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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

It's Your Copyright, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 32

By Anna Von Reitz

The rats seize upon your given name while you are still a babe in your cradle, and they establish a false copyright on it, claiming that it is the name of a debtor to their corporation.  They then set up an ACCOUNT in your GIVEN NAME to service the debt.  Then throughout your life they have addressed claims against that NAME and they have hired the American Bar Association to operate their corporate tribunals as debt collection agencies under color of law, disguised as American public courts, to collect those debts.

That is the essence of the daily fleecing of America. 

It is a little hard to wrap your head around the first go, so let's examine it step by step and a bit deeper.

A baby--- let's give him the name "Paul Anthony Mitchell" is born in Hennepin County, Minnesota. 

What should happen is that his name should be recorded as a land asset. He comes from the land and returns to the land ---- "For dust thou art, and to dust returneth". 

This is a recording --- not a "registration".