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Monday, April 10, 2017

There Are No Secrets

By Anna Von Reitz

At a deep level you already know that everything that I have told you is true. This is not because of all the proofs and citations and its not because you understood it all, either. It's because you can sense truth. You know it in your soul---whether you want to or not.

The Truth exists just beyond the layer of conscious thought.
And in the Truth, there are no secrets.

Just beyond the level where your mind normally operates is a level wherein everything is revealed and known --- and not just the facts of what happened or what was said or who said it, but what motivated people, what they believed, what they felt.

FBI Informers, the Bundys, and Watering Horses

By Anna Von Reitz

Ask yourself this question: if there are any “FBI Informants” operating in the take-down of the Colorado Grand Juries and State Justices— where are they?

Chances are they are in jail with the rest of the folks, so that they can continue to spy on and manipulate them from a position of trust.

They are certainly not standing here as I have been for yea, so many weeks, giving warning and instruction to people so that they might correct their ways and avoid arrest.

I hear that my name and that of Bella Haywood have been taken in vain and certain parties who are in fact to blame for this debacle have been accusing us of being traitors and informers and so on.

The Fifty States Claim -- Update

By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to my attention that there are still a lot of people left out in the dark regarding the Fifty States Claim and even some who woke up in alarm and thought that we'd missed the boat.
When all the crappola of the Civil War came down, there were people in America who were aware of the fraud and who objected to it.

In order to make their own actions "legal" but not "lawful" the renegade Rump Congress agreed to "grandfather in" those who were already in this country, if they expatriated back to their original native state jurisdiction. Anyone who didn't would be presumed to be a "citizen of the United States".
That's how it came down in July of 1868 and that's the way it remains to this day.

So as the vermin were busy liquidating their most recent fabricated government services corporation and bankrupting others in 2015, the American states (together with the people living in those states) were presented as sureties backing all this nonsense and the actual states--- our land jurisdiction states--- were up for grabs. Unless the Priority Creditors showed up and claimed the states back, the Secondary Creditors would be allowed to come in and seize everything in sight.