adj. 1.pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law or public
discussion and debate. 2. Adapted or suited to argumentation;
years ago I was a whistleblower concerning the theft (or “diversion” for those
that believe in bureaucrats and tooth fairies) of $45 to 60 Million in two years
(1995 & 1996) by US Fish and Wildlife Service bureaucrats from Excise Taxes
that, according to law, could only be spent by State fish and Wildlife Agencies
for State fish and wildlife management programs for human benefits. The stolen
funds were used by federal bureaucrats to capture, import and release Canadian
wolves into Yellowstone from which they spread throughout the NW US and to open
an office in California – two things that the US Congress had refused to either
authorize or fund. Funds not used for these two purposes were used to increase
bonus payouts to select top bureaucrats to essentially “look the other way”.
How do we know this? General Accounting Office Accountant Auditors submitted a
Forensic* Audit Report to the Chairman of the US House of Representatives’
Natural Resources Committee detailing the receipt, diversion and use of the
stolen funding to federal illicit purposes from the fish and wildlife benefits
generated by state wildlife agencies.
other words; wildlife and fishery management in every state was diminished to
benefit illegal actions by federal bureaucrats (releasing wolves with no state
permission) to ultimately create a situation that:
Decreased big game herds.