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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Reposts in Support

 By Anna Von Reitz

Over the years I have developed my own network of news sources that I consider more accurate and far, far more trustworthy than the Mainstream news, and also much better on average than the Alternative News offerings, which tend to be undisciplined and easily swayed by profit motives.
This isn't so much a criticism of Alternative News as it is an observation -- simply because Alternative News is always back-to-the-wall trying to survive, it is susceptible to sponsor bias and doesn't always meet my desired standards.
I have often recommended Jon Rappoport's blog as a source of meaty and well-informed Old School Journalism.
For those looking for the comforts of an old-fashioned newspaper, I recommend The Epoch Times, which tries (and seldom fails) to maintain an even-handed presentation of the news and views.
And recently, some new gems have come across my desk. I share them with you as support for what we've been reporting for some months now --- the existence of a high-level corporate crime scheme aimed at creating a form of Corporate Feudalism, complete with trans-human serfs.
The first repost is about as factual as it gets in terms of lining out the who's who of those responsible for the development of the man-made virus and I repost it for those who are just getting up to date--- with thanks to Tuberose:
"Great Britain’s Serco Group approved the patent filing for the Chinese Virus a full 17 months before it first appeared, and the entities listed as its creators are many of the usual suspects: DARPA, Bill and Melinda Gates, Defra, the Wellcome Trust and the European Commission.
A filing with the United States Patent Office also lists The Pirbright Institute as a funder of the Wuhan Flu. Pirbright, is directly funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates “nonprofit.”
That patent, dated for approval Nov. 20, 2018, clearly states that the “assignee” of “coronavirus” is “THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU.”
This patent was filed on Jan. 23, 2017, which actually means that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was drummed up almost three years prior to when the news started reporting on its spread in Wuhan, and later throughout the rest of the world..."
The second comes from Bishop Max Ard and is the most complete popular, that is, non-legalese, but fully documented report on the evidence so far compiled to demonstrate that we are not just blowing smoke and spinning tales.
For anyone who has any doubts left that this entire horror show has been pre-planned, pre-announced, and deliberately unleashed --- this will leave you with no more "wish it weren't true" escape routes:
Thank you, Bishop Max. This information puts it all in perspective.
We, at the American States Assembly, have already taken first-step action to moderate the damage by outlawing attempts to brand vaccinated people as trans-humans and abuse patent privileges to enslave them. Please, take a few minutes to educate yourselves and then, protect yourselves and your families.

This is a full-on attack against humanity by corporate interests --- planned for years, implemented without mercy, propagandized to the hilt, and now being recognized for what it is: crimes against humanity.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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The Meat Mafia: The Great Reset of Food | Glenn TV | Ep. 118

 WATCH more Glenn Beck:

Glenn exposes how ranchers are slowly and secretly being run out of business and how farmers are economically being forced to comply. Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is the weapon, and the top food suppliers have caved. The heart of our country — farmers and ranchers — is being destroyed in the name of “social progress.” From Biden’s infrastructure plan to his tax deal and inflation, Glenn reveals how it's all connected to transform society into something completely un-American. South Dakota governor Kristi Noem joins to discuss the attacks on our food supply and says America's agriculture industry should be treated as a national security issue. She discusses the plans for how her state is going around the Biden administration "to create our own meat processing supply ... and take our destiny back into our own hands."

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Fraud Alert: "the" Government of The United States of America, etc.

 By Anna Von Reitz

To: The Department of the Treasury
Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20220
From: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
We are again suffering a rash of wannabe incorporated Fraud Artists, a mixed bag of American and European white-collar criminals who are trying to pass themselves off as the American Government and then wanting to access our credit and other assets in precisely the same way that any Identity Thief does this: by semantic deceit, improper acquisition/theft of information, and by impersonation.
Recently, we've had "the" Government of The United States of America both infringing upon our Good Name and Trademarks, and pretending to be the Government of this country. These would-be thieves are attempting to follow in the footsteps of the Scottish Interloper, seeking to confuse their foreign incorporated entity with the actual unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
Let us point out that neither U.S. Citizens nor Municipal citizens of the United States of America have standing to abuse our Proper Name in any context whatsoever. They have no standing to take any action "for" us regarding our money or our credit or any asset of the land and soil belonging to us.
Let us also point out that we have prior claims that date back to before the Revolution and certainly ever afterward, which have been brought forward, exercised, demonstrated in the form of fifty properly constructed and declared State Assemblies, and evidenced in long-cured Public Notice and Due Process actions, liens, and assignments that are part of the Public Record of multiple State-of-State Recording Offices and the Uniform Commercial Code offices.
These would-be Interlopers haven't got a leg to stand on and we object to their infringement upon our Good Name and our other Trademarks, and we protest their attempts to impersonate us and our lawful American Government.
Let it stand before the world that the name of this country acting in international jurisdiction is: The United States of America.
The United States of America is an unincorporated Federation of States, which are also unincorporated.
The United States of America is populated by American State Nationals and American State Citizens, not by Territorial U.S. Citizens and not by Municipal citizens of the United States, either.
Any incorporated entity calling itself "the" Government of The United States of America is guilty of fraud, impersonation, attempted identity theft, trademark theft and infringement, attempted unlawful conversion, semantic deceit, and other crimes.
Any incorporated entity calling itself the United States of North America or The United States of North America is another fraud in the making, and is presumed to be a so-called "Regional Corporation" that is engaged in a debt-bundling scheme against the interests of this country.
We, the actual Government of, for, and by the people of this country, are in Session and have been in Session at the international level since 1998, and at the State level for the last two years, and the County level is coming into Session as we speak.
There can be no excuse for any misunderstanding, any claim of mistaken identity, any impersonation of our government, any claim by any incorporated "persons" seeking to represent us, any U.S. Territorial employees seeking to represent us, any Municipal citizens of the United States seeking to represent us, or any foreign Principals claiming to have any custodial interest in us or in our assets, nor any indecent commercial claim against any of our people, their genomes, or any con game seeking to redefine our people as trans-humans and then to assert patent ownership interests in them and their assets.
We are fed up with the criminality of all these corporations and we wish for them to be liquidated in our favor, with all right, title and interest transferred to our control and all placed under the Public Law.
We wish for the officers and boards of directors who have engaged in these practices and who have made these false claims and who have pretended to represent us for their advantage, and who have acted under color of law and under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit and criminal Breach of Trust, to be rounded up for trial and punished for these offenses against our country, our American Government, our States, and our people.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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Commercial Mercenary Attack Against Humanity -- International Notice to All International Courts:

 By Anna Von Reitz

In 2013, in a US Supreme Court Case, Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576, the court ruled that changing the human genome via an mRNA injection creates a new genome that can be patented and owned by the patent holder. Everyone who received the purported vaccine is now "patented" and owned as property by the Vermin. Everyone who has been jabbed is considered "trans-human".
Trans-humans are not considered natural, so have no Natural and Unalienable Rights.
Trans-humans are not considered humans, so they have no human rights.
Trans-humans can have no equal civil rights, because any standard of "equal" rights has been destroyed.
H.J. Resolution 48 of the 116th Congress, that is, the U.S. Territorial Congress, (2019-2020), proposes a Constitutional Amendment that those rights protected by the constitutional agreements apply to "natural persons only".
These results--- defrauding, dehumanizing, and enslaving living people to serve corporate interests --- have been pursued via deliberate deceit and non-disclosure as a fraud scheme aiming to evade constitutional obligations and international laws and conventions, so as to seize upon and to enslave human populations as "trans-human" serfs.
Those responsible for these mercenary attacks are international criminals owed no quarter by any court or system of law.
Fraud vitiates all their claims under the Roman Civil Law.
Their acts of inland piracy and unlawful conversion vitiate all their claims under Admiralty Law.
And Maxim of Law--- "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." vitiates their claims under Maritime Law.
We would add that attempts to obscure the nature and provenance of stolen goods, land assets in this case, in no way confers any value-added interest to the perpetrators of these crimes, who are simply criminals seeking to mischaracterize, redefine, and destroy their Priority Creditors.
We wish for a complete, immediate, and powerful excoriation of these efforts to establish a system of Corporate Feudalism and to undermine the health, nature, and freewill of Mankind.
We wish for the immediate issuance of international arrest warrants against the members of the British Territorial United States Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, Inc. and its derivatives, William H. Gates, III, former CEO of Microsoft, Inc., Dr. Anthony Fauci, employee of the National Institutes of Health, Inc., the Officers and Board Members of the Centers for Disease Control, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., Astrozenaca, Inc., Moderna, Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Inc., and others responsible for the promotion and implementation of these crimes against humanity.
These outrageous claims and damages done to innocent people in the name of mercenary and political profit must be countered with the liquidation of these corporations and the punishment of the Officers and Board Members.
The actual American Government acting in international jurisdiction, our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776, stands ready to assist and approve of the apprehension and prosecution of these criminals.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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Lawful v. Legal Standing and Our Constitutions

 By Anna Von Reitz

Standing, like jurisdiction, speaks to your ability and right to act. A court must prove its jurisdiction, that is, its authority and right to speak to an issue brought before it, and a litigant must prove their standing --- their right to address an issue.
In its simplest terms, you have to have a dog in the fight to have standing. You have to have a right before you can defend one. You have to have been injured before you can seek damages. You have to be a party to a contract before you can enforce one. Otherwise, you lack standing.
In the most potent case we have before us, people have been denied standing to enforce their lawful constitutional guarantees, because without their knowledge, their political status has been altered.
You must have and must preserve your lawful standing as an American claiming your birthright political status--or, you are not a party to the Constitutions. You then have no standing to enforce them.
If you adopt any other political status, you lose your lawful standing and accept merely legal standing instead. This inferior standing subjects you to foreign laws and courts, and leaves you with no constitutional guarantees.
And it's totally up to you, how you live your life, and whether you claim your constitutional guarantees or not.
The undisclosed registration of Americans as British Territorial Citizens and as Municipal citizens of the United States has been very profitable for a lot of people, and they don't want to give up their gravy train.
But every gain for them is a loss for you, so as an American, you have equal and opposite motivations to correct their false registration process.
This situation has led us to develop paperwork which serves to record your actual political status in the international public domain. There are presently three ways to protect your lawful standing and your constitutional guarantees.
If you can find a State-of-State Recording Office that is still open and functioning and willing to record your status change paperwork, you can do it through them, in which case they are responsible for maintaining the public record.
If you record your claim with the Land Recording System, (LRS) your claim will be part of an international block chain, and will be preserved in that way.
If you record your claim with the Land Recording Office (LRO) you claim will be part of your State Assembly records.
All three of these options produce an international public record of your political status choice, and establish your lawful standing as an American --- which in turn enables you to stand under the Public Law of this country and enforce your constitutional guarantees.
Some people want to create a big controversy about the existence of these three different ways of creating a viable public international record, and others want to claim that if you don't have every little thing exactly right--- color of ink, style of signature, etc., your efforts will be useless.
The Truth is that any of the three recording methods will work, and no, it's your clearly expressed intention that is the determining factor regardless of details---and, finally, it's your own determination to invoke your correct standing.
I recently witnessed a young woman in the dock of one of their foreign courts. When they called her name--- for example, "Lisa Marie Phipps!", she stood up and said, "I'm Lisa Marie. Why is this court misaddressing me?"
Dead silence.
She continued, "I am an American standing under the Public Law and I have no contract with you, other than The Constitution of the United States."
[She was in Municipal Court -- they were misaddressing her as a Municipal PERSON, so it's The Constitution of the United States that applies. If her name had appeared in Upper and Lower case on the court paperwork, the correct contract would be The Constitution of the United States of America.]
Again, dead silence, shuffling of paper, the judge looking over the top of his glasses at her. And then, quietly, "Case dismissed."
They rushed on to the next victim who didn't know how to reply and who didn't have his recorded paperwork in his back pocket.
One of the guarantees that a great many people are seeking these days is the right to simply be left alone. You will find that right preserved as Article IV.

Why not dig out your copy of either The Constitution of the United States or The Constitution of the United States of America and see what you are missing.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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Notice of Status Investigation and Liability

 By Anna Von Reitz

First, no virus related to the purported pandemic has ever been isolated.
Second, there is a set and official scientific protocol used to isolate viruses, and that protocol has never been initiated -- an indication of Bad Faith and deceit and purposeful negligence.
Third, as no virus related to this purported pandemic has been proven to exist, there are no valid tests, no spike proteins, no excuse for masks or any vaccination.
Fourth, the patented scrap of mRNA they are talking about and calling a virus is only a couple dozen base pairs long, while an actual virus has thousands of base pairs.
Fifth, out of 1500 samples from cadavers listed as victims of this man-made plague, none showed the presence of anything but plain old Influenza A and Influenza B.
Sixth, as a result of failure to produce any samples of any actual virus, the Centers for Disease Control are being sued for fraud by multiple Universities.
Seventh, in 2013, in a US Supreme Court Case, Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576, the court ruled that changing the human genome via an mRNA injection creates a new genome that can be patented and owned by the patent holder.
Eighth, everyone who received the purported vaccine is now "patented" and owned as property by the Vermin.
Ninth, everyone who has been jabbed are considered "trans-human".
Tenth, trans-humans are not considered natural, so have no Natural and Unalienable Rights.
Eleventh, trans-humans are not considered humans, so they have no human rights.
Twelfth, trans-humans can have no equal civil rights, because any standard of "equal" rights has been destroyed.
Thirteenth, H.J. Resolution 48 of the 116th Congress, (2019-2020) proposes a Constitutional Amendment that those rights protected by the constitutional agreements apply to "natural persons only".
Fourteenth, read this as a deliberate, malicious, vicious fraud scheme designed to evade Constitutional obligations, to redefine living people as "things" and as slaves, for the benefit of foreign commercial corporations.
Fifteenth, anyone branded as a "trans-human" is protected by actions taken by the American State Assemblies, prohibiting any claims against living people based on ingestion of patented mRNA and making enforcement of any such claim against a living man or woman a capital level crime deserving death by hanging or firing squad.
Sixteenth, people harmed by this same hideous fraud scheme are invited and encouraged to join their State Assemblies.
Seventeenth, those members of the military who have been deprived of their health and their rights and used as guinea pigs in Breach of Trust are invited to join our State Assemblies as State Nationals.
Eighteenth, there is no virus proven to exist, but there is a vicious and premeditated fraud scheme related to the phony vaccine, which is designed to deprive Americans of their most fundamental identities and rights.
Nineteenth, those responsible are denizens in the District of Columbia and are self-evidently guilty of treason and malicious genocide and premeditated crimes against humanity.
Twentieth, we, Americans, are not US citizenry even though half of our population has been victimized by these criminals and millions of Americans have been deliberately misidentified, defrauded, and targeted for genocide by these criminals claiming refuge in the District of Columbia.
It's time for the international community to join the actual American Government in putting an end to these vicious commercial crimes and in arresting and punishing all those perpetuating these atrocities.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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Monday, June 28, 2021

A Country Run By Stupid People

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is what I heard about America, repeatedly, this week---- overtly, explicitly, and sometimes with diplomatic tact, too --- but all the same message from friends and foes all over the planet. We are, according to them, a country run by stupid people.
Reading the newspaper this morning, I was struck by it again. The lead story was about the return of the remains of a young Aleut girl who died at an Indian Residential School from Tuberculosis in 1905. The article decried the "cultural genocide" (they finally found a name for it) that occurred especially in the Western United States and Canada for a hundred years following the end of the Civil War.
Oh, wait, the Civil War never "officially" ended.....
Between 1865 and 1965 hundreds of thousands of Native children were stolen and transported anywhere from ten miles to thousands of miles from home and family, to "residential schools" where strangers forced them into the mold of white Christian society and gave them the very distinct message that their native culture was something to be ashamed of and eradicated, their religion was savage superstition, and that they, themselves, were racially inferior and subordinate in every way.
Meantime, their parents were segregated and herded onto reservations, isolated, with no work, no way forward, and only the most meager sort of "government support" to eke out a truncated and miserable existence on welfare, or as factory slave labor, or as piecemeal workers for "charity" organizations.
I saw the tail end of this in Wisconsin. It wasn't pretty.
You would think that we, as a country, would have learned from this experience.
But, look what we are doing now, allowing Child Protective Services Agents --- Foreign Agents of Foreign Governments --- to steal children from parents and grandparents based on "Anonymous Tips" and to indoctrinate the kidnapped children according to "Government Specs" in the same exact way.
Isn't it about time we put our flat little feet down, and told our Public Servants to pound sand? Why wait a hundred years to wake up and say, oh, oops, wrong again? It's not right to take children from their families and indoctrinate them....
In America, tips about suspected crimes have to be substantiated and verified. In America, people have the right to face their accusers. In America, the government pays the costs of an investigation, not the party being accused.
But, now, thanks to a phony, undisclosed, illegal, immoral, and unlawful registration processes, most people aren't living in America anymore.
Instead, most Americans are presumed to be living in "the US" ---- a neighboring slave empire owned and operated by the Pope and the British Crown and a bunch of complicit American Toadies.
Our kids are being kidnapped; their for-hire Mercenaries are charging us between $6,000 per day and $9,000 per day for the service of kidnapping and trafficking our children--- and we are paying for it. Through the nose.
It's hard to argue with the snooty French diplomats, who ask--- who in their right mind would put up with this? Only stupid people would set up such a system, and worse, only stupid people would put up with it.
Here's another very important example.
In the B Section of the same daily news rag, there was an article about the nationwide blood shortage. The blood banks are on the ropes. Surgeons are having to rely on transfusions of saline solution, because there isn't enough blood to go round to the accident victims and those needing routine surgery.
Yet, in that entire article, they didn't tell us why there is a blood shortage.
There's a blood shortage because people who have been vaccinated can't give blood ever again, so the total responsibility for filling the nation's blood banks, including the military blood banks, is on us --- the unvaccinated.
If we don't hike up our sleeves, you'll have to suck wind.
Some time ago, our State Assemblies passed the first Public Law in over a century. It prevents corporations from creating GMO humans via patented mRNA injections and outlaws claims to own vaccinated people as property.
Why were we doing something like that?
Because in 2013, in a US Supreme Court case, Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., it was decided that corporations could create GMO humans by injection of foreign patented mRNA or DNA and could then claim them, living people, as GMO "products" owned by the corporation under patent.
According to the US Supreme Court, a foreign for-profit corporation could claim to own U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States---- as in slave ownership--- based on their voluntary acceptance of a patented mRNA product being injected into their natural genome.
And, boy, howdy, guess what just happened?
Now, it doesn't matter to us, Americans, what the US Supreme Court decides about "US" citizenry, because it's a foreign government, and they are all acting as foreign citizens. They are allowed to abuse their citizenry under their foreign standards and foreign laws all they wish.
If you are stupid enough to nod your heads and claim to be any species of "US" citizenry, or line up like cattle for slaughter and enslave yourselves as GMO Products owned under patent by foreign commercial corporations, what can we do about it?
I can tell you what we did....
Our States of the Union passed a Public Law against such patent claims, prohibiting such claims and allowing for the capital punishment of any person or entity exercising such claims against living people.
What this means for the Executives responsible is death by hanging or firing squad. What it means for corporations operating in this country and doing such things on our shores is liquidation down to the file cabinets.
You see, it's not just a matter of being run by stupid, crooked, immoral, insane persons. It's a matter of people so dull and complacent that they put up with it.
If you have been jabbed --- that is, injected with patented mRNA under the pretense that it was a "vaccination" against disease, and you are now finally getting the drift of it, that you've been "claimed" as a GMO Product, owned by a foreign commercial corporation as property---- let's just drum in the obvious:
According to THEM, you are now a slave, owned lock, stock, and barrel by THEM, and they can do whatever they want to do to you and your property assets, including your body, with no limitations whatsoever.
You are not considered "human" anymore, so you have no human rights, and you are not "natural" anymore, so you have no Natural and Unalienable Rights, and you are not owed any "equal civil rights" either, because there is no standard of rights left to be "equal to". Get it?
If THEY want to send you to concentration camps and euthanize you and seize your estate assets after you are dead, they can legally do so.
We have reasonable proof that that is exactly what they had planned for you.
But at the last minute, your old Tin Hat Countrymen, the Unvaccinated, came to your rescue and said --- eh, not on our land and soil.
So now, it's high time that you woke up and supported your neighbors who have protected your humanity and your rights, both civil and Natural, against this onslaught of corporate criminality.
It's time that we, the Americans, took it all back from the Stupid People who have allowed such a situation in the first place.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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Thinking It Through for Licensed Professionals

 By Anna Von Reitz

The news that Real Estate Agents and FBI Agents and IRS Agents and Bar Attorneys and Medical Doctors and Registered Nurses and many other “licensed professionals” are working for the Queen and that as Federal Employees and/or Territorial State-of-State franchise employees they are subject to registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act—- even if they are as American as apple pie —has created a shock wave.

Many people are waking up and looking around and thinking—-perhaps for the first time— why do I have to have a Bar Card (like a Union Card) to practice law?  Why do I need a license to sell land and houses? 

It’s because you are participating in a foreign guild system and working as the agents of a foreign government.

Americans have never had such restrictions. Our Government does not license occupations of common right.  We don’t do things this way, and the only reason that you are being coerced and manipulated (and taxed and harassed) is because foreign subcontractors have been substituting themselves for your lawful American Government ever since the Civil War.

So, what to do? How can you help? Where does this leave you, if you are dependent on a license to make a living?

You can still come home to the land and soil jurisdiction and reclaim your birthright political status as an American.

You can still be a loyal member of your State Assembly and you can help us finish the Reconstruction, declare the peace, and take back your country and restore your American Government.

Just like anyone else.

The one thing you can’t do—until you retire or otherwise leave your licensed profession— is serve as a State Citizen. 

Our State Governments require our State Citizens to have a singular loyalty and attachment to their State Government, so that they have no conflicts of interest when they vote on international issues on behalf of their State.

So you can’t be a State Citizen while acting as a licensed Foreign Agent, but you can still act as a State National.

What if you are in shock to learn that your political status has been changed to a foreign status as a result of your job?  What if you don’t want to work for the Queen? What if it rubs you the wrong way to take part in these foreign systems and act in a foreign capacity?

In most, if not all cases, you can have your cake and eat it, too.  Real Estate Agents can work as Land Patent Clerks.  Bar Attorneys can work as Counselors of Law. Medical doctors can choose to work as private physicians.  And so on.

Many creative ways have been found to either limit your license or find ways to continue to work without a license —and as the Assemblies increase in size and strength more pressure can be applied to reform the licensing stranglehold of the European Guild System which has been inappropriately imposed upon Americans. 


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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