Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Again: there is no school shootings epidemic

Again: there is no school shootings epidemic
The media had a field day with the anti-gun protest on the Washington Mall over the weekend. As much as the visuals lent themselves to televsion, and the rhetoric confirmed the biases of many of those covering the event, the hard truth is the speakers were long on emotion, and short on facts.
The most relevant fact: there is no epidemic of school shootings(link is external), and gun violence is in a years-long decline. In short, anti-gun activists are much so, that even New York Magazine had to take notice:
In the immediate aftermath of the Parkland shooting, progressive activists and commentators (including this one) repeatedly claimed that there had been 18 school shootings since the start of this year. This proved to be a gross exaggeration. In reality, according to new research from Northeastern University, there have been a grand total of eight mass shootings (shootings that kill at least four people) at K-through-12 schools in the United States since 1996. Meanwhile, over the past 20 years, the number of fatal shootings in American schools (of any kind) has plummeted.
If mass school shootings were the only form of gun violence in the United States, the case for treating the regulation of firearms as a pressing policy issue would actually be fairly weak. For the past quarter-century, there has been an average of one mass murder (a killing of four or more people committed with any weapon, as opposed to just firearms) in an American school each year. Every one of those atrocities is a blight on humanity. But it is nearly impossible to design a policy that can bring the incidence of an already exceptionally rare crime down to zero — and given the inherently limited nature of legislative time and resources, it would make little sense to prioritize such a marginal and difficult issue over public health challenges that kill exponentially more people.

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Simplest Outline

By Anna Von Reitz

Even after the publication of America:Some Assembly Required, I keep getting long diatribes from patriots who have discovered some part of the "elephant" and still don't get the big picture. For those who still need to know, I am publishing this simple outline showing the way our government is supposed to be structured:
The People (the Militia)
delegate power to:
The Counties
delegate power to:
The States
delegate power to:
The United States of America (Unincorporated)
delegates power to
The States of America (Unincorporated)
delegates power to:
National-level States of State
delegates power to:
Territorial United States
delegates power to:
Municipal United States
Thanks to criminal mis-representation and mis-administration, Breach of Trust and breach of commercial contract and overall constructive fraud, this structure has been turned upside down, with the Municipal United States lording it over all the other levels of government in reverse:
Municipal United States
by appointment exercises the powers of
Territorial United States
replaces National States of States with Territorial States of States
National States of State
mothballed and redefined as State Trusts, e.g., Georgia State
States of America (Confederation of States)
torn apart by "Reconstruction" and not allowed to reform
The United States of America (Unincorporated) (Federation of States) ignored and by-passed by its employees
States dba Florida, Georgia, Texas, etc., similarly by-passed
Counties redefined as federal corporate franchises owned by the Territorial States of States
People redefined as federal corporate franchises owned by the Municipal STATES OF STATES.

Good Friday

By Anna Von Reitz

Things are always strange on Good Friday.  All over the world, Stigmatics are suffering.  Strange wounds appear on their flesh.  They experience in real time the agony of crucifixion.  This happens to them every year.  Of course, they know the story.  In some sense, they know why it happens: it's because the countenance of Jesus is lifted up on them. They take on His Image and share in His suffering. 

Stigmatics have been studied for hundreds of years.  They have been subjected to all sorts of mental and physical tests, discounted as "hysterics" and venerated at the same time.  Most of them are perfectly normal people, except that they carry enigmatic scars--- tiny scars on their foreheads, larger scars on their hands and wrists and feet and ankles, and a large scar like a knife scar on their sides. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Vengeance of the Lord Has Come

By Anna Von Reitz

Last night Our Father appeared to me in the guise of a young man.  He took me to a place where they were torturing and murdering a child.  This I was forced to watch for a few seconds before He turned me away and said to me, "The vengeance of the Lord has come.  Because they have done these things, I shall cause them pain in their minds and hearts, so that they run mad in the streets and claw at themselves like animals--- but, lo!  They cannot die!

They will throw themselves from the cliffs and drown themselves in the sea, yet find no relief, and in the end, when they have known every pain that they have caused, they shall be burned to plasma ash (reduced to hydrogen atoms). No record of them shall be kept. It will be as if they never were. Even I will not remember them or call their names anymore."

I answered, "The vengeance of the Lord has come. Selah!"

He placed His hand over my eyes and faded the memory of what I had seen to make it bearable for me....

Fun Facts to Know and Remember

By Anna Von Reitz

Fun Facts to Know and Remember
1. The rats have amassed unimaginable amounts of money.
2. That money actually belongs to you and to other innocent people worldwide that they have defrauded.
3. They have attempted to claim that you are "lost at sea".
4. Based on that Bushwah, they attempted to claim your entire country was "abandoned" and open for them to claim.
5. There is no reason for anyone to ever suffer any lack.
6. There is no reason for anyone to ever be taxed.
7. This entire Mess is the result of greed and criminality at the highest levels of the Church and the world governments.
8. The banks are trying every trick to hold onto assets that depositors left with them in good faith-- again, using bogus claims of "abandonment".

The Principles of Hell

By Anna Von Reitz

Throughout this education we have to observe the principle of duality at work and what these Satanists are actually doing. 

The fundamental stock-in-trade that they push is confusion. 

They confuse identities, names, words, institutions, persons, even countries via deceits of various kinds.

This earned them the name "Masters of Confusion" in the 16th Century and "Masters of Deceit" in the 17th Century. 

Whatever you are and whatever you do, they will "mirror" it, so that it takes real discernment to be able to tell the difference between the actual factual subject and the illusion that they have created to confuse and defraud you. 

In the course of our research we have found endless examples of this deliberate practice of falsification and fraud using similar names deceits, similar abbreviations deceits, euphemisms, and other verbal and material constructive fraud. 

Here are some tip of the iceberg examples:

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Repeal of the 2nd Amendment would not Abolish any Right

Following the recent school shooting in Connecticut, American citizens have once again displayed their total ignorance concerning the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Second Amendment. Facebook postings, comments to so-called news articles and letters to the editor are calling for repeal of the Second Amendment. These individuals believe the right to own a firearm is based on the Second Amendment and the right will vanish if the Amendment can be repealed. Unless the Second Amendment created the right, then repeal of the Amendment cannot constitutionally abolish the right.
Following the Federal [Constitutional] Convention of 1787 and the subsequent ratification of the Constitution in 1788, the several States began submitting amendments to Congress for consideration. By September of 1789, Congress had reduced approximately 210 separate amendments to 12. The amendments were inserted into a congressional resolution and submitted to the several States for consideration. Of these, numbers 2-12 were ratified by the States in 1791 and became the so-called Bill of Rights.
A little known fact about this resolution is that it contained a preamble declaring the purpose of the proposed amendments. Most modern editions of the Bill of Rights either do not contain the preamble or only include the last paragraph. The most important paragraph is the first one because it discloses the intent of the proposed amendments.
A review of this paragraph shows that the sole purpose of the proposed amendments was to prevent the federal government from “misconstruing or abusing its powers.” To accomplish this, “further declaratory and restrictive clauses” were being proposed. The amendments, if adopted, would place additional restraints or limitations on the powers of the federal government to prevent that government from usurping its constitutional powers. Every clause of the Bill of Rights, without exception, is either a declaratory statement or a restrictive provision.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Principles of Heaven

By Anna Von Reitz

1. The Central Banks belong to us, just like all the incorporated Territorial and Municipal Governments and their franchises belong to us. 
2.  This happened because the rats were abusing our delegated powers for their own benefit, not because they intended to benefit us or honor our interests.
3.  They intended to roll everything up in one big Ball of Wax and claim it all as abandoned property---thereby securing a permanent worldwide private hegemony owned and operated by them: a "new world government"---which would have been the old feudal monarchist system only ten times worse.
4.  We woke up in time and claimed it all back instead. This was not accomplished by the wisdom of men, but by the Holy Spirit working in us.
5.  We also located (and secured) the evidence to prove how this was done and identify the parties responsible.  
6.  Now the banks are more than ever motivated to wash their hands and avoid culpability for all this.
7.   The effort to "offset liability" has been ongoing for several decades and various means have been offered -- the appointment of various "M1s" like Ferdinand Marcos, the "Committee of 300", the "Spiritual White Boy Accounts", the Global Debt Facility, and more recently, the "Chinese Elders". 
8.   We have poo-poohed all of it because it is just more smoke and mirrors.
9.   Our opinion is important, because we literally own all of it, including the Central Banks.
10.  Now, instead of the Chinese Elders, they are offering to set up the American Indian Elders as the "Drop Box" --- that is, the Third Parties holding all our assets "in trust" and managing our business for us. 


Land and Sea -- Peacekeepers and Law Enforcement, Continental Marshals and US Marshals.... ???

By Anna Von Reitz

Almost every country on Earth has land jurisdiction and sea jurisdiction related to it. The exceptions are a very few landlocked countries, and even they have agreements to use the ports of other countries and conduct business "at sea".
Land and Sea....two different jurisdictions. One that is unincorporated (land) and one that is incorporated (sea).
Peacekeeping Officers --- Sheriffs and Deputies of the unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction Counties operate in international and sovereign capacity, like their forefathers in the Old West. They enforce the Public Law within the borders of their Counties, including the guarantees of the Constitutions owed to the states and the people. They are the highest ranking Law Officers in the County by far. Like all land jurisdiction judges (properly called Justices of the Peace) they take a Public Oath of Office which does not include any reference to God. This is because under Constitutional Government, the separation of Church and State is observed in America. These men and women work directly for the people of this country and exercise the American Common Law in their behalf. They are elected by people who have reclaimed their birthright political status. The elections are conducted via paper balloting and advertised for at least 30 days prior to Election Day. Most actual Sheriffs serve a term of at least two years and many serve for four years. Land jurisdiction Sheriffs have the ability to deputize as many "deputies" as they need to accomplish the functions of their office.

Only Nine (9) to Go!

By Anna Von Reitz

I mentioned yesterday that when the so-called Civil War began in 1860 there were only 37 states enrolled in the Union. Most of what we think of as the Western States were still being populated and were in territorial status at the time, and Alaska and Hawaii were not even close to being on the radar for statehood.
So, given the situation we now know existed after the "Civil War" with the British Territorial United States pulling its fraud and Breach of Trust --- where did it leave those states?

You may have noticed we have been away from the office this weekend.

I would like to explain why I have not been publishing this weekend, or "minding the store" so to speak.

Saturday night, when we were getting ready for bed, Gladys, my wife for 48 years, had a fall and broke her left hip. We went to the emergency room in the Whitefish hospital about an hour from here, and by noon on Sunday she had a complete hip replacement surgery.

We are back home now and she is on her way to recovery. She is walking with a cane, and not in a lot of pain, which is amazing considering what happened and when it happened.

In any case, we had good insurance for the medical, like hospital and doctor, with a low deductible.

I think the only things it doesn't cover is meds, and travel back and forth to the doctor for follow up visits.

We don't have anyone helping so I have to care for her, and might be a little slower in publishing Anna's articles for a week or two until she can move around a little better. She has to be real careful and I am doing her chores, but we are happy with the way everything is going.

This could have been a lot worse. Since Gladys, at 67, is in near perfect health according to all the tests she had, the doctor said it's one of the easiest operations he has done, and he does almost 150 of these every year.

Thanks for your patience and your prayers, and thank God for big favors, and little ones too.

Please know we are praying for you all as well.

Paul Stramer

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Song Lyrics That Tell the Story....

By Anna Von Reitz

"Welcome to the Hotel California... you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave....."
Zombie-like damned souls check into the "hotel" and are trapped there forever. Sound and feel familiar? There's a reason. That's your condition prior to waking up and figuring out what the advertising agencies and your public servants have been up to behind your backs.
They've checked you into the Hotel California and left you there with the television on, indoctrinating you with "need the government" and "be afraid" and "eat more" and "buy more" propaganda on all channels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There's also a bar and a 24-hour pharmacy, and you are cordially invited to just stay there forever and drink and drug yourselves into a pile of mindless mush, so subject to your behavioral conditioning that you salivate like Pavlov's dog when you see a hamburger on the TV screen.
Cure? Turn the television off. Make conscious choices about what you watch and what you listen to and become critical of the "news" you are being fed.
Do the TV Test if you don't believe me. Divide a piece of paper into four columns. Label the top of each column with these words: Sex, Death, Sex & Death, and Other Useless Stuff. Then listen to the "Evening News" and make a hatch mark after each story you hear in the column that best describes the content.
What you will soon discover is that most of what masquerades as news falls in the first three categories, and also, that most of it has no possible practical connection to your life, so is of no use to you. So why are you listening to the crap? Do you enjoy feeling depressed, afraid, and helpless?

Alaska Assembling

By Anna Von Reitz

Thank you for the kind words of support.  It is often a lonely battle at the start when you set out to "change the world"--- but very gradually, over the course of many years, others begin to see what you see, and as they do, it's like the process of wood catching fire..... first a spark, then an ember, and then a flame.  

What my blessing has been is first of all to have been lucky enough to have good teachers in school and out; without them, I wouldn't have been able to grasp the evidence and find the material.  The second great blessing has been the many older researchers who were on this path before me--- Howard Freeman, Jean Keating, the Informer, Mary Croft, Lysander Spooner, Douglas MacArthur-----so many, many great Americans who "saw part of the elephant" and described it from one or more perspectives, so that I, coming along a few years or decades later, was able to piece together the whole picture and actually describe the Great Fraud in a logical and documented way. 

It's the logic of it as much as the documentation that gets people in the end.  They begin to see what is in front of their faces and also what isn't there that should be, if what they are being told in the public schools is true, complete, and correct.  

Sometimes it is just a single thing that sets them off and sends them down the rabbit trail.  

I know that my journey began with just such a single incident and I still remember precisely what it was.  I was home from school for some reason, probably had the flu, and I was watching the confirmation hearings of Nelson D. Rockefeller as Gerald Ford's Vice- President on television.   Nelson D. was asked how much money he made the prior year?  He answered something outrageous like four hundred and eighty million in personal income.  Then he was asked how much money he paid in federal taxes?  And he answered----none.  After some gasping, the question was rephrased and asked again--- are we to understand that you had 480 million in personal income and you paid no federal income taxes?  Nelson D. bridled up and said something like, that's correct. None. 

And then they just went on as if nothing had happened, but something had happened.  A teenager in the Midwest had had a glimpse of the underbelly of federal fraud and a question had arisen in my mind ---- what did Nelson D. Rockefeller know that I didn't?

Friday, March 23, 2018

Why Trump Signed the Budget

By Anna Von Reitz

The only Office that President Trump now has that is fully empowered, is the same Office that Abraham Lincoln held: Commander in Chief.  And like Lincoln, he is presiding over a bankrupt government entity in receivership to foreign banks, which are actually Secondary Creditors that shouldn't be naming the Bankruptcy Trustees. 

That's the facts, Ma'am.  

If Trump hadn't signed the smoking pile of Pork Barrel perks and placed the Territorial United States more than another trillion in debt, the military wouldn't have been funded and there is no telling how long it would have taken for the members of this Nasty Congress to gather the votes to either override his veto or support a new budget offer.  

Fancy a month or two with no military?

Big Picture

By Anna Von Reitz

The British-backed 1860's to 1930's and French-backed 1946 onward "Territorial United States" is now and has always been foreign with respect to us. Foreign. FOREIGN! Stop and look hard at that word: they are foreign with respect to us!
I can't repeat this loud enough or long enough or in enough ways to get that through people's heads and get them to separate their lawful government from the foreign governments that administer the "delegated services" for us.
We are not naturally subject to any of the Executive Orders and other Territorial laws that apply to their citizens, in the same way that we are not subject to Canadian law or Spanish law, yet their domestic Territorial laws are being misapplied to us because we are not asserting our actual political status and because they have painstakingly falsified the public records pertaining to each one of us to make it appear that we are Territorial and/or Municipal United States employees or dependents.
Can J.C. PENNY require its employees to wear a uniform? Of course. Can they require you to wear a uniform? Of course not. Can the Territorial United States enact gun laws and confiscate guns belonging to their citizens?


By Anna Von Reitz

A lot of people are getting confused by reading old articles and trying to follow along. For example, I originally suggested sending Authenticated Birth Certificates to the Secretary of the Treasury because we were trying to help expedite processing ahead of a looming deadline. Well, the deadline is past, and there is no reason to provide Authenticated Birth Certificates to Mnuchin anymore. Just send regular old BC's and let the Treasury officials work out the rest.

Keep your Authenticated Birth Certificates for your own records.
These unambiguously establish your Priority Creditor status for the courts or anyone else who cares to ask. Remember that Mnuchin has no money to dispense and that at best he can get your property transferred out of THEIR bankruptcies, which is the real point of the exercise.

Making Sense of the World - Update March 23, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

The central point to keep in mind is that the Powers That Were are scrambling like roaches hit with a bright light because after six generations, we are waking up and realizing what was done to us --- and who did it. 

The Queen and her brood going back to 1822 and the former Popes ---Benedict XVI and Francis excluded because they accepted responsibility and corrected the operations they inherited--- are the primary Bad Actors.  

Things went South in Britain in the 1860's after Prince Albert died and Benjamin Disraeli convinced Queen Victoria to finance the Raj in India by selling out her own people at home.  From there, the same evil "System" of corporate enfranchisement was used throughout the Commonwealth and eventually throughout the world. 

National Governments were eaten away from within by this silent maggot-like fraud scheme, until only the shells were left and only "the appearance" of justice.  The so-called "military industrial complex" had found a new backdoor into our wallets and the flowering of a new brand of commercial feudalism was the result-- a form of feudalism ten times worse than the serfdom of the Middle Ages. 

Now the promoters of this System are caught, red-handed, their criminality and fraud exposed for all the world to see and we are witnessing exactly what you would expect: 

Anna now accepts Bitcoin on the website.

We have added the following Bitcoin address to so you can support her work and that of the Living Law Firm directly.

Look toward the bottom of the website for  this announcement.

If you wish to support Anna and the Living Law Firm with Bitcoin directly for their legal work, research, filings, both nationally and internationally you can now send Bitcoin and only Bitcoin to the following address.

Bitcoin Only: 13ZknfnxjAZaqtoavXPd2mtRuX2MovRTDL 

Please only send Bitcoin to this address. If you send any other crypto to this address it will be lost permanently.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Banking for Bankers

By Anna Von Reitz

More than a year ago, I declared the beginning of the long-promised Thousand Years of Peace.  I delivered the Payment Bond and the Bills of Lading to the Vatican Chancery Court.  A Year and a Day later, on January 7, 2018, the Final Transaction Cured and, not coincidentally, the Age of Aquarius officially began. As a further result, the Draconian Law was set aside and the Aquarian Law of Love and Balance was declared.

Now, to some of you, this sounds very foreign and "airy-fairy" and you must be wondering--- "What's wrong with Grandma?  Has she gone soft in the head? Fallen for all this New Age garbage?"

The Turning of the Seasons and the Tides

By Anna Von Reitz

Word is beginning to dribble in from all around the country of court victories and banks giving up and releasing foreclosure claims against Americans. 
There is still a great deal to be settled, and still some great injustices being perpetrated, but the tides are turning in favor of the "little people" --- and I am not talking about Leprechauns--- who have taken my advice to heart:

1. Mandatory FSIA Notice;
2. Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Re-Conveyance of Deed (which includes claim to your Trade Name and all derivative NAMES and declaration of their permanent domicile on the land and soil of (California, Wisconsin, et alia);
3. Act of Expatriation making it clear and explicit that you foreswear any Territorial United States or Municipal United States citizenship;
4. Common Law Certificate of Assumed Name

I do not want to be inundated with questions about recovery of homes and farms and businesses that have already been taken illegally and unlawfully just yet, because I don't know the answers at this point. The bankers and politicians have created an immense backlog of injustice and loss and not all of it can be simply "returned". There isn't enough Title Insurance in the world to compensate everyone who has been harmed.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Problem and the Solution

By Anna Von Reitz

The Problem
Today, each baby is born into debt slavery.   This debt is attached to him via undisclosed commercial contracts which convert the living child into a human chattel asset backing the debts of governments.
This system is set up so that the debts accrued can never equal the debts repaid.
That is, even if you pay all that you owe, there will still be interest to be paid on this debt when you die.
This debt will be passed on to the next generation.
This creates a perpetual Debt Ponzi Scheme.
Instead of money, each new participant contributes a share of debt to the pyramid. 
With each new generation this odious debt increases and more and more of the world’s wealth is controlled by fewer and fewer people.
These controllers are middlemen.
This is because on the opposite side of the ledger in such a system, the debtors are also the creditors; if it were not for the middlemen, the bankers and fund managers standing in the way, this would be apparent to everyone and we could all have a good laugh.
The Problem turns out to be ignorance and dishonest bookkeeping.
When we use actual commodities as money instead of debt, the debt pyramid is eroded, but other problems rear their heads.
The use of a standard commodity, such as gold or silver, as money, creates a system of idolatry.
No matter how much of the commodity we amass, there is never enough.
Such a system is prone to manipulation by producers and hoarders of the standard commodity.

Good guy with a gun stops bad guy with a gun.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Fundamentals 3: Your Flags

By Anna Von Reitz

Every country on Earth has both a martial flag, otherwise known as a "war flag" and a civil flag known as a "peace flag".

They also have a military -- armed forces in charge of the war flag, and a civilian service --civilian government employees in charge of the peace flag.

In this country, "Old Glory", the "Stars and Stripes" is the war flag.  And the United States Civil Flag, the one with vertical stripes, is what it says it is--- the peacetime flag of the civil service.

In America, we are served by principle branches of military service: Army, Navy, Air Force, and US Marine Corps, plus other forces, like the National Guard, all of which fly the war flag, the Stars and Stripes, for obvious reasons. 

We are also supposed to have a federal civil service and that service is supposed to be flying the United States Civil Flag, a distinctively different version of our flag with vertical stripes-----but isn't.  Why not?

Passion Sundy -Fifth Sunday in Lent (Judica)

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

This Sunday, called Judica from the first word of the Introit, is also called Passion Sunday, because from this day the Church occupies herself exclusively with the contemplation of the passion and death of Christ. The pictures of Christ crucified are covered today in memory of his having hidden Himself from the Jews until His entrance into Jerusalem, no longer showing Himself in public. (John XI. 54.) In the Mass the Glory be to the Father, etc. is omitted, because in the person of Christ the Holy Trinity was dishonored. The psalm Judica is not said today, because on this day the high priests held council about our Lord, for which reason the Church in the name of the suffering Saviour uses these words at the Introit:
INTROIT Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man, for Thou art my God and my strength. Send forth thy light and thy truth: they have conducted me, and brought me unto thy holy hill, and into thy tabernacles. (Ps. XLII. 1. 3.)
COLLECT We beseech Thee, Almighty God, graciously to look upon Thy family; that by Thy bounty it may be governed in body, and by Thy protection be guarded in mind. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (Heb. IX. 11-15.) Brethren, Christ being come, a high-priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this creation, neither by the blood of goats or of calves, but by his own blood, entered once into the Holies, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and of oxen, and the ashes of an heifer being sprinkled, sanctify such as are defiled, to the cleansing of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who, by the Holy Ghost, offered himself without spot to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God? And therefore he is the Mediator of the new testament; that by means of his death, for the redemption of those trangressions which were under the former testament; they that are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Another Response to "Kim Possible" -- And Other Disney Characters

By Anna Von Reitz

My responses will be in plain old non-bold type like this, following Kim's screed in bold. 
It has been a while since we spoke. I could include your emails on here where you threatened me for refusing to issue bonds off inground assets in the United States to you (not the people) but I will not as there is nothing productive that will come of this other than showing people how negative you can be. Further, I was also forwarded emails from other associates totally unrelated to any dealings you and I have had with the same threats you made on their lives for not conforming to your wishes. I retained all this for my records just incase there was any thing “real” behind your threats.
Yes, it has been a while.  No loss so far as I can see.  You were tasked with a simple job--- release the assets back to the people those assets belong to, including Michael Young and the Athabascan nations he represents and me and my husband, who represent The United States of America (Unincorporated)-- a position we inherited and which has cost us nothing but expense and hard work and endangerment.  
Instead of doing your job, you've been playing "footsie" with all sorts of disreputable international thugs.  No wonder I am disgusted with you, when you try to sell off or give away in-ground mineral assets belonging to the American states and people, and specifically, assets belonging to American Indians, at the behest of the British Queen to the Chinese.  Shame on you.  You are mad at me, because I quashed the deal, but at least the American assets stayed in America in American hands because of me, not because of you. 
You and your friends are so ignorant about law that you don't know what an "Execution Order" related to a charge of fraud and grand larceny is-- a charge which the Secret Service is holding against your ex-boyfriend.  Just for your information, they brought the Order to me.  I had nothing to do with it.  And if you try to tell anyone competent in the Federal Service that an Execution Order related to fraud and larceny charges is a death threat, you will be laughed out of the room, probably out of the building and down the street.  
Maybe we should discuss the fraud by your associate Mr. Young and his attempts to assign these same assets over to the “Chinese Elders” both in Las Vegas in August of 2017 and on his trip to China only just a few months ago when he called me asking for codes/assignments. (Yes I still have a copy of all those text messages). Why you expect me to help he/you/Bank of Dene assign inground assets to the “Chinese Elders” to the tune of 14 Trillion or some crazy amount? These are inground assets in America. The answer was no, so go ahead and slander away I do not care. I did the right thing, and have all this in writing from the two of you.

Fundamentals 2: Are You a Citizen?

By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday I had another hard knock.  A reader writing from Wyoming, was upset because the State of Wyoming Supreme Court had denied the sovereignty of a man claiming to be a "private citizen".  

What else was the State of Wyoming Supreme Court supposed to do?  

Claiming to be a "private citizen" is the same exact kind of oxymoron as claiming to be a "sovereign citizen".   You cannot be acting in a private capacity and claiming to be a citizen at the same time.  

You are either in the Army or out of the Army.  There is no in-between. 

So-- ask yourself this all-important question:  Am I a citizen?  

That is: 
(1) Am I a federal employee or dependent?  If so, I am a citizen. 
(2) Am I an African- American?  If so, I am a citizen, but have Equal Civil Rights. 
(3) Am I listed in Title 42 -- a political asylum seeker, recent immigrant, or welfare seeker?  If so, I am a citizen. 
(4) Am I consciously, willingly operating "as" a federal corporate franchisee in international commerce?  If so, I am a citizen. 
(5) Was I born in Guam or Puerto Rico or some other legitimate and recognized territory of the United States? If so, I am a citizen.

For 90% of Americans, the honest answer to these questions is --- hell, no, I am not a "citizen" and never have been, except for a brief stint in the US military. 

So why are you all wandering around nodding your heads like zombies and agreeing that you are "US Citizens" or "citizens of the United States"?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Letter to President Trump --- March 15, 2018

From Anna Von Reitz

Dear President Trump:

We are the only ones who can forgive the debts of the Territorial and Municipal United States, and who can restore your good credit and put the government corporations back in the black.
That may come as a shock to you, but it is the Truth.

Not only that, we are the Priority Creditors of all the other Territorial and Municipal Governments and all the corporations that have been formed under the authority of those governments worldwide.

Think about that.

We can simply forgive our debtors by balancing out the debts and the credits owed, and go from there. Return the assets to those they actually belong to, and beat the nukes into plowshares, because there will no longer be any fraud or lack of abundance to fight over anymore.

The bankers are only self-interested middlemen trying to whoop up a "claim on abandonment" to seize our assets by mistaking them for Territorial or Municipal "trust assets". To prevent that and get your own butt out of the wringer requires making peace with the people and the states and the National Government that your predecessors have treated with contempt and in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of commercial contract.

Make friends with those who might otherwise appear to be enemies. Make peace with your brother on the way to court. Ask us to forgive the sins and debts and be done with it.

Fundamentals 1 -- Your Ship of State

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been amazed and chagrined over the last few days to plumb the depths of ignorance that infest both what serves as our government and the general populace. Those who received the simple text charts that I sent out yesterday should note the line separating the top and bottom half of all three chart pages.  On top of the dividing line in green is the word "LAND" and below the line in blue is the word "SEA".  

Only one (1) entity straddles that line between the LAND and the SEA.  That entity is The United States of America (Unincorporated).  It controls the entire international land jurisdiction owed to this country and it exercises the powers retained by the states and people in the international jurisdiction of the sea, per Amendment X.  And, in the event of the incapacity of one or more of the entities entrusted to exercise our delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea, we retain the right to receive those delegated powers back and to exercise them at our discretion.  

The United States of America (Unincorporated) ----not to be confused with "The United States of America, Incorporated" ----is our Ship of State.  If our Ship of State goes down, so do we.  Everyone else has been concentrating their effort on saving their own names and estates out of the corporate bankruptcy slush pile.  Only we have been concentrating on saving our Ship of State. 

The rescue of individual names and estates is akin to launching lifeboats.  It allows a few people who are awake and moving to save their own assets and defend themselves against the banks and foreign creditors who will otherwise seize upon them as chattel backing the debts of the bankrupt federal corporations.  

But, ultimately, it is the Ship of State that we all have to save and reclaim from the jaws of the banks.  If we fail, then many millions of trusting, unsuspecting Americans will suffer the misery and horror of a commercial mercenary war carried out under color of law.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Graphic Organization and Update


I am sending you a four-page text only presentation (Paul Snover will do a much better version down the road) of the way our federal government structure was undermined and reconstructed in Breach of Trust following the Civil War--- resulting in all the damage and chicanery ever afterward.  

It's very quick study --- three charted pages, one page explanation. 

Please especially note The United States of America (Unincorporated) -- that is our still-viable National Trust and Ship of State, which we are invoking to reclaim our assets from the federal corporation bankruptcies. 

If you could, please post it on the page where people will see it upfront? 


Trump Prepares To Declare California "In State Of Rebellion"-Then Establish New Government

By Anna Von Reitz

Regarding All This Talk About Trump Declaring California in Rebellion

In the first place, "California" is an actual State of the actual Union of States, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Territorial State of California, Inc., being run by Jerry Brown.
The Territorial State of California doing business as the State of California, Inc., being run by Jerry Brown is just a franchise of the Territorial United States being run by Donald J. Trump.  As a result, they truly don't have any right to "secede" from their parent corporation. It would be like a Dairy Queen franchise in Santa Monica declaring its "independence" from Dairy Queen, Inc.   Can Dairy Queen, Inc., also spin off a new franchise in Santa Monica under a slightly different name---- like New Dairy Queen of Santa Monica?   Or "New (Territorial) State of California" ?  Why not?  

Obviously, they have been infringing on our copyrights all the time in all sorts of different ways, substituting their (Territorial) States of States for the (National) States of States we are owed, and playing all sorts of dodgy, dishonest, criminal deceptively-similar name games to promote all this fraud and cause all this trouble on our shores. 

I am attaching a text-only chart-like summation of how these disloyal, treasonous British-backed hucksters have undermined and "reconstructed" the federal government we are owed in Gross Breach of Trust.  It's three pages of charts and one page of explanation that should lay bare the whole bullshit scenario we have been living under and who is responsible for it (the British Queen, the British Crown, and the Pope). 

Crypto Crackdown? - Bitcoin Can't Be Regulated

The Next Crisis Will Come Soon & Will Be BIG - Mike Maloney @Anarchapulco 2018

In this interview, Mike Maloney discusses how Wall Street and the financial sector are trying to gain control of cryptocurrencies and siphon away profits. Fortunately, the way cryptos are engineered - they can't! 
Found here:

You should do something about this.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result.     and 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Three Level Springboard to Financing Our Freedom

From Paul Stramer

Level 1.  In late October of 2015 a friend handed me the first article I had seen from Anna Von Reitz. It was the article entitled "My Dear Archbishop George" and it is listed as article #1 on   When I had read it, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had more truth than most of the patriot movement combined, at least from my point of view.

As is my habit from years of Internet research and business, I immediately went to the search engines, and found that she didn't have a website of her own. Anna was writing on other people's blogs and various news letters.  I saw a need to be able to find everything she wrote in one location, so I bought the domain name and spent about 4 months gathering up everything I could find from her, and putting those articles roughly in chronological order, I began publishing the articles, and gradually improving the website.

If you go back and look at those early articles you will find the style very simple and in need of some help, and you can't see this but the index page was just a plain white sheet with links.

One morning I woke up early and turned on the computer and Anna had sent an email explaining that she had lost the ability to publish on some blogs and had turned to her friends and asked them "Now how am I going to get the word out".  They said, just put it on your website. She said "What website"?  So they told her what I was doing, and as they say, the rest is history.

Soon after that I started building a mailing list for Anna, of people who wanted the announcements that I send out each time Anna writes an article for the website, and I started publishing each article on this LCW blog where people can comment.  That mailing list is now over 4600 people. Many of those have large lists, and routinely send Anna's articles around the world. We are now getting well over 20,000 page loads per week from around the world to the two websites.

Then I put some PayPal buttons on both the website and the blog to raise money for the publishing effort and to finance some of the legal activity, and to advertise the whole effort.  Many of you have generously supported those efforts,  and that is the first level of the Springboard.  In three years I have been able to go full time in this effort, when combining your donations and the income from my sales of radio gear, solar power equipment, silver bullion, US Civil flags, flash drives, DVDs, and other preparedness items, with the retirement payments my wife and I receive from uncle dummy.

I spend an average of about 10 hours per day working at this. In other words I am paying close attention to the whole Internet part of this effort.

Please remember that I have never asked for or received one penny from Anna for any of this.

In fact, we have sent her several donations along the way when we got a bit more than we needed right then. We have done that through her PayPal address at You can do likewise at any time. So the donations and my work were and are the springboard to level 2.

Level 2. On November 3rd of 2017 I was made aware of a new global Gold and Silver business opportunity called Mint Builder.  Part of my work for the last 10 years has been as a precious metals dealer on the Internet. I work with a mint in southern Utah, and have moved millions in silver in 10 years, but the profit margin in precious metals on the Internet is very skinny.  Small orders are just about not worth doing.  So I did a very careful price comparison between my mint in Utah, and the prices Mint Builder was offering, and found out that I could not compete with Mint Builder on orders under 100 ounces of silver.

They were also offering a special start up deal of a free lifetime membership in Mint Builder that would allow everyone to buy silver and gold at the actual cost that their company was paying at the mints they get metals from.  "If you can't beat em, join em". So I jumped in with both feet, and after building a few advertising pages on my server, sent a few emails to Anna's list.

As a result, within 33 days we had 419 people join who are also reading Anna's articles.  After the Company opened their doors for sales and commissions on December 1st, 2017, we kept on promoting that system, and now we have over 700 people who are enrolled as members in Mint Builder, and have the ability to buy silver and gold at mint prices. So in a little over 3 months we have created a vehicle to not only get people who join a bit of silver, which is severely under valued right now, but we also have a way to finance some of Anna's work with the Living Law Firm.  This kind of residual on going financing is exactly what the patriot movement needs.  Instead of asking the supporters to just dig in their pockets each time we need to do something, we could all participate in a business where we could all profit and finance activity for freedom at the same time.

Hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it?  Right?   Just do more of it!

If you have not seen Mint Builder yet try this link.

So with about 4 months of working together Anna's readers have created an ongoing system that not only pays for some of Anna's work, but it also has the potential of relieving some of the financial burden on Anna's readers.  I am continuing to pursue that potential every day, by helping those who are taking an active role with advertising for their business, and continuing to find more people that don't know about Anna, and who want a business on line, to find not only a great business, but also all of Anna's work at the same time.   So Mint Builder is the level 2 springboard to something even better yet.

Level 3. BitClub Network.  Remember that Mint Builder will pay out in Bitcoin if you opt to do that.

I had been looking at Crypto currencies for a while. My research led me to compile a few movies because it seems very few people understand how computers can create new and real wealth.
So I was spending too much time trying to explain what I found out, and decided to group some videos together on this blog to do the background explanation.  To watch those videos go to the top of the front page on this blog and type the word  Bitcoin  in the search box, then watch all the movies that come up.  When you are done with that homework, you will know more about Crypto than 99.99% of the people on the planet.  Cryptp of one kind or another will be the new money (means of exchange) in the future, for many reasons, and when the general public finds out how powerful cryptocurrency is they will flock to it, making the price go up like a rocket.

But that's not what gets me excited about Crypto.  Remember the California and Alaska gold rushes!
The people that did the best were the people that provided all the infrastucture, like motels, hardware stores, mining supplies, freight companies and much more.

The same is true of Cryptocurrency.  It's interesting that it's called "mining" of that cryptocurrency. This time the people doing the mining are the ones actually getting rich.

One of the largest Crypto mining operations on the planet has a network marketing structure, and one of Anna's readers kept dogging me until I finally slowed down long enough to understand the potential of it.  I joined it and have a founders position. Not only that, they convinced Anna to get the Living Law Firm to take a position under me. So now the big push is on to create a truly walk away, hands off, residual income that can finance hundreds of projects for freedom if we do it right.  Suffice it to say at this point that the potential is so far  past what we have done up to now that all the previous just looks like training for how to get to where we wanted to be all along.

If you are in Mint Builder or thinking about joining you should consider that as a means to get to this Mining system by using the Bitcoin payouts that Mint Builder makes available.  I am, and I can help you do it.  It's also one of the only truly hands off businesses I have seen once it's set up and running.

Even if you are not in Mint Builder, and you don't want to do any kind of network marketing, this can still be your ticket to financing your retirement.

Here is more specific information and movies about BitClub and crypto currency in general.

Here is the BitClub Network information.  Just follow the instructions to get the information. You will need a VPN (virtual private network) and can get one along the way from a link at the movie page.   

Just use your name and email, and not your address or phone number. The reason will be apparent as you learn more.

I know you will have questions about this new END GAME strategy for freedom, so here is my contact info.

Paul Stramer  406 889 3183   or

Please don't call after 9 PM Mountain time.  My day starts early, usually about 7 AM and the best time to reach me is late morning on weekdays.

Thank you all for your support over the last 3 years, and get ready for some really good things to happen. We are coming to crunch time in America and around the world, and it will decide the fate of our children and grandchildren.

Study this very thoroughly and you will be pleasantly surprised.

God Bless you one and all.

Paul Stramer