One of the most important realizations emerging from the fake Ottawa “police” (many of whom turned out to be UN troops with no legal authority whatsoever) is that the globalist cabal doesn’t have enough people to carry out their tyranny. They have to recruit mercenaries from other regions and pay them to brutalize the local people under tyrannical authoritarianism.
In a way, this is actually good news since it reveals how thin the globalists’ ranks are when it comes to finding minions who will carry out their nefarious plans to crush dissent and enslave humanity. It turns out that most people won’t go along with pure evil once they finally recognize it.
So the globalists are relying on tricks to project their asserted power via psychological terrorism and financial terrorism tactics, hoping to intimidate the masses through fear. Through these tricks, they are able to appear to be much larger and more powerful than they actually are. The weak-minded are easily fooled by these tricks, but the strong and courageous individuals in the world see right through it. They realize the tyrants are much like the Wizard of Oz, pulling levers behind a curtain and hoping they can project their illusions long enough to trick the masses into committing vaccine suicide. (The fake news media is a big part of this illusion projection effort, of course, and those who are gullible enough to believe the fake news will be intimidated into inaction.)
But thanks to the “consciousness grenade” that has now been unleashed across the world, people are waking up like never before. Even Canadians are getting red-pilled faster than we ever thought possible as the once-popular delusion of their “liberal, progressive democracy” has been shattered in mere days. Thanks to Justin Castro Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland the Nazi, Canada has become the North Korea of North America.
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