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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Have You Lost Your Minds? - "Fifth Generation Warfare"

 By Anna Von Reitz

First of all, why not fifth generation warfare?  Why not third generation warfare?  Seventh generation warfare? 

I'll tell you.  

It's been five (going on six generations) since the beginning of the so-called American Civil War, aka, the Secret War, aka, the Black-Out War, etc., in which Britain and the cloaked Holy Roman Empire colluded to promote an endless Mercenary Conflict on our shores. 

When you track it back, you can see that this "war" began between forces in Continental Europe invested in the Dutch East India Company, and forces  in Britain invested in the British East India Company.  

They were competitors upon their inception, but by 1702 the Dutch East India Company had been caught in a massive insurance fraud scandal known as the Bottomry Bonds Scandal, and it simply disappeared.  

This was no small disappearing act.  

The Dutch East India Company was, at the time, the largest maritime shipping company on Earth, with far more ships and tonnage of cargo shipped each year than their nearest competitor, the British East India Company. 

Poof!  Now you see it, now you don't.  The entire fleet, worldwide, vanished.  

As odd as this was, it was not completely unprecedented.  It had happened twice before. 
Once when the Phoenician Fleet vanished (along with the entire nation) and again, in the 1300's when the Templar Fleet, another huge international shipping enterprise, vanished.  

So what is going on here?  If I were a mobster in old New York, I'd say they went to the mattresses and underground.  

They didn't really vanish, but they struck their own colors, took on new flags, new brands, new "wrappers" --- and kept on sailing, keeping the profits --- the ships and cargo, for themselves, and leaving the insurance companies to pay the price.  

The same thing is happening now.  While you weren't looking, the UNITED STATES, INC., disappeared. 

This was veiled as a bankruptcy, but the "fleet" disappeared just the same, and the underwriters -- merely presumed to be the American people -- have been targeted to absorb all the losses, in part through the utter degradation and devaluation of the debt notes they've been forced to use as currency under oppressive and illegal "Legal Tender" Laws.   

If you corner the Miscreants, they will tell you that they never passed any Legal Tender Laws (or Mask Mandates, either) intended to impact the American people.  Oh, no, they will protest that these oppressive measures were imposed on Federal Employees and Dependents only --- after they clandestinely and without full disclosure registered everyone as Federal Dual Citizens and unlawfully converted their purportedly "waived" birthright estates into collateral under their own criminal control.  

They would be getting away with it again, and on an even larger scale than ever before, except that we saw it coming and objected to it timely, and are now pushing the fraud back on those profiting from it.  

Central to this is the Secret War, meaning the undeclared, illegal, Commercial Mercenary Conflict that the Popes and the British Monarchs promoted on our shores back in the 1860's, and spread like a disease to most of the world in the intervening decades.  

The irony, of course, is that both "sides" of this purported conflict are colluding with each other and playing Good Cop - Bad Cop with the victims, and both are actually ultimately owned by the Pope, just as the Dutch East India and British East India Companies were owned by the same investors (including government investors), who are members of the Order of the Garter.  

When the Dutch East India Company folded, and appeared to vanish overnight, it did so by changing their flags to British Union Jacks and adopting British Registrations.  

Overnight, the British East India Company became the dominant maritime power on Earth, and this is actually how the British became the acknowledged masters of the sea.  

It wasn't their scrappy British Navy as much as it was their control of three-quarters of all maritime shipping.  

In the realm of maritime shipping, their only real competitors were the Chinese on the Pacific and the Americans on the Atlantic, both of whom would be targeted -- seemingly for other reasons -- in the 1860's.  

And here we are again, with the Brit-Roman Alliance trying every trick in the book to take down China and America at the same time. 

They tell the Chinese that the Americans welched on  their debts owed for Chinese products shipped to America, then they tell the Americans that the Chinese are dangerous and are bent on attacking America.  

They even set up a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as the purported source of a bioweapon virus that was developed almost exclusively in Britain and The United States. 

How many times did Mr. Trump try to mischaracterize this as the "China Virus"?  

He knew where that virus actually came from, but he stood there on national television parroting the company line like old Long John Silver himself. 

And all the while, the actual Crooks are sitting in the Middle Man seat, pretending to be us or to "represent" us, siphoning off the funds that the Americans have been loyally paying for Chinese goods, making it look like we are the problem, when it's actually the Thieves in the Middle. 

They'd love it if we got into a fight with the Chinese or the Russians or in the Middle East, or anywhere else, because the Brit-Roman cartel makes its real money from war-profiteering and maritime shipping. 

And war distracts everyone's attention from them, the real source of the problem. 

First with trying to blame China for the pandemic, then trying to blame Russia for their very own bioweapon factories and other outlawed commercial ventures in the Ukraine, and now, last but not least, in Gaza, the USA, INC. (British East India Company) and the UNITED STATES, INC. (Dutch East India Company) are at it again.  

Pipelines are just another variation on the theme of maritime shipping, though we don't normally think of it in those terms.  It's a transport system of a commodity that can be controlled, and when you have that, you can manipulate markets and economies and politics, buy up all the newspapers and television, and gradually create a world-spanning monopoly for yourselves-- just as you can do the same thing by controlling shipping lanes or interstate highway systems.  

So, no wonder, once John D. Rockefeller discovered what he could do by controlling oil pipelines, the Robber Barons branched out to controlling money transfers and currency transfers, too. 

Just like shipping lanes, just like oil pipelines, the bank transfer system was hijacked and the SWIFT System was used to target the economies of perceived political enemies at home and abroad (Iran and Russia most recently). 

This abuse of access to the world economy should have been a Red Flag screaming, "Monopoly!" to anyone with a brain, and to some extent, it was. 

So the Liars told everyone that such controls were necessary "for our safety" to prevent clandestine money laundering --- and promptly used the SWIFT System in concert with the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS to spawn the biggest, longest running impersonation and money laundering scheme in world history. 

Just ask about the version of "Anna Maria Riezinger" that IRS Masterfiles "prove" was running an incorporated British Crown rum distillery in Barbados at the exact same time that I was running an unincorporated art gallery in Big Lake, Alaska.  

I never met HER myself, but she must have been a real business whiz.  She made billions in rum sales and owed millions in back taxes last time I checked in on HER.  

If you ever wondered how they siphoned trillions of dollars out of the China Trade and Black Ops of all kinds into the Secret Space Program, Fortune 500, Tech Stocks, and other investments --- and at the same time back-charged everything to (in fact) non-existent US TAXPAYERS, wonder no more: pension fund associations for all these purported and purely fictional federal employees.   

Who would suspect a giant pension fund association of any such wrong-doing?  They are just in it to protect the seniors, right?   

You already know how they enforced all this horse-hooey against these same non-existent US TAXPAYERS headquartered in Puerto Rico and all conveniently subject to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition. 

All of this, absolutely all of it, has been predicated on the existence of a 160 year-old, illegal phony "war" --- in fact a Mercenary Conflict, on our shores. 

Here's the kicker: there aren't even two sides to this "war".  

It's just one huge multinational conglomerate -- the end result of a secret merger between the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company 300 years ago, controlled by interlocking trust directorates, run out of Switzerland, owned by members of the Order of the Garter, funded by insurance, bankruptcy, and impersonation fraud supporting criminal enterprises.   

Fifth generation warfare is based on lies and we have five generations of lies to prove that. We are deliberately dumbed down and lied to constantly, in order to manipulate our thoughts and feelings. 

Let me give you all an example.  

We are told by the Trump Apologists that thanks to Trump (who was buying all of it) eighty percent of the Pfizer vaccines were saline solution placebos. 

I actually had to ask -- if it was your Mother or child, would that 20% be "acceptable" collateral damage? 200,000 people sacrificed out of every million? 

If you were a young man or woman with irreversible neurological or cardiac damage, secretly sterilized by this injection, would it comfort you that you were part of the 20%? 

Resist the "Narratives" you are being fed like a pet goat. Look at them. Think. Observe. Most of all, feel. 
If it's not good for all of us, it isn't good. 

Government Subcontractors don't get to play games with the lives and assets of the people they are supposed to be serving loyally and in good faith.  

As thoroughly corrupt and nasty and incompetent as Joe Biden is, there is no excuse for Donald Trump, either. 

There are approximately 320 million Americans. Divide by five.  That's 64 million Americans left dead, dying, maimed, sterilized, in pain --- and that's "thanks" to Donald Trump?  Pardon me? 

Roughly half of the families in America have suffered one or more deaths or permanent disabilities of family members because of this self-serving war-for-profit hoax.  And the whole thing was patented by DARPA?  

So who needs DARPA?  

Tell me again why anyone should support any of this, in any way, shape, or form?  Why should we vote in any elections of any such corporations?  Why should we tolerate these cretins taking up our air waves? Why should we think that the loss of 64 million Americans is a good thing?  

Remember the twin girls at the doctor's office, having just received their "vaccinations" --- writhing in horrible seizures and dying in front of your faces, with their Mother taking a video with her phone cam as the nurses and the guilty doctor tried to control the twitching and gasping?  

It will be a cold day in Hell before I thank anyone for that.  

Here's a little FYI from Gregg Braden about the same subject -- that is, Fifth Generation Warfare: 


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