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Friday, March 4, 2022

The people are far stronger than the globalists

 The tyrants are terrified of the mass awakening taking place now.

Global tyrants like Trudeau are terrified of the mass awakening that’s accelerating. The more coercion, violence and outright terrorism that governments unleash against their own citizens — such as Canada stealing bank funds from innocent, peaceful protesters — the more quickly the realization spreads that governments are now the terrorists of the world.

The most dangerous institution in the country in which you live is probably your own government. This is true whether you live in America, Canada, France, Germany, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and so on. They have all turned to terrorism and tyranny to try to crush dissent and achieve mass extermination milestones directed by depopulation globalists.

On the positive side, once the critical mass of awakening is achieved, the globalist cabal will be outnumbered 1000 to 1 by informed, courageous, pro-liberty citizens of the world who will dismantle the global prison planet grid and remove the tyrants from power.

Once that happens, amazing things will take place such as the release of suppressed technology that has kept humanity enslaved for centuries. (Free energy tech, for example, and advanced medical / healing technologies.)

The future of the human race is a future without centralized governments, fiat currencies, Big Pharma monopolies and corrupt government enforcers such as the FBI or RCMP. It’s a future of local, grassroots power combined with the decentralization of everything: Food, money, medicine, government, knowledge, tech and more.

We the People no longer need centralized governments to “rule” over us. They are obsolete. And they are dangerous to us all.

To try to trap humanity in chaos and despair, the globalists are right now planning on unleashing false flag cyber attacks against the US financial infrastructure, power grid and telecommunications systems. This was just confirmed earlier today by America’s top Homeland Security official, Mayorkas. He warned these attacks would come from Russia, but we know they are actually set to be unleashed by the black hat deep state actors, acting as domestic terrorists in order to crush America while blaming Russia for the emergency.

This is a time to be prepared for anything, but don’t lose sight of the fact that these acts of deep state desperation are signs of weakness, not strength. The global deep state cabal is going to be disassembled and eradicated from planet Earth. It’s just a question of how much death and suffering humanity will have to endure along the path to that outcome.

1 comment:

  1. simply put (im guessing):
    theyre getting ready to flip the financial system and gaslight the people AGAIN into accepting so- called "asset-backed currencies" IMAGINATIONS
    in the place of "fiat paper money" IMAGINATIONS
    while still keeping control of all the true riches of the earth and of the people
    plan on determining WHO gets WHAT depending on your level of cooperation with their system.

    thats my opinion right now.
    i hope im wrong and will apologize if i am.
