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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Pennsylvania State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election Today Nov. 25th

Important Situation Update reports for Nov. 24th, 23rd and 21st – plus a new interview with General Thomas McInerney

America’s Critical Point in Time

 The decades-long communist assault on America is reaching a climax

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

From its founding up to the present, the United States of America has represented a beacon of light that has shone forth, with religious freedom and freedom of speech not witnessed in other parts of the world.

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.

Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.

Read the entire article here:

Trump legal advisor announces new election fraud litigation in Georgia

Group Files Emergency Petition in Wisconsin After Identifying 144,000 Potentially Fraudulent Ballots

President Trump pardons Michael Flynn

Communist China --- The Last Bastion of Freedom?

 By Anna Von Reitz

It sounds preposterous, I know. The whole concept seems impossibly converted, and yet, we are living in a world where black is white and up is down. I've learned something odd about this odd world, and it's time to share it on.
The Chinese never sold their people as "assets" to the central bankers.
FDR sold the Municipal citizens of the United States back in 1933. Hardly anyone knew this at the time. Except for a scant mention in his First Inaugural Speech, even the victims were given no notice.
And from there, by an unlawful, foreign, and undisclosed process of "assumption" the bankers and their minions wiggled forward year by year, kidnapping and conscripting more and more Americans under color of law, until there was hardly anyone (when we started) who was claiming their birthright political status anymore-- according to them.
And that meant they owned us. That meant they would loan the rats in Washington, DC, more credit based on the value of our labor and our private property holdings. And we would live our lives as slaves and never even know that our homes and farms and businesses were no longer our own. Our lives were no longer our own. Our labor was no longer our own.
Because our purported Masters in DC sold us as slaves to the central banks as the assets backing their debts.
But China never did that, China, poor as it was, turned away from this betrayal of their people and was not impressed by the banker's song and dance of money made out of thin air, backed, of course, by the labor and possessions of other people.
And that is why China is such a plum. And that is why, now that the birth certificate fraud has been discovered, the bankers and politicians are so anxious to find a new means to claim ownership of you and your assets --- by injecting patented mRNA into your genome and "converting" you into a "GMO product".
I want to retch. But more importantly, I want those bankers and the corporations supporting their bid to do this, recognized as international criminals. I want the audacity and criminality of what they are proposing to do to be recognized worldwide. And I want these criminals not only stopped dead in their tracks, I want them in jail. Now.
But it is up to you, too. It's up to all of you to wake up. It's up to the Chinese to realize that they have been targeted and why. It's up to Americans to wake up and realize what these rats are proposing to do under cover of a health emergency---- and why.
The death tolls from respiratory illness this last year are more or less the same as all other years. Look at the facts. Look at the numbers.

You have to shake these vermin off your shoulders. You have to wake up. We are already living in a world where Communist China is the last major free nation. And if we don't want to go down the drain with a flourish, it's time to change the patent laws and hold the corporations and the banks accountable.


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Was George Soros ARRESTED for election interference?

Pointless Slander and Lies

 By Anna Von Reitz

There has recently been a rash of ugly, untrue, and pointless slander on the internet concerning me and my husband---- most of it being spread by the shadowy offshore "Reign of the Heavens Society"--- a group of quasi-religious nutcases who think they own this country because they bought some memorabilia at a Naval Yard Auction.
No, I am not a murderer. My husband is not a convicted rapist and human rights violator. These accusations smack of the same kind of drivel as the IRS Masterfile which has me down as running a rum distillery in Barbados and has him selling guns in South America.
And what's the point? Even if all the crap they spin were 100% true, my husband would still be the Hereditary Head of State for this country.
All the government officials and employees are "sailing" under his trademarks and under his Great Seals and they are still sailing in his paper ships called corporations in both international and global jurisdiction.
I have said it once and will say it again: to conduct official business in international and global business back in the 1700's you had to have sovereign standing.
The Belchers had sovereign standing because of the Norman Conquest. They agreed with the philosophy of the Founding Fathers and did two things for this fledgling country:
(1) They acted as the sovereign in international and global jurisdiction and issued the trademarks, patents, and Seals necessary.
(2) They did for this country what their ancestor, William the Conqueror, did for them: declared that every man who fought in the Continental Army, and everyone who would be born on our soil in the future, would be a "sovereign in their own right".
My husband's position as the Hereditary Head of State is a safeguard in the event, as has indeed happened, that the government of the people would be seduced and overcome by guile, and placed into such a position as it could not operate without our assistance.
It was with the greatest reluctance that he, an artist, ever stepped forward and issued the order to convene the State Assemblies. He has less than no interest in political matters or political power, and was well-aware that he might be risking his own life and the lives of his family in order to do it.
He is motivated by nothing more or less than love of freedom and love of country and love of his fellow man. He does not wish to see the world overcome by Corporate Feudalism and all that that entails.

Everyone reading this needs to check their own best interests and realize that literally being ruled over by nameless, faceless, inhuman business conglomerates is not a future worthy of mankind and not likely to be a life worth living.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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The Brits Again -- Monotonous, Isn't It?

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are over 200 known and separate strains of coronavirus, which is associated with influenza, otherwise known as a common cold.
The specific variety from which the still-unidentifiable and un-isolated Covid-19 virus purportedly derives is patented by the British Pirbright Institute and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Oh, go figure. Again.
Meantime, many Americans are just now waking up to the following facts:
1. The CDC and NIH are not government institutions. Both are private entities that are in the business of producing and profiting from vaccines. Both compete for government contracts to carry out research and do statistical analysis, but they are not part of the government.
2. There is no provision in any Federal or State-of-State Constitution authorizing any government official to mandate anything at all about our health or medical options. Their only power is over their own employees and dependents as a condition of employment or of receiving benefits.
3. Forced vaccination is banned under the Nuremberg Code, Article 6, Sections 1 and 3, and anyone involved in a forced vaccination program is liable.
4. There is nobody responsible for harm caused by a vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies have been off the hook since the 1980's and the governmental services corporations that accepted the liability for them are bankrupt. There remains an industry-funded "Vaccine Court" but it has a reputation for protecting the industry.
5. Pushing any form of mask mandate or forced vaccination program on the General Public under color of law is a crime of constructive fraud.
6. Any publicly organized corporation (holding a charter or articles of incorporation from the United States Government or from any State-of-State franchise) is obligated to obey the Public Law, including the Constitutions, and cannot assume rights or authorities depriving any member of the General Public of any right guaranteed by the Constitutions or Public Laws -- including the right of privacy, religious freedom, and self-determination.
7. "My body, my choice." applies to more than just abortions.

8. If someone doesn't have the right to make you brush your teeth, they don't have the right to make you stay home and wear a mask. Contrary to what some people and corporations have been assuming, we don't live in a Nanny State.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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Sidney Powell promises “Biblical” lawsuit coming in vote fraud cases as she accused Georgia governor of corrupt deal with Dominion

An Explanation for the World

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have to deal with the corporations because that is how the Pope and the Queen decided to structure their business operations in this country back in the 1860-70's.
The Queen and the Pope and the Lord Mayor are our Subcontractors. They set up the corporations as THEIR Subcontractors. And their corporations then hired subcontractors of their own --- all the departments and agencies and their subcontractors, too.
That means that when they, the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor all bankrupt THEIR subcontracting corporations and cause all this turmoil, we have to sort through THEIR mess and deal with THEIR corporate personnel.
There are two giant governmental services corporations involved. The UNITED STATES, INC. and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc. The UNITED STATES, INC. has been liquidated in involuntary bankruptcy, with the result that there is no longer an office of "President of the United States". They have tried to reboot a new municipal corporation to replace the UNITED STATES, INC. and act as a Successor to the contract established by The Constitution of the United States, but we have declined the option to accept that Successor to Contract.
If the Pope wants to continue to do business here there has to be a meeting of the minds and a renegotiation with us, The United States of America [Unincorporated]. The Municipal Subcontractors have gone wildly astray from their constitutional limitations and duties and have been running roughshod over their Employers. That has to end and all the Municipal Corporations that have been created and allowed to operate unlawfully have to be restructured and redirected.
Biden is a money-launderer and racketeer on a very large scale and he never keeps his word about anything. It's impossible to work with someone like that, because they are constantly changing tracks, altering plans, and seeking some advantage for themselves or their cronies instead of attending to the actual business at hand.
He may or may not have been elected to the office of "President of the United States" but that is a moot point, because as I pointed out, the office no longer exists because the UNITED STATES, INC. no longer exists, and there is equally no point in trying to front some new Municipal Corporation to act as Successor and try to say that Biden is "President" of that new would-be Successor organization, because that Successor doesn't have a contract with us and we are not assuming any contract with it.
This is just business.
Imagine that you have a contract with XYZ Snow Removal Company, Inc. and they go bankrupt. When they go bankrupt, another corporation that owns XYZ's debts, call it--- Big Snow Removal, Inc., comes in and takes over the materials and equipment and personnel of XYZ, and shows up at your door and starts shoveling.
At that point, you have the right to say, "Hey, who are you? I don't have a contract with Big Snow Removal, Inc. and I am not assuming a Successor contract."
That's what we just did. We very clearly stood in our proper capacity as The United States of America and said, "Hey, we don't have a contract with this new Successor organization and we aren't assuming any contract with it."
There has to be a renegotiation with us to continue. The municipal corporations can't just "roll it over" and keep on skating.
We particularly object to all attempts by all Parties to inject anyone with patented mRNA and thereby claim that they have created a new GMO "product" subject to their claims of ownership. We will liquidate any corporation caught in any such scheme, jail their Board of Directors, and hold their corporation officers accountable, too.
We are going to stop now and review the way this whole operation has been running and who is running it. We have a right to pull the other Principals -- the Pope, in this case, back to the table, and force the discussion, just as you would have the right to contact Big Snow Removal, Inc. and decide whether or not you wanted to contract with them for snow removal services, or find some other vendor to replace XYZ Snow Removal Company, Inc.
Meanwhile, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc., is in Chapter 11 Reorganization, and we are their Primary Creditors. We, not the Bankruptcy Trustees, hold the key to their fate. Accordingly, we, their Priority Creditors, have directed the Bankruptcy Trustees to set aside enough of the debt of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to pull it out of bankruptcy and enable Mr. Trump to resume command as the President of the United States of America, obligated to operate under The Constitution of the United States of America. We did this to maintain defensive capability and to provide a familiar service interface for the American People while we sort this Mess out.
Again, this is just business. We can't have both subcontractors up for grabs at the same time, and while we are very disappointed with Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and the puerile vote tampering he and his cohorts at MI6 and in the CIA have engaged in, we are confident that we can work with the Trump Administration to make the necessary changes in policy and administration, including liquidation of the offending agencies, re-tasking various other subcontractors like the Internal Revenue Service, and thereby accomplishing a long-overdue house-cleaning of the Territorial Government and its functions, too.
As I observed, Mr. Trump did "declare war" --- commercial war --- and within the structure of the Territorial Government, it takes three Army Officers to form a Tribunal competent to jail or execute traitors to this country. We are not as short of judicial capability as it might at first appear. And our Army is capable of operating as a voluntary force, in the event of any foot-dragging on the part of the Trustees.
The League of Nations and the United Nations organizations are both called upon to put an end to the madness that has been caused by misadministration of these various governmental services corporations, including the UN CORP which has been among the most corrupt offenders. George Soros has been a particular nuisance.
We are well-aware of the Vichy French origins of the UN CORP and disapprove of its unlawful operations around the world and the again, dishonest and irresponsible activities of its members and officers seeking to set up a phony "Communist" threat in order to justify its own ambitions advancing a Fascist form of Corporate Feudalism to overtake free society in the Western World.
It is blindingly apparent that British Corporations and European banks have been using China as a means of money laundering and extortion and kickbacks to politicians like Biden and Gavin Newsom. It is also apparent that the so-called "US Trade Deficit" with China is a chimera caused by money laundering and embezzlement on both ends of the commodity pipeline involved, supplemented and "greased" by counterfeiting operations master-minded by British and Canadian Ops set up in British Columbia.
We are not amused.
All the corporation bosses worldwide need to take note that the actual Government of this country is now in Session. The actual Governments of all your countries will be in Session soon. It is time to get back in your boxes, shut down these criminal usurpations against your employers, and straighten up the Money Mess, including the counterfeiting of Federal Reserve Notes and the MERS/BEAST mortgage system.

Mr. Trump may not be the poster boy everyone wants, but at least he does keep his word.


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