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Thursday, April 4, 2024

International Public Notice: For All of You Who Need to Know

 By Anna Von Reitz

First, you should know that the situation in Israel is heating up and getting more complex by the moment. You won't hear this on the news because our media has been gagged since 1902 thanks to the British Pilgrim's Society. 

Israel targeted the Iranian embassy compound in Syria, lobbed missiles at it, and killed Iranians.  This is, whether you know it or not, an Act of War.  It puts Israel firmly in the aggressor seat and whatever Iran does to retaliate, Israelis have to accept the fact that they are suffering because of the acts of their own government.  

In the last week, numerous groups throughout the Middle East have been meeting.  The entire Arab population is scandalized by the extent and the ferocity of the genocide and destruction poured down on the innocent civilian population of Gaza, using a British-funded and Netanyahu-expedited Hamas attack as the Israeli excuse for this.  

What has happened in Gaza would be like turning the entire U.S. Military loose on New York City with unlimited armament short of nuclear weapons, and letting it pound New York into the dirt for months. 

What defense would New York City have?  The same defense that Gaza has.  None.  It would just slowly disappear under the weight of the bombing and missiles and artillery fire, until nothing and nobody was left.  

That's what you've got going on in Gaza, and frankly, the "dumb" uninformed  Americans notwithstanding, that is what the rest of the world sees. 

No wonder the entire Muslim world is inflamed and taking the bait to fight.   

Right behind the Arab States are the Russians and Chinese, who are all allied together -- the Iranians and Russians by their pacts, and the Chinese and Russians allied by their treaties and agreements.  

And here is the stellar point --- they are all on the moral high ground.  We and NATO are on the wrong side of the issues, because it can never be acceptable for a massive military force to attack an unarmed civilian population and to do it in such a purposeful, blatant, prolonged, and reckless way. 

The Israelis have become what they hate.  Their fear and their focus on self-protection has morphed into gross, mindless aggression against Gaza, and now, they have Russian tanks on the Golan Heights. 

Somehow, they seem to assume that they can get away with this genocide and their stubborn refusal to relent, just as they thought they could target the Iranian Embassy in Syria without consequence.  

The concept of what happens on the school ground when a bully is beaten up by a bigger bully has not sunk in.  They obviously think that the British Crown Corporation is going to come save their State of Israel, Inc. franchise, no matter what gross crimes and acts of violence Israel commits.... 

But the British Crown Corp. had no business creating a State of Israel, Inc. franchise, and the British Government had no right to sell Jacob Rothschild a 99-year lease on Israel under the Balfour Declaration.  All this crooked dealing on the part of Britain is now becoming public knowledge and coming home to roost. 

No doubt, that's why MI6 armed and paid Hamas -- a smokescreen to "get something started" as if attacking the Iranian Embassy compound was not enough. 

I am disgusted to say that the Vermin are cruising for a bruising on purpose.  They are creating a crisis deliberately to distract from and obscure their own criminality. The entire economic and financial meltdown is similarly self-generated and cynical.  

Israel was not the victim in the Hamas attack.  Israel was looking for an excuse to attack Gaza and Britain provided Hamas with the means to provide that excuse and Netanyahu let down Israeli border defenses to expedite it.  The whole thing is vicious and calculated and timed to promote the Do It Yourself Armageddon scenario that the Office of the Roman Pontiff and HRE have long planned.  

Let's all keep our eyes and ears alert and realize that the Perpetrators --- the ones really responsible, are the same Perpetrators who have run rampant for the past three hundred years: Rome, Britain, and "Westminster"--- the Inner City of London British Crown Cartel.  

These "Principals and Powers"  are the ones on the Low Road, the cause of it all, and the ones who deserve universal condemnation, if not outright and permanent destruction for their criminal activities and constant acts of war and war-mongering and war-for-profit schemes, for their refusal to give up their illegal and repugnant Caste System, and the peonage and enslavement that keeps it going.  

The rest of us have moved on and are ready for something better.  And here they are, putting on the biggest "show" ever, their own mass-produced end of the world event, complete with self-engineered fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  

They should be ashamed and we should all shame them in public for it.  Life and death are not a game and we are not pawns set up to be their gullible audience.  

If you are not all deeply offended by what is going on in Gaza, you should be.  And even if the planned Great Earthquake isn't pulled off, for fear of permanently damaging the biome, we should all just stay home, and say, "No!" to the best of our ability. 

This SundayApril 7th, join us and the rest of the world in physically and spiritually and emotionally saying no to them and their whole panoply of disaster and death, and declare an end to evil.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994 
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 4th 2024


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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We Have Been "De-Humanized", Nuked, and Hacked. What Next?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Below find a Rat Watch Report  which explains WBAN hacking, Cesium -137 Exposure, and oodles more that you need to know in the interim while we grapple with what to do about it.  

Cesium -137 is a radioactive waste byproduct of nuclear fission and one of those pollutants that was released throughout Iraq and the Middle East via the use of artillery shells packed with "spent" nuclear fuel.  

This wanton act of genocide and pollution of the environment is strictly forbidden by numerous international treaties and compacts and declarations --- but that didn't stop the criminals, Harry Reid and Hillary Rodham Clinton --- from doing it anyway, and doing it in our names to boot. 

Similar pollution of our environment is taking place under the auspices of the "chem trail" aerosolized  spraying program initiated by the Vatican City State, and appears to be part of a long term plan to pollute the entire Earth with industrial by-product wastes. 

This has multiple benefits in the minds of the Perpetrators --- it guarantees lots of sick people in need of their for-profit medical services and products, it turns targeted areas into pre-prepared killing grounds susceptible to incendiary fires like we've seen in Paradise, California and Lahaina, Hawaii, because many of these wastes are incendiary metals, and the manufacturers -- out of control corporations, are spared the expense of properly disposing of their waste products. 

It's no mistake that Harry Reid, Senator from Nevada, where a lot of U.S. fission waste was stored, was at the center of the action loading artillery shells with the radioactive waste. 

This deliberate pollution of the environment with dangerous substances antithetical to life and peace is part of a larger plan to "destroy the Earth by fire" a Plan which can only be described as a Do-It-Yourself fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy.

Suffice it to say that we don't "trust the Plan" and we don't propose to sit on our couches while these criminals continue their activities and do it "in our names" so that we get blamed for it and our country gets targeted because of it. 

The entire problem is not with the eternally gullible Americans.  The problem is with the British-Romano collusion, their oppressive caste system, their criminality, and their endless pot-stirring and war-mongering for profit, all served up with a peculiar taste of sanctimonious cult-based elitist religiosity.  

Enough already.  The illusion is blasted, the "cover" is gone. Everyone turn your missiles and nukes on the actual culprits for once. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 3rd 2024 


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: For All State-of-State Governors

 By Anna Von Reitz

The truth of the matter is in your faces and begins the template of every Executive Order you receive.  Let's give you a recent example: 

"Now, therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States of America by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the United States...." 

1. From 1776 to 1851, the phrase "the United States" meant the Union States formed of individual counties joined together to make states holding the National soil jurisdiction, and then further organized as a Union of these states.  

2. From 1776 and onward it has also referred to the Holy Roman Empire (now Roman Municipal) Federal Subcontractor operating under The Constitution of the United States. 

3. In 1851, to honor the fact that English is our official language and to reduce the confusion caused by having our Union States and the HRE Federal Contractor operating under the same name, the Union States have been known as The United States and the Municipal Federal Subcontractor has been known as the United States.  

4. Now know that "the United States of America'' is a separate British Territorial entity and another Federal Subcontractor with its own Constitution, The Constitution of the United States of America. 

5. Now examine the template above used in every Executive Order and ask yourselves what is going on here? 

Any and all power vested in the President of the United States of America is vested under The Constitution of the United States of America, not the Constitution of the United States --- a completely separate contract granted to a different Federal Subcontractor.

6. This is like saying, by the Power vested in me, the President of General Motors, Incorporated, by the contract issued to Ford Motor Company, Incorporated.... and it makes absolutely no sense. It's gobbledygook. 

7. You have to understand which "United States of America" is being referenced --- and it's not the British Territorial United States Subcontractor in receipt of The Constitution of the United States of America in 1789, but instead, a corporation calling itself "the United States of America--- Incorporated" which went bankrupt in 1933 and was literally purchased by a consortium of billionaires -- the Robber Barons who were still alive in 1933, J.D. Rockefeller, the Warburgs, and other proponents of the "Federal Reserve" who were the principal creditors. 

8. Joe Biden is the "President" of this Corporation, merely calling itself "the United States of America"--- Incorporated,  still owned and operated by these same billionaires, and it is under contract to the Municipal United States Government in receipt of The Constitution of the United States.  

9. Now and only now, does Biden's EO verbiage make deceitful sense.  If he were the actual President of the United States of America, he would be functioning under The Constitution of the United States of America and he would have no need or recourse to borrow any authority from The Constitution of the United States.  

10. As "President" of a deceitfully named, foreign, for-profit corporation in the business of providing "essential government services" on behalf of the Municipal United States, the EO template makes perfect sense. 

11. Let's make this perfectly clear -- The Constitution of the United States does not now and never did vest any authority in the President of the United States of America, meaning the actual Office created under The Constitution of the United States of America (1789). 

12.  Let's also make it plain and clear that the power vested in The Constitution of the United States cannot be delegated away to be performed by a Subcontractor in the same way that Congress cannot give away its legislative powers, but must bear that responsibility alone.  

13. It should now be apparent that the Municipal Government operated by the Holy See has been hiring this private, for-profit, deceptively named  Corporation calling itself "the United States of America"--- Incorporated, to do its bidding, and has been foisting this off on the American Public as a legitimate application of its delegated powers. 

14. If we had intended to establish a Constitution with an incorporated entity, we would have said so and spelled it out as "the United States of America, Incorporated" when we established the Constitutional Contract. This incorporated version of "United States of America" is not a party to The Constitution of the United States of America and its President has no legitimate power derived from The Constitution of the United States of America. 

15. Instead, Joe Biden is calling himself the "President" of this incorporated imposter (the USA, Inc.) and seeking to glean authority from the Municipal United States Government and its contract, The Constitution of the United States, which is fraud and violation of both Constitutions. 

16. This is a real problem for the entire world, not just this country, as it allows the Popes acting as Roman Pontiffs to contract with these venal private fraud artists and pump huge money into this storefront, the USA, Inc., and use it and it's President --- in this case, Joe Biden, to do dirty work "in the name of the United States of America".   

17. Biden is just a pool boy for the Vatican, working for a group of nasty billionaires dba "the United States of America, Inc.".  

18. Joe Biden is not the President of the United States of America that we gave a Constitutional Contract to; that's why he has to try to borrow ill-gotten and unauthorized power from The Constitution of the United States instead. 

19. This is a gross self-interested breach of trust and deceitful fraud, a commingling and misrepresentation of powers against the intent and interest of the  American People, who are left to untangle this morass of money and corruption and phony identities.

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 4th 2024 


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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