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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Warning About Increased Vermin Activity

By Anna Von Reitz

Warning About Increased Vermin Activity
They are swarming now. Just visualize all the rats running from the ships down "ratlines"--- big ropes -- willy-nilly into the water and onto the docks, and then back onto the ships and then mashing about with all the cockroaches that have similarly been disturbed..... it's mass confusion.
You will hear many queer rumors and offers and there will be know-nothing quacks all over the internet seeking to sell you Shinola. Have none of it.
You must be very careful about signing anything now and vigilant about people making "offers" of any kind--- including "summons" to courts, "Notices of Liens" and other such veiled offers to contract that appear to be demands or obligations.
A summons to a court is not an obligation of yours, so long as you timely object to it. A "Notice of Lien" is not a lien, and anyone enforcing a presumed lien on the basis of such a Notice is engaged in fraud and racketeering that needs to be reported to the local police and magistrates. This includes banks that are in the habit of using NOL's as an excuse to let their own IRS Bill Collectors pillage ACCOUNTS in their behalf instead of requiring an actual Court Order.
A summons to "Jury Duty" as part of a jury pool you don't naturally belong to, such as a jury for a Territorial or MUNICIPAL COURT, is not only moot, you would be committing a crime to answer it, beyond replying that you are not a "voter" and not a "US citizen".
Same thing with filing 1040 Forms which require you to swear under penalty of perjury that you are a "Withholding Agent"--- a warrant officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service. Once you know what a "Withholding Agent" is, you can't very well claim to be one, can you?
Your signature is in many ways your most precious possession, so guard it well. Always copyright it by using a "by-line" when you sign anything--that is, write it like this:
by: James Allen Jones (c)
and you can also use the "c" enclosed by a circle after your signature to indicate that you own the copyright.
This prevents or provides for punishment of the vermin if they then use your signature in any inappropriate way, such as making false claims against your assets.
Be on your guard, people, and follow along with the logic of things so that you aren't taken unaware or sucked into something that merely appears to have authority or merely appears to be a good deal.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. How many times have these rats gotten away with doing the crimes described here? Thanks for the warning Judge.

  2. I know this statement is true: "A "Notice of Lien" is not a lien, and anyone enforcing a presumed lien on the basis of such a Notice is engaged in fraud and racketeering that needs to be reported to the local police and magistrates." But has anyone ever succeeded in getting the police or magistrates to do anything about it? Seems to me they are just as ignorant as the rest of the population. I still have these notices filed in 1998 in the county court against my property, then 10 years later, they were refiled, and just recently, 10 years after that, refiled for the second time. (Note that I had contacted my congressional representatives and senators, but they just turned my complaint over to the IRS, and nothing ever became of it). complaint. I will be abandoning my home next month because I am unable to sell it for enough to pay off these fake "liens" and the mortgage on the house. I have tried using the "Lucretia advice" route Anna specified, and it didn't work either to have the lien notices removed, then I went online and complained to the Trump White House, and it seems they must have sent some communication to the IRS because the IRS send me a 'give us 45 more days to research this' form letter. That 45 days expires at the end of February, though. And the lien notices are still there in the county court. The IRS Revenue Officer told me 20 years ago he was going to tie me up for the rest of my life because I wouldn't admit to having (nonexistent) offshore bank accounts. So last week I just make the decision to abandon my home and move. NOTHING will ever be bought in my name ever again. So, while the truth about these notices of liens is out there, in this hard reality, it doesn't mean a thing.

    1. Wrong, Unknown. They will never process your A4V unless you surrender your federal person. Winston does not teach this. Believe me, I have studied and put into practice just about all if his stuff and though it held them at bay, none of his methods ever settled my account. Only using Anna's process was I able to finally get my account zeroed out. And now the US tax court process is a real slam dunk to squash them like a bug and really make some fireworks.

    2. Thank you Freeman for claification....

    3. That's why the county recorders office has become an extremely dangerous agency...anyone, anywhere, can simply file anything they want, because we are supposedly filing everything legitamately....the only oversite they have is the court prosecutor. And he will never know if you don't bring it too their attention..!! But when it comes to these IRS leins, which I have pointed out to them many times that this is only a notice of lein, and not an actual "lein" with a court order. And no assessment, with no claim being made.. these people at the CRO simply don't care , even though they are affected by it to..!! And the prosecutor's office won t even bother with a complaint about taxing agencies...same with the banks..!! They have really made it easy for the banks to file anything they want just by facing them the paperwork, and now they have come up with another dishonest and fraudulent way to make sure they get their foreclosure...they no longer have to sign their paperwork...instead they have come up with a cookie cutter solution...just use a red stamp saying..." the signature on this document is for "accommodation" only for purposes of filing..!! And the CRO accepts the documents that way...!! Because none of them has any liability for your filings since they are not a attorneys. That law has to change. Those people in there are accepting "legal paperwork", then want to say they aren't liable for anything. Then let attorneys run the county recorders office and not you guys..!! You think the CRO would accept our "Notice of lein" on the commissioner of the IRS..!!

    4. I meant "faxing their documents to the CRO..

  3. Jenny, you need to respond to these 45 days notices ASAP and tell them to settle this matter immediately. Tell them if they don't settle it or respond within 5 days, then this matter is considered settled by their acquiescence. These always come in pairs, one after the other, and are a ruse to not have you respond so that after 90 they turn into a security and they can lock in their claim against you. No need to move if you will use the US Tax Court petition Anna has been talking about, in 6 weeks you will have a court order dismissing your case for lack of jurisdiction which you can use to get all of your liens removed and taxes refunded. You will never be subject to them ever again. Then you can tell that revenue officer to take a long walk off of a short pier. Let me know if I can be of assistance.

    1. This is not a court case, it is these damned notices of federal tax lien (NOFTLs) going back to 1998,when I was the victim of identity theft whereby someone using my name and SSN traded stocks and bonds, generating 1099's to the IRS which came after me to pay the taxes 'due.' Now, I used the process Anna elucidated to somebody called Lucretia, which involved sending my certified birth certificate and form 56 to Mnuchin, requesting a bond be generated for my birth certificate, then waiting 90 days for that bond to cure, then sending 1099A's to the IRS, along with a 1096, along with AFV's and 1040V, plus sending letters to Internal Revenue Office of the Commissioner, and to Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury. Prior to this way on back there, I wrote my congressional reps and senators, but they just forwarded my complaint to the IRS (like sending a complaint to the fox who has raided the hen house.) This "Lucretia process" Anna elucidated made a lot of sense to me, but the IRS did not follow through to remove the NOFTLs, and in fact,the IRS just refiled them for the second refiling. My house is in a state of disrepair, I am on Social Security, and I don't have the funds to fix the roof or do anything else, and yet I am trapped here because I cannot sell the house because of the NOFTLs recorded at the county court. I just contacted the office of the President, and they, too, just sent my complaint to the IRS which is what generated the 45-day crap letter. That is why I have made the decision if I don't hear from them by the end of this month, to just abandon the house. (Well, if the IRS wants it that badly that they would file and then refile these NOFTLs twice, let them sell it, take their pound of flesh, and pay off the existing mortgage).

    2. Jenny, you don't understand. If you will petition the US tax court with the process Anna explained she learned from the Texas Republic, at no cost to you (don't send the $60 filing fee), you petition them that you never received a Notice of Deficiency or a notice of determination for all years since the first year you filed taxes, then they will dismiss your petition with a court order dismissal for lack of jurisdiction. Now you send a copy of the court order to the lien department and demand that they remove all of your liens. And they will. They guy in TX has helped over 800 people with this already and had liens and levies of all kinds removed.

      Paul, can you please repost the document file for this? Thanks.

    3. 1FreeMan, are you saying that this process will remove liens that the Dept. of Education has placed with the IRS and 'steals' all our tax refunds to be applied toward outstanding college loans?

    4. Abby, I did not know that this is what they do. That's not very nice of them, now is it? Sounds like the same levy trick they play on poor SS recipients or people who owe state taxes. Well, since they admit that they have no jurisdiction and never did for any of the years you have petitioned them for, they are no longer allowed to even send you a postcard! And since they technically levied those funds, they need to return them to you with interest when you make your Claim for a refund on Form 843.

    5. A Link to
      Copy of ltrs in order and instructions may help those struggling?

    6. 1FreeMan, yes indeed the Dept. of Ed slaps everyone who owes student loans that were 'guaranteed' by the government and you get a letter from the IRS saying so.
      Furthermore, we were never notified of such a 'lien' placed against our Refunds until the first time our Refund was taken. Worse, the Dept. of Ed has assigned ALL payments toward the Interest and not one cent toward the Principal; our student loan Principal is exactly the same as it was
      back in the 80's when they were ''borrowed'!
      Prin:$35M Int. $55M and climbing Fees &Collect.Costs $21M
      = $112M
      And that was the 2016 year end amount. Today it is more, but we haven't received a statement for end of 2017....yet.

      The Dept of Ed is a tyrant and operates nefariously by top-loading all payment towards Interest, and by allowing collection agencies to charge a collection Fee using % of full amount and by placing liens at the IRS without our knowledge. Collection agencies also function illegally by calling my son at work on the job and harassing and threatening him, and then garnishing his wages for 4 years, until his employer got tired of messing with it and fired him over a cup of coffee.
      Now a few years ago 'they' decided that if student loans are still outstanding into your old age, and since you are no longer 'doing business' with the IRS, they can place new liens against your Social Security checks !

      So for anyone who thinks they will get relief when they file for SS, I am here to tell you you will get left with $750/Mo.

      Now here is another thing I read, but don't recall where:
      Your Tax Form is to remain Private and IRS is NOT permitted to reveal ANY of the information on it TO anyone !
      So then, how is it that IRS can reveal the Refund amount or
      how can it be ''Liened' upon.
      And why should SS suddenly become touchable just upon the say-so of those who wish to touch it?

      QUESTION for 1FreeMan: How do we know that if we file a Claim Form 843, that the IRS won't shuffle all of it over to the Dept of Ed to fulfill the lien?

      (in the past few years we deliberately left a fed tax owing, so that any Refunds would be applied to the outstanding taxes, which would be to our benefit, rather than throwing it down the toilet of the DoE where it reduces nothing in our favor.)

    7. Abby, if the tax court ruled that they do not have jurisdiction then they do not have authority to do anything with your refund but to send it directly to you. Have you sent your petition yet?

    8. 1FreeMan I am in the process of getting my shit together and going to Petition for myself.
      My Question was regarding my son, which we must know first, that the Petitioned-for amt. won't just get forwarded to the Dep. of Ed. and just cause more pain.

      Meanwhile, we are sending a Mandatory Notice to the Dept. of Ed to try to tie their hands.......but as you can tell, I have NO faith at all in any of these Entities that they will heed anything.

    9. ANNA, important question for you so we don't make mistakes:
      What effect will this Mandatory Notice to Dept. of Ed have on our student loan and will it stop them from Liening any future income or assets of any kind?
      Thank you.

    10. From Anna:

      That really isn't the kind of use the Mandatory Notice is for. If you took out a college loan which is now due for payment, you have a pre-existing commercial contract. That contract may be subject to discharge as part of the overall settlement, but correcting and asserting your political status doesn't just in-and-of-itself create a home free card to avoid commercial debts you have incurred. When I am talking about giving them Fair Notice upon First Contact, that means in situations where you are being summoned to court, or presented with an actual lien or otherwise attacked by a court or a lawyer. Since you were not given full disclosure of the terms of any federal student loan, you could possibly return the Mandatory Notice and a Demand to Show Cause for why you were misinformed and misaddressed and see what that yields, but if at all possible, I would simply concentrate on getting my own political status on the record and corrected first and worry about commercial remedy later.

    11. Anna, ok. It is just that you had said 'this Notice can be used for anything, including foreclosures etc'. We have not yet been to the P.O. to send it Registered yet, so we will hold off then.....and hope for Debt Settlement.

      But at least, for information purposes to you, please Note that Dept. of Ed. has been frontloading ALL of our payments solely toward Interest. We have paid Thousands, yet you see our Principle remains at $35 thousand ever since the early 80's. That was the initial amt. 'borrowed'. This is also the reason why we now refuse to pay another dime under any circumstances.
      It was never revealed that our payments were going to Interest only, until years later when we happened to get a printout when we attempted to make an offer to pay off the loan. In writing they agreed to the pay-off amount, but when they got our certified check stating 'Paid in Full' they returned the check.
      It is unlawful for them to frontload payments but they do it anyhow. And of course 'they' made student loans non-bankruptable. They also add to the pain by using collection agencies for collecting which keeps companies like BETSY DEVOSS' in business and made her rich by allowing a huge % of total amount owed, including the Interest.
      With her at head of Dept. of Ed, how will we ever get relief; and there are millions of previous students out here with the same problem.

    12. Abby, just do a novation. Send them a $100 check with an accord & satisfaction agreement on the back, where you normally endorse the check, stating the following:
      Cashing this check is acceptance as payment in full by accord and satisfaction and is considered the express agreement between the parties to discharge the claim on account No. 123456789 for final adequate consideration of $100.00 in full satisfaction and waiver of any and all further claims on this account.
      Once they have cashed the check, they have accepted your novation. Then send them a letter with a copy of the cancelled check and demand that they send you a full release since the obligation has been paid in full and correct your credit record with the reporting agencies.

    13. I've done a number of "accords and satisfactions" and only one worked. These agencies don't even look at the back side or give it much attention..all they know is that they received a check which they can cash. And they do because if you want REMEDY your going to have to work for it.. But if you really want to get even with them I would file a "Letter of Understanding" at the county recorders office, and keep it simple by saying that all your transactions take place ONLY with "lawful money" using my "Demand" for all transactions at 12USC411 and 95 (a), and that because all corp. only deal in commercial DEBT Instraments, all my transactions are considered "payments" and not "discharges". Therefore anyone receiving payments from me has to be listed on their "off sheet booking ledgering on their accounts payable ledgers and not on their "accounts "receivable" on sheet bookkeeping ledgering..!! In other words, it works as a negative on everyone's accounting books and not a positive. So Every time they get a payment from you (even if 3rd parties are involved) they have to deduct that amount off their profit books every time they receive payment from you or 3rd parties on your behave..they won t like deducting from their books very much because Corp are about profit, not loses..!! Abby, you must still have a "bank account"!! I hate to say it but you have to close it out , because that is the main way that connects you to their soon as my brother and I closed our accounts, the IRS immediately stopped taking money out of our SS they only got two months worth and then just stopped and we are both getting our full SS now..!!I know how hard this makes everything, but we pay for our rent and some other things with a postal money order with "lawful money" written right on the front. Because for all intents and purposes, it is the closest thing to lawful money you can get. Then you might have to get prepaid credit cards to do business easily..I know it's hard, but it's better than constantly fighting with these people..!!

    14. Per the instructions, I sent a letter to US Tax Court as well as one to the USDS asking the chief judge if the USDC has jurisdiction over the IRS as described within these postings. I just got a reply back from the United States Tax Court telling me that the $60 filing fee has not been paid and if I don't pay it by April 23, 2018, my case may be dismissed. NOTHING ABOUT DISMISSAL FOR NOT HAVING JURISDICTION. They have even assigned me a docket number for my case! This is not what I expected they would do based on previous conversation on this page. I am very disappointed, but I am NOT going to be sucked into going into tax court, so I will not pay the $60 and, in fact may cancel my application(or just not pay the $60 and hopefully they will dismiss it. All the techniques I have tried and all the letters I have written word for word seem to work for everyone else, but not for me. I am abandoning my house this week and moving to another state to be close to my daughter and her family. I just hope with my application to the Tax Court I didn't REOPEN A CAN OF WORMS WITH THE IRS that will end up with more penalties and/or my going to jail.

    15. From Anna:

      You don't ever petition the US TAX COURT or pay any fees for their "service". You revoke your election to pay effective prior to whatever years they are collecting and you do this by sending Notice of these facts to both the IRS Commissioner and the Internal Revenue Service Commissioner with copies to whichever Office is suing you and also the US TAX COURT.

    16. Sent those letters, along with all the other items you advised Lucetia to send, including 1099A's, and still the NOFTLs remain, having been filed, refiled 10 years later, then refiled again 10 years later (Dec 2017). As a last ditch effort, I even wrote President Trump's office which sent a letter to the IRS. (Like sending an inquiry to the fox which has just raided the hen house,) but nothing came of it. I have now moved from the house, rented a house in another state, and expect the private mortgagor to foreclose on it any time now. Will lose thousands of dollars in equity because of those liens. But I will never again buy anything using my own name ever again.

    17. Jenny, by now you must have received a motion to dismiss your case for lack of jurisdiction from the US tax court which when you ignore it they will issue you a court order dismissal for LOJ. Where are you in this process? Once you get the court order you can send that to the lien department to get your liens released.

    18. I just today, 5/15, received an ANSWER from the United States Tax Court dated 4/19,(forwarded from my Tampa address via the USPS to my new address here in another state.) NOW, CAN ANYONE WHO HAS THE KNOWLEDGE/EXPERIENCE TO INTERPRET THIS RESPONSE, PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS REPLY ACTUALLY MEANS?

      It says that, in answer to the petition filed, admits, denies and alleges as follows. Then it presents 7 paragraphs.

      1) That purported notices of deficiencies either never existed or did exist, but have been destroyed in accordance with IRS record retention policies, and alleges that Respondent is unable to confirm that this court does or does not have jurisdiction in the matter without additional time for research and/or additional information from petitioner.

      2) Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information that petitioner was issued the notices referred to in the petition

      3)Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information whether notices of deficiency or notices of determination were issued for taxable years 1993 through 2017, inclusive.

      4 Admits.

      5 Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information that petitioner received any notices for taxable years 1993 through 2017, inclusive.

      6. Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information that petitioner received any notices for taxable years 1993 through 2017, inclusive.

      7. Denies generally each and every allegation of the petition nor herein specifically admitted, qualified or denied.

      WHEREFORE, it is prayed that the relief sought in the petition be denied.

      (It always intrigued me that the IRS always considered me a Small Business, although I never filed a return as such. However, this reply was signed by two people who were either Counsel, IRS, or Attorney IRS for Small Business/Self-Employed)

    19. Jenny, this is simply an answer to your petition where the IRS attorney wants the court to deny your petition. It is hysterical that these clowns believe that they are professionals when he "Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information whether notices of deficiency or notices of determination were issued." If they have records, which they do, how can they claim "lack of sufficient knowledge and information" when they can simply look up the record? It will be struck down by the judge as moot. Just watch.

    20. Well, I guess we shall see. It would be quite comical that they are so caught up in their own importance, but they wield so much influence on the NOTFLs. There was no way for me to sell the house, and so I actually stopped paying the private mortgagor for 4 months, and used those funds to move me, my cats and other belongings to another state where I have family. There would be perhaps $30,000 in equity if these NOFTLs weren't filed, refiled, and refiled again (30 years total) and I could sell the property. I didn't notify the private mortgagor that I left the house (and I actually still have some pieces of furniture there, but left the possibility open that I could still sell it if I could get the NOFTL removed). He sent me a certified letter threatening to foreclose, and I sent back a certified letter and told him the situation and advised him to first check with the IRS as they were the ones pulling the strings on the property. That was over a month and a half ago, and I haven't heard from him as of this date. Eventually, something will be done as far as the property is concerned, and it would be nice if I could sell it and realize the equity. Yet, I just had to walk away from it while I could, rather than being trapped there forever.

    21. Jenny, be sure to get a certified copy of those liens so you can prove that they filed them because once you get your dismissal order for LOJ and send it to the IRS, they will call the county recorder and have them immediately removed and claim you never had them. Once the liens are removed you can either make up the balance you owe or agree to a short sale to recoup some of your 30K.

    22. Since the IRS filed, refiled, and refiled again same 2 exact amount NOFTL for $32,000+, (2 NOFTLs, exact same amount filed twice, same day even, then refiled twice, both of them, again same amount, filed same day) I would never be able to pay that amount off, even if I could sell the house and pay the private mortgagor's mortgage. That's why I called it quits and moved on. The Revenue Officer said he would tie me up for the rest of my life if I wouldn't admit to having nonexistent offshore bank accounts. I refused to do so. I even wrote my Congress representatives about it. They sent inquiries to the IRS. Nothing came of their inquiries. It's like filing an inquiry with the fox that just raided the hen house. The truth is, even Congress has no control over the agencies. That is why Lois Lerner got away scot-free. No Congressional oversight, no Congressional control of the IRS. Rogue agency.

    23. So go order certified copies of all of those liens right now before they disappear off the record.

    24. It would seem that if the NOFTLs were to disappear from the county records, the house could be sold by me. The private mortgagor could have his mortgage paid off, and I would be able to realize any equity left over after he is paid. I had a good offer on the house, but when the real estate agent's lawyer discovered the NOFTLs had been refiled, ad that nixed the sale. I don't own anything else they could take, except that I am on SS benefits now and yes, I had to have them direct deposited to a bank account because the gov insisted on that. I guess they could renew the levy on that. I had to file bankruptcy once before to stop a levy on my SS benefits (after they had taken 100% of 2 monthly checks.) These people are heartless. So, if they decided to take my SS checks again, that would not be good, even if I was able to sell the house.

    25. Jenny, no they cannot. Once you have your dismissal order for LOJ, they are history and forever removed from your life!

    26. This case is being handled in Florida as the signatures are by IRS attorneys in Jacksonville, FL. I am now in another state (although they don't know that I have left Florida,) so I am wondering if I will have to appear in court in FL or whether this Tax Court thing is just a formality,and I will be sent the dismissal order.

    27. As long as you do not pay the fee, you will not have to go to court.

    28. Good, because I didn't pay the fee.

    29. OK, folks - I just received the ORDER from the UNITED STATES TAX COURT. Under the ORDER,it states , "ORDERED that respondent's above-described motion for leave is granted and respondent's First Amended Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction shall be filed as of the date of this Order. [BTW, dated May 24, 2018]. Now it does further state I can file an Objection, if any, on or before June 14, 2018. Nope! (OK, Now that I have come this far, I am now needing advice on just EXACTLY what do I do next that may remove the spurious NOFTL's the IRS filed against my property. I certainly do not want to make a single mistake on any PRECISE procedure I must now perform. Thanks to anyone who has been there, and/or knows the ropes, and would be willing to provide a reply here.

  4. Thank you for this discussion. May I have the address of the man in Texas or the documents. I have the same problem with NOL as well. Thank you so much.

    1. Lance, links are posted below.

    2. Even if my house does need repair, there would still be thousands in equity if liens were removed. I had a good offer on it, but when the liens were found, it killed the sale.

    3. Jenny, sorry about your difficulties. You need to follow Anna's instructions as very well explained by 1Freeman. The surrendering of your birth certificate to USDOS Steven T. Mnuchin is just one step, albeit a vital one. Same with the IRS letters. Sounds like you have done this. Very few have, so if you have congratulations. You are on solid footing, but this solid footing is only as good as the construction materials you add as you go.

      It all comes down to jurisdiction, jurisdiction, jurisdiction, which in their minds is solely determined by what YOU will allow them to get away with. There are only a few critical pieces to the puzzle of jurisdiction. The first and most important piece to take ownership of is to place the burden of proof of their jurisdiction over you upon whoever is accusing you of whatever.

      The worst way you can do this is to set out to try and identify all the ways these lower lords of chaos want you to perceive your captivity, and then correct all those records, while they proceed against you. That does nothing other than fuel their fire! They are then capable of utilizing the minefield you have created for yourself.

      Here's the thing. They can no more prove you are a US Citizen than you can prove you are not. Who does the burden of proof really rest with? Not you! Forget all this adhesion contract crap.

      There are a few power punches to get on the record from the get go for any processes in which someone is trying to harm you or your property.

      No matter what a judge or prosecutor does in the opening question and answer period preceding a court case, always leave the judge and the prosecutor with the burden of proof of your U.S, Citizenship.

      The following two statements, on the record, will take care of permanently shifting the burden of proof of U.S. Citizenship from you to them. Never accept the responsibility of trying to prove a negative.

      I am not this, or that, or the other thing. Oh you're not? Prove you're not! That is the approach being used against you to great detriment in todays legal world. This is a silent weapon you can easily implement against anyone at any time. Put the burden of proof on them!



      Then shut your mouth! If you get strong push back from the prosecutor or administrator (they're not judges) simply repeat the same statements two additional times and instruct that your response be placed on the record.

      (Different situations will require adaptation of this basic but efficacious case killing technique.)

      It is the same principal of the right of subrogation. There can be no case without settling the issue of jurisdiction and the attorneys and the administrators
      know this full well and will use any trick up their sleeve to try to move you beyond the issue of jurisdiction using confusing legal chicanery. STAND YOUR GROUND ON THEM PRODUCING PROOF OF JURISDICTION!
      You have already gone on record as having no evidence of ever electing to become a U.S. Citizen nor residing in a United States CITY, COUNTY OR STATE. (which most likely you do not.)

      They must then either produce the only lawful proof of your citizenship, which in most cases they cannot, or the case must be dismissed.

    4. You should not demand anything from these people as they are rabid dogs. To demand from them enhances their mindset that they are of higher authority than you, and they sense that you in fact think you ARE of an inferior authority to them (understand, stand under), an underling position, or subservient
      'person', an incompetent begger if you will.

      Sovereigns do not beg. Sovereigns require and instruct, as those in power to do such things, and not as a citizen. The only legal setting in which one can become a US Citizen, is through the use of the oath of citizenship which must take place before a judge (administrator) empowered to perform such a ceremony, the raising of your right hand, the taking of the oath before a judge or magistrate empowered to administer such a proceeding, and the customary placing of your mark, and the judges mark, on an official pledge fully denoting the lawful completion of the 'formal procedure' for 'officially' becoming a U.S, Citizen.

      Other than being born in D.C. or on territories owned by the United States, that is it! That is not to say there may not be perceived contracts out there indicating a nexus to the United States, but lacking hard copy full disclosure, they are not enforceable contracts!

      You should also be aware the only place where federal actors can apply their trade is on land owned by the United States. There will be more attention given to this topic in the near future thanks to PauljjHansen.

      Once you put the ball in their court and leave it there, on the record, they have no choice but to come forth with the proof under threat of perjury, which in most cases they know they cannot, and therefore will not be able to move forward with the case and you win.

      There is more to this than what can be covered here, but you, having reached apparent dead ends on the roads you have traveled thus far, have the opportunity to recover 100%+ of all that has been taken from you.

      Go to Angela Stark on Talkshoe Radio and listen to the indepth conversations with Paul John Hansen. There are some with more expertise than others on particular subjects and that certainly holds true on this topic as well. Paul and 1Freeman are way ahead of the game. 1Freeman and Paul John Hansen are both men of God. They're the real deal. The liens can easily be dealt with. It takes a little time but joy will come in the morning!

      It is likely that Paul will explain, and instruct you on why you need to file IRS form 6203. It stops the IRS dead in their tracks.

      Whenever anyone, anyone, anyone, implies that you are a U.S. Citizen, or outright tries to identify you as a U.S. Citizen for any nefarious purpose you simply need to instruct them to produce the specific law or authority they are relying on to make such a determination and FORCE them to deliver on their relevant findings. Until that required proof is produced by them, whatever action(s) they are planning is powerless.

      If a drivers license, or voter registration, or vehicle registration, or whatever, is used by a prosecutor or judge in a legal proceeding to suggest a nexus to U.S. Citizenship, immediately ask the judge if he/she is implying that use of a drivers license, or vehicle registration, or whatever is what makes one a U.S. Citizen. If they respond with a yes (which they will never do), you have them making a false statement on the record.

      They will back off immediately if they perceive you have knowledge of their true intentions since these adhesion contracts falsely play such a grand part in their scheme of things so they dare not be the one to blow it wide open for scrutiny.

      In addition, Paul can coach you on recovering all damages you have incurred as a result of the liens such as the harm the liens caused you when your house sale fell through. If you missed out on $50,000 in your pocket as a result, then you are entitled to that amount plus damages.



    5. The Revenue Officer said that he would tie me up for the rest of my life, because I wouldn't admit to having (nonexistent) offshore bank accounts. I don't know, but perhaps he put something into my record that would falsely justify his actions, and that may be why nothing I have done so far has made any difference.

    6. I sent off by certified mail both the Tax Court document and the letter to the Hon. Beryl A. Howell, Chief Justice, US District Court, District of Columbia, and hope springs eternal that something good will come of this.

    7. Well guess who this guy is answerable to? The US tax court. They have final say. You did send them separately, right?

    8. 1FreeMan, I suppose each person in a household will need to send the letter to the Justice Howell?

    9. Correct, Abby, and each "taxpayer" also needs to submit their own petition to US tax court.

    10. PS: So if you filed jointly any year, you would submit both court orders together with your stack of Forms 843.

    11. PPS: Here is a sample letter to request a summary of taxes paid all years:

      Department of the Treasury
      Internal Revenue Service
      Holtsville, NY 11742

      Dear Sir/Madam:

      This letter is to request a year by year summary of all taxes paid since 1970 to 2017 for the following social security numbers:

      JOHN H DOE: 123-45-6789
      JANE M DOE: 987-65-4321

      Just to be clear, we do not need copies of each tax return. We are only requesting a sum total for each social security number for each year of total taxes paid for that year.

      For example:

      For SSN: 123-45-6789
      Tax year Tax paid
      1979 xxxx.xx
      1980 xxxx.xx

      Thank you kindly for your assistance.


      John Henry Doe

      Jane Mary Doe

    12. PPPS: Also request a copy of all liens outstanding from the lien unit by phone or mail. If you are in a hurry, you can call them and they will fax all of them right over to you. I would recommend this for everyone because often they have liens on you that you don't even know about.


      Please contact the Centralized Lien Operation with any questions or concerns regarding lien documents using the following information:

      Toll free phone number for taxpayers: 1-800-913-6050

      Sample letter to request copies of all outstanding liens:

      Internal Revenue Service
      Centralized Lien Operation
      P.O. Box 145595
      Stop 8420G
      Cincinnati, OH 45250-559

      Dear Sir/Madam:

      This letter is to request a copy of any and all outstanding liens for the following social security numbers:

      JOHN H DOE: 123-45-6789
      JANE M DOE: 987-65-4321

      Please mail to the following address:

      John and Jane Doe
      c/o 1 Main Street
      Anytown, New York [12345]

      Thank you kindly for your assistance.


      John Henry Doe

      Jane Mary Doe

    13. 1FreeMan, thanks much. We got both of these letters done and going out in the mail tomorrow. We were never notified of any Liens on tax refunds, but the IRS just began sending the overage to Dept. of Ed.
      Seems pretty crooked of them to do it that way; very shady.
      Now I don't see how those amounts can be clawed back out of the hands of the Dept. of Ed.

  5. 1freeman, please elaborate the trick they play on ss recipients or owe state taxes please.
    thank you

    1. Hey, Mark. If SS recipients owe federal taxes, they lien their SS check sometimes as much as 100%. I also believe that the they can levy state refunds if you owe federal taxes but maybe someone else can confirm that.

    2. The STATE cannot touch you SS payments at all , because if they could they would be deducting it out Of my SS already since I live in the greediest state of all...Calif. And the IRS can only take a max of 15% of it which is a very slow process for them if you have no assets readially available. Then they have to resort to leving your SS every month for only 15%. That's a pain in the ads for them which is also , I'm thinking, was another reason why they stopped leving our accounts...they will wait in the shadows until you either win a lotto, or go for a large loan, in which case they magically appear out of nowhere and before you even get the loan, they will take what they think you owe, and then the rest of the loan is yours....its the mafia. Next time you talk with them, ask them that you demand to talk with the Godfather of this criminal

  6. I have not seen anything about what Anna learned from the Republic of Texas. NOTHING I have done has worked. I have tried various methods which were 'assured' to get rid of these NOFTLs and I am weary and fatigued because NOTHING has worked. If anyone can point me to actual documentation and EXACT procedure for what the Republic of Texas has come up with, I would appreciate it.

    1. Jenny, Anna explained it in this post:
      I just asked Paul if he could post the docs here. Or if you post your email, I will have happy to send them to you directly.

    2. Everything I read now is about going to court and winning. Well, the IRS took me to court in 2011 and the judge ruled in their favor, even though I specifically stated in my defense documents that I was the victim of identity theft which started off my IRS nightmare. That didn't matter at all. So, I learned that they always rule for the money, and not for justice to be served. I didn't know diddley at that time as to the birth certificate, strawman, all CAPS name, yada, yada, yada. So what everyone is telling me is that I have to go back to court and chase this thing differently. I just don't think I can do that. I am too weary of the fight.

    3. Jenny, the fight is already won. You just need to file the papers to process your win. There are samples already done that you just need to update with your information and mail. Your only cost is postage.

    4. Show me the EXACT papers because I have been trying to do everything I am being told to do, but I must be doing it all wrong because nothing has worked. Can anyone tell me where these SAMPLES are to be found?

    5. Jenny, I don't know all the details of your situation, but I just want to say that sometimes 'losing is winning'. By that I mean sometimes we have to look at an entire picture. In your case your house needs much repair which only continue, and you say you cannot afford those repairs.
      So consider that aspect along with the fact that it may be hard to sell your house with those conditions. They do not want your house, they just want to cause you stress and pain.

      Take into consideration what if you got to keep your house; what if your furnace went out, or pipes need replaced, or the roof began to leak. How would you make those repairs.
      You are yet another one who has urgent needs for Assets which belong to US; while at the same time we have the Proud ones in here mocking those with urgent needs, and having the audacity to make snide stabbing remarks and so full of Self Pride acting like they are sitting on top of the world.

      At our house, when we are out and about and see someone who is down and out, we always say 'we don't know the backstory of how they got in that predicament, so be slow to speak derogatories, lest you find yourself there yourself'.

    6. Jenny, there are 2 documents in the document download file (link posted below by Paul) you want to personalize and mail.
      1. USDCDC IRS Letter John Doe.docx - Personalize and send the letter to USDS asking the chief judge is the USDC has jurisdiction over the IRS. Send certified mail.
      2. US Tax Court Petition # 2 for John H Doe Pages 1-5 26Jan18.pdf - Ignore and page 1 accept for the address and do not submit the $60 fee. Personalize each page with your name and info and list all tax years you have paid taxes back to year one. On the last page select the closest court to where you live. Sign the last 2 pages and mail certified mail to the address on page 1. That's it. If they call you and ask you if you have any objections to them dismissing your case, you say no I do not object. If you don't want to talk to them, that's OK and they will still dismiss anyway. It just takes a few days longer.

    7. I downloaded from that link, and I see the second document titled, US Tax Court Petition # 2 for John H Doe Pages 1-5 26Jan18.pdf, but I DO NOT see the first document USDCDC IRS Letter John Doe.docx Can you email it to me? email address is

    8. Oops...missed that one. Just added it to the download folder and also sent it to your email.

    9. Jenny, got this error. Address not found. Your message wasn't delivered to because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.

    10. Sorry, monkey fingers. It's

    11. Got it, Thanks!

      Do I sent it to the DC in Washington per the sample letter?

    12. Yes, it is already pre-addressed to the right judge and address.

    13. Per the instructions, I sent a letter to US Tax Court as well as one to the USDS asking the chief judge if the USDC has jurisdiction over the IRS as described within these postings. I just got a reply back from the United States Tax Court telling me that the $60 filing fee has not been paid and if I don't pay it by April 23, 2018, my case may be dismissed. NOTHING ABOUT DISMISSAL FOR NOT HAVING JURISDICTION. They have even assigned me a docket number for my case! This is not what I expected they would do based on previous conversation on this page. I am very disappointed, but I am NOT going to be sucked into going into tax court, so I will not pay the $60 and, in fact may cancel my application(or just not pay the $60 and hopefully they will dismiss it. All the techniques I have tried and all the letters I have written word for word seem to work for everyone else, but not for me. I am abandoning my house this week and moving to another state to be close to my daughter and her family. I just hope with my application to the Tax Court I didn't REOPEN A CAN OF WORMS WITH THE IRS that will end up with more penalties and/or my going to jail.

    14. Jenny, you either didn't read the instructions or didn't understand them. This is normal. Just ignore it. They want you to pay the $60 so they can drag you into the legal side of the court. When you don't pay the fee it gets processed through the administrative side of the court which is what you want. Now before you panic again, they are also going to call you and ask you if you have any objection to them dismissing this case to which you respond "no I do not object." Even if you do not pick up the phone, they are still going to process your case and dismiss it. This is when you will receive the dismissal for LOJ.

    15. I hope that you are right. I am so weary trying to get the IRS out of my hair, but I am moving this week anyway. If the NOFTLs are removed, I can always come back here and sell the house. If not, I will just move on with my life, and leave this liened house behind.

    16. OK, folks - I just received the ORDER from the UNITED STATES TAX COURT. Under the ORDER,it states , "ORDERED that respondent's above-described motion for leave is granted and respondent's First Amended Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction shall be filed as of the date of this Order. [BTW, dated May 24, 2018]. Now it does further state I can file an Objection, if any, on or before June 14, 2018. Nope! (OK, Now that I have come this far, I am now needing advice on just EXACTLY what do I do next that may remove the spurious NOFTL's the IRS filed against my property. I certainly do not want to make a single mistake on any PRECISE procedure I must now perform. Thanks to anyone who has been there, and/or knows the ropes, and would be willing to provide a reply here.

    17. Hi Jenney, go online at and type in your name or case number and see it it lets you download the order. Then let me know what it says. You don't need to do anything. Sounds like you are almost there.

    18. Well, they sent me the ORDER already, stating what I quoted above. Now, would there be a FINAL ORDER if I don't file an objection by June 14, 2018? Sounds to me like the are waiting to see if I will file an objection to this ORDER before it becomes final.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. I'm guessing I should wait until after June 14...

    21. Yup. Just sit tight. You are almost there.

    22. OK, then, here is the latest from the US TAX COURT: Just received today, June 7, MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE AN AMENDED MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION. In the same packet, there is a second document, AMENDED MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION. However, to this second document is stapled a copy of letter 5601, dated Mar 19, 1988 (which is a NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY they somehow dug up.) Also. there is a form 5564, which is a NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY WAIVER, also dated Mar 19, 1998. This is a form they apparently wanted me to sign, which says I would have consented to the immediate assessment and collection of the deficiencies shown above. This is odd in that on this form and above this statement, there is typed in two sentences that states the net tax due for the years in question after adjustment to prepayment credit are $559 and $1959, I never got this form as at the time because I would have surely have filed it and paid these amounts in lieu of the $67,408 they had assessed me for the two years in question that I had the identity theft. NOW, MY QUESTION IS, WHY SEND THIS TO ME NOW? ARE THEY TRYING TO DRAW ME BACK INTO THEIR LAIR, THINKING I WILL PAY THESE PIDLEY AMOUNTS AND THEREFORE GRANT THEM THE JURISDICTION TO COME AFTER ME AGAIN?

    23. Typo both documents referenced in above post were dated 1998.

  7. Replies
    1. Just today received an ORDER signed by L. Paige Marvel, Chief Judge, United States Tax Court, Washington, D.C, stating: ORDER on May 9, 2018 respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction. Upon due consideration, it is ORDERED that on or before May 31, 2018, petitioner shall file an Objection, if any, to the above described motion to dismiss. Failure to comply with this Order may result in the granting of the motion to dismiss. OK, THEN, WHAT ARE THE PRECISE NEXT STEPS?

    2. Perfect, Jenny. Here is what you do next....nothing! This is exactly what you want. Now drop everything you are doing and run down to the county recorder's office and order certified copies of all of your liens. Once secured, sit back and relax and wait for them to dismiss your case and send you the signed final order. Once you have the order in hand, send it to your local friendly IRS agent and tell them that you are considering filing criminal charges against him personally for filing unlawful liens against you and your property while the IRS had no jurisdiction to do so and that he may very well be in contempt of court which is a felony. Then watch how fast these liens will disappear faster than snow before the sun. Once the liens are removed, you can go and sell your house and retrieve your equity.

    3. Since I have moved out of state, I cannot just run down to the county recorders office and get certified copies of these NOFTLs. I can possibly order them by mail. Will see what I can do about that.

    4. Just go online and order them by mail. It may cost you $10 to $15 per certified lien but it will be worth every penny invested.

    5. PS: go online and print out 2 copies from the public record of each lien. Keep a set for yourself and send them the other set with your money order so they will know exactly which liens to certify and send to you.

  8. 1FreeMan - I just made copies of IRS Form 843 and it says to use a separate Form for each year of Claim.
    There are only 7 Items on the Form, can you give some guidance as to how to answer each of them?

    ALSO, do you know how we might find our lifetime income taxes paid
    and get them from the Net? Or is it best just to call IRS and ask them to send it all to us? I hate calling and talking to them about anything.

    1. Believe it or not, they are much more pleasant to talk to than the FTB...The State franchises are more powerful and determined to get their lb of flesh than the Federal Main one..!! Way more..!!

    2. Jenny...if you went to any court to decent yourself, especially if you did it before knowing about this site, I guarantee you that the judge trapped you or cleverly got you to admit "indirectly" that you are nothing but a US Citizen/slave of the Corp State..!! And he did it using that "baschion of dishonor"...the doctrine of "silent judicial notice".. if you lost, then it's time to find out HOW..!! I've told everyone on this site that if you have any cases in a court, especially ones where you lost...then go back to court and get the record of your proceedings. They belong to you..!! You might have to pay a few dollars for the copies, but thatsthat's cheap compared to the amount Of info in that record...a record of where you went will show how they got jurisdiction..!! Sometimes it's so easy that they actually have a red stamp for it with the reason why they took jurisdiction..! Remember when Abby said sometimes it's better to lose, but only if you learn where you made your mistake...otherwise, why even go to court...its a class in law!! Go get you graded report and see how you did..most of what I learned is by getting the "record" of my is a treasure trove of info that is irreplaceable..!! You won't be sorry. And we can help you with understanding what you and they did...if you don't understand it...!! And no one has to ask anyone about a record, because that's all their is in these administrative courts...what else can they go by except the record...???? There is always a record..The question is was it reported honestly...thats a better question..!! Until you guys start getting the records of your cases, you will be stuck in first gear the rest of your you think they are going to tell you why you lost...NO. But if anything will, it will be your court record, which because we aren't part of the BAR, is only available to them during an open case. We have to wait until the case is over until we can see it..!!

    3. Again I apologize..i meant to say "defend yourself"..!!

    4. Did you by chance see the posting I did today? If not, here it is again.
      I just today, 5/15, received an ANSWER from the United States Tax Court dated 4/19,(forwarded from my Tampa address via the USPS to my new address here in another state.) NOW, CAN ANYONE WHO HAS THE KNOWLEDGE/EXPERIENCE TO INTERPRET THIS RESPONSE, PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS REPLY ACTUALLY MEANS?

      It says that, in answer to the petition filed, admits, denies and alleges as follows. Then it presents 7 paragraphs.

      1) That purported notices of deficiencies either never existed or did exist, but have been destroyed in accordance with IRS record retention policies, and alleges that Respondent is unable to confirm that this court does or does not have jurisdiction in the matter without additional time for research and/or additional information from petitioner.

      2) Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information that petitioner was issued the notices referred to in the petition

      3)Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information whether notices of deficiency or notices of determination were issued for taxable years 1993 through 2017, inclusive.

      4 Admits.

      5 Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information that petitioner received any notices for taxable years 1993 through 2017, inclusive.

      6. Neither admits nor denies for lack of sufficient knowledge and information that petitioner received any notices for taxable years 1993 through 2017, inclusive.

      7. Denies generally each and every allegation of the petition nor herein specifically admitted, qualified or denied.

      WHEREFORE, it is prayed that the relief sought in the petition be denied.

      (It always intrigued me that the IRS always considered me a Small Business, although I never filed a return as such. However, this reply was signed by two people who were either Counsel, IRS, or Attorney IRS for Small Business/Self-Employed)

    5. OK, then, here is the latest from the US TAX COURT: Just received today, June 7, MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE AN AMENDED MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION. In the same packet, there is a second document, AMENDED MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION. However, to this second document is stapled a copy of letter 5601, dated Mar 19, 1998 (which is a NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY they somehow dug up.) Also. there is a form 5564, which is a NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY WAIVER, also dated Mar 19, 1998. This is a form they apparently wanted me to sign, which says I would have consented to the immediate assessment and collection of the deficiencies shown above. This is odd in that on this form and above this statement, there is typed in two sentences that states the net tax due for the years in question after adjustment to prepayment credit are $559 and $1959, I never got this form as at the time because I would have surely have filed it and paid these amounts in lieu of the $67,408 they had assessed me for the two years in question that I had the identity theft. There are two attachments with these two amounts and nothing else. NOW, MY QUESTION IS, WHY SEND THIS TO ME NOW? ARE THEY TRYING TO DRAW ME BACK INTO THEIR LAIR, THINKING I WILL PAY THESE PIDLEY AMOUNTS AND THEREFORE GRANT THEM THE JURISDICTION TO COME AFTER ME AGAIN?

    6. Jenny, look at the notice of deficiency and see if it was signed under penalties of perjury. If not, then it was not valid. Did they send you proof of delivery? Probably not. So they sent you a notice that was not valid, never was and probably never mailed it to you. Besides, they never sent you a notice of determination for that same year so they are still in default and do not have jurisdiction. Can you share what the AMENDED MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION actually states?

    7. The document is much too long to place here, but I will summarize it the best I can.
      (The first years included were 1993 and 1994, which were the years that I was the victim of identity theft ).

      “Taxable Years 1993 and 1994…)”
      The document states, on the Notice of Deficiency, that it was mailed by certified mail, but that “The certified mailing verification is unavailable at this time for the reason that the records were destroyed in accordance with respondent’s record retention policies…”
      “Accordingly, respondent moves that this case be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction as to taxable years 1993 and 1994 upon the ground that the petition was not filed within the time prescribed by I.R.C. § 6313 (a) or § 7502.

      The rest of the document relates to taxable years 2006 for which I filed a return, (but didn’t have the funds to pay the taxes due,) and later years for which I filed no returns.

      “Taxable Year 2006”
      “Respondent did not issue a notice of deficiency for taxable year 2006.

      Now here’s the part where they say they did issue a Notice of Determination and when I didn’t pay, they issued the NOFTL. (I do not remember getting this Notice of Determination, and they didn't say it was sent by certified mail.)
      (They also failed to mention that they had already issued several NOFTLs against my property, though for tax years 1993-1995. or taking me to court in 2008 and getting a judgement against me.)

      “Accordingly, respondent moves that this case be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction as to taxable year 2006 for the reason that petitioner’s petition is not timely…Respondent has issued no subsequent notice granting the Court jurisdiction.”

      “Taxable Years 1995 through 2005 and 2007 through 2017…”
      The document states, “there is no record, information, or other evidence indicating that a notice of deficiency authorized by I.R.C. § 6212 was mailed to petitioner with respect to taxable years 1995 through 2005 and 2007 through 2017.” “Accordingly, respondent has determined, based upon the foregoing, that no notice of deficiency sufficient to confer jurisdiction on the Court pursuant to I.R.C. § 6212 and § 6213 (a) has been sent to petitioner in respect to taxable years 1995 through 2007 and 2007 through 2017.

      The document further states, “Respondent has further determined based upon the above described diligent research that no other determination has been made by respondent that would confer jurisdiction upon this court for taxable years 1995 through 2005 and 2007 through 2017.

    8. Jenny, every year mentioned they are moving to dismiss for LOJ. Isn't this what you want?

    9. Yes, of course, but they include forms that they seem to want me to sign giving them the authority (jurisdiction?)to come after me for two years of assessment. I will never sign these, though. I should be getting the final order any day now, so I am waiting for that final ORDER before I do anything.

    10. OK, Now that I have the ORDER TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION, what would be the next step to getting the release of the liens (NOFTLs), according to the Texas Republic protocol or anything else proven to work? Is there someone who has a contact number or email address?

    11. Jenny, before you do this, did you get certified copies of your liens?

    12. No, I am not in Florida anymore, so I would have to write the Hillsborough County, FL, recorder's office to see if I can get the certified copies. What am I missing here? What would be the purpose of getting the certified copies? If the NOFTLs should be released from my property, I could sell the property, which is what I want. Please help me fill in the blanks here. In other words, what would I do with the certified copies in order to complete this process?

    13. Jenny, you only need certified copies if you want to sue then and collect damages. A simple call to the court and they can tell you exactly what to send them for certified copies. Otherwise just go ahead and send your friendly local collection agent a certified letter stating something like this:
      Dear Mr.______(be sure to address him by name!)
      Please find enclosed a certified copy of my court order dismissal for lack of jurisdiction for the years 19__through 2017 from the US Tax Court.
      Accordingly please immediately release all liens that have been filed against me and against my property and notify my local country recorder of the same.
      As you are well aware, these liens were filed fraudulently and not in accordance with law. The US Tax Court has agreed with my position and has ruled accordingly.
      Let me be absolutely clear here. If you refuse to comply with my request, you will be in contempt of court against the issued court order by the US Tax Court which is a felony and you will leave me no choice but to swear out a formal felony complaint against you for your unconstitutional trespass on my person and my property in your personal and private capacity for exceeding your authority as an IRS agent which does not afford you any immunity according to your employment contract, oath and bond.
      Within ten (10) days from receipt of this demand, please send me confirmation that all liens have been released as well as copies of all lien release filings with my county recorder.
      Please be guided accordingly.
      Be sure to get a certified copy from the court and only send a copy of that copy.
      Have fun!

  9. Abby, here is a completed sample.
    Why not? They are your employees, aren't they? They work for you now. Nevertheless, if you do not want to speak to them, you can go online and setup your account and access whatever data is there. Or you can send them a letter stating exactly what you need.

    1. 1FreeMan, thanks, got it. Now it appears we do one Form 843 for Each year? This would be a fat little package; can we send them all at the same time in one package then?

      And do we need to include one Dismissal Letter with EACH of the Form 843....or just one for the entire package?

    2. Abby, yes, 1 Form 843 per tax year. That is what I intend to do as soon as I receive my court order. If you send 30 to 40 form 843's, then you would only include one copy of the court order. By the way even though it technically is a dismissal letter, I would always use the language court order.

  10. 1FreeMan has left a new comment on your post "Warning About Increased Vermin Activity":

    Paul, can you please post the Texas Republic documents to challenge IRS jurisdiction for everyone's benefit? Thank you, sir.

    Anna's reply

    You have to get that information from Texas Republic.

    1. I must be missing something here. I go to the internet search engines and key in "Texas Republic" and the hits I get do not appear to be the Texas Republic I need to contact. Does anyone have the actual URL link to the Texas Republic that is being referred to here?

    2. Here ya go, Jenny...
      They also have a facebook page here:

    3. Thank you. Sorry I didn't come back to check this page sooner. The Texas Republic site does have a lot of topics and info, so I am reading a lot, but do not see the info about the IRS protocol for 'lack of jurisdiction'. Would you happen to know where to look for this topic (just to save me time?) I am getting offers on my house, but until I get those NOFTLs removed, I cannot think of selling. Thanks again.

    4. Jenny, didn't you already secure a court order for LOJ?

    5. Yes, I did. I just wanted to read what the Republic of Texas say about how they went about getting actual results after getting the Tax Court Order, because nothing I have tried to date has produced anything from the IRS. They seem to think they can just ignore anything I have submitted.

    6. Jenny, look at what I wrote you above on May 17. Did you do this?

    7. Yes, after I got the Order dismissing for lack of jurisdiction, but the NOFTLs are still there, and I still cannot sell the house.

    8. Actually, I didn't write the local IRS Revenue Officer and threaten anything. Before I do anything like that with someone who is so vindictive, I want to see if there is a way around it.

    9. Well, the liens are not going to disappear by themselves.. You could try filing a release of lien Form 12277 and include a copy of your court order but they will probably send you a denial that you have not satisfied the requirement for a release of lien according to their guidelines. Or send the above letter to the the person who signed the lien. If yiu are afraid of sending it to the vindictive agent, don't be. He will be scared to death of his own indictment for being in direct contempt of a court order and has no recourse against you.

    10. I have been listening to a conference call put on by the Republic of Texas concerning this "Lack of Jurisdiction" IRS issue, and there was one thing that they said which might be the key, and that was to keep this judicial, and not administrative, and therefore, to not allow it to be handled by your local IRS agent. They said to send the certified copy of the Tax Court Court Order to the United States District Court, and say something like, "I notice that you have limited jurisdiction, which includes matters of IRS issues, therefore..." and then make your plea. I emailed them to get as much info on the actual wording to use (as nothing I have tried to date has been successful, and I don't want to make any more mistakes.) They also clarified that if you do send in the $60 (which I didn't do BTW,) it would throw it into an administrative action, and you didn't want that. I think that what all I have been doing is keeping it as an administrative action and not a judicial action. I want learn more about this aspect, and that is why I emailed them. Hopefully, will get a reply soon.

    11. Actually in listening to the Texas Republic second conference call, a lady who called in was told to get a certified copy of the Tax Court Dismissal for lack of jurisdiction, and send a copy of that to the local revenue agent and request a "Release of liens'. Boy this is very contradictory, and therefore confusing. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

  11. Jenny, what you heard about district court has nothing to do with your situation. You do NOT want to invoke the jurisdiction of the district court in your tax matter with the IRS since you already have a court order for LOJ form the US Tax Court, which is the highest authority for the IRS. Yes, you should get several certified copies of the order and sent one to the local revenue agent which is what I already told you above. You cannot tiptoe around in fear of this thug but you need to serve him head on with your order and demand that he release your lien or you will consider swearing out a criminal complaint against him for contempt of court which is a felony. Here is the sample letter again you can use:
    Dear Mr.______(be sure to address him by name!)
    Please find enclosed a certified copy of my court order dismissal for lack of jurisdiction for the years 19__through 2017 from the US Tax Court.
    Accordingly please immediately release all liens that have been filed against me and against my property and notify my local country recorder of the same.
    As you are well aware, these liens were filed fraudulently and not in accordance with law. The US Tax Court has agreed with my position and has ruled accordingly.
    Let me be absolutely clear here. If you refuse to comply with my request, you will be in contempt of court against the issued court order by the US Tax Court which is a felony and you will leave me no choice but to swear out a formal felony complaint against you for your unconstitutional trespass on my person and my property in your personal and private capacity for exceeding your authority as an IRS agent which does not afford you any immunity according to your employment contract, oath and bond.
    Within ten (10) days from receipt of this demand, please send me confirmation that all liens have been released as well as copies of all lien release filings with my county recorder.
    Please be guided accordingly.
    Don't be afraid of him. You have him boxed in and there is nothing he can do. He will be in fear of being indicted and never ever bother you again.

    1. Thanks. I have called the Tax Court to get certified copies of the Court Order. I had to leave a message, as they are now closed . But will call them back tomorrow.

    2. Got it setup for THE TAX COURT to send me certified copies of the actual ORDER. I should receive them soon, I hope. I am very disappointed that I didn't get a reply to the email I sent to the Republic of Texas email address given on the conference call, nor did I receive an automatic receipt that they had actually received the email. The email address might just be obsolete. I will try to contact them via their twitter account, as soon as I find my logon info. I haven't used twitter in about a year. LOL!

    3. Still no reply from 3 attempts to contact Republic of Texas. Sure would like to know next thing to do if the local Revenue Officer fails to respond to the "Dismissal for Lack of Jurisdiction" Tax Court ORDER. I don't really have the funds to continue to legally fight the IRS.

  12. Jenny, why are you waiting to talk to the Texas Republic when I already told you what to do? They are going to tell you the same thing. Where do you think I got the information from?

    1. I am actually waiting to get the certified copies of the liens. So, in the meantime, I thought I might ask the Texas Republic what the best strategy is if the local Revenue Agent ignores my claim based on the LACK OF JURISDICTION ruling of the Tax Court. I worked with the local IRS yahoos and they ignored every letter and every form I ever sent. I suspect, based on that, that I will most likely have to push it further. Therefore, I want to know what the next strategy might be if I need to push it further.

    2. OK, you are not going to believe this I just today sent the local Revenue Officer a request (demand) letter to remove the NOFTLs, along with a certified copy of the Tax Court ORDER TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION signed by L. Paige Marvel, Chief Judge, which was dated May 24, 2018. And I just got back from the Post Office, and in today's mail, I received another ORDER TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION, this one signed by Maurice B. Foley, Chief Judge, this one dated Aug 01, 2018. Now this one spells out more specifically each and every year that there is lack of jurisdiction for, beginning in 1993, 1994, 1995 thru 2005, ad 2007 through 2017. It mentions year 2006, but said since I didn't respond timely to file an Objection, it seems that 2006 was also dismissed for Lack of Jurisdiction. I called the Records Department and they told me they would not be charging me for Certified Copies of this new Order. So, I guess if the local IRS Revenue Officer needs more 'proof,' this certainly would provide it. Wish me luck!

    3. Good for you, Jenny. Way to go!

    4. If I had waited just one more day, I could have sent the local yahoo Revenue Officer a copy of the latest Order, but if he gives me any crap, it's like having an ace in the hole.

  13. Today I received the two certified copies of the latest Tax Court ORDER TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF JURISDICTION, this one signed by Maurice B. Foley, Chief Judge, and dated Aug 01, 2018. Now this one spells out more specifically each and every year that there is lack of jurisdiction for, beginning in 1993, 1994, 1995 thru 2005, and 2007 through 2017. It mentions year 2006, but said since I didn't respond timely to file an Objection, it seems that 2006 was also dismissed for Lack of Jurisdiction. I am just awaiting word from the local Revenue Officer, hopefully saying that the fictitious NOFTLs have been removed from the records of the local county recorder. Of course, I will follow up and check for myself if the NOFTLs have been removed, and will post the results here.

  14. Although I sent a certified letter to the Revenue Officer regarding the TAX COURT order dismissal for LACK OF JURISDICTION, and my green card shows the IRS front desk signed for it on Monday, Aug 13. I have received no correspondence back from the IRS, and the said NOFTLs are STILL IN PLACE. And to be honest, I am not sure that the Revenue Officer is still working there, but if not, somebody at that IRS Office should have opened it. I have dealt with these IRS Yahoos for literally decades, and that is why I had a problem believing that they would now do the right thing. This is why I was trying to find out from the Republic of Texas what would be the next step to pursue in that case. See, the problem I have with these folks who work out a 'solution' to this type of problem, is that they become silent on what could be done to pursue the cause should the remedy not work. And I just don't know where to look next. Anybody have any suggestions?

  15. Anyone have any suggestions on how to best proceed to get the IRS to remove the fake NOFTL the IRS 'doubly filed' against my property, and then refiled not once, but twice? I received the TAX COURT order dismissal for LACK OF JURISDICTION, and send it to the local IRS Revenue agent, but have not heard anything back. None of these processes seem to work for me, as the Revenue Officer told me if I didn't admit to having (non-existent)offshore bank accounts, he would tie me up for the rest of my life. Of course, I couldn't admit to something that wasn't true. He has now tied my property up for 30 years by refiling the NOFTLs, just like he said he would. I have received a very good offer on the house, but it is not enough to pay off these doubly filed NOFTLs and the existing mortgage.

    1. Jenny, did you send him the letter I dictated above? If not then here is the latest version:

      Your name and address

      IRS Agent name and address

      Re: Notice of Lien for tax year(s) ______, filed as an Actual Lien in the ______ County Recorder’s Office

      October 19, 2018

      Dear Mr.______ (be sure to address him by name!),

      Please find enclosed a certified copy of my court order dismissal for lack of jurisdiction for the years 19__through 2017 from the US Tax Court.

      Accordingly please immediately release all liens that have been filed against me and against my property and notify my local country recorder of the same.

      As you are well aware, these liens were filed fraudulently and not in accordance with law. The US Tax Court has agreed with my position and has ruled accordingly.

      Let me be absolutely clear here. If you refuse to comply with my request, you will be in contempt of court against the issued court order by the US Tax Court which is considered a felony and you will leave me no choice but to swear out a formal felony complaint against you for your unconstitutional trespass on my person and my property in your personal and private capacity for exceeding your authority as an IRS agent which does not afford you any immunity according to your employment contract, oath and bond.

      Within ten (10) days from receipt of this demand, please send me confirmation that all liens have been released as well as copies of all lien release filings with my county recorder.

      If for any reason, you choose not to comply with this demand, then you agree to provide me with a detailed written explanation signed under penalty of perjury together with your Agent ID number, a certified copy of your oath and your bond and, if applicable, a certified copy of your pocket commission within ten (10) days as required by law.

      Please be guided accordingly.



      Enclosed: Copy of 2014 Notice of Lien
      Copy of 2015 Notice of Lien

    2. Of course I sent him the exact letter you provided, and it was ignored, just like that. I actually don't know if the Revenue Officer is still working there. I sent the letter certified to him and the green card just came back stamped (by a clerk at the front desk no doubt) with no signature, although my certified letter required his signature. That is why I have tried so hard to reach the Republic of Texas to see what I might do next. I cannot get an answer from them either. Getting the Tax Court order to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction sounds great in theory, but there doesn't seem to be any way to enforce it. Truth is, the IRS does what it wants to do and I really do not know the necessary procedure to file or swear out a formal felony complaint against this Revenue Office to hold his feet to the fire. As I mentioned, he may no longer even be with that office. I could try again and resend the letter, but I don't know the procedure needed to take it beyond that.

    3. P.S. I didn't notice until now that this is a newer version of the letter you provided.

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