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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Reposts in Support

 By Anna Von Reitz

Over the years I have developed my own network of news sources that I consider more accurate and far, far more trustworthy than the Mainstream news, and also much better on average than the Alternative News offerings, which tend to be undisciplined and easily swayed by profit motives.
This isn't so much a criticism of Alternative News as it is an observation -- simply because Alternative News is always back-to-the-wall trying to survive, it is susceptible to sponsor bias and doesn't always meet my desired standards.
I have often recommended Jon Rappoport's blog as a source of meaty and well-informed Old School Journalism.
For those looking for the comforts of an old-fashioned newspaper, I recommend The Epoch Times, which tries (and seldom fails) to maintain an even-handed presentation of the news and views.
And recently, some new gems have come across my desk. I share them with you as support for what we've been reporting for some months now --- the existence of a high-level corporate crime scheme aimed at creating a form of Corporate Feudalism, complete with trans-human serfs.
The first repost is about as factual as it gets in terms of lining out the who's who of those responsible for the development of the man-made virus and I repost it for those who are just getting up to date--- with thanks to Tuberose:
"Great Britain’s Serco Group approved the patent filing for the Chinese Virus a full 17 months before it first appeared, and the entities listed as its creators are many of the usual suspects: DARPA, Bill and Melinda Gates, Defra, the Wellcome Trust and the European Commission.
A filing with the United States Patent Office also lists The Pirbright Institute as a funder of the Wuhan Flu. Pirbright, is directly funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates “nonprofit.”
That patent, dated for approval Nov. 20, 2018, clearly states that the “assignee” of “coronavirus” is “THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU.”
This patent was filed on Jan. 23, 2017, which actually means that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was drummed up almost three years prior to when the news started reporting on its spread in Wuhan, and later throughout the rest of the world..."
The second comes from Bishop Max Ard and is the most complete popular, that is, non-legalese, but fully documented report on the evidence so far compiled to demonstrate that we are not just blowing smoke and spinning tales.
For anyone who has any doubts left that this entire horror show has been pre-planned, pre-announced, and deliberately unleashed --- this will leave you with no more "wish it weren't true" escape routes:
Thank you, Bishop Max. This information puts it all in perspective.
We, at the American States Assembly, have already taken first-step action to moderate the damage by outlawing attempts to brand vaccinated people as trans-humans and abuse patent privileges to enslave them. Please, take a few minutes to educate yourselves and then, protect yourselves and your families.

This is a full-on attack against humanity by corporate interests --- planned for years, implemented without mercy, propagandized to the hilt, and now being recognized for what it is: crimes against humanity.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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The Meat Mafia: The Great Reset of Food | Glenn TV | Ep. 118

 WATCH more Glenn Beck:

Glenn exposes how ranchers are slowly and secretly being run out of business and how farmers are economically being forced to comply. Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is the weapon, and the top food suppliers have caved. The heart of our country — farmers and ranchers — is being destroyed in the name of “social progress.” From Biden’s infrastructure plan to his tax deal and inflation, Glenn reveals how it's all connected to transform society into something completely un-American. South Dakota governor Kristi Noem joins to discuss the attacks on our food supply and says America's agriculture industry should be treated as a national security issue. She discusses the plans for how her state is going around the Biden administration "to create our own meat processing supply ... and take our destiny back into our own hands."