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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, April 1, 2024

International Public Notice: The Black Sun

 By Anna Von Reitz

For all those who haven't read the script, the "black sun" refers to: (1) the full Solar Eclipses, such as the one happening on April 8th this year, and (2) efforts by a Progressive Cult to enthrone a Muslim Negro as the ruler of this planet. 

Please note that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are characterized using four colors: red, black, white, and green --- and those just happen to be the flag colors of all the major Muslim nations on Earth.  

This goes along with a lot of other Hoo-Doo-Voo-Doo and occult beliefs, being used as storefront issues to obscure the evil behind this.  

This includes the belief that Jesus was black and that Muhammad was sent as a prophet after Jesus to prepare the way for the Mahdi -- the Muslim version of the Messiah.  

All this is building up to a planned Occult Firestorm of nastiness to be unleashed during the upcoming solar eclipse, when, it is believed, that Allah, a Moon God, is triumphant over the Solar Powers. 

They also believe that this eclipse will open a portal that will signal the end of the world and signal the start of the final jihad.  

Given the recent events in Israel and the senseless slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the nature of the Evil Empire is on full display and the outrage throughout the Muslim world is at a fever pitch.  

We firmly believe that the violence in Gaza was preplanned in Israel to ensure this outrage at this time.  We firmly believe that Britain paid Hamas to attack.  We firmly believe that Israel deliberately let down its border defenses to expedite this, and that the Hamas attack has been used as an excuse for Israel to attack. 

We are witnessing great evil in High Places.  

So, brace yourselves for attacks on all sides and in all jurisdictions, and heed the signs of God, even if they are being orchestrated by the no-longer-secret Space Force using their weather modification technology.  

The Euphrates River has dried up, albeit mainly due to overly ambitious dam projects.  

The Arabian Desert has miraculously developed streams of flowing water and is 80% green again; when the final 20% of Saudi Arabia is clothed in vegetation, another major and "impossible" Bible prophecy will have been fulfilled.  

This leaves only two more prophecies to be fulfilled, and again, they may be fulfilled either by God or by technology in the hands of evil men who have plans to target Southern Illinois and the New Madrid Fault System to create a DIY Great Earthquake.  

They think we are so stupid that we don't know that they have the Scalar Technology to create earthquakes, so despite planning this disaster more or less in the open for twenty years, they think they will face no consequences or blame.  

For whatever their thinking is worth. 

As a result of this pre-planned attack on America, the North American Continent will be split in half from the Great Lakes to the mouth of the Mississippi.  At the same time, the Great Rift Valley of Africa will tear open, so that both sides of the planet will be impacted and feel the Great Earthquake at the same time. 

The whole planet will shake and shift. 

This is the same kind of warfare that took place during the Great Plasma War 32,000 years ago, where terraforming technology was employed to sink some continents and raise others.  

After all this destruction and the ravages of two giant swarms of cicadas, a significant part of the Midwest will be underwater and nobody is quite sure how much farther east the East Coast will be, but it is a no-brainer that millions of lives, mostly American and African, will be lost ---and the Vermin confidently planning all this as part of their Black Sun holiday, think that they will get away with it. 

They will sanctimoniously commiserate these terrible "Acts of God" --- but we will know that God had nothing to do with it. 

Death, pestilence, famine....earthquakes, wars....and, yes, a great denouement, an apocalypse revealing that the governments of the Earth have been reduced to commercial corporations, and the apostate Church has indeed been glutting on the wealth of her fornication with them.  

What more do we need to suffer before this play script is ended?  A massive conventional war in the Middle East, in which Russia and China and Iran join forces to beat the stuffing out of NATO.  

The United States will be too busy licking its own wounds after the earthquake to play a large part in that.  Between a third and two-thirds of our people will be dead thanks to the "vaccine", the earthquake, the breakdown of the supply chains, and starvation. 

This "plan" is sitting on the desks of members of the DOD at this moment.  This crime, if it happens, is totally on their heads.  

We remind the Generals and the Politicians that in our world, if you don't have an individual right to murder and plunder, you don't have a group right to do so, either.  

Naught into naught is still naught. Crime is crime. 

With the recent finding that our Military was unlawfully converted into a Mercenary Force by Abraham Lincoln, and has functioned as a Mercenary Force ever since,  the very last shreds of any excuse for DOD and the U.S. Department of Defense are gone. 

And here, overseeing the end of the world, who do we have acting as "President" of the United States?  

Joe Biden, who can no longer even read the reports placed in front of him on the podium.  

The only legitimate and actual government of this country is vested in the unincorporated Federation of States and its member States of the Union.  

The Federal Subcontractors are so completely consumed by their own corruption and in-fighting that they are implementing these terrible directives -- and the rank and file members of the military are so confused that the people we pay to protect us, our own sons and daughters, are bent on killing us, instead. 

Time to refuse orders. 

On April 7th, do this: think of the word and feeling of "No" all day long.  

No more craziness.  No more corruption.  No more pedophiles.  No more lies.  No more transhumans.  No more Obama.  No more evil doers.  No more war.  No more evil at all.  

Focus your 33 trillion volts on it.  

Imagine all the evil-doers suddenly having a hard time of it, their plans all upset. All their evil intentions are now reflected back at them.  See all their own evil coming back to them, and as it hits, they vanish.  There is no gore, no violence. No drama. They are simply gone, as if they never were. 

Be determined in your refusal of evils.

Enumerate all the detestable things that have been going on, that you can say "No!" to with real vehemence and force.  And say it.  Aloud.  

No more craziness.  No more cruelty.  No more harm.  No more pollution.   No more drama. No more evil at all.  

Tune into your friendly 528 Hz clear channel -- play Whole Tones Music.  Indulge your happiest fantasies. Think positively about all your favorite things. 

And then turn with real determination. Visualize a great big "No!" and say, "No more violence!", "No more war for profit!" "No more craziness!" "No more division!" "No more crooks!" "No more poverty!" "No more fear!" 

No more evil.  Rebuke evil, and it will flee.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April First 2024  


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Is the Montana Supreme Court Running a Confidence Game?

 Is the Montana Supreme Court Running a Confidence Game?

How Linoleic Acid Wrecks Your Health


How Linoleic Acid Wrecks Your Health

International Public Notice: Put On Your Waders

 By Anna Von Reitz

I had an old pair of "Muck boots" --- the same kind that are called "Wellingtons" in other parts of the world, tall rubber boots with strong steel-shank soles, made for walking through all manner of mud and crud.  

When my Mother would hear some particularly egregious lie, she'd roll her eyes skyward and say, "Put on your waders." 

Well, put on your waders, folks. It's getting deep. 

In the 1980's a retired General named Roy Schwasinger led a successful drive to prevent corporate theft of ranch land throughout the Western States in a series of court cases called "the Farm Union Cases" that went all the way to the Supreme Court.  

I know all about this, because my Mother was involved in this effort and we heard all about it over the dinner table, whether we wanted to or not.  At about the same time, in support of this action, Willie Nelson and others started the "Farm Aid" Concerts. 

The Supreme Court Justices agreed with the Plaintiffs in the Farm Union cases, but said their claims couldn't be paid, because the Defendants were bankrupt.  

A lone junior Congressman from Wisconsin offered a settlement solution which he called NESARA, the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act. He was laughed out of the Beltway.  

The thugs drummed up a bunch of crap about General Schwasinger and threw it all at him, like spaghetti thrown at a wall, hoping that something would stick.  They dragged him through their "special" courts and, with a 96% conviction rate, they convicted him of fraud related to something that he didn't even have anything, personally, to do with. 

That's typical of the way these criminals act and the way they do things.  

Here's something else that is typical -- lately, people have been talking about NESARA, NESARA, NESARA.... 

But it's not "the" NESARA from the 1980's called the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, it's a different NESARA entirely, called the National Economic Security and Recovery Act.  

A substitution fraud.  Where have we seen that before?  

Substituting "the" United States of America for The United States of America, and The State of Vermont for the State of Vermont, and our Federal Republic for their Federal Republic, and now, their NESARA is being substituted for the original NESARA. 

The entire history of the Farm Union Cases is being buried -- buried deep -- and all you see about General Schwasinger when you look up his name is biased reporting concerning his later conviction and appeal from that debacle.  The Vermin went after Willie Nelson, too. 

These corporations are killing more than individual people.  They are killing America and killing decency and killing truth and everything worth living for.  They have to be destroyed. 

And in the meantime, put on your waders and don't take any wooden nickels. When they take the trouble to scrub an entire lengthy, famous series of court cases and bury all the popular press, you can be sure that: 

1. The idiots still think they can get away with launching their Federal Republic and substituting it for ours; 

2. They think that they can substitute their version of NESARA for ours; 

3. They think that they can just go on playing their same old games and nobody is going to recognize what they are doing.  

Make sure that you do.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 31st 2024


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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How to Think of This Situation

 By Anna Von Reitz

You are born into a family and are "given" a name, a race, a religion, a bunch of relationships, a nationality, a social status, and a broadly defined identity that you had no part in choosing. Plunk. There you are, two days old, and already labeled and defined. 

A few days later, another bunch of people show up and seize upon your new Given Name and use it to create a foreign corporation franchise benefiting their British Territorial Government, to be operated under your name as a U.S. Citizen.  

You are maybe two weeks old, and you've been denigrated to the status of a "Human", been saddled with citizenship obligations, and trafficked into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea via an undisclosed (and from your perspective, unconscionable) private contract obligating you to lifetime indentured servitude and peonage.  

A bit after that, typically while you are in Grade School, this British Territorial U.S. Citizen is declared legally dead, missing, presumed lost at sea, and "his" Estate Trust is created as your Given Name is trafficked a second time, this time into the jurisdiction of the air.  

A Municipal C'estui Que Vie Trust is set up in your NAME and all sorts of derivative trusts and utilities and franchise corporations are created, all bearing what appears to be your NAME--- and, again, you've been denigrated from the status of a Human with Human Rights, to being a Debt Slave, laboring to benefit another governmental services corporation that foists all its debts off onto you. 

All your life what appears to be your government, but which is in fact, just a couple government services Subcontractors, tells you to do things that benefit them at your expense, but they do this under color of law, so you do what they tell you to do in total innocence thinking that they are "the" government and you have to do what they say.  

And nobody tells you any different.  

So you pay into Social Security for pensions for a Municipal DEBT SLAVE and you pay Gift and Estate Taxes owed by the missing U.S. Citizen and pay off "his" mortgage, too, and you pay all sorts of Federal Income Taxes for these Legal Fictions named after you, so you just pay, and pay, and pay and work some more....and it's all just a giant fraud scheme designed to milk you dry.  

You don't owe the debts of these foreign corporation franchises.  You don't owe their citizenship obligations. You didn't create these things; you are not responsible for them. 

The foreign parent corporations that created these things "in your name" acted in the guise of a Public Usufruct.  They are allowed to use your name so long as no harm comes to you as a result of these foreign franchise corporations, but if any harm does come to you --- then, all Hell breaks loose.  

Then the Perpetrators and the Principals responsible for them have to make amends and provide you with remedy, with cure and maintenance, and with acceptance of all debts related to these Legal Fiction Entities. 

They planned to avoid this by claiming bankruptcy of their shell corporations, and by claiming that you are an "enemy" at war, but (1) they aren't owed any bankruptcy protection from their victims; and, (2) there isn't any actual war dignified by The Law of War to protect them -- because they have engaged in Mercenary Conflicts instead. 

It's not your fault, baby.  It's their fault, and they need to reap what they've sown, right in their pocketbook. 

They need to pay you, and forget about fighting a proxy war in Ukraine. 


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There's No Delegation of Legislative Powers

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Rump Congress that Lincoln established was followed by additional tainted Congressional Bodies that adopted many deceptive practices while functioning as the Board of Directors for foreign, for-profit Municipal and Commercial Services Corporations.  

One of their pernicious practices has been their ongoing effort to delegate away their own legislative powers to Federal Agencies and State-of-State franchise "Departments". 

While it is true that these Agencies provide convenient scapegoats and often know more about what they are doing than the members of any Congress ever will, the proliferation of so-called Administrative Code and Administrative Courts and Tribunals created to enforce these codes is based on the false idea that Congress can legislate away its own delegated legislative powers. 

It can't. 

This issue was addressed more than a century ago in Norton v. Shelby County 118 U.S. 425 (1886) and again very recently by the Supreme Court in West Virginia v. EPA (2022). 

While it is fairly obvious that Joe Biden lacks subject matter authority, jurisdiction, and valid power of any kind to commit this country to public health treaties, some people have suggested that Congress would have the power to enter into a Public Health Treaty with WHO, giving this foreign Globalist Corporation the ability to dictate government policies and operations during a declared public health emergency.  

The power to take such an action is not vested in any part of the Federal Government or any franchise of the Federal Government--- and there is certainly no power vested in any Congress allowing it to grant its already delegated legislative powers to any foreign corporation like WHO.

There is also no authority vested in any Congressional Body to grant its legislative powers to any Federal Department or Agency or foreign Subcontractor (like WHO).  

If you have been misaddressed by any Agency or Administrative Department using Administrative Code to defraud you of any right or asset, or to improperly regulate your business activities, or to deny you insurance coverage or any public benefit you are owed on the basis of Administrative Code --- correct your political status records immediately. 

If you have been forced to accept a license to conduct business, offer professional services, or simply to travel from Point A to Point B, correct your political status records immediately.  

Only about 8% of the Federal Code concerns you, and it impacts you only if you participate in certain activities or enter upon Federal property.  And none of the volumes of Administrative Code apply to you at all.  

Stop living your life as a mischaracterized and deliberately misidentified public employee who never gets a paycheck, but always gets the tax bill for "federal income" you don't receive.  

Go to: and learn how you are being defrauded and abused by foreign Municipal and Territorial Corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" --- and help put a stop to it, today.  


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International Public Notice: Sorting Out State Authority

 By Anna Von Reitz

In America, the Federal Government Subcontractors are all limited to function in international and global jurisdictions.  They are thus entirely limited to function as Legal Fictions ---"Persons", not living people --- so the entire subject of biological health is naturally precluded and excluded from the Federal Constitutions --- and that's why.  

This subject is also beyond the reach of any Federal Corporation franchises operating as State-of-State organizations or similar Municipal organizations. 

Virtually none of their delegated authorities reach down to the level of the living people populating our States of the Union.  The exceptions are confined to control of officially ceded federal properties (Post Offices, Naval Yards, etc.,) the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, and voluntary participation in interstate commerce --- specifically, maritime commerce.  

There is absolutely no grant of any power over anyone's health or medical decisions whatsoever, so the only presumption of such a power must arise from the additional presumption of employment by or dependency upon the Municipal United States Government and the legitimate existence of privately contracted obligations as "citizens of the United States". 

This would be analogous to an employment contract that required you to give up control of your own body --- slavery, in other words. 

As we have already provided in prior Notices, the Great Fraud begins with an undisclosed and unconscionable British Territorial U.S. Citizenship contract being foisted off onto American babies, and ends with the creation of a Municipal United States corporation franchise operating "in their names" as a United States citizen as described by 42 USC 9102 (18) (c).  

As these Legal Fiction entities are created by fraud against babies, they are null and void and so is any supposed administrative power over them. 

These "citizens of the United States" are slaves by definition and are defined as franchise corporations, so are not living beings and cannot be the subject of biological health measures anyway.

The only exceptions are those actually employed by the Municipal United States Government, who could theoretically be imposed upon as a condition of their political status and employment. 

Thus, Joe Biden's compliance with WHO contracts and "treaties" can only apply to Municipal Federal Civil Service Employees and their Dependents, and only if they agree, because slavery is outlawed in this country and has been outlawed worldwide since 1926.

It's similar to Joe Biden's compliance with the Open Borders Policy.  He can open his Municipal borders all he likes, but not ours. 

Neither the Federal Government Subcontractors nor their State-of-State franchises have any authority or delegated power to enter into any health treaties on our behalf and nobody who isn't directly employed by the Municipal Government can be legitimately impacted by Joe Biden's edicts in these matters. 

Anyone supposing otherwise is invited to show cause, remembering that there are no war powers available, because there have been no wars --- only Mercenary Conflicts for the past 160-plus years.  

All this doesn't stop Biden from making False Claims and that doesn't stop his minions from causing trouble, but the bottom line fact is that he has no actual treaty-making authority related to this subject and can't deliver on any international health treaties.  

To summarize:

Joe Biden is the President of a governmental services corporation, not this country.  

The above-mentioned governmental services corporation is limited by the fact that its contract for services exists only in international and global jurisdictions and doesn't include any treaty-making powers related to public health. 

It's further limited in that the vast majority of people it claims are part of its citizenry -- aren't.  They are Americans who have been the victims of a nasty European fraud scheme, and have never been citizens of the Municipal United States at all. 

Any and all powers related to Public Health are vested in our States of the Union, and we choose not to yield our sovereignty in the matter to the UN CORP, WEF, or any other global institution. 

We note with pleasure that even State-of-State Governors are tearing up their contracts with these service providers and telling these miscreants to pound sand.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 31st 2024


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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