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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Open Challenge

By Anna Von Reitz

Many years ago, in North Carolina, I was sitting at a table in front of an open window looking out onto a covered veranda and gardens beyond.  My companion was a retired Judge from South Carolina, who was in his nineties and still sharp as a tack.  He drank "coffee" made from dried dandelion roots.

It may strike people as odd, but the Civil War wasn't really so long ago. My Grandfather was born during the Civil War, and this man, old enough to have been my Grandfather, was born twenty-five years after it ended.  For him as a child growing up, the wounds and events were still fresh.  His Grandparents lived through it.  One of his Grandfathers died in it.  His Father remembered the Carpetbagger Era that followed. 

Our conversation that day and for several days following was meandering and thoughtful as he paged through his memories, often pausing to pick and choose his words as well as his topics.  He was a careful, methodical, logical man with a shrewd view of the world well-honed from fifty years on the bench.

At one point, he stopped and shot me a glance and said, "You don't like lawyers much, do you?"  And then he tilted back his head and looked at the ceiling and said, "I can't much blame you, but remember--- it's the sins you commit that you aren't even aware of that damn you.  Pray to be forgiven for them."

We ranged far and wide and deep through the history of the South after the Civil War, and also, unavoidably, through the history of jurisprudence in the South from the Civil War Era through the 1970's.  He wouldn't allow a tape recorder so all I have are notes I took down.

Among the other things he told me was the fact that the actual States never allowed Dual Citizenship, even though the States of States did. 

I underlined that in my notes, because he said it with great emphasis and intensity and roused himself to lean forward as he said it.  There's no doubt that he meant for me to catch that bit of information and keep it. 

The reason, he said, was to forestall conflict of interest. No man can serve two Masters.  So the land law, which is based on the Bible, dictates that if we serve the land, we have to give up any other political affiliation and stand as State Citizens, not Federal Citizens, aka, United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States.  

Almost fifty years have passed and I have been down many, many rabbit holes since then.  I have never once in all my researches nor in the research of others who have probed these issues, encountered any contrary evidence.

No actual State ever allowed Dual Citizenship.

Nothing that man told me has ever proven to be anything but 100% correct and true.  Nothing in my own research contradicts him.  Nothing in any other research about this topic that I know of contradicts him.    

So I am more than willing to stand here and say--- if you have proof that any actual land jurisdiction State in this country ever allowed Dual Citizenship (allowing Federal Citizens to act as State Citizens)--- bring it now, and I will eat all the crow you want. 

I'll put a big banner on my website saying, "I Was Wrong About This!" and I will write an article explaining why I was wrong and how many ways I was wrong.  But I don't believe I am wrong about this one. 

And I do believe it matters, because if you assemble oranges you get a bushel of oranges, and if you assemble apples you get a bushel of apples.

I am not going to waste my time or anyone else's doing things that can't be done or that don't need to be done. 

If some foreign corporation wants to come in here and call itself a "State" and try to foist that off onto the gullible public, they can do so on their own dime and our team will continue to expose them for what they are.

No need for a bunch of well-meaning Americans to get sidetracked by something like that.

So let's drop the dime and get to the Finish Line.  We have all these people claiming that you can be a Federal Citizen aka United States Citizen or Citizen of the United States and at the same time act as a State Citizen, and I am saying no actual land jurisdiction State ever allowed that.

Since we are looking for "negative evidence" and they made the claim, it's up to them to find a valid exception: at least one pre-Civil War land jurisdiction State that allowed Dual Citizenship.

I certainly don't know of one, but maybe the people bad-mouthing me do. Maybe that old judge from South Carolina was senile and didn't really know what he was talking about. 

But I wouldn't bet my life, my land, or my Bill of Rights on that, if I were you.


See this article and over 1600 others on Anna's website here:
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Cheat Sheet to End Confusion

By Anna Von Reitz

Cheat Sheet to End Confusion

1. The United States is the Proper Name of the Union of republican soil jurisdiction states, representing our combined National Jurisdiction

2. The United States of America is the Proper Name of the Federation of land jurisdiction States, representing our combined International Jurisdiction.

3. the States of America is the Proper Name of the Confederation of States of States -- commercial corporations chartered by the States of the Federation, representing our combined Global Jurisdiction.

4. the United States of America is the Proper Name of the British-controlled Territorial Branch of the Federal Government and the Territorial United States.
5. the United States is the Proper Name of the Holy Roman Empire-controlled Municipal Branch of the Federal Government and the Municipal United States.

You can now clearly see all the opportunities for deceptive word-play that have been possible with this situation and why so many people have been confused.


See this article and over 1600 others on Anna's website here:
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The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Found Here: