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Saturday, November 25, 2023

On the Other Side of GITMO

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have been regaled by The Adventures in Military Justice novels since they were first being penned by Mr. Baxter, recounting the detailed courtroom dramas as all the villains we love to hate meet their nemesis, Adm. Darse Crandall, and the unnamed three-members of the various military tribunals called to contemplate the fate of such black-hearted pirates as Bill Gates and Bill Clinton. 

Now we are being told that a whole new 200-bed prison facility has been constructed on the Island of Guam just to hold the guilty members of the Mainstream Media who promoted the phony vaccine narrative and profited from it.  

Those who have followed along with the story of Gitmo and later, Fort Blaz, may have been wondering why all these reported prosecutions are taking place offshore in "US Territories and Possessions"? 

It's because the Military Tribunals are Territorial Tribunals and they have to take place in the Territories or Possessions against Territorial Officers.  They have no jurisdiction in the actual States and no authority related to the average Americans living in the States. 

Bet its a mind-blower to think of Oprah Winfrey as a "Territorial Officer", but if she ever mistakenly identified herself as a "Taxpayer" on a 1040, she is still on the books as a British Merchant Marine Warrant Officer --- a volunteer tax collector for the British Monarch, who is considered to be exactly such a Territorial Officer. 

That's enough to guarantee her or anyone else a seat at Gitmo or Fort Blaz or any similar location--- assuming that they haven't realized their mistake and corrected it and their "Birth Certificates" as well. 

People often ask if I believe any of these prosecutions and executions are actually taking place?  Do I believe in all the cloning talk?  Do I believe that JFK is still alive?  Princess Di....?

Hey, it's cheap entertainment. 

One of my erstwhile flames once sent me a two-year gift subscription to The World Globe or was it The Inquirer? -- because we would sit down together and devour these Scandal Sheets and laugh our rumps off, making snide snarky comments alongside the written narratives. 

It's a pastime akin to reading the Dublin Personal Ads on Sunday morning, Bloody Mary firmly in hand: "Nasty old reprobate looking for nubile nymphomaniac to share a dreary half-flat dockside....."

Of course, everyone in the world wants to imagine the end of Bill Gates.  I myself had a dream in which all his victims and their families were lined up, hypodermic needles in hand, and Bill (if it was Bill) was nothing but a bloody lump already completely "vaccinated" by several thousand such needles. 

But is it real? 

Who knows?  I am prepared to be a cynic either way. 

If it is true, and the Brits (U.S. Navy) really are getting rid of all these collaborators, they are most likely  killing off all the witnesses that could testify against them.  I hate to say that and disappoint all the True Believers in American Justice, but the venue indicates that it's not American and I can't imagine why the Brits would be taking our part --- unless they really aren't taking our part. 

You see what I mean.  

A fraud scheme of this magnitude and duration falling apart is going to leave a lot of loose ends and a need for retribution among veterans who now realize that they were acting as mercenaries the whole time and not even being paid mercenary wages and benefits. 

Somebody has to pay for this. 

The attitude among the Officers has to be --- better Bill Gates than me. Every time the trap door swings open, if it swings open at all, it is with a sigh of relief: another Insider Witness dispatched.  

I find the narrative Mr. Baxter is spinning quite plausible, as he portrays the disbelief and arrogance of some of the named participants -- people who have believed they were "Untouchable" for years, people like Janet Yellen, being incredulous and still trying to boss the Naval Officers around. 

These Cabinet-level Bureaucrats apparently never understood that the (foreign) British Territorial mercenaries were in charge from Day One, 24 April 1863.  

It was just a Gentleman's Agreement to allow the political appointees to stay in place and serve as a storefront for what was actually going on, but no doubt the Big Lies and Omissions have been told so long that even the Collaborators lost sight of the Narrative and have come to believe their own lies. 

The Admiralty is still charged with prosecuting piracy and what we have suffered in this country is inland piracy. From the Admiralty's perspective, it's better to prosecute inland piracy than piracy on the High Seas, wherein they would have to prosecute their own Officers and start policing their own operations. 

The stick begins to beat the dog, the dog begins to chase the cat, the cat begins to chase the rat, the rat stops biting the cheese and runs for it.  

IF all these stories about prosecutions and executions at GITMO and other offshore locations are true, that's what I make of it. 

And if not, if it's all just more Bushwah, more Hollywood script writers at work, then what? 

Then it's just entertainment that makes people feel better and disposes them more kindly toward the military. 

What's the harm in that? 

None, really, except that it leaves our military operating in the guise of a foreign mercenary force and leaves the illegal undeclared "war" raging on our shores, and does absolutely nothing toward cleaning up the deeper and more entrenched problem of foreign meddling and war profiteering "in our names" and misrepresentation of our government and fraudulent commercial claims and undisclosed registration schemes being used to defraud Americans to pay for all this. 


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