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Friday, March 27, 2020

Liars, Liars, Stumps on Fire....

By Anna Von Reitz

The rats are trying to buy an interest in our estates for themselves using our assets and credit to do so.  


They are presenting "the CDC" as some big authority we all need to listen to. 

The CDC is a privately owned vaccine company and on the take for hundreds of millions of dollars from the men who promoted weaponization of the Common Cold. 

Don't believe me?  Maybe you will believe RFK, Jr.?

These despicable criminals set up this entire pandemic to profit themselves. 

Instead of being in position to control and manipulate our response to their handiwork..... 

And instead of being allowed to profit themselves.... 

They should be arrested, tried, and executed without any further adieu.  

It might not help their victims, but at least we would be rid of them. 

And as for the CDC, it should be shut down and all its assets liquidated. 

It's Board of Directors should be denied any benefit of the corporate veil.  

Its' collaborators on this "project" --- DARPA, the Pirbright Institute and Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should all be similarly dismembered, liquidated, and their board members/trustees denied any protection of the corporate veil.  

Corporations are only allowed to exist for the Public Good, and as you can see, these corporations have not existed for the Public Good.  

They have planned this pandemic with malice aforethought and for profit.  

Thousands of people have already died because of these mass murderers. 

And now, Mr. Trump --- do you know what your duty is?  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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Dear Mr. Trump -- March 27, 2020

By Anna Von Reitz

SPV = "Special Purpose Vehicle" = "Public Transmitting Utility", etc., etc., etc., 

So, what the attached (FB Friends go to my website to see the document) run down shows is that the Exchange Stabilization Fund (a giant currency commodity rigging fund) is being used to buy a fictitious first position interest in other fictional entities. 

In this case, the Territorial Government is creating new fictitious "PERSONS"  to convey the assets of other fictitious PERSONS belonging to the Municipal Government (our estates and public transmitting utilities) and offering to use our credit to do it; and all of this is fraud. 

It was fraud in the beginning (1868) and in the middle (1933) and it is still fraud now (2020).  

Obummer did this same schtick during the 2008-2009 bailout and Big Short on Wall Street.  All those "Billing Statements" that used to come to "JOHN MICHAEL DOE" were converted by a similar process to the name "JOHN M DOE" and next, unless I am mistaken, they will attempt to roll that PERSON into a John M. Doe or JOHN DOE or some other variation of "fictional entity" to function as a "Special Purpose Vehicle" --- and all of it is fictional conveyance of language, that is, fraud.  

It was fraud to impersonate Americans and create Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after them.  It was fraud to use DOG LATIN to convey those Trusts.  It is still fraud no matter what they do or say.  And they are still trying to victimize the actual owners of the property to do this.  

The actual gold, silver, land, and other assets owed to us, is staggering.  The middlemen armed with nothing but hot air and lies are trying to intervene and cut a "priority creditor status" for themselves out of their own lies and fabric of their constructive fraud.  

The actual asset accounts have been sealed and coded so that they cannot be opened except by the actual living man, Julius Divinagracia.  Instead of expediting his access to the accounts and allowing him to do his job, the Mindless Ones have contrived to render him misidentified and helpless, while they do everything in their power to prevent the re-venue of the actual assets to the actual owners --- who are all living people.  Not governments.  Not institutions.  Not corporations.  

Mr. Trump's advisers are a bit slow on the uptake.  They have been told that Julius Divinagracia has entered the jurisdiction of the States of the Union and is under the protection of The United States of America.  He is fully empowered and set free of any possible claim of Municipal citizenship obligation.  Or Territorial Citizenship obligations.  

It's time for the Territorial Officers to assist in bringing forward the actual asset accounts, instead of playing stupid games aimed at cashiering those accounts to generate fictional credit for themselves.  

This isn't about "gold" versus "credit" versus "stocks" versus "bonds" versus "cryptos".   It isn't "United States Citizens" versus "U.S. Citizens" versus "citizens of the United States", either. 

This is about basic ownership and rights to private and public property that has been purloined and abused, about incorporated "governmental services corporations" abusing their Employers in Breach of Trust, about generations of bankers and politicians and military officers acting in Gross Breach of Trust to defraud, impersonate, impoverish, enslave, and prey upon their own Employers, about the Pope playing a two-sided game of fraud and false pretenses and employing schemes to impersonate people and disrespect them as THINGS. 

Dear Mr. Trump.... it's a sorry business at best.  Don't make it worse.  

No more "SPVs" being dreamed up by some schmuck in the Treasury Department, Department of Commerce, or DOT.  

We have denounced the Scottish Interloper's role in 1868 and we denounce its attempts at a repeat performance now.  You may not use our credit to buy yourselves an unearned interest in our assets or seek to replace us as the actual Parties of Interest owed all right, title and interest related to the Municipal Corporations that have been used as a fraudulent fictitious conveyance and bankrupted under conditions of fraud, too. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, and Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

You all need to straight up and fly right and expedite the re-venue of our assets to us.  Stop playing this criminal game of deceit and impersonation, identity theft, False Registrations, and color of law governance.  

The cats are back.  The rats have to go.  

The boys in blue have been busted and that's all there is to it.  Move on.  Do the right thing.  Remove the False Registrations and restore the proper owners to the possession and enjoyment of their own property, free and clear of all debt or encumbrance.  

Do not offer to use our own credit to buy interests in our estates. Re-venue our estates to us.  We are clicking our silver slippers together and saying, "There's no place like home."   

The only Special Purpose Vehicle that needs to function is the Treasury Account for the United States of America 1789.  It needs to transfer all associated assets including the valid credit assets back to The United States of America 1776 mercantile account, and from there, to disburse to the individual (former) franchise owners and their States of the Union.  Not the Territorial States of States. 

And, it's time to come clean and talk to the American States and People in terms of their political status choices.  Everyone has the right to know and to choose.  This should have been done in 1865.  For God's sake, do it now. 

We have the key to the asset accounts and we know exactly what went on here.  Any attempts to lie to the American People or anyone else about the actual ownership and status of our accounts will only result in more acrimony and present-day accusations of fraud.  Better to lay the blame on FDR than continue this corruption and have nobody to blame but yourself. 


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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About PARSE Syntax, AGAIN

By Anna Von Reitz

Debts have been "forgiven" because they were all fraudulent in the first place. 

If you haven't been following along with me, you should go back and review the Great Fraud.  

Mortgages, income taxes, property taxes, property titles held by State of State and County "of" governments, franchise taxes, etc., have been illegally imposed upon people who not only didn't owe any such obligations, but who were in fact the owners of all the assets --- the landlords. 

The whole system proposed by David-Wynn:Miller is based on flawed principles ---- it is not, for example, mathematically reliable or as he used to say, "correct".  We do have to pay more attention to grammar, but by that, we mean English Grammar.  English is our Official Language, not PARSE.  

Finally, if you research the use of "Anglicized Latin" --- which is what PARSE Syntax is --- you will find that it has been used since the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian as "DOG LATIN" [also called "American Sign Language" by the felons who used it against us"] ---- a form of language fraud used to defraud and bring false claims against the ignorant. 

This language fraud results in a "fraudulent conveyance" --- the impersonation of living people as corporations --- and is specifically called a "fictitious conveyance of language" which is forbidden under Territorial Federal Code in the international jurisdiction of the sea where it most often occurs. 

There is a huge body of knowledge about the use and misuse of both Latin and English now available, including a tremendous expose of the Justinian Deception by Romley Stewart.   Just look up his YouTubes and you will find out why Mark Christopher, like David-Wynn:Miller before him, is not able to gain any traction with his methods and ideas.  

Those who are interested in supporting this major work by our Australian counterparts -- private researchers who have sacrificed years of hard work and taken supreme risks to stop institutionalized crime --- can obtain copies of the series of papers and videos and exposes about the Justinian Deception for $340.00 payment to on PayPal.  

This is the final word on the Justinian Deception and its modern day counterparts --- PARSE SYNTAX and "American Sign Language" --- and you don't have to take my word for it.  All you have to do is view and listen to Romley Stewart's research and listen to his videos.  

You will readily recognize the scam going forward, whenever it is presented and however it is presented. 

Hopefully, you will also recognize that this fictitious conveyance of language is part of the larger fraud involved in False Registrations and mis-characterization and impersonation of people as "persons".  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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Public Notice -- What to Think About All This Whole Situation

By Anna Von Reitz

It's a smoke screen.  They were planning the national black out and broadcast of hideous portrayals of child torture and "sacrifices"  as part of their show over a multi-day broadcast extravaganza, but we shut that down as more unnecessary trauma and BS.  The military and agency thugs wanted to demonstrate the evil that they have purportedly saved us from, albeit not mentioning that their laxity and lack of performance is what allowed all this in the first place.  They also wouldn't want to admit that they profited from it for several decades before growing a spine and taking action against it under the constant prodding of the Trump Administration.  

The actual answer is that BOTH the Municipal Government and the Military (Territorial) Government have betrayed their trust and operated in violation of their obligations to us and have BOTH done so for a very long time.  

Having indulged in this criminal behavior toward the American States and People they are clinging together trying to brave it out and utilizing a "Good Cop/Bad Cop" strategy, in which the Municipal Government was to be demonized and the Territorial Government presented as the Good Guy alternative, when in fact, BOTH organizations have proven to be wildly abusive and grossly mis-directed and mis-managed.  

And BOTH are ultimately owned and operated by the Pope --- the Municipal Government is directly managed by the Pope and the British Territorial (Commonwealth) is operated by the British Monarch in behalf of the Pope --- and they have been operating in open collusion since 1937 under the provisions of a document called: The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.  

We have dissected the entire history of this and have taken action to enforce their contractual obligations.  The assembled States of the Union have additionally taken action to preclude the deceptive flip=flop of one side of the Pope's coin to the other side of the Pope's coin as any answer to the fundamental wrong being practiced against this country by both the Pope and the British Monarch.  

The Covid-19 Virus is nothing but a more infectious (but not overall more lethal) strain of the Common Cold.  The mass hysteria response is nothing but a convenient smokescreen invoked to hide the ongoing settlement of the UNITED STATES, INC.  bankruptcy and the attempted seizure of our assets "in our behalf" by another Scottish Ringer operating as "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" --- INC. --- which we are protesting in the strongest terms possible.  

Neither the military nor the military bankers have proven reliable or honest in the handling of our assets since 1863 and we have ended Lincoln's General Order 100, otherwise known as the Lieber Code, as of yesterday, and fired the military bankers responsible for this Mess.  

Mr. Mnuchin has been given his marching orders and Mr. Trump has been made responsible for his directives as Commander-in-Chief, meaning that he is fully empowered to operate as Commander-in-Chief over all air, land, and sea forces with the caveat that he does so while assuming the associated responsibility for his actions.  

We do not think that he will have any trouble with that acceptance. 

They've all been told to bring this pandemic nonsense to as rapid a conclusion as possible.  China is back at work, Japan is back at work, England is back at work, and so should we be back at work.  

The trillions of dollars being dumped into individual and business accounts to help remedy the forced work shutdowns, business losses, etc., are hereby accepted as gifts from the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II.  

So, enjoy your vacations, and don't worry about the gift income being provided --- it is not taxable and it won't be used to claim that you settled your personal accounts via the acceptance of this gift or used to support any claim that you received any voluntary "equitable settlement" of the UNITED STATES, INC., debts to you as a result of it.  

We hereby reject any claim or notion that the funds backing this appropriation of trillions of dollars by the Territorial U.S. Congress are to be charged against the people or the persons receiving these disbursements nor are these extensions of credit to be held against their assets, either.  All funding for Pandemic Relief approved by the U.S. Congress is to be charged against the personal assets of the Pope and the Queen, Elizabeth II, and is accepted as gifts only, not as benefits, and not as any equitable settlement of individual and State claims against the municipal bankruptcies. 

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary