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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Rat Legacy

By Anna Von Reitz

The rats set up a system for themselves that they patented via misuse of the US Patent and Trademark Office. 

Administration and oversight of the US Patent and Trademark Office is one of the duties that we delegated to the Federal United States.  

When the Federal United States was moth-balled after the Civil War, the Territorial United States began operating the US Patent and Trademark Office, with the result that foreign interests began manipulating our patent processes. 

They also took over the US Copyright Office and abused those delegated powers, too. 

Gradually, over time, the vermin incorporated virtually every government on Earth and established two levels of incorporated government --- territorial and municipal. 

Thus we have the territorial government of Japan, Inc., and the municipal government of JAPAN, INC., and both have been chartered as franchises of the USA, Inc., and the UNITED STATES, INC., respectively.  

All around the world, wherever you go, you find China and CHINA,  Egypt and EGYPT,  Germany and GERMANY..... 

Gross Ignorance

By Anna Von Reitz

Pause and observe the ongoing debate of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Bill and wonder----just how ignorant the Territorial United States Congress really is?

They have finally awakened enough to realize that they haven't got any war-making powers, but they don't know why.  

They know that they have no statutory authority to declare war on Iran.  That's a blessing. 

They still think that it is POSSIBLE to have "statutory" war-making powers --- and they are serious about all their discussions concerning this concept, too. That's a real problem.

In truth and in fact, the only war-making powers they have ever had for the past 150 years is in the euphemistic sense of corporations going to "war" against other corporations.  

Mark Robinson Takes On Gun Rights

By Anna Von Reitz

Here is an absolutely wonderful rant on a subject that deserves a rant: gun rights owed to the law-abiding people everywhere.  Watch and learn if you have any questions about reality and the Second Amendment: 

And let me add my solution to the mix ---- everyone who wants to disarm themselves after listening to this is certainly welcome to step right up and do so.  Neither Mark Robinson nor I will prevent anyone from voluntarily turning in their guns to the nearest police station.  

British--- Not Russian--- Meddling

By Anna Von Reitz

As most of your know, in my opinion and experience, every dog pile on Earth rests solidly on a British-built Foundation:

South Africa?   British.
Middle East?  British.
Drug Trade?  British.
Wars, Wars, Wars?  All British.
Commodity Hoards?  British.
Dishonest Banks?  British.
Moth-balled Federal United States?  British.
IRS?  British.
Bar Associations?  British. 
Racial Caste Systems?  British. 
Human and Child Trafficking?  British.
Sexual Perversions?  British. 
"American" Civil War?  British made to look American.
Derivatives "Bubble"?  British made to look German.
Territorial United States?  British made to look American.
ISIS?  British made to look Muslim. 

You simply cannot underestimate the sheer criminality and destructive power of the British Raj.  You can't comprehend the audacity, mendacity, diabolical guile, and ferocious appetite of the British Crown Complex.  And when it comes to meddling, nobody does it better.  

That is not to say that they haven't needed and had a great many collaborators all around the world, helping them out to help themselves to everyone else's everything.  They have been loyally assisted by friend and foe alike. 

Insurance Against Stupid People?

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, yes, I am being attacked.  I am being called everything but what I am.  I am being identified as one of the "Evil Catholics" and "Evil Papists" and even as ---God forbid --- one of the child molesting fiends from Hell that I simply lump together as "vermin".  

Unfortunately, there is not now and never has been a cure for irresponsible, ignorant and just plain stupid people, and so far as I know, there is no insurance to be bought against their mistakes and gossip and misconceptions.  

In every single case, these people haven't bothered to read a single word I have written.  They are parroting whatever they've heard through the grapevine, regardless of where the grapevine leads or where it came from.  Here's a case in point: 

RB, Mountain Mission, and The Marines

By Anna Von Reitz

RB, Mountain Mission, and The Marines
I had a friend in High School who was a real cut-up.  He signed me up for the Marine Corps and I signed him up for the Miss America Pageant.
Imagine the confusion and consternation of the Marine MP’s who showed up on our doorstep looking for an AWOL recruit named Ambrose Martin Riezinger?  
Imagine my Father’s consternation dealing with these two, who were convinced that there had to be a strapping six foot two recruit hiding somewhere behind my diminutive façade.  After all, Ambrose showed up for the physical and intake interviews and he had excellent scores….
I sat hunched up in a chair like a molting bird through the whole fiasco.  That was my introduction to the Marine Corps.  I remember watching those two Marines unconsciously falling into marching cadence as they swung down our long driveway to their car and saying to my Father, “Those guys are real boneheads.”