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Monday, November 27, 2023

Please Note: About the "QFS"

 By Anna Von Reitz

I never said that the Quantum Financial System isn't real in the sense of existing.  It exists.  It was developed under project "Crimson Gate" at Wright-Patterson AFB immediately before and after the 2015 UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy.  

What I said -- in not so many words -- is that it is another fraud scheme. 

It's the same old SWIFT transfer monopoly updated and rebranded with a new name and operated from a new location -- China, and it leaves the same Miscreants in charge of everything.  

It is not the brand new, whiz-bang, all-purpose, honest, transparent, and secure world financial system that Kim Goguen -- and now, Ben Fulford-- are trying to sell you.  

It's an emergency rework of the old SWIFT Monopoly with upgrades installed to implement and enforce the Chinese "Social Credit System" on everyone worldwide. And it's the same old crooked Euro-Amero interests running the "new" system. 

So go figure. 

The world does have an option that is not QFS and not CIPS -- our Bilateral Bank System is not controlled by any little group of self-interested deviants with a kill-switch on your bank account.  

It's a block-chain derived system so that your deposits and your credit can't just disappear with the push of a politically or financially motivated button. 

I just forwarded the reports that UBS is failing to deliver (FTD) on bonds that are purportedly held by the DTCC, and DTCC is collaborating by erasing those bond numbers from its database.  

Those bonds disappeared by hitting "delete", the same way your bank accounts and deposits can disappear from the current system or QFS.  The digital currencies they are proposing to populate the QFS, known as Central Bank Digital Currencies, are created by people sitting at desks entering digits into computerized ledgers that can disappear just as fast. 

It's bunk promoted by bunko. 

So call me nuts, but the only answer I see is a truly new system that's transparent and nailed down by multiple independent blockchain nodes, operated by people who are neither crooked nor crazy and not associated with the old Evil that we are exiting. 

You can't fix Evil.  All you can do is leave it behind in a cloud of dust.  

Welcome to the Bilateral Bank System where you can engage in international trade or land-jurisdiction based commerce -- and imagine this, you can own and have control of your own deposits! You can enjoy privacy and security again!

In the world we are building, which is the only world in which we want to live, private property exists and is respected.  In our bank system, you don't have to engage in maritime commerce to buy a carton of milk.  

We don't leave the foxes in charge of the hen house. 

We don't leave you and your money at the mercy of political hacks and criminals with their fingers poised over a "delete" switch.  

Welcome home. 


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Why There Has to Be a Crash --or Not

 By Anna Von Reitz

The entire military structure, the vast compendium of interlocking corporations that are part of our "defense agencies complex" has constipation. 

If they don't overcome this condition, there will be a worldwide economic crash of incalculable harm and it will come by mid-December.  

It could be avoided, and justice could be served, simply by turning the debts into credits -- turning the world accounting ledger on its head and realizing that while we have all been swindled, every debt is someone else's credit. 

All the debt of the incorporated "persons" is the credit owed to living men. 

Besides that, it has been over 800 years since we had a Jubilee and the Golden Double Jubilee is waaay past due.  The Roman Catholic Church knows that and does not deny it. 

So with the "Quantum Financial System" revealed to be just another con job offered by "our" military -- leaving the same old Miscreants in control of an updated and rebranded SWIFT monopoly operated out of China -- it's easy to see why they are constipated. 

They expected everyone to accept their latest financial handwaving act, but nobody is buying it.

Nobody is buying "US Treasury Bonds" either, unless you count the Federal Reserve as a Buyer. 

They expected us to be left standing without even the evidence of an I.O.U. in our hands.  

They expected us to accept keystrokes on a computer ledger in exchange for our hamburgers. 

And, they expected us to meekly hand them the keys and the control over the keyboard and the records, so that they could erase our credit as easily as they erased the undelivered bond numbers at DTCC.  

Who knew that people who were cheated and oppressed by the whole Federal Reserve Note System would have learned from that experience?  

Are we not dumb, driven animals, gullible to the bone?  Are we not "livestock" after all? 

Imagine their consternation. They set everything up so carefully and planned it all out for two generations --- how to best serve themselves. 

They funneled us all into this "impossible" situation with malice aforethought, and planned to offer the only option, the only viable solution to the problems they created.  

They couldn't foresee the Bilateral Bank System which would take the currency transfer monopoly out of their hands and use a clean block-chain based technology to transact in both trade and commerce. 

They had even conveniently forgotten the fact that we can conduct commerce on dry land. 

It reminds me of my cat, who used to hide under a piece of clear plastic carpet runner, and think that he was invisible, protected even from the vacuum cleaner. 

So now, they are all about to be squeezed flat in the jaws of their own self-created dilemma, and purportedly (according to Ben Fulford anyway) suing for amnesty --- from the wrong people.

They are asking for amnesty from people who can't offer them amnesty or pay their debts or do anything at all but take yet another powder. 

This is what this old Senior Field Commander has to say to the "Global Alliance" --- get the lead out and do what you are supposed to do.  It's long overdue.

Everyone else: take a moment to envision a world without debt and without debt slavery, without any kind of slavery at all.  

Put yourselves -- mentally -- in a quiet and abundant garden, surrounded by the smell of the fragrant Earth and fresh rain, the sound of running water and peaceful birds.  And stay there, where you belong.


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My Work and Mission

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is my part to expose the Liars at every turn, to wield the Sword of Truth to educate you, to protect you, and to empower you.  

My focus is not religion, though religion unavoidably enters the realm of my observations and relates to  history and law and the spiritual warfare we are embroiled in now--- and I have to tell you that you have been as dumbed down and deceived about religion as everything else by the Liars among us. 

I have told you that there are two (2) Gods in the Bible and you must learn to discern between them.

This fact has been hidden from you because the names of both Gods, one True, one False, have been expunged and replaced with the generic word "Lord" as in "the Lord said to me" ---- which gives you the false impression that there is only one God being referenced in the Bible.  

This prevents you from knowing which God is speaking at any given time and leads you to attribute everything that is said to the True God -- but in fact the far more common (and wordy) speaker is Satan. 

This confusion about "which God" is doing things and saying things in the Bible is exactly the same kind of confusion as we see concerning "which United States" --- the country or the corporation --- is being referenced. 

These sorts of semantic confusions, misleading labels, and obfuscations are the trademark and fruits of the Liars at work among us. 

It is the same with my comments about Abram bribing Melchizedek.  Abram owed the traditional victory tithe to the True God, but he gave it to the priest of a foreign God -- a God purporting to be the "Most High" -- to obtain the Blessing of this other God. 

This is a Substitution Fraud of the same kind as when the Brits substituted their "States of States" for ours.  

We assume that Abram is talking to a priest serving the True God and paying the victory tithe to him, but instead, Abram is paying the victory tithe to the False God, who is misrepresenting himself as "the Most High" and Abram is asking the Blessing of this other God -- Satan, in return. 

This puts an entirely different spin on the whole subject of Abraham's Blessing. 

It's not a spiritual blessing, it's a material blessing. 

This is what you get when you bow down and worship him --- "him" being Satan.  

When you stop and think of it, do you think a bunch of ancient sheepherders running around in the desert would care enough about a theoretical spiritual blessing to lie and cheat their own Father to steal it?  

No, they believed that Abram's Blessing was the key to material wealth and success and worldly power, bought and paid for by giving the victory tithe money and promises (bribes) to Satan's priest, Melchizedek. 

Of course, Melchizedek said he served "the Most High".  In his mind, he did.  Satan is the ruler of the world, while the True God is the ruler of the Earth. 
Which is "Most High" in which realm? 

Satan is the admitted ruler of the world, who held all the glitter of the man-made world in his hand as he tempted Yeshuah--- but it is the True God speaking in Revelation, when he says he will "bring to ruin those ruining the Earth". 

Without the names being named, Joe Average reading the Bible is just as lost as when he is trying to read Federal Code. 

These obfuscations and semantic deceits are not the least of it; there are other problems, too.  

A little over 200 years ago, everyone knew that Sunday was the first day of the week, not Monday.  
Everyone knew that March was the first month of the year, and that there were 13 months in each year.  

Don't believe me?   Lookee here:

Up through Lincoln's Administration, when the Liars gained control, the Presidential inaugurations were always in March, not January. 

Our calendars have been messed with, even the frequencies to which our musical scales are tuned, have been messed with and distorted. 

This is what Liars do. They twist, they turn, they change, they relabel and rename, they obfuscate, they hide, they make simple things complex, they pollute, disrespect and denigrate the natural world in every way they can. 

They long ago messed up the Bible just like they redefined common words that appear in Federal Code, to keep Joe Average dumbed down, helpless, misled, and making wrong assumptions. 

As for me, when I do say something about scripture -- listen.  I am not speaking for my own sake.  I am speaking for your sake.  

When I observe that the Bible narrative begins with paying a bribe for a Blessing, continues with lying, cheating, and stealing, and ends with the murder of an innocent man, I am not here to provoke a firestorm of controversy. I am drawing your attention to what is actually on the pages in front of your faces.  

When I say that there is no known reason behind the labels "Christian" or "Jew" or "Muslim", wake up. 

We are being played by these Liars in every way, in every field of endeavor. They are profiting from the problems and distortions they cause and the divisions they make between people and the labels they apply to everyone. 

Shocking as my redux of the Biblical Narrative may be, it is true.  The truth is always simple and the lies are always complex. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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The Purpose of the Infant Decedent Estates-- Bona Vacantia

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's funny how we never get rid of the past until we face it truthfully and subject it to both a fully conscious examination ---and a process akin to an exorcism. 

Getting rid of "Bona Vacantia" or severely curtailing the circumstances under which it can be invoked, together with its more recent derivatives, the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, and Equity Law, are cases in point. 

Let's look at a scrap of what I have recently written in a little more detail.  Here's the original blurb: 

"Remember how they got your Mother to sign you over to them as a chattel property without the benefit of disclosure, and fooled her into misidentifying you as a citizen of the United States (Corporation)? 

That created an American  "infant decedent estate" -- a conveniently intestate property interest representing your "waived" birthright estate interest in your actual State of the Union.  

This is what they were using as collateral to borrow against, and they rooked your Mother and defrauded you to do it.  At the end of the day, they proposed to divest themselves of your "waived" property by giving it away to their own creditors." 

They played a lot of other tricks with it, too.  

They used it in their own corporate tribunals and pretended that they were Public Trustees acting as the Administrators of your Estate during your unaccountable "absence". 

They used your unconscionable waived infant decedent estate as the excuse to claim a custodial "public interest" in you and your private and public property. 

That, in turn, allowed them to act as Executors de Son Tort -- men with no real right or contract to dispose of your property, who nonetheless assume these powers unless someone opposes them.  

Obviously, you have to know what they are doing before you can oppose it, and we could not do that, because they never provided disclosure to our Mothers and we ourselves were far too young to remember their registration process and initially, too ignorant about foreign law to know the result of that birth registration, even if we miraculously became aware of it. 

It was a good gig the scoundrels had going here, throughout the former Commonwealth, most of Western Europe, and Japan.  

Quite aside from the coercive power that their assumed role as Executors provided, and all the payola they could strip from our "waived" American estates, the real payday came after our physical deaths, when they could pretend that our American estate was permanently vacated, cash in the attached life insurance annuities, and invoke the Medieval practice of bona vacantia. 

When someone dies intestate and without an apparent heir (and according to them, we all "died" and waived our American estates as infants) then our estate is seized by the King as public property with himself serving as the Public. 

Charles the Third is still doing this in England where 
a recent scandal surrounding the practice of Bona Vacantia erupted in the Duchy of Lancaster. 

Tens of millions of dollars obtained from the estates of intestate dead people living within the borders of the ancient Duchy of Lancaster were seized and used to benefit Charles' personal estate, instead of going to charities within the Duchy.  

The Guardian broke the story and did this follow-up, showing how Charles is scurrying to cover it up and appearing to make it right:  

As nasty as this little "oversight" in Lancastershire is, imagine how much the Kings and Queens have stripped from us and our country doing the same thing here since the 1920s?  

According to them, we all "died" as infants without leaving a will or any heirs, voluntarily waived our right to inherit anything in America, and donated it all to the Pope and the King under the same Medieval practice of Bona Vacantia. 

How nice of us, and totally inexplicable, too.  

Simply by creating all these unconscionable American infant decedent estates on paper and making the false claim that we voluntarily adopted British Territorial U.S. Citizenship and Municipal citizenship, too, these criminals have proposed to claim and own everything and everyone in America.

Millions and millions and millions of American estate trust interests have been rolled up and cashiered in exactly the same way as the recent debacle in the Duchy of Lancaster.  

Using these false registrations and issuing clearinghouse certificates disguised as "birth certificates" the Bounders were enabled to securitize our "waived" estates, enslave us, and obtain an insurable interest in our persons and property. 

The "Life Force Value Annuity" payoff that Prince Philip received from the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA precisely three days before he retired from Public Life -- a tidy $950 Trillion dollars -- was precisely that kind of payment obtained by insurance fraud and illegal securitization, claimed under Bona Vacantia. 

Let's forget the paltry tens of millions scraped out of the Duchy of Lancaster and concentrate on the much, much, much larger issue of the American infant decedent estates these monsters created for purposes of coercive power and unjust enrichment.  

What they have done is an unlawful conversion of political status imposed on a civilian population in occupied territory, which is a capital offense under both the Geneva and Hague Conventions.  

While occupying a position of Public Trust under color of law, and acting in Gross Breach of Trust, these criminal Federal Subcontractors organized as Municipal Corporations have promoted an illegal multigenerational mercenary conflict on our shores and have deliberately impersonated and defrauded their employers for their own benefit.  

Maybe someone should ring up The Guardian and give them a real story?  Just imagine the subhead:

Rotten British Government breaks treaties, international law, and their own service contracts to bilk erstwhile friends and military allies. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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