By Anna Von Reitz
Episode One of The White Hats Report Number 48 has finally been released. This has been awaited for months now and it was not a disappointment, especially because under military protocols, it means that the enforcement is already in place and complete.
This in turn means that the attempted private sell-out of America to the Chinese has been intercepted and the "Crimson Gate" closed; President Trump's Executive Order collapsing the CIA now makes complete sense and so do the extraordinary happenings at Wright-Patterson AFB and Langley.
Episode One may not make a whole lot of sense to many Americans. It starts out with an impassioned and flustered speech by Lord James of Blackheath to the House of Lords in 2010.
This speech by a single brave member of Parliament revealed serious large scale financial transactions involving $15 trillion dollars being transferred in three $5 trillion packets from America to HSBC -- none of which could be adequately explained or validated. There was, at the same, or nearly the same time, correspondence about billions more "disappearing" that belonged to private asset holders. He also revealed, almost as an aside, a very serious discrepancy in the worldwide amount of previously mined gold bullion being reported to the British Government.
Despite his best efforts to get to the bottom of it all, Lord Blackheath was at a loss to explain or do anything about these apparent aberrations in the financial system. It appeared to be some kind of mammoth money laundering scheme or other fraud on the Bank of Scotland. So, Lord James was asking his Peers to approve a formal Inquiry--- which, eventually--- after Lord James was found dead, they did.
As you watch this speech by Lord James, realize why he was so flustered-- and yet, so determined. He knew he was likely signing his own death warrant, but he was going to expose the rot anyway. And he did. Bless him forever.
Four years prior to that, very close to the same amount, $15 Trillion was sequestered by the DOD's Division of Fiscal Services in California. This was, at the time, the amount of the American National Credit owed to the States and People by the Municipal United States Government.
DOD established a lien for repayment of the debt on the Federal Reserve, E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and the North American Water and Power Alliance.
In practical terms, they were establishing a lien against us, "for" us.
The debt was owed to the American States and People, and they were placing liens on assets belonging to the American States and People to secure the debt, as crazy as that may sound.
This is also when I stepped into their mud puddle and pulled my ESTATE out of the slush pile and began the whole process of reclaiming and placing liens on the assets owed to the States and People of The United States of America.
I "extracted" my own names and then began the lien process to recapture the American National Credit, because I knew the rats were getting ready to ship that mammoth debt (the credit owed to us) offshore, and withhold it or steal it outright.
I surmised that because our historical research had already proven that they had done this same thing at least twice before---shipping our stolen gold to the Philippines between 1898 and 1906, shipping our silver through the Federal Reserve hoax from 1913 to 1971, compiling huge amounts of in-house debt then cashiering the debt (credit actually owed to us) offshore.
If they got away with it again, millions of Americans would be defrauded out of a $15 Trillion credit owed to them, plus, the Bad Actors would get another hundred year lease on a $15 Trillion "Investment Fund" for themselves and their operations.
That secretive credit, secured by our labor, our land, our water, our public utilities, our remaining trust assets--- and actually all owed to us, not them ---- was what they were depositing as their credit with HSBC. And, of course, the credit back to them could not be validated, because it was never their credit to begin with. And our liens were squarely blocking it.
There are times "when you have to throw yourself in front of a train and leave the rest to God" because the results of inaction are too unjust to contemplate.
There are a lot of twists and turns of where the story went from there, but basically, it comes down to this:
Traitors lodged in high places in the American and EU and Middle Eastern Governments, had decided to pull a crime so heinous and so vast it staggers the imagination.
They would pass their debts off as our debts, embezzle the credit they owed to us, secure their debt with our assets, embezzle the American gold and silver assets they purloined using the Philippine Trusteeship Scam, Federal Reserve Note Scam and Federal Reserve System bankruptcy as "abandoned assets", sell our land assets to pay off their debts to the Chinese, cash out the bottomry bonds they had placed on our "vessels" as Life Force Value Annuities, and move their operations to China where the colluding Chinese Government would offer them asylum and freedom from extradition.
Once resettled in China, they'd start their same old game and use the Chinese as cheap mercenaries, just like they used the Americans for the better part of two centuries.
They'd have gotten away with it, too, except that the world has gotten a lot smaller since 1701, when they pulled this same gambit in Europe, up-ended The Dutch East India Company --complete with all the cargo belonging to others-- and moved their operations to New York, with the blessings of the King.
History does repeat itself for the simple reason that criminal schemes that prove successful against one generation get replayed against another. You have to detect the crime and stomp on the crooks hard enough to discourage them from trying it again, or the crime simply gets recycled like ugly wallpaper.
The politicians and bankers and Robber Barons got away with the phony name and identity substitution deceits and bankruptcy frauds in 1868, 1907 and again in 1933, so they milked the situation, devalued our currency by 96%, and waited almost a hundred years to try pulling it all again.
But this time, we were waiting for them.
They had set December 21st of this year "to sacrifice" America. If they had been successful, jack-booted UN Corporation thugs and Chinese troops would have begun mass evictions of Americans from their homes, loaded them up in cattle cars, and taken them to Hitler-style concentration camps.
And the actual perpetrators would have sat snug as toads in Rome and London and Beijing and Dubai and New York, and sagely clucked their tongues about "the stupid Americans".
Not quite so stupid, after all.
I can't wait for Episode Two. Bring the popcorn.
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