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Saturday, October 20, 2018

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About Federal Code....

By Anna Von Reitz

The first thing every American has to know about Federal Code  is that only about 10% of all the Federal Code--- only those General Session Laws posted in the Federal Register -- ever applied to us. 

The rest is and always was just internal rules and rule-making for federal employees and dependents.

The second thing that every American needs to know is that the "Revised United States Statutes" that would have applied to us were never in fact adopted or "revised" because neither the Territorial Congress nor the Municipal Congress had authority to "revise" anything done by our actual Federal Congress prior to 1860. So the old "unrevised" Federal US Statutes-at-Large still stand.

The third thing every American needs to know is the organization that promoted and developed all the rest of the Federal Code structure from 1860 to 1999, went totally out of business when its bankruptcy settled November 7, 1999, and all those rules --- all fifty (50) "Titles" worth --- became "discretionary" -- that is, something that federal employees are taught as standards, but not obligatory.

The fourth thing that every American needs to know is that you look like complete idiots when you go around quoting these defunct federal rules and codes.  Why?  Because you are like Dutchmen lecturing Australian Aborigines about their own history, and they could care less.

Just stop. 

These people are your employees and that is what you need to drum into their thick, thick, thick heads.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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For the General Staff About Nathan Rothschild

By Anna Von Reitz

There are some of you who were very relieved when Nathan Rothschild stepped forward and agreed to front the expenses for the Scottish Interlopers doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC.

You were duped into believing that this country was bankrupt and that you had to go lick his boots for funding to "defend" America.

Not so.  Mr. Rothschild and the European banking community as a whole are in fact our greatest debtors and owe the most money to this country, and to our lawful government, The United States of America [Unincorporated].

What they are offering is to give you some of our money at interest and let you work for them, instead of us.


Did all your mothers drop you on your heads? Simultaneously?  Or are you simply traitors in American uniforms?

What should be happening is that you should be pressing Rothschild out of his ill-gotten "middleman" position and forcing him to not only make our American assets available to the actual American Government --- The United States of America [Unincorporated]--- but also make arrangements to start paying back what he owes us and has owed us since 1840. 

Furthermore, even if it means "picking shit with the chickens" for a while, no officer in our military should ever agree to place yourselves or our Armed Forces under the thumb and forefinger of any foreign power, much less a foreign banker loyal to a Queen who is in flagrant Breach of Trust and busily defrauding Americans both at home and abroad.

We do not agree to contract with any of the Rothschild interests, British or French, which means that any money they use to support either "The Republic" which I more correctly call "Le Republique" or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC from Scotland, had better be their own money and not one penny of ours or any penny derived from our assets.   

You should all be most anxious to bust loose our assets which are being unjustifiably and illegally held captive by the same bankers who are trying to seduce you into working for them instead of the American States and People.

Anything less on your parts would be disloyalty to the American States and People, which in our book, counts as mutiny and treason against the sovereign States of the Union. 

We will also point out that as our Delegated Powers have returned to us via Operation of Law, you need to get a new contract from us to provide us with military services and absent that, you have no jobs.

We will have to hire other military service providers if you don't get your tails in a knot and go get our assets back from the Queen and these endlessly crafty bankers.

You have thirty (30) days to: (a) negotiate a new service contract with us; (b) at our direction and with our help reopen our asset accounts in this country; and (c) get your heads out of your asses.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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The Paperwork Debate

By Anna Von Reitz

Incredibly, despite the actual experience of literally millions of Americans, there are still millions more who need to get the message.

These quasi-governments operating on our shores to provide "government services" are not Common Law entities so trying to do anything in Common Law has no effect.  None.  Writs bounce off.  Rights are ignored.

You have all been kidnapped and shanghaied into a foreign jurisdiction with the result that none of these idealistic ideas about "Common Law" and individual rights or Constitutional guarantees apply. 

Imagine being kidnapped and finding yourself aboard a Chinese fishing trawler where everyone speaks nothing but Chinese? 

That's where we all start out-- in a completely foreign place operating under foreign commercial law and being forced to deal with foreign language. 

The situation is only made worse because the foreign language is superficially similar to English and until we learn "Legalese" we are constantly at a disadvantage, because certain words no longer mean what we think they mean. 

Who knew, for example, that the word "person" means "corporation"?  So your "personal bank account" means "corporate bank account"?

Or that a "not guilty" plea means "guilty" by default?  You need to enter a plea of "Innocent" if that's what you mean, but nobody on the opposing team of privateers is going to tell you that. 

People who cannot or will not deal with the reality of this situation just get slaughtered by it.  They are defenseless and unable to respond and have no evidence on the public record to back up their claims to be treated any differently or under any other law but commercial law.

This is all dictated by the registration of your name and the issuance of a Birth Certificate. 

Unless you take steps as outlined to reclaim your own name and establish your permanent domicile on the land and soil of your birth state, you are at the mercy of these fiends and have no recourse. 

And no right to participate in the land jurisdiction government, either. 

After all, what right does a Chinese fisherman have to serve on an American Jury? 

People have got to wake up, face facts, and deal with them. All this airy-fairy 'what I was taught in grade school' and the 'Bible is my defense' stuff does not work against these animals in suits. 

They will be quick to prosecute anyone mis-identified as "one of theirs"--- look at what happened to Schaefer Cox and the Colorado Nine? 

Even after you do the paperwork, you have to learn how to use it and bring it into evidence and shove it down their throats.  These people make their livings off of preying upon defenseless Americans and they don't go down easily.  The only thing they are really afraid of is exposure. 

They are afraid of having a lot of people know what they are doing and how they are doing it and that is about the only thing they are afraid of. 

Which means that all Americans need to wise up.  All Americans need to record their actual political status and domicile.  All Americans need to push back and getting their own paperwork in order is Job One to be able to do that.

So enough of the "debate" over whether or not you "have to" correct the public record and declare your political status as an American.  If you have been issued a British Territorial Birth Certificate there is absolutely no doubt that yes, you do need to record your actual political status on the public record. 

Besides, unless you are a Brit trying to infiltrate and otherwise mess up the American Jural Assembly process, why would you have any objection to declaring your political status and nationality as an American? 

Why, in God's name, would any American prefer to have the same political status as a Puerto Rican?  Especially now that Puerto Rico is bankrupt and at the mercy of Secondary Creditors of the Queen?  

Wake up and listen to what I am telling you all--- and get moving.  Get your paperwork on the public record so that you have evidence of your claim and stop milling like cattle in a feed lot. 

You already know for sure what happens to cattle in a feed lot and I should not have to say one more word. 

The paperwork is necessary and the paperwork is only "First Base".  Once that is done you have a lot more work to do to educate yourselves and get in position to blow these British Privateers out of the water.

It may well be a daunting task, but it is still a task that has to be done. So buck up and do it. Those of you who have talent for pushing paper, help the others. There is safety in numbers, so the more people you can get on the public record as Americans, the more on your side of the fence. 

And the fewer "British inhabitants" there are. Kill them off the same way they have offered to kill you ---- on paper.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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