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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Tin Hats United

By Anna Von Reitz

It is just over three weeks since the Earthquake that hit my hometown, tiny Big Lake, Alaska. My fingertips are sore as I type, from tiny cuts from shattered glass embedded in throw rugs that I have had rolled up, waiting for thorough cleaning, glass picking, and washing.
It's a nasty and perilous job. Fingernails get nicked, fingertips suffer jabs, but someone has to do it. The only alternative is the throw the rugs out and there have already been enough losses.
Thanks to all of you, we are beginning to get things back in order much more quickly than would have been possible otherwise. I have just received a computer to replace the one we lost in the power surge and a new monitor screen, too. Thank you, Allen and Family! You went the Extra Mile!
Other donations have reduced the Misery and Suffering Index to manageable proportions for the members of our Living Law Firm team.
For those who have never been through a real honest-to-God disaster--- recovery is a long process. It takes time. You plod through it, day by day, chiseling away at what has to be done, assessing what is lost, finding what is damaged, and just toughing it out.
Yesterday, I found a can of beans that had rolled behind a shelving unit and discovered that all the blades for my food processor had been bent in an odd collision with a freezer, which also got dented. I can hardly imagine how much force was involved. The blades must have slid under the freezer at the exact moment it was in the air and then the foot of the fully loaded freezer came down and crunch!
Even stainless steel is not immune. I have proof.
But, that's okay. I went to Walmart for something unrelated (extra foam insulation to help a friend re-caulk around replacement windows in his home office) and there in the vast pile of dented and damaged goods was a brand new food processor for less than half the original price, complete with the blades. Only the carton and the instruction book were mashed.
That's the way things happen in a disaster. You zig and you zag your way through it. One thing goes up, and another goes down, and we do the Hokey Pokey and we turn it all around---- and three weeks later, I guarantee you, my basement looks WORSE than it did two weeks ago.
It's the same process as house cleaning. You have to tear everything apart before you can put it back together? And as you do this, everything gets more messed up instead of less for a while? We are in that stage of recovery and it will probably take months to get back to being truly organized.
My books, for example, are all back on shelves. That was a major endeavor all by itself. But they are in no particular order anymore, so it's good-luck-hunt-and-peck to find the volume I am looking for, because it might not be in the same bookcase, much less the same shelf.
Now apply that to almost all the paperwork in a Law Office..... thank God my super-competent Executive Officer has his own way of segregating and organizing all the most important and current work, or we would have been up the proverbial creek.
We still face months of reorganizing older files and correspondence and considerable furniture moving and repairs to undertake that will take time and energy, but, with enough thrust even pigs can fly.
It is a real satisfaction to me that our lowly Food Storage Club now has six more families signed up. They are mostly shame-faced neighbors who showed up at my door in search of food, fuel, and water. And blankets. And medicine. And do I have an extra emergency cook stove they could borrow?
We just smiled (maybe a little grimly, remembering how these same people made fun of us) and took care of them. Count that as six more American families wearing Tin Hats and damned proud of it. Next time the world burps or burns or floods, they, too, will be as ready as they can be to deal with the situation.
It's just too bad that so many people have to actually experience a disaster before they understand how important all the things they take for granted really are. Just stop and think.
What would you and your family do if the lights went off and didn't come back on? Where would you get water? Where would you get food? How would you stay warm?
Trotting down the street to Anna's house might not be an option for you, so best to address these questions before you are standing there going --- "Uh-oh! Now what?"
The Tin Hats came through again. And as usual, the "government" did nothing timely or useful beyond a week of Free Dump fees.
When push comes to shove in a real disaster, it is always the same: what you've got to work with is limited to your own resources and pre-planning, and whatever help you can reach out for from family and friends and other private networks like clubs and churches.
To the extent that most communities in America have a disaster plan, it is limited to how to save public buildings, not individual families. Take note. That means you. And yours.
The "government" isn't going to feed you, supply your with water, or guarantee you any shelter or medical care. In most cases, the "government" isn't even going to be present for days after a disaster. If you live in urban areas, the grasshoppers among us will be looting and rioting on top of everything else. .
The fabric of society quickly breaks down in a disaster. When people get scared and hungry, all sorts of things happen. What happens in a disaster that continues for more than a few days?
As one of my more sardonic Tin Hat friends grimly remarked, "In three weeks, it would all be over."
Most of the grasshoppers would be dead of starvation, thirst, dysentery, or killed in the mob violence that results from thirst and starvation and uncontrolled sewage.
Most Americans don't know how to dig a latrine.
It's time we all remembered the Basics of life on Earth and planned for our own needs and the needs of our families in case of a disaster. It just makes good common sense--- if there is any of that left outside the Tin Hat Community.
My husband and I and our little group of like-minded friends prepared for a lot of eventualities, but once you get beyond your own little circle it is painfully apparent how many of your neighbors didn't plan and now are in desperate need of help.
We have people here digging out holes for rocket stoves in the dead of winter, minus 14 temperatures. That's the kind of thing that happens in a disaster. And of course, there's no extra money tor these emergency needs, either, even if you can find the parts or order them from somewhere.
So we've got guys in garages "making do" and cutting sheet metal with pliers, constructing things the old-fashioned way, thanking God that some of the Old Timers still know how and still have the right tools squirreled away.
But I have to tell you, as I look around, I notice that those who know these practical skills are few and far between, and mostly my age or older.
We've got women baking bread in outdoor ovens in this kind of weather, too. We've got our Sourdough Crocks sitting in the warmest spot in the house, next to the cat, of course. This earthquake has been quite a wake-up call and motivator.
This whole last week as I have been "shoveling" through things, I've been pulling out children's toys and games left over from my own kids umpteen years ago and recycling these treasures to children who won't be having much of a Christmas this year.
It's amazing how much a dog-eared Monopoly set can mean to a family with no TV, no computer, and nothing but a couple oil lamps to read by at night. For them, the technological advances of the last two centuries just about disappeared.
I've also been sharing out my vast collection of children's books and rummaging through the closets for old flannel sheet sets and shirts that don't quite fit and jeans that are too small and all those other things that tend to collect. They are all going out the door to new owners.
A disaster has a way of "tuning people up" --- making them more aware, and more grateful for the little things that too often get taken for granted. It's Christmas Eve. We are still bundling up care packages for those in need.
Your donations to me have spread a circle of light and protection around the researchers and lawyers of The Living Law Firm, and we, in turn, have spread that light out to others, sharing what we have this dark and cold December.
We are very grateful to be warm and fed, to have good water and good friends. It's going to be an odd Christmas, but a good Christmas, too----one that forces us to remember all the things that are most important.
I found enough plates in the wreckage (not all the same pattern, but what the hey?) to serve dinner. There's still one string of Christmas lights blazing away. My husband is stomping the snow off his boots. My son is curled up with his dog in front of the fire. He will get three small presents tomorrow -- things I bought early and squirreled away earlier in the year.
Every spare penny is being parceled out for practical things now -- to keep the work going and the people going. The Tin Hats United have stepped to the plate, and so far, somehow, we are all getting through the earthquake, the holidays, and the winter.
From our house to yours, Merry Christmas and God Bless us all in the coming year! May the needed changes come and may we meet all the challenges together, with courage, with generosity, and with compassion for each other.


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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Why Fight So Hard for the Life of a Dog?

By Anna Von Reitz

As many of you know, my dog, an elderly (by most standards) Yellow Labrador Retriever, has developed a mysterious malady that has yet to be diagnosed after four months of trying. He has trouble breathing when he gets excited, and being a Labrador, that means most of the time.
First, I was told that he had lymphoma, a form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Next, I was told that he has a rare but by no means unknown condition --- paralysis of the vocal cords, which results in obstruction of the air channel.
Now nobody knows what is true or what to do, other than to sedate him with mild sedatives and try to keep him calm, which is a tall order for a big, happy, always overly-enthusiastic and playful dog.
The ongoing tests and consultations with specialists is onerous at best, and cuts into what I have "left over" at the end of the month to donate toward the work of The Living Law Firm --- but what can I do?
My "Golden Boy" is a member of the family, and even though at 13, he is old for a Labrador, he is barely middle-aged for one of my dogs. My dogs routinely live to be 18 to 25 years of age, even from so-called short-lived breeds.
Because I take my contract with the animals seriously.
My dogs never eat commercial dog food except as emergency rations, and I have studied dog nutrition and observed dog habits and needs and oddities from my own childhood onward.
Just like people, dogs function best having multiple small meals of high quality food spaced more or less evenly through the course of the waking hours. My dogs eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner like the rest of the family, and get a bedtime snack meal -- a total of four feedings a day.
And the food they eat is just an altered version of what the rest of the family eats, too. Dogs don't respond well to salt, spices, white potatoes, bamboo shoots, grapes in any form including raisins, chocolate, and a few other substances we cook with--- but for the most part, a careful cook can make a no salt, no spice, no potato version for the dogs and then add the salt and spices, etc., later.
Having oatmeal with raisins and apples for breakfast? Great. Just make the apple and oatmeal mixture first, take some out for the dogs, and then add the raisins for the "people version". My dogs eat whole grain cereals with milk and fruit just like the rest of the family. The fruit keeps them regular and provides anti-oxidants, and the milk helps meet their calcium demands.
Dogs need a diet of two parts meat, one part whole grains, and one part veggies--- just a slight adjustment from our own dietary needs with are two parts veggies, one part whole grains, and one part meat.
This results in Rover getting the lions share of the meat (proportionally) in the household and may cause some consternation when Hubby first realizes that the dogs get more of the Sunday roast than he does, and its all for the best health of everyone concerned that it works that way.
The calcium requirements of a dog are large and are only partly met by letting your dog chew on bones. To deal with the need, you have to make bone broth for your dogs regularly and to supplement with treats high in calcium.
I just get a rotisserie chicken and share it out for dinner, then boil the bones and make bone broth for the dogs. Instead of buying commercial dog treats I buy them a bag of cheese curds and a bag of dried mangoes which are high in calcium. They get a piece of mango as their treat after breakfast and a cheese curd or two as a treat after lunch.
Other treats include apples, blueberries, raspberries and dried cranberries -- "craisins" --- all of which dogs love and need for the anti-oxidants and other vital nutrients in fruits. We aren't talking large quantities here --- just a couple tablespoons of berries for a large dog, a quarter of an apple, a small handful of craisins once or twice a day.
As for veggies, dogs love and do well with sweet potatoes and yams, peas, carrots, and mashed lentils. They tolerate cabbage, broccoli and even Brussels sprouts, but these veggies are tougher and more fibrous and a dog's much shorter intestinal tract is not able to digest these as well, resulting in gas and other problems --- so I help them out by chopping these vegetables up into smaller, easier to digest pieces or even puree them into a soup--- Cream of Broccoli is always a hit. Dogs also tolerate cooked tomatoes in small amounts, as when they are added to a soup or in a casserole.
So with a few timely additions and deletions, your dog can eat pretty much the same fare as you, and the cost ---except for a little more awareness on your part --- is, in my experience anyway, considerably less than trying to buy them decent dog food.
People often forget or underestimate the water needs of a dog, which are substantial. The Water Dish needs to be cleaned and refilled at least once a day, and I usually do it twice a day, morning and evening. The rule is to keep the water fresh, plentiful, and clean. That includes cleaning the water dish.
Good hygiene with the pet food dishes is also important. Bits of food clinging to the inside of a dog bowl become home to all sorts of bacteria that then infest your dog's teeth and gums along with his next meal. Better that you "do the drill" and wash Rover's bowl after every meal or treat him to having several dog bowls so that he always has a clean bowl to eat from.
Most of all, your dog needs time with you. Dogs have an insatiable relationship with love. They give it and they need it in return like the air that they breathe. If you are going to have a dog, make space in your life for long walks, petting time, "conversations", and play. Every dog I have ever had has cherished time together and needed exercise on a daily basis.
If you will give them this time and consideration and meet their needs, they will give you a lifetime of companionship and unconditional love -- which is a rare commodity in this world.
And you can hope to, on average, double your dog's life expectancy.
So, in answer to why fight so hard for the life of a dog?
1. Because I value life.
2. Because I have a "contract" -- unspoken, unwritten, but still valid, to care for my dog faithfully through all the ups and downs of life --- just as he keeps his contract to guard the house.
3. At 13, my Labrador has no other ailments. He is playful and nimble and happy and able to enjoy life to the full. If my past experiences are any guide, he may easily have another five or more years of good health and good life -- if he gets past this crisis.
I have already had Vets suggesting that I put him down, mainly because of his age and because they haven't been able to come up with a definite diagnosis or treatment. The idea that he is expensive and inconvenient seems to be on the tips of their tongues. It would be so much easier to just put him to sleep.... he's a Labrador Retriever and he is thirteen years old.
Their wisdom is that his lifetime is over .... but then, they probably never saw a healthy 25 year-old German Shepherd or an 28 year-old Skye Terrier or an 18 year-old Brittany Spaniel. That kind of longevity and health right up to the end is possible for a dog --- certainly possible and common among my dogs.
So they will just have to wag their heads and wonder why I would fight so hard for the life of a dog.


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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Over the Hills and Far Away

By Anna Von Reitz

Dateline: December 24, 2018

As the year comes to a close massive changes are being prepared which will include the final liquidation of the Municipal United States Government corporation and the agencies associated with it. 

This American Cabal has ruled the roost since the first Scottish Interloper calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" went bankrupt in 1907.

While there is a lot of hype and conjecture about this it is really nothing but what is necessary when a corporation of such size and longevity has operated as a crime syndicate and is under liquidation. 

The Muni Government began here in 1878 and was quickly expanded and redefined worldwide in the 1880's as a separate government infrastructure.  It was this already existing infrastructure that received the Lion's Share of power coming out of the 1907 bankruptcy and which resulted in the creation of the Federal Reserve System and ultimately the 1933 bankruptcy of "the" United States of America, Incorporated. 

And at least in this country, this entire system of municipal government should never have been allowed. 

It was the Municipal Government structure that David Rockefeller used to create his Grand Plan serving the interests of the old Robber Barons in their play to create and maintain a system of Commercial Feudalism supported by the Holy See and defended by the British Crown--yet largely under the control of an American criminal elite. 

Over the past century we have seen the growth of this feudal system on a global scale with the major pieces of the current apparatus falling into place after the Second World War. 

This consolidation began in 1948 via a joint operation of and de facto merger of the Council on Foreign Relations and the US STATE DEPARTMENT.  The Bilderburger organization came on board soon afterward and was followed by its off-shoot, the Trilateral Commission. 

All of these now-familiar, if shady, organizations functioned as "advisory" and "consulting agencies" of the US MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT and actually served as the vanguard advocates of global commercial feudalism and cradle-to-grave enslavement of living people as chattel underwriting the costs of this foreign government system operating on our shores. 

Those familiar with my writings know that this system was imposed by a system of identity theft, falsification of public records, impersonation, credit theft, unlawful conversion of assets, and conscription that ultimately kidnapped the victims and shanghaied them into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea, where they could be pillaged and plundered at will. 

Please note that all of these municipal corporations and this entire foreign government structure and foreign form of government were never supposed to extend outside the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. 

At the time of David Rockefeller's death, he was celebrating the success of his "Councils of Local Governments" organizations which seek to form de facto states within our States and Supra-County local government units --- all as outgrowths of the Territorial United States Government operated via Municipal Corporations. 

That is, we had two layers of foreign government on our shores, one Territorial and one Municipal, neither one authorized to act in the capacities they usurped--- and now, finally, we are getting rid of one of them. 

That is unavoidably going to cause major upsets and changes and in the midst of it we cannot forget that the Territorial Government which is finally enforcing the Constitution with respect to the Municipal Government---isn't our friend, either, and that it's failures are primarily the cause of the Municipal Government usurpation. 

In other words, if the British Territorial United States Government had done its job according to our constitutional agreements instead of playing footsie with the Muni Government interlopers, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. 

Don't forget that fact going forward. 

You will see great and much- needed changes in the weeks and months ahead.  With the protestors in France shouting, "We want Donald Trump" and Qanon handling the propaganda rolling off of this, it will be easy for many people to forget or never know the fundamental fact that the Territorial Government betrayed us and our interests long before the Municipal Government ever did ---and if we don't continue to ride herd, they will have the opportunity to betray us again, just as they did in 1868. 

Nationalism, in my view, is a necessary evil, especially when observed in the face of a monolithic slave empire aiming to take control of the entire planet. 

But what remains for Americans to define is--- "Which nation?"-- is to survive?  

The British Territorial United States is meant to serve our interests and obligated to defend our constitutional system of government-- which it hasn't done for the better part of two centuries.

The fact that it is finally doing its job now is --and is not-- cause to celebrate.  As good as it is to sweep the Globalist Dream of planetary rule under Commercial Feudalism out the door, we will still face other hurdles. 

We still have to realize that the Territorial Government is Foreign with respect to us, too.  

We still have to navigate a restoration of the actual Federal States of States and an orderly transfer of power. 

We still have to deal with a legal system that is hopelessly compromised. 

And we still have to deal with the banks. 

Donald Trump has made a brilliant start but it is absolutely necessary that we all finish what he has started -- including the final restoration and "reconstruction" of the government we are actually owed. 

With guarded optimism and a few caveats-- welcome to 2019! 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.