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Friday, March 4, 2022

Reply to "The Ecumenical Council of Columbia"

 By Anna Von Reitz

It may have escaped your Notice, John, but this country is not and never has been a theocracy of any kind and the Inquisition has insinuated itself in gross violation of the Public Law and the Treaties and Constitutional Service Contracts that I hold with the Holy See. So the position of Justice is squarely vested in me with respect to the subject matter and my capacity as Fiduciary and Donor. The Inquisition has been in here racketeering and presuming undisclosed contracts upon people and business entities in Gross Breach of Trust and the Holy See has been establishing undisclosed performance bonds upon Americans (and others) who were merely presumed to be Commonwealth chattel interests--- without in fact being either stateless or belonging to the Commonwealth. These people are not subject to or citizens of either the Territorial or Municipal District Governments. Consider all your hands slapped.
These are not new or yet-to-be decided issues. These issues have in fact been decided since 2008. The Pope is not obligated to inform you and neither am I, but as you raise the specter of some purported Holy War based on material interests that do not in fact exist, I am fully informing you and your cohorts in the District. We concluded negotiations with the Holy See regarding these ownership and control issues in 2008 with the blessings of Pope Benedict XVI acting in his Secular Role as Pontiff and countersigned in his Sacred Role as Pope. This resulted in both treaty and contract, on the land and soil, and in the air. In the words of our beloved Teacher, "It is finished."
The 2008 Accord was given over seven (7) years Due Process and Notice on a worldwide basis and I and my 900 assistants have literally thousands of pieces of registered mail and correspondence proving that this service was done and that both Principals and Agents were served throughout the World Trust bureaucracy and throughout the Roman Catholic and Protestant Church hierarchies. The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury have both received regular and faithful updates by mail and by email regarding the process of these activities for twenty-plus years and H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, the chief officer of the Vatican Chancery Court has also been continuously and fully informed since the completion of the determinations which culminated in the 2010 Postal Treaty of the Americas, the April 2014 Final Judgment and Civil Orders and the 2015 Sovereign Letters Patent.
Now, do you and your associates in The Ecumenical Council of Columbia have a word left to say for yourselves?
We have done our Due Diligence in all venues and absolutely all questions related to our position have been fully established and published now for nearly eight years. All required Notice periods have timed out and nobody can complain of any deceit or injustice or lack of Due Process. The Holy See knows and agrees and has the records of our ownership of the cadastral survey worldwide. It is also known and agreed that the bulk of the world's gold, silver, and other assets belong in fact to us. We are the Donors. And the Vatican Chancery Court has affirmed my standing.
What, exactly, did you think you were going to do? Claim this country and this world, plus the solar system, without us speaking up? Without us enforcing our contracts and treaties? Without us tending our business? Did you think that we had all fallen asleep so that you could sneak in the back door and raise some kind of pirate flag and take over? Call yourself the Devil one day and the only Son of God the next?
Thank the True God that Pope Benedict XVI was still alive and functioning and competent to do what had to be done, and that we were still awake and aware of who we are and enabled to bring forward our interests in a competent fashion.
And now, I have some questions myself. Who in the Hell do you and your cohorts think you are? You, yourself, are a Martian refugee with absolutely no standing here. None. What makes you and your Princess Gaia Sophia, think that you have any material, energetic, or spiritual ownership interest in this planet or the people here? We took you in after you bungled up and destroyed your home planet and this is how you propose to repay us? By bungling up and destroying ours? Making a bunch of insupportable claims and allying yourselves with the Saturnine Brotherhood in hopes of killing off Mankind?
Not on my watch, Johnny Boy.
And exactly what do you have to complain about? Any of you?
Because of what we have done and established, the world will be made new and righteous order re-established. People will own their own land outright in absolute fee simple again. All the phony "national debts" will be cancelled out. All the punitive phony mortgages and endless taxes will be lifted from the backs of the poor. The repugnant black market trading in bodies and souls will be stopped. There will no longer be first-second and third-class "citizenships". No 80 million statutes, rules, regulations, and codes to follow. No commodity rigging used to artificially obstruct trade and to expedite economic control and racketeering and price fixing. No more mercenary wars. No more bondage. No more enslavement in any jurisdiction whatsoever. There will be prepaid credit issued to the victims of The Great Fraud. There will be an end to politics and to politicized "science". People in the undeveloped world will have roads and bridges and water wells, food and energy and access to bank services and electrical power and competent, caring health services. The Earth itself will bloom anew and be restored.
What right or reason do any of you have to object to any of this? How are you being harmed so that you have any capacity to complain and say this injures you? And what interest do you have in promoting falsehood anymore? Have you not heard that the appointed punishment of "the Devil" and his progeny was to teach God's Children to discern the difference between Truth and Falsehood? And do you not realize that that job is now done?

It really frosts my cake that you are all showing up here at the last moment, bitching and griping that I am somehow delaying the settlement of all these issues, when in fact, I am the one who has thus far prosecuted all of them to a happy conclusion and when I have no interest whatsoever in delaying the rewards of all this work for myself or anyone else.


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  1. Can some references be given about the ecumenical Council of Columbia”? I can’t find any information about it.

    1. its probably more FICTION!
      FICTION is LIES!

      I keep telling ya'll guys they are making this schtuff up!
      its IMAGINARY!
      just guessing: its likely that its somehow tied to some kind of "military psyoppy-type thing" where they try to find put the gullibility rate of the people; what percentages of the population they could get to believe certain bullsh!t they make up and so on.

      • theres no The United States of America FEDERATION either!
      • theres no Declaration of Independence in September either.
      • theres no valid and lawfully ratified U. S. Constitution over the people
      • theres no Debt owed by the people.

      its a big FICTION = LIE.

    2. So you might agree that when you need 1800-2000 green FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES TO GET A SINGLE LAWFUL FIFTY DOLLAR GOLD COIN, something is some what odd/wrong. OOOPS are you awake yet?

  2. In the entire history of the Catholic Church I find no Council of Columbia. It's and invention of this John guy.

  3. You are an angel Anna, God bless you & your team.

    1. blue diamond,
      paul just posted above that no Council of Columbia exists in the Catholic Church.
      do you understand what annavonink is referring to then?
      if so, would you mind sharing that info?
      thank you.

  4. It’s hard to act on behalf of an organization with no accountability.
