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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Citizens Arrest and Public Duty

 By Anna Von Reitz

As the need for peacekeeping increases in an increasingly lawless society, many people are suffering under various assumptions about their own authority. Most are familiar with the concept of "Citizen Arrest" but not certain how to apply it if they need to, and many more think that they need a special piece of paper, a badge, or uniform to enforce the Public Law of this country.
First, let's understand that it is important for you to establish the correct political status, so that you are recognizable as the kind of "Citizen" that has the right and duty to enforce the Public Law, and that is, a State Citizen.
State Citizens are the ones empowered to enforce Citizen Arrests within the borders of our States.
Most State of State organizations also have legislated provisions for "citizen's arrest" powers, but those provisions apply to their citizens --- U.S. Citizens arresting other U.S. Citizens in the foreign jurisdiction of the State of State.
That is a different kind of "citizens arrest" mirroring the actual Arrest Powers of the People of this country.
The State Citizens have the actual Citizen Arrest Powers within the borders of each State and don't stand under any similar legislated privilege, so it is important to understand that.
U.S. Citizens don't actually have arrest privileges that extend to us, but we have arrest powers that extend to anyone who is breaking the Public Law in our State of the Union.
The sooner that everyone understands this, the better it will be for all concerned.
The U.S. Citizens have been arresting anyone that they observe to be in violation of their private law --- codes and regulations and statutes --- under a False Presumption that our lawful Government is not in Session and that they have inherited a "Public Trust Interest" and "Emergency Powers" allowing them to address us "as if" we were U.S. Citizens, too.
Now that our properly declared and seated State Assemblies are in Session, these presumptions have to be released, and at the same time, we have to stand up and take on the responsibility of upholding the Public Law.
On the Federal side of things, the Public Law includes the respective Constitutions, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation (when restored) and Northwest Ordinance. It also includes the United States Statutes-at-Large, which are the laws published on the Federal Record that do actually pertain in some way to us and their administration of lawfully delegated powers.
On the State side of things, we are to uphold the Ten Commandments.
It is important to understand that the only contracts we have with the Federal Employees and with their franchise Employees running the State of State organizations, are the two respective Federal Constitutions. All debate and all guarantees, all issues, need to be focused on who owes who what and determining which Constitution applies.
The State of State Statutes and over 90% of all Federal Code do not apply to us, and so, except in very specific instances, there is nothing for us to discuss or dispute, because those statutory laws and codes and regulations do not apply to us. It's literally foreign law, and Americans, per Amendment XI, are not subject to foreign law.
Know your Constitutions. Know how to question State of State officers and officials to determine which Constitution they stand under --- either The Constitution of the United States of America, or The Constitution of the United States, and go from there.
Also fully inform all such officials and officers that you encounter, that the lawful State Assemblies are in Session and that no Public Trust Interest on the part of the Territorial or Municipal Government can be presumed to exist --- not even in the western States, which have been fully enrolled since October 1, 2020.
Part of being a self-governing nation is taking on the responsibility -- that is, the Public Duty to enforce the Public Law. As declared Americans, you don't have to wait for someone to give you a piece of paper, but you should be members of your State Assembly.
But, you say, what if I arrest a U.S. Citizen or a citizen of the United States? Am I not acting outside my authority? No, not if you are a State Citizen. Within the borders of your State you are the designated enforcers of the Public Law. The County Sheriffs are all supposed to be elected State Citizens. That's why they are the highest peacekeeping officers in the country.
If you catch a U.S. Citizen doing something that is obviously against the Public Law ---- and you are a State Citizen standing within the borders of your State of the Union --- you have every right to arrest that Person and "bind him over" for trial under the Public Law.
These foreign Employees are all "guests" on our land and soil, and they should be treated as such --- until and unless they breach their contracts to provide good faith service, and start doing things like shooting up the local Mall.
If anyone questions you, or gives you any problems at all about enforcing the Public Law, you stand there four-square and say, for example, "I was doing my Public Duty. I am John Westmore. I live in Baltimore, Maryland. I am a State Citizen of Maryland and a member of The Maryland Assembly. I stand under the Public Law."

And that is all you have to say. Any Federal, State of State, County, or Municipal judge hearing that has all the information they need to know to make a competent decision. If they fail to do so, and inappropriately exercise "judicial discretion" when it does not apply, they are facing very serious criminal charges of their own.


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