By Anna Von Reitz
Just so everyone knows, my policy toward all "intelligence" agencies---is to let them stare up my skirt until they see Jesus.
I could care less about their snooping and eaves-dropping and telephone surveillance and email encryption hacking and all the rest of it.
I am sure that there are by now many agents from many agencies here and abroad who have been bored to tears listening to my "personal" phone calls, and still more who have gotten a real education from doing so.
So that is just all right with me. My policy is listen all you like and learn something of value to yourselves and your countries. Maybe your own conscience will be moved. Maybe you will start wondering about what really happened in 1865 and start searching for a Peace Treaty ending the Civil War.... maybe you will start wondering what a "Withholding Agent" really is.... or, maybe you will look up the history of the Postal Service and figure out that I am a party to the 2010 Postal Treaty of the Americas--- an updating of all the Postal Treaties owed to the Continental United States since 1754.
And maybe that will inspire you guys to look up the actual Postal Treaties and Offices, which will lead you to figure out why there are seven (7) offices all called something like United States Postmaster..... or United States Post Master....and what is that about? Why two different spellings? Postmaster? Post Master? Hmmm....? Got any answers? Smart asses?
Maybe if you spy on me long enough the ding-dong bell in someone's head somewhere will ring and "the government" will figure out that, yes, Virginia, there really is a Continental United States, a Territorial United States, and a Municipal United States.... and they all have Postal Union Treaties.
Who knew?