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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS "Delta" Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital!

The NLA -- Thirty Years of Failure

 By Anna Von Reitz

How often I would have taken you, NLA members, to my heart and would have cherished you and healed your infirmities, but you would not.
We have talked to all the other major patriot movement
organizations and after a good deal of disclosure and discussion, it has been agreed that not only are the actions of the American States Assemblies correct, they are the most beneficial actions to take.
Call it the most direct route home and the only one that keeps our right to claim damages intact.
I have often admired NLA's finely crafted writs and brave words, only to despair because you refuse to see the charade being played out right in front of your faces. These aren't your courts. These are foreign courts that have no right to even address you.
They practice a form of law called "Special Admiralty" to disguise the fact that what they are enforcing is Roman Civil Law, and they are in fact operating as Bill Collectors, not courts.
They can't even hear your fine words and don't bother to read your writs. They openly disclose that they can't address the facts or the law of any case. They admit that they are only providing an appearance of justice.
What more do you need? A brick wall?

And still, you won't come home and join the actual struggle. Still, you persist in bad-mouthing me and stubbornly cling to your own "idea" of how things are or should be, like maniacs who believe that a hat is a fountain.


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What Part of "Only Way Forward" is Hard to Grasp?

 By Anna Von Reitz

The "People" who created and signed the three Federal Constitutions were Lawful Persons acting as State Citizens.
The only such Lawful Persons now in existence are those Americans who have reclaimed their birthright political status and recorded it and joined their State Assemblies and accepted the rights and duties of State Citizenship.
They are the only American Parties to those Constitutions enabled to enforce them and to hold the foreign Principals --- the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor -- to account for their breaches of trust, lapses, evasions, and oppressions of the innocent people of this country and the pillaging and plundering of our assets which has gone on for six generations.
The State Citizens of our State Assemblies are the only ones enabled to stand as "the People" of this country. They are the only ones with that crucial element of standing and of being true "progeny" in Law of the Lawful Persons who established the Federal Constitutions.
Everyone else who is blithely assuming that they are "People" --- are not acting in any such capacity.
There are no "State Legislatures" empowered to speak to our Federal Constitutions, except as constituents bound by them --- anyone engaged in any kind of State Legislature is not a Principal and not acting in the capacity of "the People".
They are acting as Persons --- and not even as Lawful Persons --- as Legal Persons.
Our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, is a Holding Company created in 1776. What it holds are all the mutually-held "Powers" of the sovereign Union States. Our Federation is the Delegator of all these "Powers" in international and global jurisdiction.
And all those delegated Powers returned to us by Operation of Law the moment that the Federal Service Providers succumbed to bankruptcy. Whereupon there is no presumptive further contract in the face of our refusal to accept their offer of Succession.
They are out of a job, unfunded, on the bricks. That's why Joe Biden is trying to force everyone into the jab. They think that they will claim the victims' death dues and life insurance if they die, and claim them as "trans-human" chattel if they live. But it's already against the Public Law of this country to make any such claims or take any such actions.
At this point, Joe Biden's version of "United States" is nothing but a criminal organization running amok on our shores, a governmental services corporation without a service contract, still under contract with the foreign Principals who chartered it, and they are still 100% commercially and personally liable for any damage that this entity and its officers does to us or to our country to the tune of one trillion dollars per death or permanent injury, plus 800 times damages for breach of fiduciary trust. And yes, that is stare decisis.
So, while they try to force themselves on us, the actual American Government has booted their butts to the curb and set them up to bankrupt themselves and the Principals who have chartered them and allowed them to promote these egregious fraud schemes and acts of genocide against the innocent Public.
It's time someone told the Pope and the Queen and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Just keep on doing what you are doing, and we shall own you all down to your eyelashes and then some.
This is non-negotiable and already cured. The liens are already in place. And any further enforcement action by Crooked Joe of this insane depopulation scheme is just more icing on the cake.
China? If you are backing these Principals, you should know that you will be named as a secondary and charged for your part in this genocidal madness. We will own you, too, because every single one of those Americans who die as a result of "Covid 19" and more to the point, the fake vaccinations ---- are worth $801 T.
Perhaps you all ought to look at how many Americans have been reported as deceased because of Covid 19? That's your product, being coercively applied to our people, and unlike the pharmaceutical corporations which think they will weather the storm based on a "home free" card provided by a defunct corporation's "Congress" ---- the Principals are not so lucky.

Bank of England? HSBC? Still think of us as "livestock"? Well, that may be, but the American "livestock" are costing you $801 T each. And China will be named as your secondary, along with various other entities masquerading as governments.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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Paul AZ Audit Proves 2020 Election Fraud, Biden Attacks Unvaxed, USA is Broke

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 494 9.10.21)

The results are in, and the Arizona audit of Maricopa county shows massive fraud in a state Joe Biden “won” by just 12,000 votes.  The big numbers include 173,000 missing votes and 96,000 so-called “Ghost” votes.  Keep in mind, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors ignored subpoenas and did not hand over all the data asked for by the AZ legislature running the audit.  Will Senator Mark Kelly be recalled?  Will the 2020 Presidential Election in that state be decertified?  All these questions will be answered in the not-to-distant future.

Renegade Hawaii Ex-Coordinator Has No Standing to Proceed

 By Anna Von Reitz

Joshua Gundy was removed as Hawaii Coordinator for Cause. No meetings he is sponsoring are meetings of any valid Hawaii Assembly.
The Hawaii Assembly members are responsible for drafting a new Coordinator who is sober and polite and responsible and devoted to our aims of restoring the actual American Government to full function.
If you can't find a good, solid candidate, the Federation will call for volunteers and find one for you.
Until then, you will be in a suspended position and unable to benefit from the Sign In America Program and other relief owed to the people of Hawaii. I suggest that you make speed in finding a viable replacement for Joshua.
I regret that his removal was necessary, but two bouts of drunkenness and irresponsible gossiping and ranting is two bouts too many.

Anna Maria

No Valid State Legislatures, No Second Declaration of Independence

 By Anna Von Reitz

International Alert:
Attempted fraudulent enclosure action is underway.
For the ignorant among us, the legal process of enclosure was used to "enclose" the original Territorial Constitution, The Constitution of the United States of America, and use it as the Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America -- Incorporated" in 1868.
This act of fraud and self-interest resulted in the First World War.
Similar acts of enclosure unlawfully converting our nationality and natural political status served to reduce necessary public records into registrations of property chattel interests held against innocent Third Parties throughout this country and throughout the world.
Now the Perpetrators of these acts of fraud and violence are attempting to pull another such enclosure, claiming that there are valid "State Legislatures" in existence where none exist, claiming that those "State Legislatures" have acted to issue a "second" Declaration of Independence, which is self-evidently impossible, and presenting this Bar Attorney drivel as something coming from "the People" of this country.
The complaints and abuses described in this document may be genuine and heart-felt, but they are no different in nature and severity than those same complaints and abuses that were inflicted upon us and which resulted in the first and only Declaration of Independence and the only such Declaration that we depend upon.
Rather, this so-called second Declaration is being presented as an alternative to the actual and already settled Declaration of Independence in an effort to legally enclose and convert it, and thus make our 1776 Declaration of Independence and the basis of our lawful Government, impotent at law.
We are not going for the bait and we are objecting to and protesting these false acts and claims and fully rebutting any presumption that these are acts by "the People" of our States of the Union.
We are aware of the fact that embracing any second Declaration converts and disembowels the first Declaration, and this would deprive us and our progeny of the protections and benefits and sovereignty already won by our ancestors.
Whoever these persons are who would declaim all of that which is our inheritance, they are not members of our State Assemblies, do not qualify to be members of our State Legislatures, and are basically fraud artists engaged in another commercially-motivated rampage of ignorance and deceit.
We call upon the High Courts and the members of Interpol to put an end to this outrage against us and against our country. We have no intention of fighting again for something that we have already --- and long ago --- won. It is the responsibility of the High Courts to see to it that our sovereignty and peace is not disturbed by our miscreant foreign employees acting in breach of trust, and it is the responsibility of Interpol to apprehend criminals promoting fraud in international jurisdictions.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:

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The New World Order South v. New World Order North

 By Anna Von Reitz

As you have noticed, a substantial part of the crime that has been committed against us has been expedited by: (1) identity theft accomplished via "mirroring"; (2) impersonation; (3) undisclosed contracts and equally undisclosed commercial claims; (4) overall fraud and deceit enabling coercion and racketeering.
So, it should come as no surprise that The New World Order has also been mirrored.
There are at least a dozen (and probably more) versions of things now calling themselves the "New World Order" or "NEW WORLD ORDER" and as many interpretations of what the words mean or imply. Let this stand as a warning and a caveat that these words cannot be accepted on face value.
The actual, and by that, I mean the first known entity calling itself the "New World Order" was a group of Catholics who joined together to form an Order of Knighthood known as The New World Order. This society formed in South America during The Spanish Conquest. The "New World" being referred to was the Americas.
It was predominantly a Spanish Order of Knighthood and many members were made extremely wealthy by the gold and silver discoveries in South America, but in time, their good fortune arrived back in Europe and spread to far flung family members in numerous countries, as did membership in the Order. It was always Catholic and it was always very forward thinking, very wealthy, and very devoted to the Church.
Okay. That's the first "New World Order" --- a secretive Catholic Order of Knighthood, mainly Spanish at first, founded by Conquistadors. Not coincident to their gold and silver discoveries in South America, many of these men became involved in the gold trade worldwide, banking, and related fields of endeavor. Their heirs and progeny continue to trace their lineage back to men like Cortes, Santiago, Rodriguez, and Romana.
The second "New World Order" formed over a hundred years after the first version, and it was a strange mix described as "Protestant Knights" who were not exactly Protestants. That is, they were not Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, or members of any recognizable Protestant Church. The use of the word "Protestant" is in the sense of objecting to the Catholic Church, and particularly to the rise of the modern iterations of the Holy Roman Empire and the associated activities of the Congress of Vienna, aka, League of Nations, aka, United Nations.
The Protestant New World Order included remnants of the Templars, Rosicrucians, Gnostics, Albigensians, Coptic Christians, Deists, Eastern Orthodox, Jews, Muslims, and "men of science, doctors, free-thinkers, and alchemists".
These fellows for the most part were devoted to the premise that a man should be free to make choices about what he believes in, or fails to believe in. Quite a large number of them, like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, abhorred the excesses of murders and crimes committed in the name of Jesus and in the name of religious beliefs which "can't be proven by rational means".
These men lived in the Age of Enlightenment, also called the Age of Reason, when even Commoners engaged in the purposeful exploration of Nature, and every grand house had its library, its horticulture experiments, its telescopes, microscopes, and plethora of scientific equipment.
This second "New World Order" was a backlash against the superstitions of the Church and the rampages and excesses of various Catholic Orders including the Dominican Inquisition and the Anti-Reformation led by the Jesuits.
Rather than kill each other over religious beliefs, these men who came from every other point of the compass, resolved to put an end to theocracies, if possible, and to let religious belief be a purely private matter held separate from public governance.
So you have a Catholic New World Order (of Knighthood) up to its chin in gold and silver, and you have a mixed-bag Protestant New World Order (of Knighthood) composed of Scientists, Free Thinkers, Doctors, Inventors, Military Generals and others opposed to theocracies in general and the Holy Roman Empire in particular.
Voltaire was a member of this second version of New World Order, which professed to believe in the existence of "some greater power" --- but at the same time observed that the Holy Roman Empire "isn't holy, isn't Roman, and isn't an Empire".
In time, the sheer force of scientific method (pioneered by Sir Francis Bacon, aka, Saint Germain) and logical deduction led to some of the best and most accomplished and richest men in Europe and America joining this odd quasi-Protestant Order, which they claimed was a "New World Order" for North America (as opposed to the Catholic version in South America) and ---importantly -- for the whole world.
They were talking about a world based on individual self-governance and rational thought. They meant to overturn, once and for all, the monarchies and the theocracies that had bloodied the pages of history for the sake of unprovable beliefs, and when they said "New World" they weren't thinking about the Americas only.
They were thinking of a literal New World, where religious belief or lack thereof, would be a private matter, and everyone could be educated ("enlightened") to mind their own business, love the truth wherever they could find it, and have compassion for their fellowman.
And all of this "boiling pot" of ideas and experiments and philosophical debates was pouring directly out of the larger cauldron of the Spanish Conquest, the Protestant Reformation, and the Catholic Anti-Reformation.
America, as we know it, was formed by this second version of "New World Order" while the governments of South America got their start from the original Catholic version of New World Order.
The original Constitution for this country was written by Saint Germain, and was (and is) essentially a detailed contract between the government and the people being served by the government, outlining the duties and obligations of each, so as to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of Americans, the most freedom, and the best husbandry of our natural resources and individual lives.
Hardly anyone has ever read this Constitution, though we may be sure that Washington, Madison, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and the Lees of Virginia all did. We can also be sure that some of the best and most original ideas associated with this country and its traditional government derive directly from its pages.
All Constitutions are debt agreements and the debt that we still owe to Saint Germain and LaFayette and Hiram Solomon is to listen, read, think, and act in our own best behalf, to become truly sentient and compassionate, and to jealously guard our minds and hearts against deceit, lies, programming, hypnosis, black magic and all the other wiles and means used to entrap and enslave those who were otherwise born and meant to live as free men and women.
To this day, both "New World Orders" continue to exist, and each contributes in its own way to the great panoply spread before us, each brings forward the richness of their humanitarian vision --- and one has cause to wonder, with generations of men and women, both Catholic and Protestant, so wealthy, so intelligent, so kind --- how is it possible that the vision of goodness that ultimately motivated both sides to surrender their wealth, has yet to be realized?
And there is only one answer: Middlemen. Trustees. Faithless Employees. Those who were unworthy of the trust vested in them. Those who kept the money for themselves and used it as a means to harm rather than help. Those who hoarded it. Those who Slush Funded it. Those who profited at the expense of the innocent.

And they are not the actual owners of the wealth at all.


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A Mandate is Not a Law

 By Anna Von Reitz

There is no "force of law" connected to a mandate, which is a private appointment matter, thus you see that we provide for decrees of the sovereignty over mandates established by trust agreements.
Therefore, all the "mandates" and "proclamations" issued by Joe Biden and by the various State-of-State Governors are not enforceable as Public Laws that everyone has to obey --- contrary to what many people and even some law enforcement officials are assuming.
Joe Biden and his franchise State-of-State Governors have no authority to say one word about your health or any procedure related to health concerns, unless you are employed by their corporations.
Just as any CEO can "mandate" that his employees wear blue uniforms, Joe Biden can mandate that his workers get vaccinated, or in this case, take part in an untested experimental procedure.
Are you an employee or a dependent of the brand new US, INC.? Do you work for the Federal Civil Service? Are you a dependent of a Federal Civil Service worker?
If not, none of Mr. Biden's mandates apply to you and they cannot be imposed.
If so, it's time to change jobs or tell your Unions to go on strike.
Please note that the CDC admits that there is no reliable test for anything called Covid 19, and no tests at all for any variants. Put two and two together, folks.
For the sake of your health, your wealth, your sanity, and your future --- you need to realize that these foreign, for-profit corporations in the business of providing "essential" government services, are not trustworthy and not honest and not doing anything good for you.
They are parasitizing their own employees and killing off their dependents -- who are also their Priority Creditors -- to protect their bottom lines.

It's past time that we did our Due Diligence and Discovery to unearth exactly who has been telling these corporate "Presidents" what to do --- and started chewing our way up the food chain.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:

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