By Anna Von Reitz
We have already covered the fact that no so-called humans nor any subhumans exist, and so all legal systems and presumptions related to these things are vacuous imaginings that are founded on known falsehoods and vacated authorities.
We do not recognize the legal systems created to control phantasms, nor do we subject ourselves to them, but instead, we fully recognize and exercise our complete and natural exemption, and consider all those who subject themselves to such an imaginary caste system to be potentially dangerous lunatics.
We have covered how the British Crown Corporation deceitfully doing business as "United States of America"-- but not including the word "Incorporated" so as to disclose the nature of the beast and the nature of their claims -- has secretly registered the privately held Given Names of millions of Americans without disclosure or conscionable agreement, and has then established British Crown Copyrights on these names and has "assumed" that we are Wards of the State and the British King --- whoever and whatever "he" may be at this point.
The names of these unlawfully converted Americans thus illegally and unconscionably deemed to be British Subjects are denigrated to the status of humans and the American people are being deceitfully misaddressed as such for purposes of unjust enrichment.
The United States Postal Service (a Mail Service, not a Post Office) is being used to deliver misaddressed mail to the Americans in violation of postal regulations.
Mail is for the intergovernmental Royal Mail Service and should never be addressed to anyone but British Subjects living in America, but as we've seen millions of Americans have been "presumed upon" by these cretins via the use of unconscionable contracts and undisclosed registration processes resulting in Americans being purposefully misidentified as British Subjects and denigrated to the political status of so-called humans operating as U.S. Citizens.
These lunatics have created their own imaginary caste system and are trying, by deceit, to foist this off on their employers.
The roots and foundations of these lies and the accompanying crimes and evils are documented in the actions of the British Parliament (see the 1864 Naval Agency Acts) and the Acts of the British Territorial Congress in 1862 with the redefinition -- for their purposes -- of the word "person", so that people could be redefined as mere humans -- that is, legal fictions constructed as corporations (see 37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68).
Although this ostensibly only affected British Territorial Subjects residing (on a temporary basis) in America, it was promoted on everyone via the unconscionable registrations and undisclosed conversions of political status that followed like a bad smell.
When the clueless American victim innocently opens mail that is addressed to the British franchise corporation named after them, they add to the idea that they are accepting the second class status of a British Subject and are operating as a U.S. Citizen.
This is a purposeful entrapment and peonage scheme, because it is the value of our labor that is being taxed; it results in unlawful conversion, identity theft, impersonation, barratry, conspiracy against the Constitutions, treason, and tax fraud, as in fact, the Perpetrators are seeking to force Americans to pay taxes that are owed by British Crown franchise corporations named after those same Americans. This is a Substitution Fraud.
The Americans are left conveniently unaware of the situation and unaware that the British Crown has latched upon their Given Name and forced these unconscionable and undisclosed contracts and commercial obligations on them.
These British Crown humans and similar Municipal slaves --- that is, constructed legal fictions, not living people --- have been used as devices in money laundering operations for decades by these criminals.
This can readily be observed from the IRS Masterfiles, which show that every single "person" (using their redefinition of the word) being represented, is involved in some federally regulated activity related to the manufacture, interstate transport or interstate sale of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms.
Making up these phony narratives about us being engaged in federally regulated activities, using our names as the names of British Crown franchise corporations operating in offshore locations like Puerto Rico and Barbados and Taiwan, is a process of trafficking these imaginary humans; this is how they create their fraudulent Maritime Commercial Claims against each one of us and then, they pretend that we are subject to their jurisdiction by virtue of the purloined copyright and undisclosed and unconscionable registration documents.
Nobody has been able to object to this or bring it forward in the light of day, because it has been pursued under a "cloak of secrecy" as well it might, as this is an international crime of unlawful conversion of natural political status that carries the death penalty under international law.
This is an elaborate white collar commercial fraud scheme and tax evasion scam designed to evade the Constitutional obligations of the King's Government and the Pope's Government, too, while foisting the taxes owed by the franchises off onto the American victims. It's used for money laundering in support of Black Ops and corporate profits for the United States of America, Incorporated, and forces Americans who are unaware of all this deceit and double-dealing to pay taxes that are in fact owed by the British Crown.
This scheme has also been widely used to promote illegal confiscation and false arrests in this country and even acts of murder, such as the attack on the Weaver Family in the Ruby Ridge incident, the attack on the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas, the murder of LaVoy Finicum, and countless other incidents of brutality carried out against harmless Americans by their own deluded employees.
A wide variety of deceits and fraud schemes have been adopted by the Perpetrators seeking to confuse the identity of living Americans with the identities of their phony British Crown franchise corporations named after Americans and also to confuse their version of "United States of America" (Incorporated) with our version of The United States of America (unincorporated).
Here is an example of the lengths to which these criminal organizations will go, even up to impersonating courts in their efforts to collect "taxes" owed by their own franchises from Americans:
As you will note, they have attributed a number of franchises to me, a living American woman, and are attempting to collect taxes owed by these fictional British Crown franchises from me -- under the false presumption that I have knowingly and voluntarily adopted the political status of a British Subject and donated these franchises to them.
As you will also note, they have created a phony District Court (as in District of Columbia) for the purposes of prosecuting their own legal fiction, and they have attempted to saddle me and millions of other Americans with the taxes owed by their own corporate franchises that have merely been named after us.
You will note that they have created an email address for the promotion of this fraud -- All legitimate websites related to the functions of the foreign Federal Subcontractors under delegated powers are .gov and .state addresses, so this is a website and email being used to promote fraud within The United States.
You will note that the "Judge" named is in fact a criminal who has now been identified as participating in this gargantuan entrapment, peonage, and racketeering scheme.
You will note that they are providing links to their own attorneys in an attempt to further entrap, mislead, and expedite their fraud. No legitimate court promotes individual attorneys and firms.
My Express Trust in the matter has been firmly recorded in our American Courts, their District and State-of-State Courts, and in other venues as well. My objections to their illegal and immoral and improper occupation of our country, their fictional caste system and their repugnant practices are also a matter of internationally published public record.
I own, hold, and retain all original status and standing and control of my birthright name and estate, plus all and any "survivorship" interest in the names given to me or created by me in the course of my lifetime, all material interests, assets, and credit, without prejudice ---by my published and recorded Will--- and I am just one of millions of Americans who are in fact the employers of these yahoos run amok.
It is well beyond the time and place for these issues to be addressed and these international crimes to cease and for these perpetrators to be slapped silly.
They are at the very best attempting to foist their own tax debts onto Third Parties via identity theft, misrepresentation, and impersonation, and are attempting to denigrate our natural political status and deprive us of our guaranteed rights and other material interests to promote fraud against their employers.
They are also failing to provide the remedies that have been guaranteed to Americans for the otherwise illegal confiscation of our gold and the purloining of our silver domestic currency in inequitable consideration of their promissory notes, aka, FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES.
These cretins have owed Americans the free and conscious choice of either continuing to extend credit to them, or to exercise the American's natural exemption and do a debt swap instead. Whatever we may legitimately owe them for services we contracted to receive, utterly pales in comparison to what they owe us, so we invoke our position to establish their corporation and whatever legitimate franchises they have, as the Priority Debtors, and note that we have already given them Due Process in all venues.
They have been given Due Process as we have established Commercial Liens, Non-UCC Liens, and Agricultural Liens that are cured and in possession of our own Common Law Trusts, and as we have served Due Process and Notice of our Foreclosure on their assets for non-payment of debt, default, and failure to perform they have no cause to complain or resist the results.
The nature of the situation is that yes, we do owe them a small debt for the nineteen enumerated services that they have provided ---more or less--- but they owe us a much larger debt as a result of activities they have undertaken including illegal Mercenary Conflicts, that have nothing to do with our contracts with them and which they have charged against our assets and credit.
They openly admit owing us over $31 Trillion in debt (and they have denominated this debt in United States Dollars when they have no such Dollars; this is in itself a fraud) yet they hound and pursue and entrap and mischaracterize Americans who aren't their employees, aren't their dependents, and who aren't consciously aware of any British Subject status all, Americans who certainly never agreed to any of this Brit-bunko rubbish, for a few hundred or few thousand Federal Reserve Notes owed to them for their "services" --- and they charge the hapless Americans for the "service" to defraud them on top of it.
The fact is that Federal Reserve Notes (our credit) have been based on our labor (our asset) in a system of illegal peonage which these criminals have contrived to create via constructive legal fiction fraud.
The remedy provided to legalize their otherwise blatantly criminal activity, a debt swap arrangement known as a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, was never advertised nor organized so that the public could be aware of it and take advantage of it. People were not even told which office or officer was responsible for administering this accounting function.
This failure to provide remedy for their theft of our gold and silver results in a situation where they are both criminally and civilly liable for coercively obtaining extensions of credit to them and their accumulation of an insurmountable National Debt on their part, owed primarily to us.
They received substance and service in inequitable exchange for their I.O.U.s under conditions of force and fraud, deceit, and filthy, dirty hands in commerce.
Restitution, recoupment, and immediate provision of all remedy is required, including a cessation of all the above mentioned practices -- registration of American babies as British Subjects without disclosure and without consensual agreement, evasion of Constitutional obligations owed to Americans, illegal and immoral occupation of our country under the guise of a foreign military protectorate while taking their paychecks from our pockets, and by purloining the use of our assets and credit while impersonating us, creation of foreign franchise corporations merely named after us for use in money laundering, peonage, and tax evasion schemes, the promotion of unauthorized military district courts on our land and soil, practicing fraud via our airwaves as demonstrated above, and abuse of the United States Postal Service and now, the internet, as an instrumentality to promote all these False Claims in Commerce and criminal activities related to them.
So I do affirm and attest and provide my living testimony to all officers and courts in every jurisdiction and affirm that this is true, complete, and not intentionally deceiving, according to the best of my firsthand knowledge and belief, and according to the public laws and records, both in my capacity as a Lawful Person and separately in my capacity as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, defined as our unincorporated Federation of States.
So said, so signed, and so sealed and published on this 25th day of January 2024, requiring the immediate service and action of all other Principals and Agents to bring an end to these acts of Unlawful Conversion, False Registration, Theft, Identity Fraud, Substitution Fraud, Money Laundering, Impersonation, attempted Barratry, Domestic Terrorism, Treason, Human Trafficking, Deliberate Misapplication of Foreign Law, and Fraud against the people of The United States and their Lawful Persons by Undeclared Foreign Agents operating in Breach of Trust and in violation of their service contracts.
No pretension of war or enmity can be maintained against the long-suffering employers, nor may any unlawful Mercenary Conflict, including the American Civil War, stand as anything owed The Law of War, War Reparations, Governing Conventions, or any other traditional and customary respect.
Every American is owed The Law of Peace from our employees and Federal Subcontractors and we hereby publish our claims-- again-- against the Government of Great Britain, the British Crown Corporation, the BBC, SERCO, FRANCISCUS, and all the other organizations and perpetrators that have led the entire world to the brink because of their own greed and malfeasance and proliferation of legal fictions used for criminal purposes.
We hold them all 100% commercially and personally liable in the international jurisdictions and the global jurisdiction of the air. They have been foreclosed in public and in private by living people having true standing to do so, and we demand that all these unlawful and illegal and immoral activities come to an end with no further argument or obfuscation.
All offices and officers in receipt of this information are enabled, empowered, and required to arrest those responsible for these crimes and to forfeit the foreclosed assets to the lawful Owners.
They are fully advised that Americans using their Given Names are in rightful private possession predating any foreign copyrights and that virtually all British Crown franchise corporations named after Americans, except possibly, for actual U.S. Citizens born in places like Puerto Rico, are null and void.
All British Crown copyrights thought to exist and to be associated with me or my Given Names or my pen names or any other name thought to be associated with me are null and void for fraud. All British Crown corporation franchises thought to be associated with me or held under my names were created non-consensually and unconscionably under conditions of fraud, non-disclosure and deceit.
Any taxes or fees or services or payments owed by these imaginary franchise corporations are owed by the British Crown. Not me. The same information applies to millions of Americans who have been targeted by these con artists.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 25th 2024
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