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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, March 4, 2022


The people are far stronger than the globalists

 The tyrants are terrified of the mass awakening taking place now.

Global tyrants like Trudeau are terrified of the mass awakening that’s accelerating. The more coercion, violence and outright terrorism that governments unleash against their own citizens — such as Canada stealing bank funds from innocent, peaceful protesters — the more quickly the realization spreads that governments are now the terrorists of the world.

The most dangerous institution in the country in which you live is probably your own government. This is true whether you live in America, Canada, France, Germany, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and so on. They have all turned to terrorism and tyranny to try to crush dissent and achieve mass extermination milestones directed by depopulation globalists.

On the positive side, once the critical mass of awakening is achieved, the globalist cabal will be outnumbered 1000 to 1 by informed, courageous, pro-liberty citizens of the world who will dismantle the global prison planet grid and remove the tyrants from power.

Once that happens, amazing things will take place such as the release of suppressed technology that has kept humanity enslaved for centuries. (Free energy tech, for example, and advanced medical / healing technologies.)

The future of the human race is a future without centralized governments, fiat currencies, Big Pharma monopolies and corrupt government enforcers such as the FBI or RCMP. It’s a future of local, grassroots power combined with the decentralization of everything: Food, money, medicine, government, knowledge, tech and more.

We the People no longer need centralized governments to “rule” over us. They are obsolete. And they are dangerous to us all.

To try to trap humanity in chaos and despair, the globalists are right now planning on unleashing false flag cyber attacks against the US financial infrastructure, power grid and telecommunications systems. This was just confirmed earlier today by America’s top Homeland Security official, Mayorkas. He warned these attacks would come from Russia, but we know they are actually set to be unleashed by the black hat deep state actors, acting as domestic terrorists in order to crush America while blaming Russia for the emergency.

This is a time to be prepared for anything, but don’t lose sight of the fact that these acts of deep state desperation are signs of weakness, not strength. The global deep state cabal is going to be disassembled and eradicated from planet Earth. It’s just a question of how much death and suffering humanity will have to endure along the path to that outcome.

“Consciousness grenade” explodes across the planet as globalist tyrants revealed to be ILLUSIONISTS and FAKERS

One of the most important realizations emerging from the fake Ottawa “police” (many of whom turned out to be UN troops with no legal authority whatsoever) is that the globalist cabal doesn’t have enough people to carry out their tyranny. They have to recruit mercenaries from other regions and pay them to brutalize the local people under tyrannical authoritarianism.

In a way, this is actually good news since it reveals how thin the globalists’ ranks are when it comes to finding minions who will carry out their nefarious plans to crush dissent and enslave humanity. It turns out that most people won’t go along with pure evil once they finally recognize it.

So the globalists are relying on tricks to project their asserted power via psychological terrorism and financial terrorism tactics, hoping to intimidate the masses through fear. Through these tricks, they are able to appear to be much larger and more powerful than they actually are. The weak-minded are easily fooled by these tricks, but the strong and courageous individuals in the world see right through it. They realize the tyrants are much like the Wizard of Oz, pulling levers behind a curtain and hoping they can project their illusions long enough to trick the masses into committing vaccine suicide. (The fake news media is a big part of this illusion projection effort, of course, and those who are gullible enough to believe the fake news will be intimidated into inaction.)

But thanks to the “consciousness grenade” that has now been unleashed across the world, people are waking up like never before. Even Canadians are getting red-pilled faster than we ever thought possible as the once-popular delusion of their “liberal, progressive democracy” has been shattered in mere days. Thanks to Justin Castro Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland the Nazi, Canada has become the North Korea of North America.

New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart – Martin Armstrong

By  On February 19, 2022 In Political Analysis

Supply Chain Siege

By |February 20th, 2022 ON NEWS WITH VIEWS

There Is No British Monarch

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have pointed this out before, but it apparently needs to be repeated, written in bold, with an underline. 

William the Conqueror made sure that the British Monarchy was forever doomed. 

It does not exist now, and it hasn't existed since 1087 A.D. 

This is the historical, actual, unavoidable fact --- despite nearly a thousand years of deceit and avoidance and ignorance of the masses.  

There is no Queen.  There is no Royal Family.  It's all bogus with a capital "B" --- and quite beyond being a facile fraud, the purported British Monarchy has been used as a storefront for crime syndicates for the past 170 years. 

Just like the Roman Catholic Church. 

Just like the United Nations. 

The authority and trust vested in these corrupt institutions has to be reviewed and the frauds and criminality exposed if we are to have a solid foundation for the future. We must be clear-eyed and determined about this, and give no loyalty where it is not due. 

A collusion between elements in the Roman Catholic Church, disinherited Norman Princes, and Baal-worshiping Templars has resulted in the establishment of what can only be called an illegal, immoral, and illegitimate worldwide Raj. 

What Gandhi fought in India, we must fight again.  What was decided there and then, must be decided again.  


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here:

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From the Office of the Fiduciary Regarding World Bank Transition

 By Anna Von Reitz

This announcement will doubtless come as a shock for many of you who have not been fully informed prior to this, but I have been named Fiduciary for all assets belonging to The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, and more recently asked to function in the same capacity with respect to the resources of over 200 nations ---including yours, if you are receiving this communication --- so as to expedite repatriation of resources and organize a new financial system and provide for an orderly resumption of public government functions. 

The first thing I wish to communicate to all of you is that there is no National Debt nor is there any interest accrued against any National Debt.  

The appearance of a National Debt and accruing interest has been manufactured via phony bookkeeping. 

These allegations of national indebtedness have been made possible via a simple ruse played against the national governments by the Central Banks.  

These same Central Banks simply neglected to balance the books and apply your equal and answering National Credit and the interest owed to you on that credit.  

As of March 9, 2022, at noon GMT, I am ordering this long-overdue bookkeeping to be done and for all purported National Debts to be erased and counterbalanced by application of the respective National Credits owed. 

This necessary accounting and debt relief will not, however, automatically restore your credit liquidity as each country must undertake resumption of its public government functions for that to happen.   

I must also tell you that your actual government has never been bankrupt in the history of the world.  Sovereign entities are not eligible for bankruptcy protection.  

All pretensions and claims of emergency and of emergency powers resulting from bankruptcy of incorporated government subcontractors are bunk.  They were bunk in 1907, in 1925, in 1933 and ever afterward.   

We have been asked how we have the authority and resources to do what we are doing, so I shall very briefly explain.  

All Legacy and Historic and Bank Trusts, all of what you know and think of as "Off Ledger" accounts and as assets of the World Trust and so on, have been administered by Trustees acting in our names. 

We are the Donors. 

The Donors, not the Trustees, ultimately control all of these trusts --both public and private.

All assets belonging to each country and to each of the people living in each country will be returned and fully restored, debt free.  Ample credit and underwriting for national currencies, will be made available, as well as access to prepaid credit.  Ample Restoration Funds for infrastructure and environmental remediation and enhancement of natural resources will be made available interest-free. 

Unlike the Trustees who were obligated to penny-pinch and make profit their primary objective, the Donors are free to extend interest free credit, engage in true philanthropic enterprises, entertain long-term and visionary investment projects, and take other initiatives that would not be possible for funds managed by custodial institutions and trustees. 

The corporations that have been functioning "as" governments are bankrupt and will not have direct access to the new banking system. Each country's Master Account in the new system is established as an unincorporated International Trade Account; commercial corporations are not eligible to have Master Accounts, but may access and interface via subsidiary commercial accounts, so long as they are in good standing.  

                                 Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                                 The United States of America [Unincorporated]
                                 The Divine Province
                                 The Land and Soil

                                 The Flesh and Blood


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here:

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Reply to "The Ecumenical Council of Columbia"

 By Anna Von Reitz

It may have escaped your Notice, John, but this country is not and never has been a theocracy of any kind and the Inquisition has insinuated itself in gross violation of the Public Law and the Treaties and Constitutional Service Contracts that I hold with the Holy See. So the position of Justice is squarely vested in me with respect to the subject matter and my capacity as Fiduciary and Donor. The Inquisition has been in here racketeering and presuming undisclosed contracts upon people and business entities in Gross Breach of Trust and the Holy See has been establishing undisclosed performance bonds upon Americans (and others) who were merely presumed to be Commonwealth chattel interests--- without in fact being either stateless or belonging to the Commonwealth. These people are not subject to or citizens of either the Territorial or Municipal District Governments. Consider all your hands slapped.
These are not new or yet-to-be decided issues. These issues have in fact been decided since 2008. The Pope is not obligated to inform you and neither am I, but as you raise the specter of some purported Holy War based on material interests that do not in fact exist, I am fully informing you and your cohorts in the District. We concluded negotiations with the Holy See regarding these ownership and control issues in 2008 with the blessings of Pope Benedict XVI acting in his Secular Role as Pontiff and countersigned in his Sacred Role as Pope. This resulted in both treaty and contract, on the land and soil, and in the air. In the words of our beloved Teacher, "It is finished."
The 2008 Accord was given over seven (7) years Due Process and Notice on a worldwide basis and I and my 900 assistants have literally thousands of pieces of registered mail and correspondence proving that this service was done and that both Principals and Agents were served throughout the World Trust bureaucracy and throughout the Roman Catholic and Protestant Church hierarchies. The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury have both received regular and faithful updates by mail and by email regarding the process of these activities for twenty-plus years and H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, the chief officer of the Vatican Chancery Court has also been continuously and fully informed since the completion of the determinations which culminated in the 2010 Postal Treaty of the Americas, the April 2014 Final Judgment and Civil Orders and the 2015 Sovereign Letters Patent.
Now, do you and your associates in The Ecumenical Council of Columbia have a word left to say for yourselves?
We have done our Due Diligence in all venues and absolutely all questions related to our position have been fully established and published now for nearly eight years. All required Notice periods have timed out and nobody can complain of any deceit or injustice or lack of Due Process. The Holy See knows and agrees and has the records of our ownership of the cadastral survey worldwide. It is also known and agreed that the bulk of the world's gold, silver, and other assets belong in fact to us. We are the Donors. And the Vatican Chancery Court has affirmed my standing.
What, exactly, did you think you were going to do? Claim this country and this world, plus the solar system, without us speaking up? Without us enforcing our contracts and treaties? Without us tending our business? Did you think that we had all fallen asleep so that you could sneak in the back door and raise some kind of pirate flag and take over? Call yourself the Devil one day and the only Son of God the next?
Thank the True God that Pope Benedict XVI was still alive and functioning and competent to do what had to be done, and that we were still awake and aware of who we are and enabled to bring forward our interests in a competent fashion.
And now, I have some questions myself. Who in the Hell do you and your cohorts think you are? You, yourself, are a Martian refugee with absolutely no standing here. None. What makes you and your Princess Gaia Sophia, think that you have any material, energetic, or spiritual ownership interest in this planet or the people here? We took you in after you bungled up and destroyed your home planet and this is how you propose to repay us? By bungling up and destroying ours? Making a bunch of insupportable claims and allying yourselves with the Saturnine Brotherhood in hopes of killing off Mankind?
Not on my watch, Johnny Boy.
And exactly what do you have to complain about? Any of you?
Because of what we have done and established, the world will be made new and righteous order re-established. People will own their own land outright in absolute fee simple again. All the phony "national debts" will be cancelled out. All the punitive phony mortgages and endless taxes will be lifted from the backs of the poor. The repugnant black market trading in bodies and souls will be stopped. There will no longer be first-second and third-class "citizenships". No 80 million statutes, rules, regulations, and codes to follow. No commodity rigging used to artificially obstruct trade and to expedite economic control and racketeering and price fixing. No more mercenary wars. No more bondage. No more enslavement in any jurisdiction whatsoever. There will be prepaid credit issued to the victims of The Great Fraud. There will be an end to politics and to politicized "science". People in the undeveloped world will have roads and bridges and water wells, food and energy and access to bank services and electrical power and competent, caring health services. The Earth itself will bloom anew and be restored.
What right or reason do any of you have to object to any of this? How are you being harmed so that you have any capacity to complain and say this injures you? And what interest do you have in promoting falsehood anymore? Have you not heard that the appointed punishment of "the Devil" and his progeny was to teach God's Children to discern the difference between Truth and Falsehood? And do you not realize that that job is now done?

It really frosts my cake that you are all showing up here at the last moment, bitching and griping that I am somehow delaying the settlement of all these issues, when in fact, I am the one who has thus far prosecuted all of them to a happy conclusion and when I have no interest whatsoever in delaying the rewards of all this work for myself or anyone else.


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