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Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Municipal and Territorial Powers Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

When our government entered into solemn contract with the government of the Holy Roman Empire, we contracted for postal services and recognition within what is now called the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and we established multiple seats of government, one capitol for the American Government in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, one Federal Capitol established as the City of Washington, District of Columbia, and one separate Municipal Capitol limited to the physical area enclosed within the Boundary Stones of the Capitol Hill Enclosure, set aside as sacred space, intended to be politically neutral.  

So much for our history and clearly established intentions. 

With the official end of the Holy Roman Empire, the Successor rights to the contract expressed by The Constitution of the United States were assumed by the Holy See and later, by the Roman Curia and the City of Rome.  While the Municipal Government of the United States was originally unincorporated, and run as a plenary oligarchy by our American Federal Subcontractors, things got mixed up in the period immediately before and after the so-called American Civil War. 

Our country is widely and properly called "The United States" in English and as English is our official language, this style including the definite article as part of the name, was adopted in 1851.  Prior to that, our country's name was often styled as "the United States" and both our Union of States doing business as  the States of America,  and the Municipal Subcontractor being run variously by the Holy Roman Empire, the Holy See, and the City of Rome, did business as "the United States".  

After 1851, oblivious of the change in style conventions, the General Public continued to  write about our country as "the United States" and after the Civil War, when the American Federal Subcontractor ceased functioning, there remained only the Municipal Government functioning as "the United States".  

This created an opportunity for what Chief Justice Harlan would call "mischief".  

The foreign operators of the Municipal Government could then easily be mistaken for the States of America version of "the United States" and usurp upon the duties and contracts owed to the "missing" States of America organization.  

To protect its City of Rome investors, the Municipal Government inhabiting the one mile square set aside for it within the City of Washington, District of Columbia, created and began operating through a new Municipal Corporation -- a conversion process that was completed by 1878.  

Now we had two Municipal Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia, one owned by the British Territorial Government since 1790, and one owned by the Municipal --- formerly Holy Roman Empire --- Government beginning 1878, and both were operating under deceptively similar names compared to our American Government instrumentalities. 

The only observable difference between The United States, our American Union of States, and the United States (Incorporated), the new Municipal Corporation, was that the word "The" which appeared as part of the Proper Name, did not appear as part of the name of the new Municipal Corporation.  

There was no observable difference between the proper name of The United States of America, our unincorporated American Federation of States, and The United States of America (Incorporated) -- a new Municipal Corporation franchise of the British Territorial Government fronted by a group of Scottish Investors in 1868.  They weren't required to add the word "Incorporated" to the name and thus divulge the nature of this new corporation, so they didn't.  

In either case, both names served to confuse identities for purposes of impersonation and fraud. 

The new Municipal Corporation doing business as the United States (Incorporated) impersonated our unincorporated Union of States doing business as The United States and States of America.  

The new Scottish Territorial Corporation doing business as The United States of America (Incorporated) impersonated our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. 

Both of these impersonations resulted in identity theft and credit fraud, exactly analogous to what any credit card hacker does today -- the victim is impersonated, and their credit accounts are accessed by the imposter, and the victim is left with the bill.  

In addition to accessing our credit via these frauds and deliberate misrepresentations, these imposters usurped upon powers belonging to us that were delegated to the States of America, our American Federal Subcontractor --- not to them.  

We've had both these foreign Municipal Corporations exercising powers that were never vouchsafed to them.  

We have already noted that they have no War Powers, no Plenary Powers, and no use permit from the actual States allowing them to establish independent, international city-states on our shores.

We maintain that these limitations apply to both foreign Municipal Corporations, because they have been exercising the powers we delegated to the States of America instead, and the differences between these Federal Subcontractors are not insignificant or immaterial.

The States of America is run by accountable Fiduciary Deputies, not by representatives of foreign corporation shareholders carrying proxy votes, and not by representatives of foreign political parties serving special interests as lobbyists. 

It was not our intention nor our stipulated agreement to have the foreign Municipal Corporations and their "Congresses" providing the services or exercising the powers of the States of America, much less the powers of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. 

These impersonations are fraudulent, criminal, and unnecessary.  

All delegated powers vested in the American Federal Republic automatically returned to the Delegator by Operation of Law, meaning that all rights, powers, and interests reverted to our unincorporated Federation of States effective the moment our Confederation of States-of-States lost an operating quorum. 

It was only subterfuge and substitution of Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney impersonating our Federation of States President, that allowed this gigantic fraud and usurpation to be implemented and go undetected. 

Ironically, and apparently unaware of their own culpability in this matter, the Officers of the British Territorial Municipal Corporation have continued to oppose and oppress members of the Municipal Government Corporation ever since the end of the so-called Civil War. 

On February 22, 1983, the President of the British Territorial Municipal Corporation acting as Commander-in-Chief, Ronald Reagan, signed Executive Order 12407, which stripped all governmental powers from municipalities, denying them any police powers, any state immunity, and any ability to declare themselves "sovereign cities".  

If we go back in time and examine the same issues of Territorial jurisdiction versus Municipal jurisdiction being exercised within the borders of the States from the viewpoint of 1845, we find this Supreme Court opinion:

“We think a proper examination of this subject will show that the United States never held any municipal sovereignty, jurisdiction, or right of soil in and to the territory, of which Alabama or any of the new States were formed… …[B]ecause, the United States have no constitutional capacity to exercise municipal jurisdiction, sovereignty, or eminent domain, within the limits of a State or elsewhere, except in the cases in which it is expressly granted… …Alabama is therefore entitled to the sovereignty and jurisdiction over all the territory within her limits, subject to the common law…” Pollard v. Hagan, 44 U.S. 212 (1845)   

The then-new State known as Alabama had just been enrolled as a State of the Union.  The entity being referenced as "the United States" is the Municipal Government Subcontractor operating under The Constitution of the United States, which is attempting to assume widespread municipal powers related to its postal service contract.  The Court is reminding the foreign Subcontractor that it has no granted authority to assert its jurisdiction inside the borders of a State, except in those places and circumstances that the State expressly grants permission for it to do so-- as in, for example, a Federal Post Office.  It cannot invoke municipal sovereignty, jurisdiction, or eminent domain inside the borders of a State, apart from those enclaves expressly allowed to it to perform its duties. 
Please note that the Subcontractor must obtain "express" written permission from Alabama, the actual State, for municipal jurisdiction to be asserted within the borders of a State or imposed on the territorial jurisdiction within a State.

Ever since the so-called Civil War, the British Territorial Municipal Corporation has been operating the U.S. Army as a Mercenary Force and based on directions left to it by Abraham Lincoln, who was never our President, has continued to invoke an "emergency" and to excuse its Occupation of our States of the Union in contravention of its constitutional duties and limitations. 

The Officers of the British Territorial Municipal Corporation have claimed our "absence" in our faces, misrepresented us as "absentee landlords" and via their own secretive and unlawful conversion of our political status using undisclosed registration of American babies, they have conspired to vacate our land and soil jurisdiction on paper, and then made False Claims on Abandonment seeking to claim our assets for themselves.  

These villains have run our country into the ground "for" us, destroyed our international reputation for fair dealing, embarked on a 160 year-long spree of war profiteering at our expense, and have now committed genocide and made attempts to mischaracterize and enslave millions of Americans as Genetically Modified Organisms, owned by the military patentholders. 

We wish for this to end and for these criminally-inclined corporations to be liquidated without further adieu, and we wish for their assets to be returned to us and to our control as their Priority and Preferential Creditors.  

We wish for them to be gone, for our sakes, and for the sake of life and peace on this planet. 

There are no municipal powers and no territorial powers, either, that can stand against the sovereignty of our States; all fifty of them have been formally enrolled as full-fledged States of the Union since the first of October 2020

Likewise, there are no delegated powers that can stand against the Powers of the Delegating Authority. We re-published our Sovereign Letters Patent on November 4th 2015

All our work has been accomplished in an above-board manner, plainly stated in English; it has all been carried out with Due Process, has been fully disclosed to the British Monarch, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, the Holy See, the United States Secretaries of State and the Secretary Generals of the United Nations, so that nobody has cause to complain, allege any wrong-doing, or suspect any undue self-interest on our parts. 

More importantly, our work has been accomplished without malice, vengeance, or seeking to blame; as dolorous and unjust as many circumstances have been, we have kept our vision focused on peaceful and lawful settlement of issues and debts.  

We believe that our lawful Government has many answers and means to heal the ravages which the Kingdom of Lies has inflicted, and as we have remembered history and learned from our mistakes, we have no obligation to relive them.  

Issued by:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                   The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 2nd 2023


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

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The Neo-Paganism Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Faced with the necessity of paying their own debts the Territorial powers and Municipal Corporations responsible for this Mess, together with their Principals, have tried every possible excuse and scam and endgame, including changing their religion, in their efforts to avoid their obligations under Ecclesiastical Law. 

Voluntary changes undertaken by Parties to contract do not free them from their prior obligations. 

King George III avoided his treaty obligations to the Delaware  and Lenape Indians by being defeated in The War of Independence.  This "defeat" allowed the former Colonists to open up the entire continent to European settlement without the King's treaty obligations standing in the way.  Both the King and the Colonists, most especially, the King's Cousin, George Washington, profited handsomely --- at the Indian's expense. 

Sometimes even a contrived involuntary inability to perform upon a contract releases the Obligee, at least from direct obligation, though we maintain that under international law, King George III and his Successors still owe the Delaware and Lenape a very substantial treaty settlement in gold.  

That said, changing one's religion, or appearance of religion, is an entirely personal and voluntary choice, a choice that in no way alters pre-existing contractual obligations or any contract undertaken with the appearance of good faith. 

Even if the Perpetrators claim that they have always been Liars, we would have had no cause to know that in the face of their expert impersonation of Truth-tellers --- and the default and the fraud is, again, on them. 

We note that when King Philip the Fair and Pope Clement V accused the Templars of heresy and destroyed the Order, it had the convenient effect of using religion as an excuse to erase a very substantial debt owed to the Templars.  

Throughout history, various other excuses to attack the Priority Creditors have been used --- everything from marital infidelity to regicide and False Flags of every kind --- but religion has been used in the examples provided by the Gnostics, Albigensians, and Templars, and attempts to deny the current debts are underway which use religion as the excuse for not paying --- albeit, in a slightly different way. 

We are given to understand that the Royal Family in Britain and most of the Royals throughout Europe are now claiming an astonishing conversion, and revealing themselves to be Devotees of the Dark Goddess and Baphomet, and in general, acolytes serving The Father of All Lies. 

This change of religion has been announced via the use of signs, not words, and actions, not declarations. 

We have read this change in the pageants on display at the London Olympics, the Commonwealth Games, and elsewhere. We have seen it in the reconstruction of the Great Gate of the Balbek Temple in Rome. We have seen it in the form of Klaus Schwab dancing around clad in a g-string and pink fairy tutu.  We have seen it in the absurd attention given to LGTBQ and Whatever Else Special Interests seeking to normalize every possible form of sexual libertinism and abuse.  We have seen it at the recent coronation of King Charles III and Parliament's swearing of allegiance.   

They hope that this ridiculous charade by hypocrites will excuse them from having to pay the debts they accumulated as "Christian" Monarchs and provide them with new Personas that will allow them to exercise the full range of their depravity without apology. 

While this revelation does explain their war-mongering, lies, cruelty, sexual perversion, misplaced elitism, mental illness and in general, the evil that they have practiced for centuries of mostly European History, it does not change the ledger nor their contractual obligations. 

No banker in his right mind has any excuse for funding them or their new endeavors, which include planetary genocide and Corporate Feudalism. 

No corporation that is a member of the World Economic Forum, no bank in the Central Bank System, and no Military Corporation or Incorporated Paymaster has any reason or right to be paid, or to pay out, another dime
---until the true ownership interests are satisfied. 

Within the realm of the Ecclesiastical Law it is the unique right and responsibility of the Vatican Chancery Court to make disposition of property interests within the jurisdiction of the air, which includes intellectual property and property belonging to corporations. 

The offending Municipal and Territorial Corporations have impersonated the living people in all the countries they have occupied, misrepresenting the living as corporations -- fictional Legal Persons and ESTATES; they have developed a complex confidence racket that they have used to defraud their victims of their birth rights--- including their Good Names, substance, physical assets, and intellectual property. 

All of these aforementioned private assets have been used non-consensually as collateral backing public spending and political slush funds, all garnered and organized under the abusive control of foreign Municipal Corporations and their commercial franchises, entities that have been acting under color of law and conditions of undisclosed usurpation and fraud for decades.

In this way, the assets of living men have been credited to corporations without their knowledge or consent, whereupon these corporations must be liquidated and the victims made whole without delay. 

These same conditions and schemes in breach of trust and violation of service contracts, treaties, and conventions owed to the victims are known to exist in The United States, the former British Commonwealth, seventeen Western European nations still under occupation since the Second World War, Japan, South Korea, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, eighteen African countries, and numerous other countries and principalities worldwide. 

To expedite the theft and re-assignment of all these purportedly abandoned, waived, intestate, and purloined public and private assets misrepresented as "historical assets" and "public trusts" and "legacy trusts" the late British Queen abdicated the land and soil jurisdiction of Great Britain within three days of her Coronation, and employed the False Registration Scheme described elsewhere within this presentment, to secretly and unlawfully convert the political status of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, so as to impersonate them and traffic them off the land and soil of their respective countries. This, then, also deprived them of their property rights and the protections of the Constitutional Guarantees owed to them. 

All of this and more was done to vacate the land and soil jurisdiction of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; and British Territorial Occupation was used to accomplish the same ends in all the other countries impacted by this world-spanning scheme. 

The apparent aim of all this was to first defraud and then deprive the living people of their property rights and contractual guarantees, to promote False Claims of Abandonment, and finesse the transfer of all these assets to new owners, except that the new owners were swindled, too.  

These Perpetrators sold what they didn't own to Third Parties, spent the money, and then contrived to pass the actual property interest back to themselves--- all without giving any equitable consideration to the  actual owners or any satisfaction to the people, largely Chinese, Indonesian, and Middle Eastern Investors, that they swindled.

With respect to the actual owners, all these amassed debts are by definition Odious Debts --- debts created by fraudulent artifice, of which the victims were not aware, and from which they did not profit.  

With respect to the offended Investors who acted in good faith, it is primarily a real estate swindle with associated insurance, currency, and commodity (natural resource) fraud aspects 

Regardless of whatever religion the Perpetrators now claim to espouse, their contractual obligations are clear and we hold them to it.  If Queen Elizabeth II and her Consort wished to practice Satanism in their private lives they were nonetheless obligated to function as Christian -- and Protestant --  Monarchs in their public lives.  Any failure on their parts to perform reverts their authority to the first default.  

Their acts vacating the land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, like their similar efforts to vacate the land and soil of The United States, the former Commonwealth, the Occupied Countries of Western Europe, et alia, have failed.  Not only did the declaration of a Regency in 1999 by the Lord High Steward prevent their success, but numerous other Principals awakened in time to organize their traditional governments and bring their claims, as evidenced by our presentment(s). 

We regret the necessity of these public objections and would prefer that the living people could be spared the considerable pain and confusion occasioned by learning that they have been under the thrall of criminal occult interests for 150-plus years, but such has been the case, and there is no avoiding this denouement. 

The rampage of criminality unleashed by Queen Victoria's plunge into the occult has run its course, leaving the better part of three billion people killed or maimed, and untold numbers of victims of the current genocide remain to be counted. 

We are the lawful inheritors of all that the Perpetrators meant to claim for themselves, and it is not an accident that this is so, for the Evil Ones fall into their own traps and by their own snares they are fallen.  

We wish for all presumed land titles and deeds to be lawfully converted back into their proper form of recorded ownership interest.  

We wish for all Proper Names of living people latched upon and copyrighted by the British Crown when they were still babies, to be released and for these copyrights to be recorded and returned to the owners. 

We wish for the immediate issuance of prepaid credit through our prosperity bank system, which is owed to the actual owners sufficient for the relief of all contrived public debt, and all reasonable and customary private needs as well. 

The Innocent should not be made to bear the burdens of the Guilty with regard to the public debt run up by these Municipal Corporations.  

These Municipal Corporation service providers deliberately padded their expenses by providing non-consensual and duplicate services and by subcontracting out work that they were supposed to be doing and services they were supposed to be providing to unelected, unauthorized Agencies. They just as deliberately failed to provide exemptions and profits owed to the asset owners, facts that when accounted for, render these corporations insolvent and ineligible for bankruptcy protection at public expense.   

The actual owners are owed not only the safe return of their physical assets, but the credit derived from those assets, as well as interest and the seigniorage owed to the actual underwriters of the currencies issued-- that is, the living people whose purloined material assets and labor assets were seized upon and used to back "the good faith" of a foreign Congress. 

It is insupportable that the victims of this breach of trust should pay another penny of mortgages, property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, utility taxes and so on.  It is also insupportable that they should pay for their use of their common natural resources. Thus every bill alleging public debt must be offset by prepaid credit. 

In addition, bills related to the use of their own credit and bills for the use of Universities and other public institutions they have funded, must be offset.  

And finally, in recompense for lost revenues and opportunities, deprivation of rights, purloined income and interest due, unrequited profit shares and failure to deliver, the victims are not only due freedom from all the public debts discussed above, but very substantial "reasonable and customary"
recoupments to be paid to them for any peaceful purpose, such as medical care, maintenance of homes and automobiles, preventative health care, home remodels, landscaping, veterinary care for pets, corrective dentistry,  continuing education, and so on.

It is our wish that the living people should be set free from the sneaking white-collar brand of enslavement they've been subjected to, and it is our will that they experience the freedom they have earned, which is not possible without financial freedom.  

We wish for all other physical and material assets in addition to the land and soil to be returned to the lawful owners and their lawful governments. 

We wish for this global crime to come to naught, and for the victims to be held harmless. 

We wish for the support and goodwill of all who align their lives with life and their hearts with love, now in this moment and forevermore.  

Issued by:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                   The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 1st 2023

See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

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