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Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday

By Anna Von Reitz

Things are always strange on Good Friday.  All over the world, Stigmatics are suffering.  Strange wounds appear on their flesh.  They experience in real time the agony of crucifixion.  This happens to them every year.  Of course, they know the story.  In some sense, they know why it happens: it's because the countenance of Jesus is lifted up on them. They take on His Image and share in His suffering. 

Stigmatics have been studied for hundreds of years.  They have been subjected to all sorts of mental and physical tests, discounted as "hysterics" and venerated at the same time.  Most of them are perfectly normal people, except that they carry enigmatic scars--- tiny scars on their foreheads, larger scars on their hands and wrists and feet and ankles, and a large scar like a knife scar on their sides. 

You might think that they would appear predominantly in Christian countries and certainly only among Christians, but such is not the case.  Stigmatics appear all over the world, in many unexpected places, among people who are not Christians, as well as among the devout.  Imagine the consternation and wonderment of Muslim parents whose son suddenly and inexplicable displays the signs of the stigmata?   Or the Buddhist monk who looks down at his wrist and sees (and feels) a nail hole? 

Today, a Stigmatic, the friend of a friend who lives in Lebanon, is suffering.  He will come to the verge of death, and appear to be dead, and then, the miracle begins....the clocks stop....blood returns to his cheek.  The wounds heal as quickly as they appeared, and by the second or third day of April this year, he will appear as before, a mild-mannered man with gentle eyes, unremarkable except -- if you look-- you will see the telltale scars on his forehead and wrists. 

"Pick up your cross, and follow me," the words of the Word repeat in my head.  

Follow me, so that you are no longer afraid of suffering or ridicule or death.  Follow me, so that you can pass through death to eternal life. Follow me, because I am the Way -- literally. Follow my path and my footsteps.  Observe them well.  Follow me, because despite all appearances otherwise, I am Heaven-bound. 

What a steep and rocky way!  What a path, drenched in injustice and pain?  Yet, what should we expect?  That Heaven would be easy to attain?

In my work, I meet a great many people who have been dreadfully abused, and often, they are the children of others, who were abused for generations prior to this.  And always, they seek control.  

They believe that if they were in control, everything would be better and different, but the truth is that we abuse others because we have learned all about abuse, but very little about nurturing or compassion.  

And so, the cycle of suffering continues on.   Just look at Israel today.  "Never again!" they say, and yet, look at what they do.  

The oppressed become the oppressors who become the oppressed who become the oppressors.  Nobody stops the merry-go-round and actually stops abuse.  They just change targets and keep on shooting. 

Just like the hypocrites who abolished private slave ownership with one hand, and opened up the doors to public slave ownership with the other. 

This is the Great Mystery we are heir to--- the mystery of love in the midst of undeserving, the mystery of love that transcends fear and pain, abuse and injustice, loss and oppression of every kind.  

And Golgotha is the final lesson. 

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Replies
    1. This stigmatic stuff has to be satanic. And Christ wasn't crucified on Friday anyway. Considering the Jewish recognition of the day cycle, He was crucified on Wednesday! Three days and three nights!

    2. mrfixitmarty, you are absolutely correct since it was not a regular Sabbath but a special Sabbath. Demons love to have a hay day with week minded non-believers who don't realize or understand the power of God which He has given to the believer. They just love to confuse them and distract them from the truth by whatever mans, like apparitions of Mary or Jesus on window panes and even on toast. The word says that even Satan can appear as an angel of light and that he will show signs and wonders to deceive even the elect if possible. True believers will apply John 14:12 and Mark 16:17-18 to themselves and take it literally and go to work and pay no attention to this foolish nonsense but only to cast it out.

  2. Hi Paul, thanks for the great work.

  3. The bible tells us that Jesus died in the evening and rose again 3 days later, exactly, not approximately. I think we ought to honor his death since that is what makes salvation possible; however, researchers have consistently found that he most likely died on a wednesday evening, and rose again exactly 3 days later, which would mean his resurrection took place on the following saturday evening.
    ''Good Friday' has been established by church doctrine, rather than Fact. It also does not coincide with his remaining in the grave for 3 days, IF he died on a friday during the day, as is often stated, and to have risen on sunday morning, clashes with scripture and is not 3 days.
    But aside from all that, still it is the greatest sacrifice anyone ever made for mankind, but the human race has trashed it just like they have everything else, by overshadowing its real meaning, with as much paganism as they can. What an abomination !

    1. We are all taught this as kids but never did the simple math to see the Just goes to show that when we were Young we just blindly believed what we were told.and if we questioned anything we were disiplined.(not now but along time ago) children can't be disiplined these days.

  4. I have heard of the Stigmatic thing, but never researched and basically accepted that these anomolies exist. I was born on Easter Sunday 70 years ago and what I have found amusing is that my actual birthday March 28 has never fallen on Easter Sunday since. I know Easter celebrations fall on a date based on the moon and that I suspect it follows the lunar calendar as opposed to Gregorian and yet I still find it amusing that over 70 years the two dates have never come together. According to my research, at one time they were to co-incide on 2013 but now appear to 2033, so perhaps if I am still around 25 years from now, I may celebrate both birthday anniversary with Easter Sunday.

    1. hey Dan, today is my 68 th birthday and it is good Friday. Is their any significance to this ? I guess not since Abby says Jesus died on a Wednesday and she is always right.

    2. There is no possible way Jesus died on a Friday, because his wholly day is Saturday, not Sunday...that was accomplished by papal rule alone, and for the main benefit of Corp profit...!! Even the angles in the cave where Ron Wyatt found the "ARK of the Covenant" said so, and remains a major violation of his commandment...keep my day holy...!! And I say this as a Catholic , not a Johova Witness. They at least got that right..!!

    3. Even Trumps site is asking for donations because the liberal media is trying desperately to discredit everything Trump is trying to do and they have incredible amounts of money to make it happen...!!

    4. James, it sounds like you are reading a road map from people who don't know how to make road maps, lol. The Ark of the Covenant is in Heaven, not here on earth. Mr Wyatt, whoever that is and whatever he claims his credentials are, may have found "Noah's Ark". The Sabbath was only temporary, Old Testament. These things were given as examples for us. Sabbath was seventh day or Saturday. Sunday is the First day of the week. New Testament in effect until the end of time. Jesus Christ was keeping the Old commandments while ushering in the new commandments.
      Btw, I don't see them get much right at all. And Papal bulls, encyclicals.. the real ones... written on human flesh. Usually in the blood of their victims. Not fun to talk about. If you were to sit down and read/study the King James Bible from OT to the NT you may understand what convicted Martin Luther to tack his 96 point letter to the door of a 'church' building in Germany touching off the "Reformation Period" back in the 15th or 16th Century. Very heavy stuff. On trial for his life. That's where you see the name "Lutherans" even though Martin Luther said take Christ's name, not his.

    5. A very Happy Birthday Dan & Blue!! Much Love, Peace and Blessings be yours abundantly in these New days!!

    6. Where did this pervasive misconception that the ARK OF THE COVENENT is in heaven....thats a bigger LIE than Islam is the true religion and Mohammad is God..!! Why would God take the ARK into heaven, when Jesus will never return without that ARK here on earth where he will sit as KING....otherwise, he will never return because the discovery of the ARK had to be found first before Christ will return...And now that it's been found, his return is imminent...!! Go visit Isreal and ask them if the ARK is in heaven..!! They have books about its discovery and they themselves knew where it was for at least 35 years and even dug a tunnel to get to it. But the 6 Isrealis sent to retrieve it were all struck down and killed before even getting to it...and they immediately walled off the tunnel and told no one about woul dnt bode well for Israel that they are not the choose ones....when are you going to get off that horse...!! Get this through your thick skulls, all of you....Isreal has never been the choose nation nor will it ever be..the only thing that will be preserved in Isreal is Jerusalem, because that's where the ARK is, 20 ft below the exact crusifition site of Jesus. A little to coincidental, don't you think..?? And just to verify it for sure, Ron took a blood sample off the "mercy seat" of the ARK which has been analysed and confirmed to be the blood of Christ, since it only has half the number chromosomes of a normal human being...all of them being Mary's. Except the sex chromosome, which came from God, because it's a "Y" chromosome, meaning it could only come from a male...and since Joseph never touch Mary before that, then it's logical to assume it was an "immaculate conception. If you know anything about genetics, you know the only sex chromosome a woman can pass is an "X" chromosome....female only...the male is the only one that can pass both male and female chromosomes. He alone determines the sex of the child, not the woman....sorry ladies, but that's the truth..!! That's why people need to study all the sciences and quit relying on only one sourse of info for your education.....the bible..If the bible had all the answers, then why bother with math, physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, engineering, drafting, electrcity, wavelengths of light, etc,etc...lets just find all the answers in one me must be in the bible right!! I hear that diatribe on a daily basis by people who are so lonely and delusional, not to mention arrogant, that constantly say the bible is the only book we need to answer all the questions of the universe. Christians have become the most dececeive people on the face of earth...all you go by is chap and verse...the answer to everything...this is why I will never associate with anyone anymore, at least not in person..!! Those days are long gone.. the same with all the churches and preachers. There is only one person I believe...CHRIST..And that is only through science, not a pulpit in a church..!! Unless people have degrees in every field of science and theology, it's like the TV. I simply turn them off...!! Think whatever LIES you want to think to your hearts content...!! Just don't involve me....!!!

    7. James, the bible deals with Gods ways, what he expects of us, and what his part is in our lives; how the world began, how it will end, and what our journey consists of, and warnings about our actions which determine our ultimate destination.
      I've never thought it contained every answer to everything that pertains to everyday life. But I do tend to think He gave certain people the knowledge about all those things; I think that is how people like Tesla seemed to ''know' what he knew.
      The mind cannot just know what it does not know; it has to be put into the mind, and God can quite easily do that. I've had lots of incidences like that; my son has also, as he would try to accomplish something he knows nothing about, and then come up with a brilliant accomplishment. It was simply God seeing his struggle, and giving His input. Thats all. Simple.

      So, you are correct; not all answers are in the bible, in that respect.

    8. Abby, no one puts it in that context....God gave certain people a desire to be professionals in their perspective fields for a reason...!! But no one wants to use them to back up anything the bible talks about. They simply have an opinion and try to convince everyone they have the right religion...!! You know what that causes..nothing but arguements..!! And there are so many interesting books that give further evidence that Christ did indeed live and die, and others proving how ridiculous the theory of evolution is...but do people read them...NO. You've meet these people Abby.. They argue for hours back and forth about different scriptures...It usually comes down to who has a better knowledge of "chapters and verses"..!! But God knew that science, rather than disproving the death and resurection, actually is proving it beyond a shadow of doubt...Jesus never used God's word alone to get his point across...he backed it up with "miracles" that no one with eyes could deny to become witnesses with first hand knowledge of his TRUTH..!! This was all caused by the church and govt for the same reason they do everything else....deception and confusion. It's a weapon they use as a diversion of our problems at hand so we never get together against govt and all its fraud..!! It's no accident that all this science and technology has come out, because people will believe the bible when it's backed up by science...otherwise, all everyone argues about is semantics..!! Why is your bible better than mine ...thats why people never get anywhere when trying to convert others into Christianity..!! Every time people talk about evolution as the reason why we are here, they always point out the fact of how similar to apes we are...immediately I know they know absolutely nothing about the theory of evolution...they just want to be right..As soon as I explain the actual theory to them they have to rethink everything he believed..!! But our job right now is to expose all the fraud going on, because most people are even more ignorant about MONEY and law than they are about the bible...And we will only prolong our suffering on this planet if we don't try and fix it....that special I.D. that judge Anna is working on would be a tremendous help to us and save us countless hours of irrevalant letter writing and court orders...if a passport can name us as "non-resident aliens" and recognized by authorities of govt than let's get to it...!! We get financial help (good stamps) because we make so little...Now I recently received a letter from social services that in order to continue my benefits I have to fill out TAX FORMS (IRS and FTB)even though I don't make enough to file according to their own can see where this is going...i want an I'D before I have to do that and correct my status with those idiots once and for all..!!

    9. Without the scriptures as your solid rock and foundation, you can throw all the other books away because none of them will give you salvation or righteous standing with God through Jesus Christ. All wisdom comes from God but man in his vanity believes it is his or her own sophistication, hereby worshipping the creature rather than the Creator or giving Him due credit.

  5. I have been talking a lot about this endless cycle of abuse and suffering with my partner and others in our circle lately. It seems that it's finally time for God to "call the game" -- which I and many see as a zero sum game, just suffering for suffering in an endless specter of the evils of history ever resurrecting themselves as a phoenix of all-encompassing deceit and destruction. It is time, and thank you, Anna, once again, for articulating it in so timely and apt a fashion.

  6. I think you should all join President Trumps site of "Make America great again" where you can make comments on certain issues or start a new issue yourself, like I did.....all I talk about or give advice on is about our corrupt judges and courts, who even defy him....i told him if you don't correct this on your watch, it will never be done and most likely when you are out of office, you will face their full rath and probably wind up in GITMO...I won't get into all the other stupid issues he list on his forum, because they all lead to the same place...the courts and judges..."THE WALL"...!! I am non stop on this issue..I also told him if you won't replace the judges, than make an EO repealing the doctrine of "silent judicial notice" in order to have a true and transparent court of law...!! Then I constantly tell him to give the American people a choice of "status"...either they want to be addressed as Americans (non resident aliens), or US CITIZEN/SLAVE status..!! There is no freedom without choice..!!Let's bombard him with the same message...As it stands, I'm the only one complaining about this..

    1. james, you are so right about all of that. You are also the one who recommended to Anna that we ought to have ID cards according to our choice; and now we see she has been working on that, and says she is coming out with that.

      I do believe trump will be our very last 'president', and next will be the Antichrist one world dictator.

    2. If anything happens to Trump, we will always be slaves with absolutely "no recourse".. I think he knows a lot but he has already had death threats, even from his own cabinet.. He is litterally putting his entire family at risk by being President....we will never have one like him again...this is our last chance....we all need to inundate him with the same advice...Dont get distracted by all the other pre made concerns, like abortions, black lives matter, common core, and many others...Remember to stay absolutely focused on only this issue because it is the cause of all those other problems...and I really don't think he likes our justice anyway...."fake justice"..!!

    3. If anything happens to him, I think the Lord will just go ahead and start the ''armageddon thing' wipe out all the crap and Return and run the show himself.....minus all A-holes on this ball of dirt.
      And/or if these jackasses continue to block things from progressing and making real headway, then I think the Lord will just say, enough already, this is going nowhere fast, so I am just gonna get rid of them all.
      Why just prolong this stalemate, and put off the inevitable?
      It is just about Time that we can all see the only advancement in the past decade or two, has been more tyranny
      and nothing really any better for the People.
      I think we can all ''feel' there is a showdown brewing.

    4. Anna really working on an I'D for us....i hope like a passport...I really don't care what it is as long as it is honored by all law enforcement and the courts..!!!

    5. james, that is what anna herself said just a couple days ago, here, in one of her Articles. She said ID. Don't recall her saying passport. She also said people no longer need to file papers for the ''Assumed Names' thing; nor any need to authenticate the BC.
      Anna said she would be coming out with this new Informational pamphlet pretty soon.

    6. James, you can make your own ID from all of Anna's information already. Or just go apply for a state ID as a State Citizen. Every state has them. Same process as the NCSN passport.


  7. The real problem here is this, the Source of Creation has entrusted mankind with maintaining God's law on the earth.

    Our race was lulled to spiritual sleep and seriously taken by our captor to do their will. 2 Tim. 2:26

    The only type of deliverance we can expect will likely be in the form of strength of heart and mind to do what we were called to do back when they made the advances they made.

    It is the strength of the human spirit our underlings are trying to usurp. Learn all about the Organic Laws of the United States.

    To who specifically does their governance apply?

    The answers are contained in the United States Code.

    Declarations, Articles, Ordinances, Constitution,

    Declaration of Independence
    Articles of Confederation
    Northwest Ordinance
    U.S. Constitution

    Each of these Organic Laws that make up the United States Code were written to govern a very specific people, specific land and specific law.

    It is safe to say that few are aware of this, easily suckered in to their jurisdiction, and due to their own misuse of words, or their failure to object to the words of the prosecuting attorney, consent is assumed and evidence is the entered onto the record.

    We all gotta get real good at what it takes to keep the burden of proof on their backs.

    Your honor, I have absolutely no evidence in my possession of becoming a U.S. citizen.

    Mr. Officer, I have no evidence in my possession that I have ever resided in a CITY, COUNTY OR STATE of the United States.

    We can do this!

    1. Now your talking my sorry but it's true.. they have to start seeing that there are many of us that understand their "semantic game" and start to call them out on the form of questions...not statements...Your honor, what exactly is my "nexus" with the Corp STATE which gives you the right to force me to appear just so you can get jurisdiction...could you please place it into evidence so I can witness it...??? Just like that during the entire 1st appearance...your arraignment!! Don't let it get beyond that. Object, object, object..!! If he says to come back and talk with the prosecutor another day, tell him, you set the date to waste my time to be here..therefore if the court and the prosecutor aren't ready today, than I move for dismissal for lack of preparances..thats the courts fault, because I'm ready, and if your not than in the interest of justice this case needs to be dismissed:" with prejudice". Is there any objections your honor...?? Put him in the corner before he puts you there..!! And if he still insist that you return than tell him you already showed up, so any further appearances will be at your expense and my going rate for showing up after today is $10,000/ day since I'm the "attorney in fact in this case and I don't work for free either..!!

    2. James, you make some good points about this subject. That's what bothers me about the Heather-T-Jarraf and Randall Beane case. They seemed to have done all that and still got convicted with a jury deliberating less than 3 hours. I was shocked; was shown how badly corrupted court judges and process's are in this country. I hope Trump and the White Hats can help us to change this.

    3. That's why I said...never let it get past the arraignment..we don't need juries. They are to stupid anyway, and the attorneys are always in chambers discussing what evidence can be entered and which cannot, even if it's true..So if the judge seems like he will go foreward, you only have one more chance, and don't forget like I did to ask for it.....The preliminary hearing, where the only thing talked about or argued over is the LAW. Don't allow the prosecutor to start arguing facts...object strongly and tell the judge if she tries it again, you are going to demand sanctions against the attorney, immediately for deliberately trying to get you to traverse into facts that are only important after the preliminary hearing..In other words, at the trail..!! Then only facts matter, because the law has already been determined at the PH..!! Good luck with the facts.. If I can just teach you one thing about court, it's the imporimportance of the word "objection"!! Never fail to use it...NEVER..!! The judge can ignore it all he wants, but it's on the record now, and he is answerable for it later.. But if someone accused you of something that isn't true and you don't "object", you are never allowed to bring it up again...mot even on appeal...thats why so many people get stuck in the system, futilly trying for a REMEDY they will never receive when the judge noticed you never "objected" to an accusation during the PH...BUT IF YOU OBJECT EVERYTIME, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ABLE TO BRING IT UP AGAIN LATER...!!

    4. First of all, you were already contracted into US jurisdiction by your own mother when she "delivered" you to the STATE as a US citizen by signing the SS-5 form on your behalf. When did you correct this error? You did not but instead only made it worse by attesting to your US citizenship on every single document you ever signed after that including your annual 1040 under penalty of perjury identifying yourself with the NAME and SSN. The Brown's in NH were convicted of tax evasion because after they denied they were US citizens, the judge simply held up their passport applications where they had signed under POP that they were US citizens. A forewarned judge will simply gather all your very own public evidence against you and rub your nose in it that you and only you volunteered into your US citizenship on the record and under POP. So quit whining or start correcting your public record.
      Now having said that, why not use their very own methods against them by invoking your right of subrogation. The very bonds they use to finance all court cases all have your NAME on it as the funding party. Consider it just like an insurance policy where you are paying the premiums. If you have an accident, whether it is your fault or theirs, the insurance still has to pay the claim for both parties. Same applies here. A bond is an insurance policy for court cases. And since you are funding it, you have the right to submit a claim regardless of the outcome of the case, guilty or not, civil or criminal, current or past, it does not matter. You can even settle old felonies and misdememanors and have them wiped from your record once and for all. The bond has to pay when a claim is made against it. A judge cannot deny you your right of subrogation. He can only try to ignore it. So submit a Mandatory Judicial Notice and Demand in camera and under seal that the prosecutor (or plaintiff) certify your right of subrogation and give them your permission to settle or dismiss the case and be done with it. Now, just like the US tax court strategy, you are hanging them bwoth their own rope.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. No such thing as a "Good Friday". One of many Vatican/Papacy lies to fool the masses. The Apostate church.(37 Bible verses about Warnings Against Apostasy - Knowing Jesus
    Hebrews 6:4-8 - For in the case of those who have once been enlightened).
    How did this un-Biblical practice come about? Many years ago when the pope and his minions ruled the world - such as it was back then - leaders of the Fishing industry, in the areas of England, Ireland, Scotland, sought help from their "god" aka the pope. The pope issued a decree that it was a "sin" to eat meat on Fridays. The Fishing Industry began to flourish, poope gets paid, problem solved. This went for several centuries when another poope says "it is no longer a sin" and eat whatever you want. Well, a study of the New Testament or "Christian Dispensation" reveals that Peter was told by God to "arise, kill and eat".
    (ACTS 10:13 KJV "And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and ... there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven).
    This is a demonic deception by the Vatican organization on the meats the Israelite's were told to abstain from in the Old Testament or the Mosaic Dispensation. (
    ACTS 15:29 KJV "That ye abstain from meats ... - King James Bible)
    Acts 15:29 KJV: That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication:)

    1. Actually "meats" had a totally different meaning back then..he was actually talking about vegetables and fruits, because we have the longest colons in the entire animal kingdom and real meats just clog our colons...the entire reason we have long colons is testimony to the fact that we were not designed to eat animal meat...especially cooked. The reason predators like lions and tigers can do it is because of there short colons and the fact that they eat there meat fresh and raw, maintaining all the enzymes needed to break it all down properly...!!

    2. Actually James, it is like I stated; which is why I put the links so folks could double-check for themselves. Did you bother to read any of it? Certain meats from animals like pigs,which have a cloven hoof, certain fish, etc. These are 'meats'. That's what He, God, meant then, and still is called today. Meats. Those passages of Scripture are very clear about this. Also the meat is to be cooked for human consumption. Passages very clear there too. He, God, made us different from animals, for a reason. Therefore different requirements. Have you ever seen a lion or tiger go to a restaurant, order off a menu, have some dessert afterwards?
      I was going by God's Word/the Bible, on the subject .. not my personal opinion. As for the colon, that argument doesn't work so good now does it?

    3. It that why there are more and more vegetarians and vegans... the gorilla is one of the most powerful creatures on the planet with muscles upon muscles...yet the only things they eat are vegetables and fruits.. the colon does indeed mean something..when is the last time you had a "colonic irrigation".. I guarantee you, you are completely impacted by fecal matter that couldn't be digested..!! ELVIS was said to have 40 lbs of fecal material in his colon, and John Wynn supposedly had 50lbs..!! Do you ever check the bible verses with human anatomy and how the body actually works...NO YOU know why..your simply not interested in anything you don't like or interested I right!! You can't just study the things that interest you in this day and age.....that is an extremely immature attitude. I have friends just like that who just love showing how smart they are in history lessons they learned from their father who lived through the wars...but he has no clue as to why wars start in the first place because all he listens to is the false narrative of why we had to get involved....i finally kicked him out..i was sick of hearing about his war stories without knowing the why of those wars...!!

    4. If you want to get biblical about diets, in Gen 1:26 God said that the herbs of the field to shall be for your food. This is what so called biblical vegans rely on in error. But after the 2nd flood of Noah, God said kill and eat and changed man's diet since there was no vegetation. Then in the desert God gave the Israelites a strict diet which Jews today call kosher but is not the same since he never forbad the eating of dairy and meat together which today is the main pillar of the kosher doctrine diet. He only said that you shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk and all of modern day Jewry mistook this for having to separate dairy from meat to the point where in a kosher kitchen you have to have a separate counter for dairy and one for meat. Then in a vision to Peter, God again said kill and eat and changed man's diet again to where Paul tells us that nothing is unclean and all things are sanctified by His word and our intersession (our prayer and sanctifying our food). But as with everything, according to your faith, so be it unto you.

  10. According to the Bible, Jesus died on a Friday (as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for 3 days before preaching to Ninevah)(Jonah 1 KJV - Now the word of the LORD came unto - Bible Gateway
    "Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness.) and rose on the 3rd day... Sunday. Otherwise known as "the First Day of the week". Saturday was the "Seventh Day" or "Sabbath" and under Old Testament commands to keep holy. That all changed with the New Testament. The first Bible sermon was preached on a Sunday - Book of Acts Chp 1-5. People either keep pace with God or digress. We have BC - Before Christ and AD "Anno Domini" (LAtin) or "In the Year of Our Lord". Which Google is tirelessly working at erasing from our minds with BCE and ADE (I think that is the abbreviation used by them)

    1. Christ said in Matthew 12:40 the only sign He would give that he was the Messiah is that he would be in the grave 3 days and 3 nights. See the scripture below . Can anyone explain to me how you can put a man in the grave at sundown on Friday and he's resurrected on Sunday morning. How is that three days and three nights.

      Matt 12:38
      Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” [39] But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. [40] For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    2. +rdross5 - Thanks for that quote from Mathew. Excellent. This is a little tricky it seems but looking at it from God's view and how they counted the days I believe it went like this: Sunup to Sundown Friday is Day 1. Sunup to Sundown Saturday. Day 2
      Sunup to Sundown Sunday. Day 3. When the Israelite's were required to keep the Sabbath (to cease, rest) it was from Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday... the seventh day of the week. 7 Sabbaths and then Sunday was the day of Pentecost. Greek for the number 50

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. mustang...we finally agree on something..!!

  11. Good Friday and easter Sunday is a creation of the church. The Son of God, the Perfect lamb was slain just before sundown on Passover, JUST AS WAS DONE EVERY PASSOVER for centuries. The year Christ was crucified passover fell such that the Lamb would be slain on Wednesday. Now count 3 nights and 3 days: Wed, Thur, Fri Nights; Thur, Fri, Sat days = 3 days. Christ said the only physical sign He would give that He is the Son of God would be that He would be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights, just like Jonah was in the belly of the whale(fish). How could one get 3 days and 3 nights from late Friday until before sunrise Sunday???? Friday night, Saturday Day, Saturday Night is only 2 nights and 1 day!!! Christ was crucified on Passover. One can accurately calculate every Passover. The Perfect Lamb was slain on Wednesday in accord with Passover. The Word of God is accurate.

  12. Mustang 1969, The Sabbath mentioned wherein the women were hurrying about in preparation for the Sabbath was a HIGH Sabbath which was Passover. There were 2 Sabbaths that week Passover and the weekly Sabbath, Saturday.

    1. It wasn't Passover, it was th first day of the days of unleavened bread. Christ died on the Passover because he was the Passover Lamb. He kept the pass the night before he was slained and changed the symbols to Bread and wine. No need to ever sacrifice an animal because the true Lamb of God would be provided the next day.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Tom Dooly - I believe rdross5 gave a good explanation. It was the days of unleavened bread. Leaven was akin to sin. Jews or Israelite's had to remove every bit to please God. Old Testament ceremonies and events were examples that led up to the New Testament and the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Also the word 'Church' is derived from 2 words in the Greek. Ek and Klesia. Ek = out of, Klesia = the called. Or "the called out of Christ". Romans 16:16. Established AD 34. Book of Acts.

      Another example is "Only Begotten". 2 words in English derived from one word in Greek which I believe is monogenes?
      A Long Post About “Begotten” and Awkward Outbursts | The ...
      Nov 4, 2013 - The King James Study Bible's notes on John 3:16 explain monogenēs (translated “only begotten”) in the following way (note the highlighted parts): ... and the Greek Lexicon of the Septuagint, the word translated “only-begotten” actually means “unique,” “only,” and “the only member of a kin, only-begotten, ..

  13. Why does everybody want to bring in the word Ishtar? Ishtar was the pagan goddess of fertility. They performed sexual orgies in her temple. Eggs are a symbol of fertility. So is a rabbit. Rabbits are extremely fertile little animals. One mistranslation of the word pasha(Passover) by the translators, and instantly the pagan fertility right is interwoven into biblical teaching. What a crock. You also better research what God said about the sunrise service, where the priests walked out of the temple and turned their back‘s towards the holy of holy’s and worshipped the sun.

    1. Excellent points Fruit Inspector. Thank you. Modern day 'Sunrise service' is nothing more than sun-god worship repackaged for present day.

    2. April Fools Day Is Actually the First of the New Year and the Powers That Be Have a Sinister Series of Terrifying Jokes to Play on Billions…Easter=Isis=Ishtar, A Pagan White Baalim Jesus Unholy Day.


    4. He is on Trumps list for GITMO and all his assets will go to America..!!

    5. Mustang, April 1st was the day Jesus was born. April fools day came about when they ridiculed the followers of Jesus.

  14. Remember to add, easter is the eastern star, and that means the Sun crosses the solar ecliptic, passing over the equator. The Goddess of spring is just another way of celebrating the return of the Sun and the life it bestows on the Earth. The order of the Eastern Star is the maternal side the masonic order. This acknowledgment isn't evil, quite the opposite when you reverse the word-live.


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