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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Remember Henry George

By Anna Von Reitz

"The main trouble now is neither any material shortage of the resources of nature nor any inadequacy in man's power to exploit them. It is all, in one form or another, a maladjustment; not an insufficient productive capacity, but a series of impediments to the full utilization of that capacity. The main obstacles to economic revival have been the hindrances opposed to the free flow of labor, capital, and goods." 

This quote comes from the 1927 World Economic Conference, Geneva, conclusions provided to the League of Nations. 

It is synonymous with the findings of American Economist Henry George, whose vision smacks of clarity today as it did in the 1880's and slaps the faces of all those who have fallen into the sophistry and lop-sided pandering of Keynes.  

The Problem and the resulting Mess is entirely the fault of Big Business Interests usurping upon the rights of the living people and their national governments and seeking Unjust Enrichment via their constant official (governmental) and unofficial (private) tampering with commodity markets --- including the currency markets.  

It hit a crisis point in 1907 with the bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper and Impostor calling itself "The United States of America" Incorporated and found its final fruition in the current hegemony of Wall Street. 

To put it simply, Big Business Interests --- Robber Barons like the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, Harrimans, and Roosevelts took over our lawful government via deceit and fraud and used the tools of government to afford political and economic advantages to themselves.  

That is, they used the Regulatory Powers of Government as private tools to ensure their market share and market dominance.  We see this in the hideously self-interested birth of the "American Conservation Movement" which we were all taught to venerate just as we were taught to venerate "The Constitution".  

The actual policy adopted by Teddy Roosevelt was supremely cynical and shrewd--- buy everyone else's natural resources for pennies on the dollar and preserve our own under the guise of "conservation", and at the same time, limit supply of natural resources coming to market and ensure the value of commodities already under the control of the plotters. 

That is, use the regulatory powers of government to ensure yourselves fat market shares and high prices for generations to come. 

Commodity price rigging and supply rigging and creation of monopolistic interests in all sectors of our economy have been the Order of the Day since the 1880's, and in many ways, it still is.  

These things must be recognized as the Evil that they are, and there must be an end of allowing the regulatory powers of government to be used as tools implementing the self-interest of private parties.  

We must come to terms with the fact that the two Roosevelts were hideous schemers, liars, and louts, the very worst of the worst kind of criminals in suits --- and that Americans were not even the primary beneficiaries of all this fraud; instead, we were set up as the Fall Guys for it, the ones who would be blamed for it even as we suffered from it.  

We need a call to political action busting monopolies and conglomerates and trusts that have functioned as crime syndicates for generations. That includes the entire water and power industry, the communications industry, the stock markets, the banks, and the SEC.  It's time, America.  

It's you or them.  Make the right choice while you have a choice left. 

And if you have any questions, read Henry George -- Progress and Poverty.  He very succinctly explains why economic models predicated on infinite and continuous growth are worse than Big Lies and why abuse of regulatory powers and manipulation of commodities and markets, including currency markets, inexorably leads to polarization of economies, stagnation, and war.  

If you would have peace, you must have free markets.  

And that requires busting up the regulatory fraud and abuses of federal agencies and the exercise of anti-trust and anti-monopoly legislation to enforce the actual Public Law ensuring competitive free markets. 

The fallacy of the thinking of the --- I shall call them pigs ---- is that there is no end to the patience of the masses; and, the arrogance that they share in thinking that their activities and abuses are not observed or not understood for what they are. 

It is as self-evident as catching six year-olds with their grubby paws in the cookie jar, but these grown men persist in thinking that their activities are "secret" and that the rest of us haven't figured it out, don't see it --- and won't take action against them.  

Prove them wrong. 


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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Pernicious Claims of "Incompetency" in Conflict of Interest

By Anna Von Reitz

The latest trick of the Foreign Vermin on our shores is to call our "competency" into question using their own bought and paid for "Uniformed Officers" --- medical doctors conscripted against their will and licensed under the old Federal Title 37 provisions -- to testify against us and claim that we are not "competent".  

This has been part and parcel of their deception and racketeering plan from the start.  

However, the "competency" that they are actually trying is our financial competence.  They assume that we, like them, are bankrupt and therefore "incompetent".  If so, they will gladly steal anything of value you have to underwrite their own debts.  

It's time for these criminal gangs to be (1) ignored and (2) arrested. 

The first question to the Judge should be --- "Are you a U.S. Citizen?" 

They will say, "Yes."  

And your second question should be --- "By what right then, are you addressing me, a national of The United States of America (Unincorporated)?" 

They are operating in a Foreign Jurisdiction on our shores and they have no right whatsoever to address any of us.  

Third question --- if there ever is one --- "By what right and for what reason do you question my competency?"

Fourth question --- if there ever is one -- "By what stretch of imagination do you propose to use your own employees as supposedly expert and unprejudiced third party witnesses?  Your doctors are all licensed to your State of State organization, therefore are incompetent witnesses for conflict of interest." 

Fifth question --- "Under what Treaty are you operating on our shores?" 

Sixth question --- "Are you aware that our Government, The United States of America (Unincorporated) has a permanent Treaty of Amity and Peace dated November 19, 1794 --- and that you are in violation of that Treaty right now? "

Seventh question --- "Where is your proof that the entity you are citing as DEFENDANT or Defendant exists?  I wish to see the incorporation documents, and provenance, if you please?"   

Start holding these vermin feet first to the fire.  Use questions to do it.  Give them no opportunity to gain any kind of excuse.  If summoned, don't go to their courts.  If you do know anything about a crime they are addressing, send your "Crime Report" to the District Attorney, Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.  Otherwise, stay away from these courts and if they interfere with you, refuse to sign or say anything to them and never give them any identification.  Give them a card with your Counselor-at-Law's name and address and nothing more. 

If they seize upon you and detain you creating a charge of False Arrest, complain directly to the District Attorney.  


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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Who or What is [Wrongly] Holding Equitable Title to Your Name and Estate?

By Anna Von Reitz

The Territorial State of State Department of Natural Resources Commissioner is holding your Estate captive under false pretenses and benefiting the "State of ________" organization and robbing you.  

So you have the Municipal Thieves acting as Gatekeepers for the Territorial Thieves and they are both complicit in the crime.  

If you did not "voluntarily" and "knowingly" agree to give your Name and everything you own to these Shysters, it is time to bring pressure to bear upon the Territorial Governors of these "States of States" dry-docked improperly on our shores and tell them to get off your backs.  

See attached: 


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

It's Official. Hell Has Frozen Over.

By Anna Von Reitz

Decades ago we began a journey by the narrow path full of difficulty.... and it has been a weary and long and often heart-breaking road.  But now the walls of ignorance and secrecy are falling like the walls of Jericho --- just tumbling down, one after another, as more people around the world are waking up and coming forward to help the effort.  

Because what we are facing is not just of concern to America.  This has been a concerted effort by business interests to overcome the national sovereignty of all nations on Earth.  

And it has been thwarted. 

In the days to come many people will ask --- how did you do it?  

Answer: by the Maxim of Law:  "As a THING is bound, so it is unbound." and by the Holy Scriptures. 

If I am relatively quiet the next couple of weeks, it should be no cause for concern.  A huge amount of work has been done over the past several weeks, too much to even begin to describe.  I am exhausted and my offices are stuffed floor to ceiling with paperwork related to all of this. 

So I am going to be taking a few days off to "mop up" and rest and recoup and spend time with my friends and family, who have been sadly neglected the past several years. 

Until you hear otherwise, we continue to need donations. We are operating your government of the people, for the people, by the people on your prayers and Cookie Jar Money, while the government of the persons, for the persons, by the persons is being reformed.

Please do what you can to make sure our team is fully enabled to take all the actions (and pay all the fees and travel expenses, etc.).  My PayPal is: and the Snail Mail address here is:  Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

It may take a couple years or more before all the issues are addressed.  Believe me, I know how anxious you all are for relief and I know how urgent many needs are.  We are dealing with vast problems that impact the whole world. I pray for your understanding --- The Living Law Firm is not able to take on individual cases and I don't have any way to respond to all the individual correspondence I receive.

Please try to understand that as much as we wish we could just wave our hands and make the worst of it disappear, the actual world takes time to heal and to re-educate. 

The corruption of the economic and monetary systems has to be addressed. 

The corruption of the legal versus lawful system has to be addressed.  

Even the corruption of our own military has to be addressed. 

And the worst of it is that many of the people most in need of correction, don't have a clue that they are doing anything wrong.  They will stand there and look me in the eye and say, "But, but.... this is the way we do it.  This is the way it has always been done...."  

The plain fact is that they have been doing it wrong for so long that almost nobody remembers how to do it right.  We face a gigantic task to re-educate not only the General Public, but the government employees. 

And a lot of the history that people learned in Grade School and High School has to be re-learned with all the actual facts revealed. 

The Split Title to your Good Name and Estate was divvied up between the Territorial State of State and the Municipal STATE OF STATE.  The Territorial State of State held the "Beneficial Interest" -- the Equitable Title, while the STATE OF STATE held the Legal Title.  

You got nothing at all.  You weren't even in the picture.  You were a "discounted entity" to use the callous words of Queen Elizabeth II--- with regard to your own Good Name and Estate. 

You were totally disinherited.  They had pulled off the ultimate identity theft and had succeeded in racketeering, plundering and pillaging on an unimaginable scale not only here, but worldwide. 

So that's how you've been treated -- as a "discounted entity", as "cargo" aboard a "derelict vessel".  An inanimate THING, subject to "salvage" and claim by any passing privateer, or otherwise as a "Thing"--- an unpaid volunteer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service, liable to pay every debt and obey every rule under martial law which was imposed on Territorial United States Citizens in 1863 and never released. 

In 1980, Jimmy Carter transferred all your Birth Certificates to the IMF as collateral backing the debts of the Municipal United States government--- that is, the government established under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, and which was run by the members of the Municipal CONGRESS as an international independent City State on our shores, and by their private governmental services corporation doing business as the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia and various related Names.  

All these atrocities have been allowed under the False Presumption that because the actual Federal level of our Federal Government was inoperative, "held in abeyance" since 1860, we were subject to whatever the Territorial and Municipal entities did to us, pending "Reconstruction" of the original States of States. 

So we have seen the depths of human depravity, greed, and most of all, Breach of Trust, because the Donor of all the Delegated Powers entrusted under the Constitutions was here all along --- simply kept in the dark, but fully enabled to operate the government in international trade and commerce, both. 

Left minding our store, so to speak, both the Popes and the British Monarchs grossly failed us and willingly joined in the feeding frenzy, racking up huge charges against us and our country's resources, then claiming bankruptcy protection for their "governmental services corporations" and leaving us to hold the bag.  

This happened in 1907 with the bankruptcy of the Scottish "ringer" calling itself "The United States of America" Incorporated. 

It happened again in 1933 with the bankruptcy of the Roman Catholic Church's deceitfully named "United States of America" Incorporated.  

And for the last several years they have been trying to execute a "Double Grand Slam" of criminality against this country and its people---- they proposed to bankrupt both the Territorial United States and Municipal United States at once, and leave this entire country at the mercy of their own creditors--- international banks that colluded with them in this horrifying prospect. 

The Municipal Government was accordingly bankrupted in 2015 and the Territorial Government was bankrupted in 2017 and with those two actions, all the remaining constitutional obligations were cancelled and overcome and vacated from the "federal" side of the agreements.  

You were to be left without a competent government operating in international jurisdiction, and at the mercy of their creditors--international banks like the BANK OF FRANCE and the BANK OF SCOTLAND. 

So they thought and so they planned and so they attempted to destroy our country via deceits and "legal presumptions" and self-interested fraud that would have left America subject to "resettlement" similar to what the British did to the Irish in the 1850's.  

What they could never win by force of arms, they proposed to take by guile and legal chicanery.  

Thank God that there were still a few Americans who hadn't fallen asleep.  

They were not paid to keep to watch.  They weren't government employees.  They were just plain old average Americans who knew that something was drastically wrong and who set out (a long time ago) to find out what it was. 

"Ask and ye shall find." 

At the end, the paperwork was reduced down like a soup stock to its barest elements.  The Heirs came forward to claim the Kingdom.  They proved their Provenance.  They claimed back their Right, Title, and Interest.  They locked down their claims in the Uniform Commercial Code system,. and then transferred everything back to the Land and Soil jurisdiction of the sovereign States.  They demanded the return of the "abeyance" and received by Operation of Law and by their acknowledgment and acceptance, the return of all their Delegated Powers. 

The Vermin vacated all three levels of Federal Government, so we invoked the Operation of Law, which requires the return of all Delegated Powers, when the Agent receiving those Powers becomes incompetent.  

Against all the odds, The United States of America [Unincorporated] still stands, and has secured the assets belonging to the American States and People.  There won't be an Irish-style re-settlement.  And instead, both the British Monarch and the Holy See are on the ropes, called to account at last. 

Now it is up to us, to the American States and People, to regroup and recoup and take control of this country and its government.  Mr. Trump has only a quid pro quo performance contract to provide the services owed under the actual Constitution. 
The members of the two Congresses still sitting in Washington, DC, are operating two bankrupt corporations, one in liquidation, one in Chapter 11, and trying to pull another "fast one" and establish new commercial service contracts by process of assumption.  

That possibility has been foreclosed by numerous facts and actions --- first, they have been served Public Notice of Non-Assumpsit via newspaper articles published all across this country.  

Secondly, no member of the Bar Association can hold any Public Office or position of trust related to our lawful Government and that has been the case since 1819. The vast majority of members of the Territorial and Municipal "Congresses" are precisely such Bar Association Members, rendering both those governments inoperative with respect to any action or claim related to us and our States and our People. 

Third, the Territorial United States has made a Big Deal of announcing to the world that they are a "Democracy" and it is absolutely just as well-known that our States are Republics.  Since its inception, the British Territorial United States has never demonstrated any Public Mandate (51% of its eligible voters or greater) allowing it to exist, much less determine any public issue whatsoever.  A more complete and demonstrable and irresponsible fraud can hardly be imagined. 

Fourth, the Municipal United States has operated as an independent, international City-State on our shores and as an oligarchy which is limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia.  They usurped upon that and have lost their position as a result. 

Please see attached. 


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

INTROIT I am the salvation of the people, saith the Lord: in whatever tribulation they shall cry to me, I will hear them: and I will be their Lord for ever. Attend, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth. (Ps. LXXVII.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Almighty and merciful God, graciously keep us from all things that are hurtful; that we, being set free both in mind and body, may with ready minds accomplish whatever is Thine. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (Ephes. IV. 23-28.) Brethren, Be re­newed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth. Wherefore, putting, away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry, and sin not. Let not the sun go clown upon your anger. Give not place to the devil. He that stole, let him now steal no more; but rather let him labor, work­ing with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have something to give to him that suffereth need.
EXPLANATION  St. Paul admonishes the Ephesians to lay aside the- old man, like a worn out garment, and put on the new man, that is, to renew their internal and external life. This renewal according to his teaching takes place, when we by a true repentance put away our vices, shun all lies, anger, injustice, &c., and adorn our soul with virtues, and zealously seek after Christian justice and perfection. We have, perhaps, already sought to change our manner of living, for which a jubilee or some other particular solemnity of the Church gave us occasion, and at that time, perhaps, purified our soul by a general confession, making the firm resolution to live for God, and work out our salvation, we appeared converted, and to have become other men: but how long did this conversion last? Ah, how soon did we fall back into the old, sinful ways. And why? Because we lived in too great, deceitful security. We thought everything accomplished by the general confession; we were satisfied, and omitted to employ the means of remaining in the state of grace. We did not thank God for the grace of conversion; we did not ask Him for the grace of perseverance; we frequented evil company, and did not avoid dangerous occasions; we indulged in idleness and pleasures as before. How can it appear strange, if such a conversion is fruitless? Ah, we should remain in wholesome fear even after the remission of our sins. (Ecclus. V. 5.) Even if we could say that we have done everything, nevertheless we cannot be certain, whether we be worthy of hatred or love. (Ecclus. IX. 1.) We should, therefore, work out our salvation according to the advice of St. Paul (Philipp. II. 12.) in fear and trembling, and thus not fall into the old life of sin, losing the hope of a new conversion.
Tenth Sunday After PentecostGOSPEL (Matt. XXII. 1-14.) At that time, Jesus spoke to the chief priests and the Pharisees in parables, saying: The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king, who made a marriage for his son. And he sent his servants, to call them that were invited to the marriage, and they would not come. Again he sent other servants, saying: Tell them that were invited, Behold I have prepared my dinner; my beeves and fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come ye to the marriage. But they neglected: and went their, ways, one to his farm, and another to his mer­chandise: and the rest laid hands on his servants, and having treated them contumeliously, put them to death. But when the king had heard, of it; he was angry: and sending his armies, he destroyed those murderers, and burnt their city. Then he saith to his servants: The marriage indeed is ready; but they, that were invited were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as you shall find, call to the marriage. And his servants going forth into the ways, gathered together, all that they found, both bad and good; and the marriage was filled with guests. And the king went in to feed the guests; and he saw there a man who had not on a wedding garment: and he saith to him: Friend, how camest thou in hither, not having on a wedding garment? But he was silent. Then the king said to the waiters: Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.
REMARK This parable agrees in many respects with that for the second  Sunday after Pentecost, and has the same meaning. See, therefore, the explanation of that gospel, as also of the feast of St. Catherine, to which Maybe added the following:
EXPLANATION In this parable the king is our Heavenly Father who has espoused His only-begotten Son to the Church, and on this occasion prepares the most sumptuous marriage-feast by giving the evangelical doctrine, the holy Sacraments, and the heavenly joys. The servants sent to invite the guests are the prophets, apostles and disciples of Christ. Those invited are the Jews who despised the honor and grace of the divine King, destined for them, abused and killed His servants, and were, therefore, cast aside and with their city Jerusalem, destroyed by the armies of their enemies, as a just punishment; in their stead the heathens and all those nations were called, who were on the broad road to destruction, and who now occupy the places of the unfortunate Jews at the marriage feast of the Church, and shall also occupy them in heaven. In the Jews to whom Christ addressed this parable, is verified that many of them, nay, all are called, but few chosen, because they would not heed the invitation.
APPLICATION We have the honor not only to be invited to this marriage-feast, but are in reality guests at it, because we are members of the Church of Christ by faith. "But the Christian," says St. Gregory, "who is a member of the Church by faith, but has not charity, is like to a man who comes to the marriage-feast without the wedding garment." With this garment which is charity, Christ was vested, when He came to celebrate the nuptials with His spouse, the Church, and by the bond of charity the Son of God also unites Himself with His elect. He clearly lets us know that charity is the wedding garment which should vest us. Those, therefore, who believe and are in the communion of the Church, but who do not preserve the grace of charity, are indeed in the wedding-chamber, but they are not adorned with the wedding garment. They are dead members of the Church, and shall not be admitted without this garment into the celestial marriage-feast in the triumphant Church, but rather be cast like that unfor­tunate guest into exterior darkness. This guest was silent, when asked by the king, why he had not .the wedding gar­ment. By this we see, that no one can excuse himself to God for not having charity, because every one can have it, if he asks it from God, and, as St. Augustine says, our heart is the workshop of charity, and every one who has a heart can practice it.
PRAYER I thank Thee, O Jesus, that Thou didst call me to the marriage-feast in Thy Church; give me the wedding garment of charity that I may be present at the celestial marriage-feast, and not be cast into exterior darkness.


Cast him into the exterior darkness. (Matt, XXII. 13.)
What is hell?

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Friday, September 28, 2018

The Pillar and Post Revisited

By Anna Von Reitz

Pernicious Disinformation and confusion is ruining this entire country and the effort to restore its rightful government. Only you can make the needed difference.

One old lady and The Living Law Firm can't do it alone, even with your donations of money toward the cause, for which we are truly grateful. (Paypal: and Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652)

The American People as a whole must wake up and educate themselves and take appropriate action to disentangle the web of lies and "legal presumptions" that have been used to enslave us and then, must take appropriate political action.

But what is the "appropriate" political action above and beyond reclaiming your birthright estate and Good Name? There are groups springing up like mushrooms and while many groups have good intentions, many do not.

There are two principal groups that are promoting agendas that would be disastrous for our country, both very well-funded and also--- foreign: British Territorial Templars vs. French Templars.

They are both Templar groups, all worship Satan, all are steeped in gross deceit. It's the Old Choice. Would you prefer Vanilla Feces or Chocolate Feces?

Mr. Trump, What's Wrong With This Picture?

By Anna Von Reitz

The Department of Justice works for you as an "Agency" --- it's a subcontractor under your own thumb and forefinger --- unless of course, the foreign "U.S. Trustees" named by the Secondary Creditors are interfering in your Administration?  

Otherwise, why are you finding it so hard to properly direct the "Department of Justice" to do its actual job? 

Aside from the meddling of bankruptcy trustees, there seems to be no plausible explanation for how and why Department of Justice personnel are so far off course.  If this were a golf course and they were the ball, they'd be in a swamp behind the local fire station.

So here is today's mystery.  These guys who are supposed to be helping you in your executive duty to prevent, detect, suppress, and punish actual crimes, are wasting millions upon millions of dollars prosecuting you --- their Boss and the man they are directly tasked to assist.  

How is that even possible? 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Which "Supreme Court"?

By Anna Von Reitz

The thing calling itself the "Supreme Court" and squatting like a corpulent spider in the middle of Washington, DC, is self-evidently not our Supreme Court and everyone who has been reading my articles should know that by now, but let's review.

The way the judicial system was set up was this:

One Supreme Court for the States. This Court was called: The Supreme Court of The United States of America. It functioned entirely in international jurisdiction and decided cases in that jurisdiction for the States of the Union.

This Court was established at Philadelphia, having retained all powers in all jurisdictions of the Law --- air, land, and sea -- as the final Arbiter of all questions that could arise among the States. This was meant to truly be a Supreme Court for the States to iron out their differences and decide issues in international jurisdiction affecting all of them.

The Other Side of The Law

By Anna Von Reitz

There has to be hard, logical, provable evidence present to back a conviction. 

People are tried in courts of law, not in the tabloids. 

Responsible members of society stand for these and other basic principles that help to guarantee justice for everyone. 

We do not marginalize actual rape victims by calling groping without penetration "rape". 

We don't hold witnesses to real crimes guiltless when they fail to report. 

People who don't report crimes at the time they happen are accomplices to them. 

Anyone who admits to willingly and repeatedly going to ten rape parties is either a willing participant or an accomplice -- and either way, I in no way, shape or form consider such people "victims". 

I consider them accomplice criminals and perverters of justice who grossly failed their most basic social responsibility to report crime--if any crime actually exists.  And if it doesn't, what are we wasting time for? 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Problem: "Nobody Knows the Value of Anything"

By Anna Von Reitz

This succinct and honest statement from a member of the GCR Committee sums up the problem they face.  Think about that for five seconds. 

How does anyone know the value of anything? 

Does "what the market will bear" actually define the value of anything, much less the value of anyone?  

If you are scratching your heads, that's okay.  You should be. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Remember George Bailey?

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember that scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where The Bailey Savings and Loan survived the Bank Run with a whole two dollars, "Mama and Papa Dollar" left at the end of the day?
That's me. That's us. That's your government of, for, and by the people. We survived the challenge. And we are still standing.
Just barely.

Backwash --- Initial Emergency Alert

By Anna Von Reitz

The people of North and South Carolina are facing a far more serious disaster than has been reported in the so-called National News and it is coming from a source most of us haven't even considered. 

We all braced for the impact of the tropical storms and survived that. 

What is proving more deadly is inter-tidal flooding of coastal rivers and estuaries overwhelmed as rainwater from the storms that fell in the mountainous areas finds its way back down the local rivers and into low-lying delta and estuary areas all along the coast. 

For people in those areas, the real disaster and result of the storms last week is just arriving.  

We don't have full details yet, but ask you to be aware and to keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers. 

As many of you know, I lived through a "National Disaster" here in Alaska -- a fire, not a flood -- but you can count on some things being the same. 

One of the things you can count on is

They Raped Me

By Anna Von Reitz


I am not sure exactly when it happened or where or who was there, but I have proof in the form of legislation they signed, actions they took, and actions they failed to take --- hard evidence, if you get what I mean. 

And that is far more proof than Ms. Ford or her Hispanic clone can offer of any impropriety by Brent Kavanaugh.  

Let's start the prosecution. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Why The Articles of Confederation Matter -- Today

By Anna Von Reitz

When I was in school the whole subject of The Articles of Confederation was glossed over.  I was told that The Articles of Confederation were used very early on in our history and then "replaced" by the Constitution.  

I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people reading this were given the same pat answer about The Articles of Confederation--- not because our teachers meant to lie to us, but because they were never taught the truth about this subject themselves. 

Still, even back then, reading both documents, I had a hard time seeing how The Articles of Confederation could be replaced by the Constitution?  That was Sixth Grade. 

We passed over the subject again in Eleventh Grade.  By then I had even more pesky questions in my mind.  

The Articles of Confederation proposed to create a "perpetual Union" so, logic dictates that for that Union to end, some official action would have to be taken by the States to end it.  Where, I asked, is that official action?  

Karen Hudes Tries Selling Another Big, Fat One

By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday I issued a warning in the form of an Alert about Disinformation coming from (via Legal Registry, LLC, an organization in Washington, DC, that makes its living by registering (and stealing an undisclosed interest in) everything in sight.  

While giving them credit for accurately describing the corruption of the banks, I drew your attention to the fact that they are incorrectly assuming (and teaching you to assume) that the debts of the Territorial United States are our debts.  

Instead, all that debt of the Territorial United States is owed to us, the American States and People.  

Instead of being the Debtors responsible for their debts (the Queen of the UK is actually responsible for them and their debts) we are their Priority Creditors. 

The banks pretending to be the Creditors are "Secondaries" standing in a Middleman position, pretending to "represent" us in one capacity, while trying to stiff us for debts we don't owe in another. 

Well, here's another one --- Karen Hudes' latest "offering" on the Alter of Deception.  

She claims to have found a "secret" Constitution written in 1871, revealing "trillions of dollars" of debt purportedly left over from The Revolutionary War.  

[Hahahahahahah!  Good one, Karen.  How did you keep a straight face?]

I have news for her.  

Sunday, September 23, 2018

"Voter Fraud in Montana"

Found Here:

The Baby and the Bath Water -- The Church and the Temple of Ba'al

By Anna Von Reitz

There is mounting evidence that The Roman Catholic Church leadership has allowed hideous sin and heresy to corrupt their Church from within. This morning I have read the "Crimen Sollicitationas" openly published since 1929 and included in the Vatican II Reforms.

This is nothing more or less than a policy to protect criminals and ordering members of the Church to keep silent.  

That this order, "Crimen Sollicitationas" is described as "a Pontifical secret" again gives credence to my published assertion that the Office of Pontiff charged with the Secular Duties of the Church has in fact been abused to operate a Temple of Ba'al in parallel and within The Church of Rome, perhaps as far back as the Council of Nicea. 

The Office of Pontiff was vacated in 2011, together with the liquidation of the Romanus Pontifex Trust, but the end of the so-called "pontificate" does not in itself cleanse the Church of heresy and evil.  That is a much more difficult process, which many faithful members of the clergy and  local parish members have undertaken, despite the crushing pain of these revelations.

Notice and Demand Issued to Westminster

By Anna Von Reitz

Our initial comments are for the General Public and the understanding of people blissfully unaware of the actual history of the world-at-large.  Therefore, bear with us as we make our points explicit:  

The Bar is the "veil" between life and death that Ancient Babylonians and Sumerians crossed over when they came to the Temples of Ba'al to offer sacrifices.

The Bar has a very limited right to be on our shores and is a foreign entity with its operations centered in the Inner City of London known as Westminster, which is an "independent international city state" all its own.  All the "Bar Temples" usurping our Courthouses are run from the Temple Bar (Ba'al) in Westminster.  

Our version of United States has a permanent and perpetual treaty with Westminster signed November 19, 1794, guaranteeing peace.  

However, to avoid honoring this Perpetual Treaty of Peace, the members of the Temple Bar have contrived to try to weasel around and "redefine" the words "United States" and to change the political status of the States and the People that the Treaty of Westminster applies to.  

Attention, Please! This is Crucial Information for All Concerned....

By Anna Von Reitz

Disinformation: the spreading of false or only partially true information so as to promote incorrect assumptions, actions, or conclusions about an issue, a subject, a product, or an individual.  The object of a Disinformation Campaign is usually to sidetrack whatever normal action would be the result if the truth were clearly known and presented, for example, to delay adoption of legislation.  

Disinformation is commonly used against rival products, political candidates, public infrastructure projects, and proposed legislation. 

Most Disinformation contains elements of truth designed to create a factual basis for part of the message, which then promotes blind acceptance of the whole message---which is false overall. 

Once a Disinformation Campaign gets started the false information is passed on unknowingly by otherwise innocent people whose credibility is trusted, and spreads by word of mouth.  

As a result, disinformation can come from otherwise credible sources, may contain elements of truth, and may be passed on either deliberately or unknowingly. 

Disinformation is often plausible and requires deeper research to evaluate and discover the actual facts. 

And here is another classic Disinformation Campaign coming at you: 

Begin by taking notice of the source: 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

At the Introit of the Mass the Church prays for the peace which God has promised by His prophets:
INTROIT Give peace, O Lord, to them that patiently wait for thee, that thy prophets may be found faithful: hear the prayers of thy servant, and of thy people Israel. (Ecclus. XXXVI. 18.) I rejoiced at the things that were said to me: we shall go into the house of the Lord. (Ps. CXXI. 1.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT O Lord, inasmuch as without Thee we are not able to please Thee, let Thy merciful pity rule and direct our hearts, we beseech Thee.Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (I Cor. I. 4-8.) Brethren, I give thanks to my God always for you, for the grace of God that is given you in Christ Jesus, that in all things you are made rich in him, in all utterance and in all knowledge: as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that nothing is wanting to you in any grace, waiting for the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ who also will confirm you into the end without crime, in the day of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
EXPLANATION St. Paul shows in this epistle that he possesses true love for his neighbor, because he rejoices and thanks God that he enriched the Corinthians with different graces and gifts, thus confirming the testimony of Christ in them, so that they could without fear expect His arrival for judgment. - Do thou also rejoice, with St. Paul, for the graces given to thy neighbor, for this is a mark of true charity.

Friday, September 21, 2018

But Which "God"?

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't know how this is possible, but it is very clear that a great many people have remained ignorant about their professed religion as well as their government.

The Bible tells us explicitly and by inference that there are multiple "gods" out there plying their wares.  Why say, "have no other gods before me" if there aren't other "gods" being offered to you for you to worship? 

"God" is a title, not a name. 

So when someone (especially the vermin) start talking about "God" you have to inquire, "Which God?" the same way you have to ask, "Which United States?"

Lazy Man's Guide to the Last 150 Years in America

By Anna Von Reitz

Lazy Man's Guide to the Last 150 Years in America

1861 -- a bogus mercenary "conflict" begins on our shores, and the perps pass it off on us as a "Civil War" even though no war was ever declared by our Congress and no Peace Treaties ever signed.  It's a con and a set up for more fraud games.

1863 -- Lincoln declares the Northern Federal States of States bankrupt, but neglects to fully disclose and inform people about the actual identity and nature of these business entities. A false presumption gets started that our States are bankrupt, and that our assets are up for grabs, when in fact our States were never involved and not eligible for bankruptcy protection.

1865 - The Territorial "Rump" Congress sets up bogus quasi-civilian, quasi-military courts and ten new Southern military "districts" run by "District Court Judges" appointed by military commanders.  This is the beginning of the Slow Creep of the Talmudic Court System insinuating itself where it should never be. 

The overall  is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company ran up unimaginable debts, went bankrupt, forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans, gave your address to their Creditors, then stepped back and let you bear the burden of paying their bills.  

1868 -

Witches V. Satanists

By Anna Von Reitz

I have already explained --- many times --- how Satanists operate: they pretend to BE their targeted enemy, do their dirty work, and leave their "target" (also called, "the mark" in slang) to take the blame.

When the Phoenicians (aka "phonies") fled to Britain once their activities in Portugal and Spain were discovered and they were forced to hot foot it out of those countries circa 600 BC, one of the first groups to suffer their competition were the native Druids and witches of the British Isles.

Contrary to what you have been taught, and largely because of this Phoenician Satanist invasion of Britain, there are good witches --- both Green and White.