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Friday, November 18, 2016

Living Law Firm Update -- November 2016

Anna Von Reitz

The Living Law Firm is a loose association of researchers and non-Bar attorneys and retired judges who are working pretty much around the clock to put an end to the corruption of our commercial and judicial systems. The work runs a wide spectrum--- from international banking to individual foreclosures, from international counterfeiting to land patents. 
We have undertaken a staggering but necessary array of work, all of it aimed at ending abuse of the legal system and promoting peaceful resolution of claims. The fundamental thrust of this is to find systemic cures---- broad spectrum cures that will impact everyone by changing the system itself, instead of one by one actions that impact just a few people at a time.

That said, there has been such an outcry for specific help that a few of the Living Law Firm members are being freed up to do private casework. With foreclosures we have an exceptional record to date handling individual cases, though our goals in doing so have gone far beyond each separate case.

Times being what they are, we can't do these additional individual cases for free--- we are barely nosing through our current caseload on the donations everyone has been sending in--- so individuals seeking private help should be prepared to pay up to $3000 for the research and briefs and other paperwork needed to end their own mortgage nightmares. Each case is different--- some can be handled with a lot less ado and other cases are more complex.

Until we have the means to permanently unravel the entire trademarking and copyright infringement scheme that has been employed to create these false mortgages and title deeds, it is still a matter of slogging it out one by one.

Those in need of mortgage-foreclosure- land patent help may call: 1 (903) 431-8729 for either direct help or assignment, depending on which part of the country you live in and the particulars of your case. All payment arrangements etc. are private matters for these individual non-test cases, and need to be worked out between you and the consulting non-Bar attorneys you will be working with.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. just out of curiosity.. In 2013 I lost 'two' fully paid houses to the Royal Bank in Canada when I tried to go up against them in court. They passed judgement before I even made it to the courthouse. I had given them an 'offer' of payment which they completely ignored. There was a credit line on each and anyway.. It goes on and on.. Is there any way to recover from this?

  2. Somehow, sometime soon, the meek shall inherit the earth.

  3. I don't know about anyone else, but 3K is peanuts when compared with what can be gained by learning how to make a declaration of acceptance of land patent effective in these private courts.


  4. Well, anyone facing foreclosure, $3,000 is a huge amount. If we were able to afford that much, we probably wouldn't be in the situation we are in. Ok, to my situation. I just called and left a message. I live in Washington state, Chelan County and have a court date Dec. 19th 2016. I've already gotten a forensic audit done and have sent the mortgage co. trustee a QWR, which they have never returned to me. Plus I've requested to see the real, wet-ink copy of the mortgage and they haven't provided that with me either. I'd like to send them another notice saying they have not provided me with any of the requested information, that we need another Continuance until that is done. But I'd like to know if there is anyone familiar with our laws here in Washington state? Are you able to deal with the admiralty laws here or are you dealing with mainly common law legalities? Thanks!!

  5. Dear kathleen, you arent looking for the morgtage, you want the original wet ink signture on the "Promissory Note"(ie the NOTE). The note is the original instrament that starts the whole process, not the morgtage (or "trust deed" or "deed of trust" as its called in calif. and some other states. Its the Note that was separated from the security agreement(morgtage or deed of trust) when they "securitized" it on wall street. Those two instraments should never be separated. But even if they were, the original NOTE has to be united back with the morgtage in order to have a lawful property sale. The Note was never returned because once it wound up on wall street they were all bundled up in numerous derivatives and untimately "LOST". All of them, billions worth. It has become such a problem for the banks, they have either paid off the courts and judges or made new law for them because now the courts tell people they dont need it or will accept a copy of it, which if you read the UCC can only be allowed if the NOTE was "Accidentally" lost or stollen. Is it reasonalable to assume that hundreds of billions in notes were "ACCIDENTALLY" lost or stollen????....NO WAY!! Your best bet is to get a few people together who are in your same situation and go down to city hall and especially the "Sherriffs" building and give them the facts on what happened with all the court cases, including the comptroller of currency and the Attorneys Generalls office who have all brought charges against the banks successfully, and proving that these foreclosures are all unlawful. Do this before it even gets to court. Then once they are in possession of the "truth" if they try to evict you on a foreclosure they were forewarned about by your notice that they will be guilty of committing a crime of theft and conspiracy to commit theft, plus fraud. A court order doesnt give an officer the right to commit a crime. By law and their Bond, they are required to investigate the claim themselves before they confiscate your home. Dont bother with the courts... they wont listen. The Sherriffs are the ones that ultimately commit the real crime by taking your house by force and armed with deadly weapons. Then go to city hall and ask their "risk management dept." to give you the names of their "insurers" because if push comes to shove you are going to sue them directly, not the city, for insuring FRAUD. Forget suing the city because they will tell you that you have to file a form asking "permission" to be sued if THEY determine you have a case. Forget that. So your two main enemies are the Sherriff and the citys "insurers". If the city loses their insurers they can no longer function.You also might want to make it clear to everyone that none of them are filling lawful public offices, only corporate ones. Also, like i tell everyone, before you even go off half cocked, go to the county recorders office and get a copy of your property records. Yiur in for a big surprise on how many people are involved now because of all the assignments and transfers that has taken place on your property behind yiur back because you signed a waiver of "power of attorney" and "power of sale" on your morgtage papers. Those have to be revoked immediately. Good luck.

    1. What a decisive good word for Kathleen- sure hope it helps.
      I lost a fully paid for home while working across the state when they changed the Property-Tax deadline from 4yrs to 2yrs. Shows their desperation for money's to waste frivilously.
      This is stolen off decent-hardworking American's that only want a decent home and life for themselves and families.
      It has become an insufferable burden for many- esp for family farms and businesses that must pay $20k-$50k+ a YEAR(property tax)before they make a dime= up to $1,000 a week+(*more than most folks make). Then there's wages, comp+health/unemployment-ins,fed/state+county tax, overhead+operating costs, mortages, loans, equipment cost's, losses, zoning+regulatoy costs,fuel+shipping, bldg maintainence and lots more that regular 9-5ers would faint just comprehending. No wonder folks in business give up, being slaves for USA Inc on top of working 80-100+hrs a week.

    2. What a decisive good word for Kathleen- sure hope it helps.
      I lost a fully paid for home while working across the state when they changed the Property-Tax deadline from 4yrs to 2yrs. Shows their desperation for money's to waste frivilously.
      This is stolen off decent-hardworking American's that only want a decent home and life for themselves and families.
      It has become an insufferable burden for many- esp for family farms and businesses that must pay $20k-$50k+ a YEAR(property tax)before they make a dime= up to $1,000 a week+(*more than most folks make). Then there's wages, comp+health/unemployment-ins,fed/state+county tax, overhead+operating costs, mortages, loans, equipment cost's, losses, zoning+regulatoy costs,fuel+shipping, bldg maintainence and lots more that regular 9-5ers would faint just comprehending. No wonder folks in business give up, being slaves for USA Inc on top of working 80-100+hrs a week.

  6. I think it is only honest that I would share my experience with calling the number above. I honestly thought anything related to Judge Anna would be above board and the utmost professional. That has not been my experience.

    I called the phone number and received a call back from a man calling himself Gonzo. He vaguely relayed what it was that he does. Something about IRS forms sent, a repayment by the government for taxes not paid by the mortgagor and by Jan. 1st, 2017 that I could have my house paid off. Ok, that sounded good. I told him I have a court date with a judge for a Motion of Summary Judge on Dec. 19th, 2016 and I am desperately trying to do something. I asked him what his fee would be. I told him I am on social security. He asked if I had $500 and I said yes. He said ok. I then asked for a agreement form, which he sent. It stated Services rendered: Form 104490, Form 1041 and 1041 Sch. D, Form 1099, Form 211, Form 3949A and a claim for recoupment for principle and interest and shadow escrow account.

    Ok, I sent the money. Then nothing for a week. So I emailed him again asking for an update and if I could have copies of the IRS forms he sent. He said he could not and that I needed to look them up on the computer. I asked to be updated if any information comes in. He said, absolutely.

    Then I emailed him yesterday. I have received nothing from him. I called the court house to check on the status of my court case and they said it is still scheduled. No responses. I get a email from Gonzo NOW sending me IRS forms and telling me I should file a counter suit. TWO WEEKS LATER, HE JUST NOW SENDS ME IRS FORMS AND TELLS ME I SHOULD FILE A COUNTER SUIT!! He has done NOTHING on this case. I am totally confused what has just happened. I was under the presumption that that was what I was hiring him to do. NOW, he tells me I should fill out these forms and send them back to him.

    Ok, I wrote Judge Anna and explained this to her. She acted defensive of Gonzo and told me he is suffering from cancer and that he is an excellent lawyer that has helped out many people. does that help me out? I hired him to help me! I'm not tying to be a jerk, but this is my life too. I could be left homeless in less than 2 weeks. If he is sick, maybe he shouldn't be taking this case if he can't handle it.

    Anyway, just letting you all know what my experience has been. I have asked Gonzo for my money back but I have a feeling I won't see anything for this $500.00.


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