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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Two Crocks in One Week

By Anna Von Reitz

Crock Number One: 
Various alternative news sites are filled to overflowing with news about a new “US currency” being released.  The gullibility of some parties and especially some of those who are eagerly spreading information (along with disinformation and every rumor imaginable) never ceases to amaze me.
Please understand and grasp the fact that the words “United States of America” are not protected property.  They are not copyrighted and not patented.  As a result there are now over 350 different entities calling themselves some version of “United States” or “United States of America”.  They are a mish-mash of patriotic organizations and fraud schemes.
The one responsible for this latest bit of nonsense is calling itself “The United States of America” (as opposed to “the United States of America”, etc.) and is run out of Costa Rica by Frank O’Collins and Keith Livingway.  If you look at the tag line on this announcement you will see that it is issued by “Reign of Heaven”--- a cultish organization based on the historical and religious researches of Frank O’Collins.
Back in the 1980’s Keith Livingway discovered that something was wrong and caught onto the ending of the bankruptcy of “the United States of America, Inc.” and basically, he went to the bankruptcy sale and bought the office of “Postmaster General” via a claim on abandonment.  This is the same as buying a brand name, like “Twinkies”.
Like many others, Keith made the mistake of thinking the governmental services corporation was the actual government and he has clung ever since to his belief that he “captured” the lawful office of United States Post Master (Ben Franklin’s office) via his action.  A quick glance at the actual title dispenses with this claim.  Keith claims to be the Postmaster General--- this is a corporate office that never existed prior to the Civil War.  In other words, it is another deceptively similarly named corporate office and never represented any actual office in any sovereign government and certainly not the Office of the Post Master entrusted to act as the Trustee of our country’s land jurisdiction---which is the office Keith claims to hold by these dubious means.  

Sunday, November 27, 2016


The first Sunday in Advent is the first day of the Church Year, and the beginning of the holy season of Advent. The Church commences on this day to contemplate the coming of the Redeemer, and with the
prophets to long for Him; during the entire season of Advent she unites her prayers with their sighs, in order to awaken in her children also the desire for the grace of the Redeemer; above all to move them to true penance for their sins, because these are the greatest obstacles in the path of that gracious Advent; therefore she prays at the Introit of the day's Mass:
INTROIT To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed: neither let my enemies laugh at me: for none of them that wait on Thee shall be confounded. Show me, O Lord, Thy ways, and teach me Thy paths (Ps. 24). Glory be to the Father.
COLLECT Raise up, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy power, and come; that by Thy protection we may deserve to be rescued from the threatening dangers of our sins, and to be saved by Thy deliverance. Through our Lord.
EPISTLE (Rom. 13:11‑14). Brethren, knowing the time, that it is now the hour for us to rise from sleep: for now our salvation is nearer than when we believed. The night is past, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day: not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and impurities, not in contention and strife; but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.
What does St. Paul teach us in this epistle?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Amazing Vanishing Debtors

By Anna Von Reitz

Who were the Phoenicians? 

Remember hearing-- briefly---about them?  The mysterious society of seagoing traders who flourished in the Levant and later in Portugal, who simply vanished off the face of the Earth?  Hmm? 

Ever heard the word, "Phony"?

How about the Atlanteans  even before that? 

A vast, advanced society that just disappears?  You believe that?

An Emergency Warning To President Elect Donald Trump | Video

Published on Nov 24, 2016
Alex Jones: Emergency message of warning to President Elect Donald Trump. The watershed moment of this century was when the people stood up against the dark powers of globalism and said enough! Donald needs to understand that he is the embodiment of this sentiment and follow through on the desires of the people to be free from the global tyranny.

Alex Jones -

Guys, I Know I Need to Do Videos

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, I know I need to make videos.  But they can’t be just any ten minute do-it-yourself YouTube rants, and here is the reason why: this stuff is confusing. 
There has been a deliberate effort to confuse things via many different “deceptively similar names” deceits.  Here are a few examples:  “the United States” sounds just the same as “The United States” but these are completely separate and different entities.   “Economic Stabilization Fund” abbreviated “ESF” sounds similar to “Economic Security Fund” also abbreviated “ESF”.   “Hawaii” sounds the same as “HAWAII”….  The word “employee” popularly means someone who works for somebody else, except that on government documents it is arbitrarily defined (by act of Congress) to specifically mean a federal government worker or volunteer….. The word “person” in common popular usage means one of us, a living being, but in Federal-ese it is arbitrarily defined to mean “corporation”.

Operation: End the BLM – Rule by Force

How the Federal Government uses layers of bureaucracy, brute force and outright lies to confiscate private property
James White               NorthWest Liberty News

As I have stated in previous articles, the blatant criminality of the establishment has been openly exposed via WikiLeaksProject Veritas and other new media outlets.  This same criminality that was uncovered by these great news sources is commonplace out West, as it seems to me that whether by decree, a rigged court system or overwhelming force, the Federal Government “always seems to get their land.”

Friday, November 25, 2016

Dung Beetles, Vietnam and Donald Trump

By Anna Von Reitz

Dung beetles are fascinating creatures.  They collect feces over the course of their entire lifetime, and carry it around in a big, ever-expanding sack on their backs.  If any bird eats a dung beetle, they are in for an unpleasant surprise.
There are human dung beetles among us--- people, who, for whatever reasons, carry around every injustice and slight and misfortune that occurs to them in a big invisible sack on their backs.  Some even go so far as to reach back in history for injustices and injuries and losses that were suffered by their great-great-great…..grandfathers. 


Hey all you Trump supporters need to read this right away and then write to Mr Trump and tell him to read it.
Notwithstanding the rioters in the streets of major American cities who are attempting to create the chaotic conditions for a neo-Bolshevik take-over of the United States through a “purple color revolution” of the George Soros/Gene Sharp pattern, tens of millions of Americans are provisionally pleased with the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency. Only “provisionally pleased”, though, because even among his most ardent supporters no one can be certain of what he actually intends to do, or will in fact do, once he has been inaugurated.
The most important duty of any and every President is to fulfill the “Oath or Affirmation” that he “do[es] solemnly swear (or affirm) that [he] will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [his] Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”. U.S. Const. art. II, § 1, cl. 7. To this end, he must rigorously perform his constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”, the Constitution being first and foremost among those “Laws”. U.S. Const. art. II, § 3. On his official website, Mr. Trump assures us that he will champion what he describes as “Second Amendment Rights”. Unfortunately, a careful reading of this declaration demonstrates deficiencies in his understanding of those “Rights” and their proper applications.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax

Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all very colorful and fascinating.

It is also very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what really happened. It is a fairy tale, a whitewashed and sanitized collection of half-truths which divert attention away from Thanksgiving's real meaning.

Here is the truth of what really happened that they don't want you to know!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mainstream Media Corruption --- Tell Donald Trump

By Anna Von Reitz

Today I read a story by Jon Rappoport, one of the few journalists left alive in the world. In it he described a meeting between President-Elect Trump and the major media Talking Heads and Svengalis in which Trump openly called them liars.

Well, they are liars.  Might as well say so, right? 

They lie about everything that it is possible to lie about, to the detriment of this country and the world.  They pass off their narrow opinions as fact.  They routinely misrepresent what is actually going on.  They pander to politicians and manipulate voters to the extent that they can.  They violate--- with aplomb and arrogance -- every existing known standard of journalistic honor and professionalism.

Mainstream Media in America is 90% owned by six foreign multinational media conglomerates and we have allowed this to go on.

What country in its right mind allows its media to be owned by foreigners?

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Attention, Please. The Answer to Standing Rock. Again.

By Anna Von Reitz

When there is an argument about money, don't try to make it into an argument about morals.  Reply in kind. 

Some corrupt federated and incorporated fake "county governments" have seen a way to line their pockets with money from pipeline company and oil company profits.  So they cut a deal allowing these corporations to put a pipeline through.

The problem for these corrupt "county" organizations is that they are just franchises (like Dairy Queen franchises) of parent corporations in the governmental services business.  They don't actually have anything to say about it if the people form their own unincorporated land jurisdiction country assembly and say otherwise.

We dealt with this same problem in Nebraska, but did it intelligently.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

HEADS UP: Call to Action to Protect Electors from Terrorist Death Threats

From the Founder and President of Oath Keepers

On Nov 18, 2016, at 22:02, wrote:
Please spread this around far and wide on social media, and to all your people.  If you are in one of the states that went for Trump, please check the leftist target state lists, but even if your state is not listed, be prepared to protect your electors in case it becomes a targeted state.  Don't put anything past the terrorists who seek to STILL find a way to steal this election, this time through naked coercion and force against the Electors. 
We do need to stay cool and otherwise give them plenty of rope to hang themselves, but this is a serious threat that we must address.  We have no option of "sitting this one out."  And we simply cannot leave this to the police.  We have seen, in the past, people under direct death threats go unprotected by police even after they have directly requested protection. 

We saw that most recently with a black Republican woman candidate in Maryland.  Even after direct death threats by radical Muslims, all she could get from her local PD was token increased frequency of patrol car drive by's of her house. 
And, wherever there is civil unrest, the police will be even less able to provide any real protection. 
In addition to being prepared to help any Electors who contact us, we also need to be proactive about keeping watch over them when and where they gather on December 19.  

Don't presume that the Marxist radicals will not actually kill some Electors in the hopes of terrorizing the others into doing their will.   We are through the looking glass here.  And they are both desperate and deranged.   
I highly recommend watching this interview with SEAL vet Matt Bracken.
And also this documentary on leftist Weather Underground terrorism and how they coordinated with Jihadists in the 70s.  This is what I think is coming next:
Thank you all for your dedication to the Constitution and to our cause.  Any questions, just ask. 
Stewart Rhodes
President and Founder of
Oath Keepers
(406) 291-6558

Tell them to do the following:
A.  Connect with each other.  One of the benefits of any such call to action is the guys with the right backgrounds surface and begin to connect.  That's a good thing. 

B.  Connect with the official state leader (if there is one) or the state POC.   It is important that they connect with and coordinate with current leadership. 

C.  Tell them to also email national at and keep us in the loop.  They can cc that email on their correspondence with each other and their state leadership too. 
If they have trouble reaching their state leadership and getting coordination from them, tell them to email me directly at
It is incredibly important that if they do form up/task a security team, they MUST inform local police so the local cops know who they are and what they are doing.   That's not asking for
permission, but it is being courteous and professional, and is in everyone's interest.  Most of our guys should know that, but please pass it on anyway.   I will also make that clearer in the call
to action.  We want to avoid any chance of an accidental "blue on blue" with local police. 


Trump Will Get the Blame for a Coming Crash - Rob Kirby

Rob Kirby-Massive Fraud 8,000 Tons of Paper Gold Dumped on Market

Found here:

Found here:

Friday, November 18, 2016

Living Law Firm Update -- November 2016

Anna Von Reitz

The Living Law Firm is a loose association of researchers and non-Bar attorneys and retired judges who are working pretty much around the clock to put an end to the corruption of our commercial and judicial systems. The work runs a wide spectrum--- from international banking to individual foreclosures, from international counterfeiting to land patents. 
We have undertaken a staggering but necessary array of work, all of it aimed at ending abuse of the legal system and promoting peaceful resolution of claims. The fundamental thrust of this is to find systemic cures---- broad spectrum cures that will impact everyone by changing the system itself, instead of one by one actions that impact just a few people at a time.

That said, there has been such an outcry for specific help that a few of the Living Law Firm members are being freed up to do private casework. With foreclosures we have an exceptional record to date handling individual cases, though our goals in doing so have gone far beyond each separate case.

Times being what they are, we can't do these additional individual cases for free--- we are barely nosing through our current caseload on the donations everyone has been sending in--- so individuals seeking private help should be prepared to pay up to $3000 for the research and briefs and other paperwork needed to end their own mortgage nightmares. Each case is different--- some can be handled with a lot less ado and other cases are more complex.

Until we have the means to permanently unravel the entire trademarking and copyright infringement scheme that has been employed to create these false mortgages and title deeds, it is still a matter of slogging it out one by one.

Those in need of mortgage-foreclosure- land patent help may call: 1 (903) 431-8729 for either direct help or assignment, depending on which part of the country you live in and the particulars of your case. All payment arrangements etc. are private matters for these individual non-test cases, and need to be worked out between you and the consulting non-Bar attorneys you will be working with.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Good Morning, America…. from Anna Von Reitz

Just as I wrote in my last article about President-Elect Trump in which I pointed out the need to adjust our thinking about the office of the President and learn to think of ourselves as consumers of government services buying them from a company headed by a CEO called “President of the United States”---- we need to start thinking of ourselves as inheritors of America and its traditions.
There is an understandable tendency to claw back to the roots of the Republic to try to find our way forward.  Necessary as it is to do all this historical research so that we have a clear view of the past as we move forward, it can get in our way if we focus too much on what happened then and not enough on what can and should happen now.
We have important, basic, guiding precepts:  self-governance, equality, private property rights, self-respect, brotherhood, duty to God and country, responsibility for ourselves and for the welfare of others, the supreme value and uniqueness of each living man and woman.
These are our inheritance, both from our Judeo-Christian history and from our Founding Fathers.
We are not taught to value our rights as possessions, but in Law and in fact, our rights are our most valuable and sacred possessions without which we can have and can aspire to no others.  This is why the Preamble to the Constitution comes first and foremost and is in fact the most valuable part of the contract established between the British King and his subjects and the American People.
The Preamble establishes our true National Trust.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Election: Of Hate, Grief, and a New Story

Essay by Charles Eisenstein

Posted on Nov 10, 2016
The Election: Of Hate, Grief, and a New Story

Normal is coming unhinged. For the last eight years it has been possible for most people (at least in the relatively privileged classes) to believe that society is sound, that the system, though creaky, basically works, and that the progressive deterioration of everything from ecology to economy is a temporary deviation from the evolutionary imperative of progress.
A Clinton Presidency would have offered four more years of that pretense. A woman President following a black President would have meant to many that things are getting better. It would have obscured the reality of continued neoliberal economics, imperial wars, and resource extraction behind a veil of faux-progressive feminism. Now that we have, in the words of my friend Kelly Brogan, rejected a wolf in sheep’s clothing in favor of a wolf in wolf’s clothing, that illusion will be impossible to maintain.

Is the Worst Yet To Come?

By John W. Whitehead

November 14, 2016

“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—Philosopher George Santayana
Stay alert, America.
This is not the time to drop our guards, even for a moment.
Nothing has changed since the election to alter the immediate and very real dangers of roadside strip searches, government surveillance, biometric databases, citizens being treated like terrorists, imprisonments for criticizing the government, national ID cards, SWAT team raids, censorship, forcible blood draws and DNA extractions, private prisons, weaponized drones, red light cameras, tasers, active shooter drills, police misconduct and government corruption.
Time alone will tell whether those who put their hopes in a political savior will find that trust rewarded or betrayed.
Personally, I’m not holding my breath.
I’ve been down this road before.
I’ve studied history.
I know what comes next.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Community Watch using Safety Communications and Security preparations.

From the Desk of Paul Stramer
Montana Comm Leader
for Oath Keepers

Trump Can't Save America, just by the fact that he will now become the CEO of the UNITED STATES INC. 

Yes he can do some things, at great peril to himself, to undo some of the damage caused by the leftists who have had the power for many years. He can do those things within minutes of being sworn in, AND THE ENEMIES OF AMERICA KNOW IT, especially those hiding inside our own government.
We are headed for some violent times, compliments of the radical leftists who call themselves "progressive" and "democratic" and other euphemisms that remind us of the radicals of the 60s who bombed buildings and killed policemen.  They are already starting their organized and pre-planned riots using their  incitement agents.  These people are really just consummate OUTLAWS.  They will stop at NOTHING to preserve their power, and their global agenda.

Without the continuous long term activity for freedom of each and every one of the people who voted for Trump, and many more people, our communities will not increase in safety. Exactly the opposite. We now need to be in a condition yellow alert all day and all night continuously to preserve peace and good order in our communities. This is what the founders had in mind anyway when they gave us the Militia model for community safety and freedom.

These leftists talk about peace, but their brand of peace is something entirely different than what we have understood.  Their brand of peace happens only when anyone who would oppose them have been eliminated or locked up, so they can no longer oppose them.

There are not enough police, military, sheriffs or any other paid "law enforcement" to help you in what you see beginning in the cities right now. The left is NOT going to stop. They know the jig is up. They know their evil is being exposed for all the world to see. They know if they don't consolidate power right now, this time around, they won't have another opportunity in America for decades if ever.

What can YOU do?

Monday, November 14, 2016

So Trump is President- Elect

By Anna Von Reitz

The election is finally over.  Thank goodness and mercy for small favors.  And Hillary didn't win, which would have been four more years of the same old nasty, corrupt, self-serving disaster.  So a hearty "Thank God!" for that.  And now we are embarked on another chapter in United States, Inc.---- not American--- history.

This is an important distinction for everyone to learn.

As a non-citizen American State National none of the ups and downs of these elections mean anything more than a changing of the administration of a service company----- imagine that your local hardware store changed management, or your dry cleaning service got a new boss. 

That's all that these elections really mean for you, and you would be right to be unconcerned and maybe even totally unaware of all this hullaballoo.  After all, do you get all bent out of shape when the local Dairy Queen gets a new manager?

A Worthy Case for a Presidential Pardon if ever there was one.

Someone should tell Donald J Trump about this case

standbydaniel site header

This was found here:

Like always, this writer believes Daniel is IN THE WRONG COURT. 

They are once again using their Admiralty Court against an American State National by birth.

Jurisdiction is the issue that could free this man, but Donald J Trump could strike a blow against the cabal and drain this FDA swamp by simply pardoning Daniel and wiping his record.

If Mr. Trump intends to keep his campaign promises he should be given the opportunity to review this case as a way to reign in the COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL FDA and the tyrannical Federal courts who empower them.

This man deserves a pardon, and should be paid a lot of money for the persecution they have put him through, let alone the actual monetary damages and physical damage they have caused him.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

It’s snowing in America

Found Here:

I haven’t commented on the recent election because it is my belief that whoever wins, the establishment wins. On one side we have a career criminal who wanted oh so badly to wield the power of government to mold the world to her liking and on the other a man who obviously believes government can make America great again. He won. Trouble is, he’s wrong. But at least he’s not a criminal. The best thing government can do is to get out of the way.
But the reaction from the left is unprecedented. Who are these people? Burning trees in Portland? Really? Is this supposed to sway people to their side?  Are these people serious?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Valley Forge 2.0 - Help Needed

By Anna von Reitz

I need help.  We need help 

Today, my dear friend asked me how I was?  I replied that I felt like a Polish General.  (No insult to the Poles and their efforts against the Nazis and everyone else who has ever rolled across the Polish plains--- we can see who is still there and still standing in the end.)

It also occurred to me that this is how Washington felt at Valley Forge--- so much hanging in the balance and so much need and so much adversity.  Congress sat in Philadelphia and argued.  The farmers and the soldiers starved and bled.

We have come to the heart of the whole conundrum.  The reason why there is no peace treaty ending the Civil War.  The means used to steal and abuse your intellectual property---- and use that as a hook to steal and abuse your actual property as well.  We have faced the Enemy within and found that it is not the Russians or the Khazarian Jews or the African Americans rioting in the streets because they are unemployed and desperate--- no. 

Our real Enemy, besides Satan, is the same enemy it has always been---- the British Crown and the British Government, pretending to be our friends, while acting as thieves and murderers among us. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Here is Joel Skousen’s analysis and take on the “Internet Coup”.  Another PsyOp on the American People?

World Affairs Brief, November 4, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief (

FBI Director James Comey sent an open email to legislators this week indicating that the FBI had found new evidence on Huma Abedin’s (Hillary’s close aide) personal laptop and that they were reopening the investigation into Hillary’s use of an unsecured private server with sensitive State Department emails. Comey did not elaborate about the evidence so there are many rumors flying about what might be found this time. I don’t have time to cover all the rumors, but I will say I don’t expect the FBI to reveal anything further until after the election—and then only selectively, omitting the worst offenses. Also, there are plenty of dissatisfied FBI agents and NY Police investigators involved in this big case that may leak the rest. It is looking like there is more than the misuse of classified emails at stake here. Since Huma Abedin was Hillary’s top aide, her email stash is rumored to contain a treasure trove of “pay to play” comments for donors to the Clinton Foundation as well as details of collusion between the Clinton campaign and Hillary to hide illegal activities. This week I’ll discuss FBI director Comey’s motives behind the politically sensitive reopening of the investigation plus the bogus claim by Steve Pieczenik that a silent, bloodless coup has taken over the US government to block the election of Hillary Clinton. . . . .


The entire right wing of the internet is ablaze with the claims of Steve Pieczenik that he and others in the intelligence community have staged a silent, bloodless coup against the government in order to stop the highly corrupt Hillary Clinton from becoming president. Here’s the link to his video.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


American States and Nations (Trading) Bank --- Part Two

By Anna Von Reitz

In Part One we discussed the difference between actual money, which must have actual value as a commodity in-and-of-itself and “legal tender”---- stocks, bonds, letters of credit, insurance indemnity receipts, etc.
We also discussed the fact that while the original members of Congress were enabled to act as either Fiduciary Deputies and convene a Continental Congress representing the land jurisdiction government under Article X (a public office), or, act as Representatives and convene a United States Congress to oversee the nineteen operations delegated to the federal government in international jurisdiction (a private corporate office), they in Breach of Trust ceased to operate the land jurisdiction office with the passage of the 19th Amendment to their corporate constitution called “The Constitution of the United States of America”.
Ever since then they have been obliged to operate on legal (fiction) tender and to issue look-alike but significantly altered coinage, because only lawful land jurisdiction governments can issue actual money.

American States and Nations (Trading) Bank -- Part One

By Anna Von Reitz

The question has come at me from multiple sides for many weeks now--- sometimes softly, and sometimes loudly, but the same question voiced in many different ways and even languages: “Our world is in trouble, because of crooks infesting and controlling the monetary system--- what do we do about it?”
Before I can deliver my answer, I have to cover some basics.
First ---- Money versus Legal Tender
The world has used many forms of money, but central to the definition of “money”, it has to have actual value as well as any symbolic value we attach to it.  For example, the United States Silver Dollar (that is, our “United States”, not THEIR look-alike sound-alike version) is defined as a weight of fine silver. That is the actual “value” of it—the weight and the purity of silver. 
In addition, because people around the world trust Americans (not citizens of the United States) to deliver the actual weight of silver in the specified purity, the United States Silver Dollar has also acquired a certain amount of “non-tangible value”.  Given a choice between our United States Silver Dollars and coin from other places, many people would still rather choose our coinage because it is known to be a quality product.
That is what lawful money is---- an actual specifically defined unitary measure of an asset (an ounce of fine silver for example) with a brand name (United States Silver Dollar, for example). 
Money is a commodity like any other. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton Has Begun: Red Alert

Can anyone prove this wrong?  Does anyone have more information on this?

Published on Nov 1, 2016
In this breaking video Steve Pieczenik not only discusses the Clinton takeover of the United States, but reveals his face after years of staying off camera.

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