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Saturday, November 25, 2023

QFS -- The Brit-Chinese Trojan Pig Released by.... HSBC. Who Knew?

 By Anna Von Reitz

We've been calling him "China Joe" for years now. 

And we described the whole process set in motion forty years ago when the whole new US-CHINA détente was established and resulted in millions of American jobs being exported and our industries being shut down. 

We described the migration of the Parasite from Mainland Europe to Britain, from Britain to the US, and now, from the US to China. 

The name the Parasite assumed was "China Development Fund" --- more popularly referred to as the CIA Retirement Fund. 

And this was, of course, all undertaken by the Brits. 

The Brits are always, always, always at the bottom of every dog pile.  

While their home country is left so destitute that they can't even afford to leave the European Union (the real reason BREXIT hasn't happened) HSBC and its backers and shareholders are enjoying the ill-gotten spoils. That's why we call them parasites. 

We forewarned you that the "QFS" --- "Quantum Financial System" was developed under the Code Name "Crimson Gate" at Wright-Patterson AFB -- the CIA's Second Home next to Langley -- for the purpose of placing the entire world at the mercy of the Chinese Government. 

Crimson Gate.  Red Gate.  Get it?  

And now we have their implementation Playbook: 

They intend to convert the old SWIFT System into the Basel III compliant AIIB System and then into the Chinese CIPS System (so they have control of all the transactions SWIFT used to carry) and then they call this renamed, rebranded, updated version of SWIFT in Chinese hands the "QFS" so everyone is deluded and thinks that it is something else, developed by "the Americans" so it's all right.  

What a crock.  

QFS may have been developed by deluded and misdirected CIA programmers on American soil, but the QFS is not American.  It's designed and orchestrated to serve the same old European Goons from a new location. China. 

Just like they moved the New York Stock Exchange to Telaviv without telling anyone. 

HSBC needs to be liquidated for crimes against humanity, now.  Its Board of Governors needs to be arrested.  All those involved in the Crimson Gate debacle need to be arrested and questioned.  We all need to get to the bottom of this and sooner than later. 

They are touting this phony Trojan Pig system as the solution to the SWIFT Monopoly, when in fact it retains the SWIFT Monopoly.  On steroids.  

Time to boot up the real Rough Riders and hunt them down, if you want a world worth living in.  

Remember that we already have an honest, safe, clean global banking system ready for everyone to use without the QFS --- a unique system that functions worldwide as an outgrowth of block chain technology, which ensures your privacy, and provides absolute security. 

And now I am going to add the kicker. 

All these banks you are used to are based in the British Maritime Commercial venue --- and are completely monopolized and illegal.  These banks believe and (very quietly) advertise that they take an ownership interest in your deposits. 

That is, they claim to own anything you deposit with them. That's how they do bail-ins and bail-outs. That's how they seize the contents of your bank accounts. 

So why deposit as much as a bad smell with them?

Come back to the honest land jurisdiction banks of commerce, where your deposits and your business are yours.   

And just say no to all this deceitful Bank Bunko: 


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Which "United States" Are We Restoring?

 By Anna Von Reitz

We are restoring The United States -- the country, not the corporation(s). 

This causes no end of confusion here and elsewhere, because there are all sorts of "United States" entities, but since 1851, the official name of this country, in English, is "The United States".  

Everything described as "the United States" --using the indefinite article "the"-- since then refers to some kind of corporation. 

The standing joke is to inquire politely, "Are we talking about these United States or those United States?"  

The Secret Sauce difference is that these United States are physical and those United States are not. 

Our version has fifty physically defined member States and their versions have fifty-seven inchoate "States of States" that merely exist on paper.  

Of course, the Brits try to confuse the issue by calling their Confederate (Territorial) States of States by the name "States", but they aren't really States, and these legal constructions aren't actually populated by living people. 

The paper "States" are inhabited by "persons", and since 1863, for Federal purposes, the word "person" means "corporation".  

So we have the actual America dba The United States and the Americans living in their factual States complete with borders and mountains and rivers and physical terrain ---- these United States. 

And we have our British Territorial Government Service Providers living here under the provisions of the Residence Act, operating as "persons" literally  franchise corporations belonging to British Crown "States of States" that are franchises of the United States of America, Inc. or some variation thereof. 

Not to be confused with The United States of America, Unincorporated. 

With these sorts of semantic deceits in play, it's easy to understand why people are confused.  When we say we are here restoring the actual American Government and operating our States of the Union, not everyone understands.  

They think that we are here to restore the US Government --- as shareholders, perhaps?  And maybe some of them are motivated to do exactly that?  

They stumble into our assemblies and start talking about the next upcoming shareholder election and we just stare at them politely.  

We are restoring these United States, not those United States. 

We are Americans, not British Territorials, not Municipal citizens of the United States, either. 

As these poor confused souls are groping around with both hands, some of them get scared or offended, vaguely sensing perhaps that we are not on the best of terms with our "essential government services" providers. 

We don't take it personally (common meaning). We sit them down and show them the lay of the land, describe the various kinds of "assemblies" that one can belong to, and discuss their intentions and preferences with them.  

We send confused Catholics who have never heard of the separation of church and state to the Municipal District Assemblies, and we send confused British Territorials to the District Assemblies.  

Yes, we are sorting it all out, bit by bit.  All friendly, all peaceful. 

We are restoring The United States, not the United States, Inc. 


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Colonialism, Territorialism, Corporate Feudalism, Terrorism

 By Anna Von Reitz

Last week I was involved in a diplomatic conversation in which we were discussing the horrible wars taking place in Africa and the total lack of humanitarian response to help the victims.  

No Red Cross.  No sanctimonious Christian Clubs. No United Nations.  Nothing at all.  Just carnage and destruction, and the western news media blacked out so that the only people hearing about this live in China and Russia, those bastions of the Free Press....and India, to some extent. 

As an American sitting in on these discussions, the experience was mildly surreal.  The Russians had the news clips.  The Chinese and some ministers from India corroborated. 

And there we all sat, mute Witnesses to mechanized warfare carried out by mercenaries wearing our uniforms and flying our flags, fueled by Federal Reserve Notes, transferred by the SWIFT System, or else on pallets in the back of C-130s.  

Forget about Helicopter Money.  Even Chinooks can't carry enough of the fodder, as fast as it's devaluing. 

Some of the mercenaries wore white helmets.  I dully wondered if they were surplus from snow camouflage?  Makes as much sense as sending wool Army blankets to Nigeria as "foreign aid".   

The white helmet was certainly no gesture of truce.  They were ratt-tat-tatting away with their automatic weapons like all the rest, mowing down unarmed African civilians like so much wheat in a field.  

And all of this was taking place on the screen in eerie silence, just like the silent newsrooms worldwide that aren't reporting on this.  

This is what "we" do, but not what "we" say. 

All I could think was, "My God, my God, no wonder everyone hates Americans.  They think we are directing this." 

But we're not, really.  

It's the old Brit-Roman cartel, the Order of the Garter Goons, using Americans as mercenary fodder and hiding behind our endlessly abused Title IV Flag. 

It's the same old monarchist powers that have repeatedly and continually raped the African Continent for generations, first as Colonial Powers, and now as Territorial Powers, and it really doesn't matter what you call it.  

Colonialism was imposed by civilian corporations like Cecil Rhode's British South African Company.  Territorialism is imposed by mercenary military corporations. The result is the same: robbery, murder, destruction. 

These are crimes, people.  

These are undeclared mercenary wars.  

Every country participating in this needs to be identified and shamed and everyone living in those countries, including ours, needs to be on their feet and on the phone, pulling the plug on the politicians and agencies and departments allowing this to go on in our names. 

Seize the banks.  Pull their funding.  Dismantle the SWIFT System and don't try to replace it with QFS. 

We all have other options and can make other choices. 

Pink slip the Drone Boys.  Tear apart the interlocking directorates.  Nationalize every private fortune associated with this genocide.  

Let's talk about Colonialism-Territorialism and Corporate Feudalism, which are all the same thing, the same evil.  

It really doesn't matter if your tormentors wear civilian garb or military uniforms.  

It all boils down to the same thing: illegal occupation of a country by foreign business enterprises bent on controlling the population and resources for purposes of unjust enrichment.  

And it doesn't matter if it is happening now or it happened 160 years ago, it's just as criminal, just as repugnant, then as now. 

Several weeks ago, the Americans got their backs up, probably because the troops finally got the memo telling them that they are being used as Bargain Basement Mercenaries -- and the answer of the Europeans was, well, if your aren't going to pay our bills for us, you need to go raid Africa and steal enough to keep us going.  

So they are.  That is exactly what they are doing and it was always a portion of their self-funding plan, just not as extensive.  

They always planned to rape Zimbabwe of its mineral wealth for pennies on a dollar.  That's what all this "RV" and Zim currency speculation is about.  

Plop down a bought-and-paid-for dictator, get them to sign the contracts, and voila -- Zimbabwe pays for the sins of the Europeans, the Americans get a piece of it, and everyone but the Zimbabweans goes home happy. 

And then you wonder why we can't have peace in the world?  

How can you have peace or prosperity or anything else of value, when you allow your leaders to act as criminals?  When those who represent you are murderers and thieves chosen "for" you by political party hacks, intent on raiding the public trough? 

You all saw Joe Biden on television, bragging about how he used his position as VP under Obama and a billion dollars of "aid" to Ukraine as leverage to get a Ukrainian Prosecutor fired --- a Prosecutor who was investigating bribery and other wrong-doing by a company that Hunter Biden worked for.  

Joe Biden admitted he was a thug abusing his office on national television, and he was proud of it, too.  And he got elected anyway. 

Why should it surprise you that American troops are scattered throughout Africa, burning villages, herding survivors into open air internment camps? 

These concentration camps are where they languish and die without food or sanitation, wondering what they ever did to deserve this? And everywhere seeing the American flag, which is being worn by people who aren't even Americans. 

Make no mistake, we are being set up as the Fall Guys to take the blame for this -- and you will notice that we can't even protest it, because as usual, we are being kept dumb by a gagged Media, a self-interested mercenary junta masquerading as our own Armed Services, and bankers who don't care how they make money. 

You aren't living in America anymore, you are living in Crazy Land, being victimized by the same people who are now distracted because they are victimizing all of Africa--- using your sons and daughters, your credit, and your flag to do it. 

No matter what you call it, it's all the same thing: 

Colonialism, Territorialism, Corporate Feudalism--- and it all results in Terrorism, which is what happens when desperate people have had enough. 


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Border Agent Reveals SHOCKING Data: Terrorists Flooding US, Deadly Attacks May Be Imminent

On the Other Side of GITMO

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have been regaled by The Adventures in Military Justice novels since they were first being penned by Mr. Baxter, recounting the detailed courtroom dramas as all the villains we love to hate meet their nemesis, Adm. Darse Crandall, and the unnamed three-members of the various military tribunals called to contemplate the fate of such black-hearted pirates as Bill Gates and Bill Clinton. 

Now we are being told that a whole new 200-bed prison facility has been constructed on the Island of Guam just to hold the guilty members of the Mainstream Media who promoted the phony vaccine narrative and profited from it.  

Those who have followed along with the story of Gitmo and later, Fort Blaz, may have been wondering why all these reported prosecutions are taking place offshore in "US Territories and Possessions"? 

It's because the Military Tribunals are Territorial Tribunals and they have to take place in the Territories or Possessions against Territorial Officers.  They have no jurisdiction in the actual States and no authority related to the average Americans living in the States. 

Bet its a mind-blower to think of Oprah Winfrey as a "Territorial Officer", but if she ever mistakenly identified herself as a "Taxpayer" on a 1040, she is still on the books as a British Merchant Marine Warrant Officer --- a volunteer tax collector for the British Monarch, who is considered to be exactly such a Territorial Officer. 

That's enough to guarantee her or anyone else a seat at Gitmo or Fort Blaz or any similar location--- assuming that they haven't realized their mistake and corrected it and their "Birth Certificates" as well. 

People often ask if I believe any of these prosecutions and executions are actually taking place?  Do I believe in all the cloning talk?  Do I believe that JFK is still alive?  Princess Di....?

Hey, it's cheap entertainment. 

One of my erstwhile flames once sent me a two-year gift subscription to The World Globe or was it The Inquirer? -- because we would sit down together and devour these Scandal Sheets and laugh our rumps off, making snide snarky comments alongside the written narratives. 

It's a pastime akin to reading the Dublin Personal Ads on Sunday morning, Bloody Mary firmly in hand: "Nasty old reprobate looking for nubile nymphomaniac to share a dreary half-flat dockside....."

Of course, everyone in the world wants to imagine the end of Bill Gates.  I myself had a dream in which all his victims and their families were lined up, hypodermic needles in hand, and Bill (if it was Bill) was nothing but a bloody lump already completely "vaccinated" by several thousand such needles. 

But is it real? 

Who knows?  I am prepared to be a cynic either way. 

If it is true, and the Brits (U.S. Navy) really are getting rid of all these collaborators, they are most likely  killing off all the witnesses that could testify against them.  I hate to say that and disappoint all the True Believers in American Justice, but the venue indicates that it's not American and I can't imagine why the Brits would be taking our part --- unless they really aren't taking our part. 

You see what I mean.  

A fraud scheme of this magnitude and duration falling apart is going to leave a lot of loose ends and a need for retribution among veterans who now realize that they were acting as mercenaries the whole time and not even being paid mercenary wages and benefits. 

Somebody has to pay for this. 

The attitude among the Officers has to be --- better Bill Gates than me. Every time the trap door swings open, if it swings open at all, it is with a sigh of relief: another Insider Witness dispatched.  

I find the narrative Mr. Baxter is spinning quite plausible, as he portrays the disbelief and arrogance of some of the named participants -- people who have believed they were "Untouchable" for years, people like Janet Yellen, being incredulous and still trying to boss the Naval Officers around. 

These Cabinet-level Bureaucrats apparently never understood that the (foreign) British Territorial mercenaries were in charge from Day One, 24 April 1863.  

It was just a Gentleman's Agreement to allow the political appointees to stay in place and serve as a storefront for what was actually going on, but no doubt the Big Lies and Omissions have been told so long that even the Collaborators lost sight of the Narrative and have come to believe their own lies. 

The Admiralty is still charged with prosecuting piracy and what we have suffered in this country is inland piracy. From the Admiralty's perspective, it's better to prosecute inland piracy than piracy on the High Seas, wherein they would have to prosecute their own Officers and start policing their own operations. 

The stick begins to beat the dog, the dog begins to chase the cat, the cat begins to chase the rat, the rat stops biting the cheese and runs for it.  

IF all these stories about prosecutions and executions at GITMO and other offshore locations are true, that's what I make of it. 

And if not, if it's all just more Bushwah, more Hollywood script writers at work, then what? 

Then it's just entertainment that makes people feel better and disposes them more kindly toward the military. 

What's the harm in that? 

None, really, except that it leaves our military operating in the guise of a foreign mercenary force and leaves the illegal undeclared "war" raging on our shores, and does absolutely nothing toward cleaning up the deeper and more entrenched problem of foreign meddling and war profiteering "in our names" and misrepresentation of our government and fraudulent commercial claims and undisclosed registration schemes being used to defraud Americans to pay for all this. 


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Have You Lost Your Minds? - "Fifth Generation Warfare"

 By Anna Von Reitz

First of all, why not fifth generation warfare?  Why not third generation warfare?  Seventh generation warfare? 

I'll tell you.  

It's been five (going on six generations) since the beginning of the so-called American Civil War, aka, the Secret War, aka, the Black-Out War, etc., in which Britain and the cloaked Holy Roman Empire colluded to promote an endless Mercenary Conflict on our shores. 

When you track it back, you can see that this "war" began between forces in Continental Europe invested in the Dutch East India Company, and forces  in Britain invested in the British East India Company.  

They were competitors upon their inception, but by 1702 the Dutch East India Company had been caught in a massive insurance fraud scandal known as the Bottomry Bonds Scandal, and it simply disappeared.  

This was no small disappearing act.  

The Dutch East India Company was, at the time, the largest maritime shipping company on Earth, with far more ships and tonnage of cargo shipped each year than their nearest competitor, the British East India Company. 

Poof!  Now you see it, now you don't.  The entire fleet, worldwide, vanished.  

As odd as this was, it was not completely unprecedented.  It had happened twice before. 
Once when the Phoenician Fleet vanished (along with the entire nation) and again, in the 1300's when the Templar Fleet, another huge international shipping enterprise, vanished.  

So what is going on here?  If I were a mobster in old New York, I'd say they went to the mattresses and underground.  

They didn't really vanish, but they struck their own colors, took on new flags, new brands, new "wrappers" --- and kept on sailing, keeping the profits --- the ships and cargo, for themselves, and leaving the insurance companies to pay the price.  

The same thing is happening now.  While you weren't looking, the UNITED STATES, INC., disappeared. 

This was veiled as a bankruptcy, but the "fleet" disappeared just the same, and the underwriters -- merely presumed to be the American people -- have been targeted to absorb all the losses, in part through the utter degradation and devaluation of the debt notes they've been forced to use as currency under oppressive and illegal "Legal Tender" Laws.   

If you corner the Miscreants, they will tell you that they never passed any Legal Tender Laws (or Mask Mandates, either) intended to impact the American people.  Oh, no, they will protest that these oppressive measures were imposed on Federal Employees and Dependents only --- after they clandestinely and without full disclosure registered everyone as Federal Dual Citizens and unlawfully converted their purportedly "waived" birthright estates into collateral under their own criminal control.  

They would be getting away with it again, and on an even larger scale than ever before, except that we saw it coming and objected to it timely, and are now pushing the fraud back on those profiting from it.  

Central to this is the Secret War, meaning the undeclared, illegal, Commercial Mercenary Conflict that the Popes and the British Monarchs promoted on our shores back in the 1860's, and spread like a disease to most of the world in the intervening decades.  

The irony, of course, is that both "sides" of this purported conflict are colluding with each other and playing Good Cop - Bad Cop with the victims, and both are actually ultimately owned by the Pope, just as the Dutch East India and British East India Companies were owned by the same investors (including government investors), who are members of the Order of the Garter.  

When the Dutch East India Company folded, and appeared to vanish overnight, it did so by changing their flags to British Union Jacks and adopting British Registrations.  

Overnight, the British East India Company became the dominant maritime power on Earth, and this is actually how the British became the acknowledged masters of the sea.  

It wasn't their scrappy British Navy as much as it was their control of three-quarters of all maritime shipping.  

In the realm of maritime shipping, their only real competitors were the Chinese on the Pacific and the Americans on the Atlantic, both of whom would be targeted -- seemingly for other reasons -- in the 1860's.  

And here we are again, with the Brit-Roman Alliance trying every trick in the book to take down China and America at the same time. 

They tell the Chinese that the Americans welched on  their debts owed for Chinese products shipped to America, then they tell the Americans that the Chinese are dangerous and are bent on attacking America.  

They even set up a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as the purported source of a bioweapon virus that was developed almost exclusively in Britain and The United States. 

How many times did Mr. Trump try to mischaracterize this as the "China Virus"?  

He knew where that virus actually came from, but he stood there on national television parroting the company line like old Long John Silver himself. 

And all the while, the actual Crooks are sitting in the Middle Man seat, pretending to be us or to "represent" us, siphoning off the funds that the Americans have been loyally paying for Chinese goods, making it look like we are the problem, when it's actually the Thieves in the Middle. 

They'd love it if we got into a fight with the Chinese or the Russians or in the Middle East, or anywhere else, because the Brit-Roman cartel makes its real money from war-profiteering and maritime shipping. 

And war distracts everyone's attention from them, the real source of the problem. 

First with trying to blame China for the pandemic, then trying to blame Russia for their very own bioweapon factories and other outlawed commercial ventures in the Ukraine, and now, last but not least, in Gaza, the USA, INC. (British East India Company) and the UNITED STATES, INC. (Dutch East India Company) are at it again.  

Pipelines are just another variation on the theme of maritime shipping, though we don't normally think of it in those terms.  It's a transport system of a commodity that can be controlled, and when you have that, you can manipulate markets and economies and politics, buy up all the newspapers and television, and gradually create a world-spanning monopoly for yourselves-- just as you can do the same thing by controlling shipping lanes or interstate highway systems.  

So, no wonder, once John D. Rockefeller discovered what he could do by controlling oil pipelines, the Robber Barons branched out to controlling money transfers and currency transfers, too. 

Just like shipping lanes, just like oil pipelines, the bank transfer system was hijacked and the SWIFT System was used to target the economies of perceived political enemies at home and abroad (Iran and Russia most recently). 

This abuse of access to the world economy should have been a Red Flag screaming, "Monopoly!" to anyone with a brain, and to some extent, it was. 

So the Liars told everyone that such controls were necessary "for our safety" to prevent clandestine money laundering --- and promptly used the SWIFT System in concert with the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS to spawn the biggest, longest running impersonation and money laundering scheme in world history. 

Just ask about the version of "Anna Maria Riezinger" that IRS Masterfiles "prove" was running an incorporated British Crown rum distillery in Barbados at the exact same time that I was running an unincorporated art gallery in Big Lake, Alaska.  

I never met HER myself, but she must have been a real business whiz.  She made billions in rum sales and owed millions in back taxes last time I checked in on HER.  

If you ever wondered how they siphoned trillions of dollars out of the China Trade and Black Ops of all kinds into the Secret Space Program, Fortune 500, Tech Stocks, and other investments --- and at the same time back-charged everything to (in fact) non-existent US TAXPAYERS, wonder no more: pension fund associations for all these purported and purely fictional federal employees.   

Who would suspect a giant pension fund association of any such wrong-doing?  They are just in it to protect the seniors, right?   

You already know how they enforced all this horse-hooey against these same non-existent US TAXPAYERS headquartered in Puerto Rico and all conveniently subject to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition. 

All of this, absolutely all of it, has been predicated on the existence of a 160 year-old, illegal phony "war" --- in fact a Mercenary Conflict, on our shores. 

Here's the kicker: there aren't even two sides to this "war".  

It's just one huge multinational conglomerate -- the end result of a secret merger between the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company 300 years ago, controlled by interlocking trust directorates, run out of Switzerland, owned by members of the Order of the Garter, funded by insurance, bankruptcy, and impersonation fraud supporting criminal enterprises.   

Fifth generation warfare is based on lies and we have five generations of lies to prove that. We are deliberately dumbed down and lied to constantly, in order to manipulate our thoughts and feelings. 

Let me give you all an example.  

We are told by the Trump Apologists that thanks to Trump (who was buying all of it) eighty percent of the Pfizer vaccines were saline solution placebos. 

I actually had to ask -- if it was your Mother or child, would that 20% be "acceptable" collateral damage? 200,000 people sacrificed out of every million? 

If you were a young man or woman with irreversible neurological or cardiac damage, secretly sterilized by this injection, would it comfort you that you were part of the 20%? 

Resist the "Narratives" you are being fed like a pet goat. Look at them. Think. Observe. Most of all, feel. 
If it's not good for all of us, it isn't good. 

Government Subcontractors don't get to play games with the lives and assets of the people they are supposed to be serving loyally and in good faith.  

As thoroughly corrupt and nasty and incompetent as Joe Biden is, there is no excuse for Donald Trump, either. 

There are approximately 320 million Americans. Divide by five.  That's 64 million Americans left dead, dying, maimed, sterilized, in pain --- and that's "thanks" to Donald Trump?  Pardon me? 

Roughly half of the families in America have suffered one or more deaths or permanent disabilities of family members because of this self-serving war-for-profit hoax.  And the whole thing was patented by DARPA?  

So who needs DARPA?  

Tell me again why anyone should support any of this, in any way, shape, or form?  Why should we vote in any elections of any such corporations?  Why should we tolerate these cretins taking up our air waves? Why should we think that the loss of 64 million Americans is a good thing?  

Remember the twin girls at the doctor's office, having just received their "vaccinations" --- writhing in horrible seizures and dying in front of your faces, with their Mother taking a video with her phone cam as the nurses and the guilty doctor tried to control the twitching and gasping?  

It will be a cold day in Hell before I thank anyone for that.  

Here's a little FYI from Gregg Braden about the same subject -- that is, Fifth Generation Warfare: 


See this article and over 4400 others on Anna's website here:

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