of your death--- only a presumption of death based on the fact that the Vital Statistics people haven't heard from you since you left the hospital.  No doubt it is time we all gave them and the Deputy Clerks of the Probate Courts across America a big, fat "Hulloooo!"  

A BC does not function as a valid recording of your Common Law copyright to your own Name and Estate, rather, it is a false claim against your Name and Estate which has to be corrected---- but in a negative way, the proof that it provides does preserve "a" public record of an event which you can prove and invoke by private means and from other public records to reclaim your interest in your Name and estate.  So it is a means you should employ in building your claims. 

What follows was taken directly from the old Ucadia website, which Frank subsequently removed from the internet because unscrupulous people were attempting to piggy-back upon and thwart and misrepresent and misuse Frank's work. This particular section is of so much public benefit I pray he will forgive me for re-printing with full credit given and an injunction to my Readers to honor the man and his work and always give him credit for anything you quote and also be sure to tell anyone you send it to that they are not allowed to change, edit, or amend one word of it.  You may not plagiarize or edit anything that appears here:

Florida School Shooting False Flag?

I can't let all this go by without letting you know what is being said about the shooting in Florida.

Google Search Shows Fla Shooting Headline 2 Days BEFORE Event!

Active shooter drill going on, and told the cops would be firing blanks. 

This video was removed by YouTube in an act of censoring the news, which should be a criminal act.

Trump Investigating Parkland Shooting With Military! It's On!


This video was removed by YouTube in an act of censoring the news, which should be a criminal act.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Blow by Blow from The Informer

From Anna Von Reitz

I first read this extensive expose in about..... I am going to say, 1995?  --- and I believe that it came from our friend, The Informer, one of the great researchers and Grand Old Men of the entire patriot movement.   

Time goes on and we can now add more pieces to the puzzle. For example, we now know the THING in Washington, DC is, (1) foreign with respect to us, (2) functions in territorial and municipal international jurisdictions foreign to us, (3) functions as commercial corporations in the business of providing government services; and (4) it has been this way since the beginning. 

This information and its implications is not evident in the following blow-by-blow exposé of how we got into this Mess, but you will not find a better or more documented single source of specific information about the history from 1933 forward through the federation of the States of States and all that that entails.  

Happy chewing, campers!  And thank you, Informer, forever!   It's because of you and people like Bill Benson that we still have a country to call home!

Leemon Baird x Harvard Talk - Hashgraph: New Directions for Blockchains & Distributed Ledgers

On November 20, Leemon Baird, inventor of hashgraph, spoke at Harvard Business School, giving a comprehensive overview of the consensus algorithm, while taking questions from the audience of students. Leemon first compares the four generations of blockchain technology and then gives a deeper dive into gossip about gossip and Virtual Voting.

Found here:

Hashgraph website:

I recommend you sign up for the email alerts on the front page.

Another Reply to Manna "With Truth and Integrity"---

By Anna Von  Reitz

Unfortunately, every time I TRY to answer this, Projectspeak "closes the portal" so I will have to answer here on my own page and hope that others do due diligence. I never asked anyone to issue any bonds, period. End of comment. I asked Kim to rescue the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust funds from being illegally and immorally traded, but she not only allowed this, she did nothing that I know of to object, and in fact-- though this bit is secondhand from other parties--- she criticized Michael Young for not trading it, and wanting instead to disburse and use the funds to relieve suffering and build infrastructure and actually DO something with the money to benefit the actual intended Beneficiaries. 

What a stroke! Imagine it? 

The Beneficiaries of a Trust actually being enabled to access some BENEFIT from the existence of all that money after over 200 years of people like Kim "investing" and "collecting" and "trading" on the trust principal and never giving a goddam peso to those it was supposed to help? Maybe we should call up the King of Spain and ask him what the words on the paper mean in Spanish, when it says this bequest is for the development of the land for the benefit of the people living there? Is that clear enough, Kim? Anyone else have any questions about WHY it is outrageous that those funds were traded AGAIN on a private trading platform when the actual heirs and beneficiaries have come forward, expressed their Irrevocable Will, and cleared the way for the funds to provide heat and food and medical care and jobs and decent roads and electricity to people who have gone without for generations while all the gold in the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust sat in a bank vault being traded on and used as an asset benefiting nobody but bankers? 

All this talk, talk, talk is just that--- more TALK. 

Maybe Thomas and Kim have never driven through the Navajo Reservation or hiked back into the mountain and sat in a little hut with a tin roof and a five gallon oil can being used to burn lumps of coal as the only heat. Maybe Thomas and Kim have never held a Native American Grandmother in their arms while she wept in agony from the pain of rotten teeth? But I have. Maybe Thomas and Kim have never heard a young Native man speak his heart out and admit the fear he feels about finding a job and a place in the world, being able to support his family, being able to find a future? But I have. 

No doubt they haven't taken what "extra" they could give to support Native cultural and education programs and never set up a cooperative to help Native American women go into business for themselves instead of being de facto slaves doing piecework for predatory corporations. But I have. And it is plain on the record that they never issued a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty with any Native Nation. But I have. 

And you know, I doubt very much that either one of them ever stood on the barricades with the Menominee or paused to view the land and sky over Wounded Knee, but I have. And I doubt very much that they had any relatives killed in the Indian Wars that resulted from the criminality that erupted as a result of European greed and meddling in the wake of the so-called Civil War, but I have. 

And you know, I very much doubt that either one of them have ever done anything for people of color that would merit them being adopted into an indigenous tribe, but both my husband and I have been adopted. I was adopted by the Winnebago and he was adopted by the Tlingits, both of us, separately in different parts of the United States, many years ago. 

I would guess that neither Kim nor Thomas grew up with Natives as part of their lives, never attended a potlatch, never ran joyously out to gather berries in the early morning, never sat silent at Ghost Feast in remembrance of those who died too young, victims of diabetes, alcohol, drugs, and all the other evils that gnaw into the hearts and lives of people "on the Res". But I have. 

So I suggest that those who want to paint me as a "Nazi" and a supporter of the SS and a "white supremist" take their lies and shove them up their well-used asses. And while they are at it, maybe they need to check my Father's WWII record as a battlefield commissioned Lieutenant in the 8th Army Air Force and ask themselves why Ronald Reagan sent flowers for his funeral and not just condolences by mail, but three uniformed officers, carrying those flowers? 

You all need to account for the FACT that the money that is OWED to the Beneficiaries of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust has not even BEGUN to be paid out to them over two years after their claim process was verified and completed. You also need to account for the FACT that the VAST amounts of money OWED to the American states and people and the numerous verifiable group and family trusts including the D'Avila, Santiago, Durham, Bedford, and others are STILL hung up in La-La-Land waiting for your lordships to get your royal rumps in gear???

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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Saturday, February 17, 2018

First Sunday in Lent

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

This Sunday is called Invocabit, because the Introit of the Mass begins with this word, which is taken from the ninetieth psalm, wherein we are urged to confidence in God, who willingly hears the prayer of the penitent:
INTROIT He shall call upon me, and I will hear him; I will deliver him, and glorify him; I will fill him with length of days. (Ps. XC. 15-16.) He that dwelleth in the aid of the Most high shall abide under the protection of the God of heaven. (Ps. XC. 1.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT O God who dost purify Thy Church by the yearly fast of Lent; grant to Thy household that what we strive to obtain from Thee by abstinence, by good works we may secure. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (II. Cor. VI. 1-10) Brethren, we exhort you that you receive not the grace of God in vain. For he saith: In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in the day of salvation have I helped thee. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now, is the day of salvation. Giving no offence to any man, that our ministry be not blamed: but in all things let us exhibit ourselves as the ministers of God; in much patience, in tribulations, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in prisons, in seditions, in labors, in watchings, in fastings, in chastity, in knowledge, in long-suffering, in sweetness, in the Holy Ghost, in charity unfeigned, in the word of truth, in the power of God, by the armor of justice on the right hand, and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report, and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastised, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as needy, yet enriching many; as having nothing, and possessing all things.
EXPLANATION The Church very appropriately reads on this day this epistle of St. Paul, in which he exhorts the Christians to make use of the time of grace. A special time of grace is Lent, in which everything invites to conversion and penance, a time, therefore, in which God is ready to make rich bestowal of His graces. St. Anselm says, those do not use the grace who do not cooperate. Let us, therefore, follow St. Paul's exhortation, and earnestly practise those virtues he places before us, and especially those of temperance, patience, chastity, liberality, love of God and of our neighbor. Let us arm ourselves with the arms of justice at the right and the left, that is, let us strive to be humble in prosperity and in adversity, confident of God's help. Let us never be led from the path of virtue, by mockery, contempt, nor by persecution, torments, or death.
ASPIRATION Grant, O Jesus, that we may always faithfully cooperate with Thy graces, and employ well the time Thou hast again given for our salvation.
GOSPEL (Matt. IV. 1-11.) At that time, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert, to be tempted by the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he was hungry. And the tempter coming, said to him: If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. Who answered and said: It is written: Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. Then the devil took him up into the holy city, and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down; for it is written: He hath given his angels charge over thee, and in their hands shall they bear thee up, lest perhaps thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said to him: It is written again: Thou shaft not tempt the Lord thy 'God. Again the devil took him up into a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and said to him: All these will I give thee, if, falling down, thou wilt adore me. Then Jesus said to him: Begone, Satan, for it is written, The Lord thy God shaft thou adore, and him only shaft thou serve. Then the devil left him; and behold, angels came, and ministered to him.
I. Christ went into the desert by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to prepare by fasting and prayer, for His mission, and to endure the temptations of Satan, that, as St. Paul says, He might be one tempted in all things such as we are, without sin, and so become for us a High-priest who knew how to have compassion on our infirmities, (Heb. IV. 15.) and to show us by His own example, how we should, armed with the word of God, as with a sword, overcome the tempter. (Eph. VI. 17.) – Let us, therefore, courageously follow Christ to the combat against all temptations, with His assistance it will not be hard to conquer them. He has certainly taught us to overcome the hardest ones: the lust of the eyes, of the flesh, and the pride of life, and if we overcome these, it will be easy to conquer the rest.
II. If Christ, the only Son of God, permitted Himself to be tempted by Satan, even to be taken up on a high mountain, and to the pinnacle of the temple, it should not appear strange to us, that we are assailed by many temptations, or that we should find in the lives of so many saints that the evil spirit tormented them by various images of terror and vexation. This we find in the history of the pious Job, where we also find at the same time, that the evil spirit cannot harm a hair of our head without God's permission.
III. From the coming of the angels to minister to Christ, after He had conquered Satan, we see that all who bravely resist temptations, will enjoy the assistance and consolations of the heavenly spirits.

To be tempted by the devil. , (Matt. IV. I.)
What is a temptation?
A  temptation is either a trial for instruction and exercise in virtue, or a deception and incitement to sin. In the first sense, God tempts man; in the second, he is tempted by the devil, the world or bad people, and the flesh, by evil thoughts, feelings, words, or work.
By what are we principally tempted?
By our own evil concupiscence and inclination to sin which adhere to us through original sin, (Fam. I. 14.) on account of which it is said, that the flesh lusteth against the spirit. (Gal. V. 17.)
Does the devil also tempt us?
He does, and is therefore called, in this day's gospel, the tempter. St. Peter teaches us this, having himself experienced it: Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring-lion, goeth about, seeking whom he may devour. (I Peter V. 8.) Not all temptations are to be ascribed to the devil, however, they often come from our own corrupt nature, our own incautiousness, or looseness of our senses, by which we expose ourselves to the danger of falling into sin.
How does the devil tempt us to sin?
In a twofold manner: He incites the concupiscence of man to those sins to which he sees him inclined, and then seeks to blind and confuse his imagination, so that he neither reflects, nor properly sees the temporal injury, disgrace, and derision, nor the shamefulness of sin and its eternal punishment. Thus the devil seduced Eve, our first mother, and thus he tempted Christ, with whom he could not, of course, succeed, for He was incapable of sin. He tempts bad people to persecute us, or to try us by their wicked vanities, as he did by the friends of Job.
Can the devil force us to evil?
He cannot; “for as a chained dog,” says St. Augustine, "can bite none but those who go near him, so the devil cannot harm with his temptations those who do not consent to them. Like the dog he can bark at you, but cannot bite you against your will.” Not by force but by persuasion Satan strives to injure, he does not force our consent, but entreats it. Seek, therefore, to subdue your passions and your senses, especially your eyes, and you will either remain free from all temptations, or easily overcome them.
Does God also tempt us?
God does indeed tempt us, but not to sin, as St. James expressly teaches. (Fam. I. 13.) God either Himself proves us by sufferings and adversities, or He permits the temptations of the devil or evil-minded people to give us opportunity to practise the virtues of love, patience, obedience, etc. Thus He said to the Jews through Moses: The Lord your God trieth you, that it may appear whether you love him with all your heart, and with all your soul, or no. (Deut. XIII. 3.)
Does God permit us to be tempted by man also?
He does, and for the same reasons. Thus He permitted the chaste Joseph to be tempted by Putiphar's wife; (Gen.XXXIX. 7.) Job by his wife and his friends. (Job II. 9.) But He never permits us to be tempted beyond our strength, but gives us always sufficient grace to overcome and even to derive benefit from the temptation. (I Cor. X. 13.)
Are temptations pernicious and bad?
No; they are useful and necessary, rather. “Hard is the fight,” St. Bernard writes, “but meritorious, for although it is accompanied by suffering, it is followed by the crown;”
(Apoc. III. 12.) and Origen says. (Libr. Num.) “As meat becomes corrupt without salt, so does the soul without temptations.” Temptations, then, are only injurious when consent is given, and we suffer ourselves to be overcome by them.
When do we consent to temptations?
When we knowingly and willingly decide to do the evil to which we are tempted; as long as we resist we commit no sin.
What are the best means of overcoming temptations?
Humility; for thus answered St. Anthony, when he saw the whole earth covered with snares, and was asked "Who will escape?" "The humble;" he who knows his own frailty, distrusts himself, and relies only on God who resists the proud and gives His grace to the humble; (Dam. IV. 6.) the fervent invocation of the Mother of God, of our holy guardian angels and patron saints; the pronouncing of the holy name of Jesus, making the sign of the cross, sprinkling holy water; the remembrance of the presence of God who knows our most secret thoughts, and before whom we are indeed ashamed to think or do that which would cause us shame in the presence of an honorable person; frequent meditation on death, hell, and eternal joys; fleeing from all those persons by whom, and places in which we are generally tempted; fervent prayers, especially ejaculations, as:
"Lord, save me, lest I perish! Lord, hasten to help me!" finally, the sincere acknowledgment of our temptations at the tribunal of penance, which is a remedy especially recommended by pious spiritual teachers.
PRAYER O Lord Jesus! who spent forty days in the desert without food or drink, and didst permit Thy self to be tempted by the evil spirit, give me, I beseech Thee by that holy fast, the grace to combat, during this holy season of Lent, under Thy protection, against intemperance, and to resist the suggestions of Satan that I may win the crown of eternal life. Amen.