By Anna Von Reitz
Every time we disclose anything about this subject, people go bonkers; they say, "See, those people are crazy! They are talking about little green men...."
There is a reason that Orson Wells led off the public discussion with "War of the Worlds" --- a gigantic hoax.
As always, the Hoaxers want you to think that the Truth is the Hoax, and the Hoax is the truth.
Early on, we were contacted by Paul Hellyer, the ex-Canadian Defense Minister and member of the Queen's Privy Council about the issue of certain "secret treaties" being put in place between the U.S. Government and various extraterrestrial groups that commonly visit our planet.
He was alarmed at the way the politicians were selling out the interests of the living people in favor of the corporations, and especially by treaties that agreed to give up a certain percentage of Earth's population as food sources for alien species in exchange for advanced technologies.
This was being discussed in the Privy Council over a dozen years ago. Straight up.
The details of these outrageous "treaties" were also being discussed, among them the G2P3O Naval Treaty which has been sold as a bastion protecting marine life, but which is actually (also) ensuring continuing private access to secret marine bases accessed from the High Seas by alien visitors acclimated to the marine environment.
A reasonable representation of these oceanic visitors can be seen in the Hollywood movie, The Shape of Water.
Hollywood and theatrics of various kinds have long been used to brainwash, indoctrinate, motivate, and provide non-verbal Notice to the people of Earth, because the aliens consider us too dumb and clumsy with language to entrust communications to mere words. We have to be shown. Literally.
This explains such extravaganzas as the London Olympics and Commonwealth Games pageants depicting such odd things as dead babies in coffins and nurses holding injection syringes pushing gurneys around the infield of stadium facilities during the London Olympics -- pressaging the phony Pandemic, and women dressed as slaves dragging a bronze bull around a Tower of Babel at the Commonwealth Games.
It also explains the enigmatic symbol-based messages self-evident in crop circles and other purportedly "unexplained" phenomena that do, of course, have explanations.
So if everyone wants to go hysterical right now and denounce us as crazy people, be well-advised that the members of the British Privy Council have been in communication with aliens since the 1600's and the Lords of the Admiralty deal with them daily.
At certain levels of "your" British Territorial Government, the fact that aliens not only exist, but communicate with us, have treaties with us, and are -- in effect, partners with us --- is common knowledge.
Paul Hellyer felt that the course these for-hire government corporations were taking was exceedingly dangerous and could lead to our entire planet being overtaken by alien civilizations that are otherwise prevented from preying upon us.
"Like vampires," Hellyer said, "they have to be invited in, but unfortunately, that is what your excuse for a government is doing."
So for once, in at least this connection, it may be the British Territorials running what's left of the U.S. part of the Federal Government at fault, and not the British Government itself.
Hellyer went to great lengths and made valiant efforts to warn us and to encourage the common people to stand for "decency and sense" because it was a foregone conclusion that the Corporate Maniacs that had gained control of the Military-Industrial Complex in the U.S. were out of control and lacked both attributes.
Another very credible witness and whistleblower is Doctor Greer, who has been sounding the alarm for decades.
He has testified before Congress, written books, done everything but stand on his head, naked, in public, trying to inform and get action from the people of this country, and this world, in their own defense.
We have appeared, repeatedly, before the Galactic Council and the Galactic Federation, to protest actions being undertaken by "federal" agencies pretending to represent us and to be our government in connection with diplomatic and treaty negotiations with alien governments.
Inevitably, these agencies are commercial entities engaged in impersonating our government for their own gain and the name of the game is technology exchange. These alien technologies are basically being smuggled onto the Earth and are being proliferated for profit of those making the deals at the expense of those they keep ignorant.
The tip-off is when an agency like DARPA claims to own patents and claims that they generated the patents, when they can't explain how their purported invention works.
It's also a good bet that anything labeled "National Security Interest" at the Patent Office is: (1) new inventions that could replace current monopolies; or (2) alien technology that has been purchased with human lives.
At a certain point -- the Zero Point -- the timelines generated by our Creator and our own creative impulse come together. What is true, ascends and lives; what is false, descends and dies.
This has been explained by Andromedans who are approximately two billion years older and that much more advanced than life on this planet. They are also the Galactic Peacekeepers and enforcers of Galactic Law --- so they are concerned by the proliferation of smuggled, advanced alien technology.
It is feared that we are not mature enough as a species to reliably and peacefully deploy this technology.
We are told that in about eight years, Mercury and Venus will both disappear from this solar system and reappear in a completely different quadrant of the Galaxy. A similar fate awaits the Earth, which was never part of this solar system in the first place, but was in fact transferred here in a fashion similar to what is scheduled to happen to Mercury and Venus.
These are things that the people of this planet deserve to know and to take part in.
They do not deserve to be misrepresented by a bunch of Spooks and Politicians and Heads of Industry who are selling our children like caviar merchants in exchange for technologies that they inevitably abuse for purposes of war and unjust enrichment.
We are not the only ones saying this. Paul Hellyer said it until the day he died. Linda Moulton-Howe and Dr. Steven Greer are both still saying it, and new generations of whistleblowers are coming forward, too.
The changes our planet is going through are not the result of anything that people have done. It's not any "human caused" damage or anything caused by a miniscule increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. That's all just another excuse for unjust taxation.
No, the changes are part of the normal cycle for this planet and there is nothing we can do to alter or change anything about that.
The sooner people are brought up to speed, the better.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
August 15, 2024
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