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Monday, June 22, 2020

Let's Be Clear About the Federal Republic

By Anna Von Reitz

The "Federal Republic" that Mr. Trump keeps talking about is a subcontractor of the American Confederacy established in 1781.
The Union of States created the Federation of States called The United States of America and the member States of the Federation created the Confederation of the States of America. There is a logic here.
The (e)states claimed by the former Colonies had to be extended to the international land jurisdiction and formed as States, these States then created a Federation to enable them to act as one entity in international affairs, and then each State formed a "State of State" to do business for them, and these "States of States" were then included as members of the original Confederation formed in March of 1781.
Six years later, it was decided to structure the business affairs by issuing three Constitutions, one each for three "Federal" Subcontractors, that would supplement the government in much the same way that we hire plumbers, electricians and architects.
The Federal subcontractors were the States of America, the British Territorial Government, and the Roman Municipal Government.
So the original Confederation doing business as the States of America was the Federal Subcontractor operating the Federal Republic.
When the original Confederation was split apart over Lincoln's election, so was the Federal Republic.
One cannot restore the Federal Republic without restoring the Confederation, and one cannot reconstruct or resurrect the Confederation without first summoning the actual States into Session.
Why? Because the actual States are the only ones who can form the American States of States needed to restore the Federal Government.
1, 2, 3 --- American States give rise to American States of States, and to their Confederation, which runs the American part of the Federal Government known as the Federal Republic.
Florida creates The State of Florida, and then The State of Florida as a member of the Confederation participates in running the Federal Republic.
That's the way it is supposed to work.
The largest part of the Federal Government is supposed to be under the direction of these American States of States, not British Territorial States of States, and not Municipal STATES OF STATES, either.
You can see that in the documents and in the history and in the Reconstruction Acts and after all, it only makes common sense, that if the American States were going to hand out juicy services contracts, the Lion's Share should go to their own business entities ---not foreign interests.
And so it was, right up until the Civil War, when everything went ballywhump.
The Reconstruction of our Confederation and, secondarily, the reconstruction of the Federal Government Republic, has been left hanging since the Civil War, simply because we were never fully informed of the circumstance.
We didn't act, because we were duped into thinking that everything was already done. The British Government moved in and without full disclosure, installed British Territorial States of States to replace the American versions, as an "emergency" measure.
The only difference that Joe Q. Public could observe was a subtle name change from "The State of Maine" for example, to "the" State of Maine.
The British Territorial Government and their cohorts in the Roman Municipal Government dba "the" United States have been collusively usurping upon their Employers ever since 1937, under the terms of an agreement known as "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States".
And the American People were never told a word about it. Nothing was said. Nothing was taught about it in the schools. It has taken 150 years and horrific abuses for us to waken from our slumber, evaluate the situation, and take effective action.
We stand ready to help Mr. Trump and his cohorts in the Military to restore the Federal Republic as an American enterprise, not a British one. And we point out that Federal Citizens, whether U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States, don't have the correct political standing to do the job of Reconstruction.
Only Americans who reclaim their birthright political status as State Citizens can act as the People who designed and who have the power to restore both the States of America Confederation and the Federal Republic.
The United States of America (Unincorporated) is still here, our States and People are still here, and we are the only lawful government still standing on this Continent. We are not bankrupt and we are not absent.
We are the only beings on this planet with the lawful standing to Reconstruct the States of America and the Federal Republic, and now that we finally know what needs to be done, we have assembled to do the job that should have been done in 1865.
The United States Military is asked to review the fact that they owe their oath and allegiance to the States and People of America, their actual Employers, and that they are supposed to be acting under the direction of our civilian government -- not at the behest of fellow subcontractors and lobbyists.
And let's everybody, including our British subcontractors, get on the same page.


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