Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, January 18, 2019

For All The Jural Assemblies - 3 This is Not "Opinion"

By Anna Von Reitz

What I am pointing out to you and everyone else is not a topic for "argument".  It isn't my "opinion".  It is the way the world's court system has been organized for centuries and just because 99% of Americans are too ignorant to know that and have been deliberately kept too dumbed-down to learn it, does not make it any less true and factual. 

Now, you have a choice.  You can be a landsman and reclaim your country and your "Natural and Unalienable" rights, and you can enforce the Constitution you are owed, and you can enjoy your freedom and you can join your Jural Assembly and you can operate your State or you can sit on your rump and blow your mouth and spin --- and the British King will be happy to take all your assets and dump them into a Commonwealth Trust (that he controls and benefits from) and designate you as a "pauper" and a dependent of his government----your choice.

If you want Choice A, help establish, staff, and organize a Jural Assembly.
If you want Choice B, help establish, staff, and organize a Jural Society.

Please note that this is not "American Corruption" -- this same situation applies worldwide.  The only exceptions are Iran, North Korea, the Holy See, and a handful of Pacific Island Kingdoms.

And now for another repeat of a Vital History Lesson for All Americans and All Jural Assemblies:

1. The United States (unincorporated) was formed on July 1, 1776, as a result of the Unanimous Declaration of Independence. The members of this Union were all Colonies and they also operated as "the United Colonies of America". This is not to be confused with Benjamin Franklin's private business (also unincorporated) doing business as "the" United States.

2. The United States of America (unincorporated) was formed on September 9, 1776 by declaration of the Continental (that's land jurisdiction) Congress.
This Holding Company is a Federation of unincorporated geographically defined States: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, etc.

3. The States of America (unincorporated) was formed March 1, 1781, by Agreement of the States ratified as The Articles of Confederation.  This was a Confederacy of States of States created to conduct commercial business in behalf of the Federation States.  The members of this original Confederacy went by names like this: The State of Georgia, The State of Virginia, The State of Maine....

4. The original Confederation adopted and became the recipients of the service contract known as "The Constitution for the united States of America" in 1787.  If you can read and know anything at all about English grammar you can observe from this that the word "united" is used here as an adjective to describe "States of America" and references their "union" created under The Articles of Confederation.  This Confederacy of "States of States" is the actual Party to the 1787 Constitution.  

5. In 1860-61, the Southern States of States in the original Confederacy left the organization doing business as the "States of America" --- "seceded from it" --- and formed a new and separate confederacy called "The Confederate States of America". 

6. The entire Civil War was thus a commercial mercenary conflict between the Northern States of States operating under the States of America Confederacy and the Southern States of States operating under The Confederate States of America.

7. After the end of hostilities the British Monarch saw his chance to pull a fast one, claim that the Federal States of States were under "Reconstruction" and then, very quietly, create an incorporated Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" [Incorporated] and substituting franchises of this corporation [formed in Scotland in 1868 -- we have the paperwork and proof] for the original Federal States of States.  Thus, "The State of Florida" owned and operated by Florida for the benefit of Floridians, was moth-balled, and a Territorial franchise corporation calling itself by the deceptively similar name "the State of Florida" owned and operated by the Scottish Government for the benefit of the British Monarch and United Kingdom, took its place ---- and generations of Americans have been kept none the wiser. 

Well, now you are all "the Wiser". 

You must take control of your own government. You must accept the responsibilities that go with the rights of self-government, or your assets will be plundered and pillaged to enrich the British Monarch and the Papacy, you will permanently enslaved as a population, and you will have no claim left to the land and soil of your own country. 

When I say it is time to "Wake up!" and form your Jural Assemblies, it isn't just my opinion.  A National Trust like any other property trust can only endure for three (3) generations before being renewed, otherwise, it is liquidated and there is no longer any interest preserved for the heirs.

It has been three generations since these con artists began their scheme.

My husband and I climbed out from under their rock in 1998.  In 2015 we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and this affords you the opportunity to extend your National Trust for another three generations--- IF you all get busy and operate your States and form your Jural Assemblies and act in the capacity of living heirs --- as people, not persons.

I don't know what I can say or do to make this any clearer for all of you.  You are in grave danger of being defrauded out of your entire inheritance --- your land and soil, your businesses and homes, your labor, your bodies and your Good Name.  These criminals have conspired to steal it all right from under your noses, just as Thomas Jefferson said they would, if you were not "vigilant".

Well, my husband and I and many others have been "vigilant" and that is why you all continue to have a reprieve to gain knowledge and not be destroyed, but it is time for you to take action.  It is completely safe and proper, peaceful and unarguable for you to reclaim your Good Name and remove it to its original domicile on the land and soil of your home State.  Do so.

Remember that all the Delegated Powers that were ever exercised by the Confederation States of States were delegated to them by the States acting through their Federation, The United States of America [Unincorporated]--- not the other way around. 

You have to have a Florida before you can create "The State of Florida", much less "the State of Florida" or "the STATE OF FLORIDA".

Thus, when the original Federal States of States were inoperable after the Civil War, those Delegated Powers returned by Operation of Law to the Issuers of those "powers" --- to the actual States and their Federation of States, owned and operated by the living people.  Not the King of England.

There is a great deal more history to all of this, but it all comes down to understanding who and what you are.  Are you one of the living people of this country, a lawful inheritor?  Or are you a mere "person" acting as surety for a bankrupt commercial corporation in "equitable exchange" for benefits doled out by bankruptcy trustees? 

If you are one of the people, it is high time to reclaim your Good Name, correct the falsified records being held against you, and join your State Jural Assembly. 

Please note that you are guaranteed the right to peaceably "assemble" -- but not guaranteed the right to "associate".  This is because people are sovereign and unincorporated entities, while "persons" are (in this case, foreign) corporate franchises owing obedience to the parent corporations that own them.

We have bought you time and kept your lawful claims alive, but you MUST wake up now and get moving in your own behalf and for the sake of your country and your children. 

A foul white-collar fraud scheme promoted first by the Government of Scotland and next by officers of the Roman Catholic Church has very nearly succeeded in stealing your National Trust and reducing you all to chattel backing the debts of bankrupt commercial corporations "forever".

Get on your feet.  Understand what has happened and what must be done to answer it.  Take back your Good Name and Estate, by formally re-conveying them to the land and soil of your home State.  The paperwork to do this is on my website:, Article 928. 

Some of you have been trying to form Jural Societies in the mistaken idea that you could re-construct the Federal States of States by doing so, but the horse has to go in front of the cart--- or you will get nowhere and waste a lot of time and energy in the process.


See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

For All The Jural Assemblies 2 -- Law and Religion

By Anna Von Reitz

As I anticipated my release of "For All Jural Assemblies" has stimulated quite a bit of discussion as more people are grasping the nature, function, and vital importance of our Jural Assemblies.  As I also anticipated, this initial understanding is creating the need for more discussion of associated topics.
So here is Round Two:

Our land and soil jurisdiction government is secular not religious per se for a reason. Our Founders were familiar with the evils of Theocracies and the way that such belief systems try to thwart the greater and more Universal Principle of Free Will, so they very decidedly and purposefully cast the issues of religious belief out of the American Government.

There is separation of Church and State to allow the peace and provide for just treatment of all those living under this system. 

The basis of the American Common Law is the Ten Commandments which are "common" to all three major land based religions in the West-- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 

This common ethical basis provides the heart of the Common Law-- an ethical matrix that is "common" to and/or acceptable to adherents of all these major religions and most thinking people world wide.  

In the vast main, people agree that one should not lie, cheat, steal, murder and so on.  The only significant exception to this is the religion of Satanism which is peculiar to the international jurisdiction of the sea and the realm of Commerce which pre-dates all the major western religions and includes premises that are very foreign to us.

Because of the separation of Church and State in this country, and because of the common law doctrine none of our land jurisdiction Offices  invoke God and they do not require Oaths of Office.

This will come as a big surprise to many people, but is obvious enough upon reflection.  

The God of Israel is not the God of Judah and the God of Judah is not the God of Islam and the God of Islam is not the God of Christianity and the God of the Sea is not the God of any of the others, so our Forefathers who were familiar with this conundrum and generally disposed to taking the Bible seriously did away with Oath-taking for Public Offices.  

All those "swearing in" ceremonies we are familiar with and the phrase "so help me God" come from the sea jurisdiction courts not the land and soil jurisdiction courts. 

Oath-taking is a pagan custom and the "God" being appealed to is not necessarily "the" God most people assume! 

Because law comes from religion but is not in itself "a" religion there are many strange cross-overs, but generally speaking, the Law of the Land derives from the worship of Yahavah and the Law of the Sea derives from the worship of Baal (Satan) and the Law of the Air derives from the worship of Osiris. 

Jural Assemblies as previously explained are constituted by people living on the land and soil of a country and whether Judaism, Islam or Christianity is invoked, the same ethical standard of the Ten Commandments applies to everyone in Georgia as to everyone in Maine.  

Jural Societies on the other hand are constituted by people acting as "Persons" existing in the realm of legal fictions -- such as the mythical "State of Georgia" --and they uniformly apply the international Law of the Sea which is based on Baal worship and commercial codes descended from the Code of Hammurabi. This form of law is thoroughly pagan and predates all the major western religions by millennia. 

By comparison the Law of the Sea functions by adages called "Maxims of Law" instead of by any simple and commonly accepted ethical precepts.  The Maxims attempt to establish practical standards of "truth in commerce" and these paradoxically result from the worship of Satan, the Father of All Lies. 

The theory behind the Law of the Sea is that we only know the truth by its opposite. 

As a result of the foregoing you now know why the Common Law is called "Common" and are further able to identify and distinguish between the Law of the Land and the Law of the Sea and between the Jural Assemblies and Jural Societies.

You also now know why land and soil jurisdiction Justices are elected and "confirmed" in Office but never "sworn" in, and why there is no mention of any "God" such as "So help me, God" in any land and soil jurisdiction court process. 

As we restore our lawful --as opposed to "legal" courts and begin to function as Counselors in Law (Bar Members can function as "Counselors at Law") there is much to learn and remember. 

We are vastly helped in this by the logic, simplicity and general familiarity of the Common Law, but in this process Jural Assemblies must honor the Separation of Church and State so as the further and additionally honor the Universal Principle of Free Will and Belief. 

American Government is first and foremost designed to honor the inviolable rights of individual living people which includes the freedom to choose what you believe or don't believe in. 

Those who wish to function in the capacity of living people and who accept the ethical foundation of the Ten Commandments as their Law are welcome to form their Jural Assemblies and Courts. 

Those who wish to function in the capacity of legal fiction "Persons" and live under the restrictions of Commercial Code and pagan Maxims of Law are similarly welcome to form their Jural Societies and Courts. 

And anyone who wishes to cross back and forth and make use of both court systems must be aware of what they are doing. 

When FDR "flipped" everything upside down by presuming that everyone was choosing to act in the capacity of "Persons" instead of as "People" he set up a vast and unjustifiable Unlawful Conversion of our society and our system of justice. 

The "Holy Cause" he mentioned in his First Inaugural Address was obviously an attempted  "conversion" of a Christian country into a Baal-worshiping corporation accompanied by a non-consensual and fraudulent conversion of our assets as "presumed" chattel backing the debts of that corporation. 

This Hideous Nonsense is now being addressed both nationally and internationally and the issues raised are being addressed openly. 

Are you a Satan-worshiping pagan who believes in such practices as infanticide, or are you a Christian, Muslim or adherent of Judaism? 

If you are a Satan-worshiper you can just stay where FDR placed you and continue to act as a "Person" obligated to function under the international Law of the Sea. 

Everyone else needs to correct the falsified public records, explicitly remove their Trade Names back to permanent domicile on the land and soil States and get their Jural Assemblies set up. 


See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Four Years and Four Months, and 1500 Articles from Anna Von Reitz

Who is Paul Stramer
By Paul Stramer

I found out about Anna Von Reitz the first week in  September in 2014, when a friend handed me one of her first articles while we were visiting over coffee in a local cafe.

Here it is.

Somehow I got the grace in that moment to realize that she had something important to say that needed to be read by most Americans, and I bought the domain name, and well, the rest is history.

Today, some 4 years and 4 months later I have published her 1500th article on this blog and at the website, and we are just getting started.

I can't tell you how many hours on end I have spent doing this work, but it's in the thousands.

I publish all her articles on this blog first, then I have a process to get them on the website. The website is like an archive of everything she has written during that time.

But that is just the beginning of my work here. Once the articles are published they generate lots of email, and hundreds of comments, and although most of the comments are constructive, and even constructive criticism, some are trolls and foul mouthed people who can't stand the truth, and that requires me to moderate the blog at all hours of the day and night.

Then there is the huge challenge of trying to get all this found on the search engines and advertised around the internet. Fortunately many of you have been helping with that by sending out the two links to lots of other people. We really want to thank you for that help.

When we started, after a few weeks, we could see some search results, like maybe 20 thousand on a search for Anna's name on Google.  Right now when you type anna von reitz into the google search engine you will get real close to 1 Million search results in just over 1/2 of a second. 
So if it ain't broke, I guess don't fix it, just do more of it.

I also want to thank those who have contributed by donating using PayPal to keep me going full time in this effort. It really helps to have regular monthly donations coming in even if it's just 5 or 10 dollars each  month.

I especially want to thank all of you who joined Mint Builder with the intention of helping us get the word out, and I don't expect you to do more than what you are already doing. It's a great help.

All of you are in our prayers every day.

I also want to remind you that I am able to do this only by your donations and participation. I have Never taken one penny from Anna for any of this work, and in fact, at times I have been able to donate to her and the Living Law Firm.

If you are reading this and you haven't donated or joined the Mint Builder program we welcome you to help out by whatever means you can.

To donate go to and use the PayPal buttons, either to do a one time donation or to set up a small monthly donation. You will see the various options there.

If you want to know what Mint Builder is go here and watch the 4 minute video:

It's been an interesting 4 years, and I will continue as long as the Good Lord allows, and you continue to support our work.

God Bless you all.

Paul Stramer

For All The Jural Assemblies

By Anna Von Reitz

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the Jural Assemblies so I am writing this down for all the State Jural Assemblies at once.  Although State Jural Assemblies are unique and dedicated to their individual State it is necessary for everyone to know basic definitions and oppositions and roles, so that everyone understands what they are doing and why.

Jural Assemblies are the organizational units of land and soil jurisdiction courts.

Jural Societies are the organizational units of sea and maritime jurisdiction courts.

Jural Assemblies "assemble".  Jural Societies "associate". 

Jural Assemblies create States and Counties.

Jural Societies create States of States and Counties Of _________.

As you can now fully appreciate from this brief description, both are necessary in order to properly conduct business on both land and sea.

States are geographically defined areas that are under the control of Public Laws established by the people who live within their borders. States are unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction entities run as unincorporated businesses.  States have very simple names: Ohio, Rhode Island, Maine, Florida, Wisconsin, and so on.

In America, these States are joined together in a Union called a "Federation". The Federation is also unincorporated and is called "The United States of America".  It was founded September 9, 1776.

All these organizational forms are created by living people, howbeit, people acting in two profoundly different capacities --- as people, and as persons, which are incorporated entities.

People acting as people make up Jural Assemblies.

People acting as "persons" make up Jural Societies.

People acting in their unincorporated capacity as people who are members of a Jural Assembly decide the physical boundaries of their States, adopt the Public Laws within their States, and enforce the Public Law via their Jural Assemblies, their land and soil jurisdiction courts, and the officers of those courts.  

Jural Assemblies organize the land and soil jurisdiction courts owed to the people of each State. 

Jural Assembly organizers are responsible for the making sure that candidate members are eligible to serve.

In most States, candidates must be at least 21, must have permanent homes declared within the geographic boundaries of their State, must be landowners (even if the land owned is only their reclaimed Good Name and bodily Estate), and at least until new elections are held within the Assembly to change the 1860 Conventions, the initial State Jural Assembly must be convened by white males meeting all other qualifications.  This is because we are reopening courts that have been substantially (though not entirely) vacated since the Civil War.

People of Color and Women may be welcomed by all Jural Assemblies, but an "Update Election" must occur to open membership to all adult members of the community--- with this one exception, that women may serve as proxies for their husbands upon the husband's grant of his agency to his wife.  This basically means that she may act for her husband with his written consent in all matters stipulated as part of his grant of authority.

It is important to note that all people are part of the land and soil jurisdiction of their country, while persons are part of the sea and maritime jurisdiction.

As a result, land and soil jurisdiction courts organized by Jural Assemblies are courts for people.

Sea and maritime jurisdiction courts organized by Jural Societies are courts for unincorporated (trade)  and incorporated (commercial)  businesses -- not people.  

Please also note that no Jural Assemblies can be incorporated.  They operate exclusively as unincorporated businesses and all their Officers and their members are operating in unincorporated capacity, too. 

So, when you embark upon the adventure of creating a Jural Assembly you must  (1) choose and declare that you are acting in your capacity as one of the "people" of this country, (2) you must record your choice with a land recording office formally re-conveying your Trade Name to the land and soil of your State, (3) you must accept the rights, responsibilities and duties of a State Citizen when you act as a Juror or in any other Public Office of the Jural Assembly, (4) you must meet the basic requirements and thereby establish "standing" to act in the capacity of one of the People of your State.

Please note that land and soil are inextricably connected. Soil is defined as the first six inches -- the very top layer --- of the land, while land is all the underlying strata. 

I am often asked --- why can't People of Color and Women organize the initial Jural Assembly?  They can, they just can't make up part of the Quorum for a Jural Assembly until at least a minimum Jury Pool of originally qualified electors has been organized and has conducted an Update Election allowing membership to them.  Again, this isn't anything arbitrary or racist or sexist. It is simply the fact that we are restoring a court system that hasn't been updated since 1860, and at that time, neither People of Color nor Women were allowed as part of the Quorum. That's why an "Update" Election is needed.

I am also often asked -- why is it necessary to formally declare the capacity in which you are acting and also explicitly re-convey and claim your Trade Name?  The short answer is that (1) you could get into trouble with federal Territorial authorities (what I call "Federales") if you don't, and (2) your Trade Name has already been shanghaied into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea, so, it requires official recorded (never registered) action on your part to "return" to the land and soil jurisdiction, which is a fundamental requirement for you to form a Jural Assembly (otherwise, all you could form would be a Jural Society).

Once everyone has done their paperwork and established their bona fides as people born on the land and soil of one of the American States or to parents or a parent born on the land and soil of one of the American States so as to be an Inheritor (this can go back three generations for those born in the unenrolled Western States*) --- you are ready to begin.

A Jural Assembly has Offices. All of these Offices are held in behalf of unincorporated business entities and are unincorporated Offices.  Those Offices include the local Town and County Sheriffs entrusted with enforcement of the Public Law, the land jurisdiction State Judges (properly called "Justices") and the soil jurisdiction County Court Justices known as "Justices of the Peace".  It also includes Court Clerks, Recorders, Bondsmen, Deputies, Public Notaries and Coroners.

All of these Offices are elected by members of the Jural Assembly who are the qualified Jurors making up the Jury Pool from which all Trial and Grand Juries are drawn by lot. 

The land jurisdiction State Courts doing business simply as, for example, The Ohio State Court, enforce the Public and Organic Laws of Ohio including the provisions of The Constitution for the united States of America. The local County Courts also enforce these same laws, although there may be particular --- even peculiar --- local laws pertaining to soil and water and security issues of their soil jurisdiction.

All land and soil jurisdiction courts operate under the provisions of American Common Law.  We do not practice Equity Law which is a hybrid of English Common Law and Admiralty Law. 

The Land Jurisdiction County Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in each County.   All sea jurisdiction LEO's and corporate security personnel (Pinkertons) and subcontractors (Agency Personnel) report to your elected Land Jurisdiction County Sheriff ---- not the other way around.

Your Jural Assembly elections to fill the Offices of the Court are conducted as standard Public Elections, though all Electors must meet the same eligibility requirements as the members of the Jural Assembly.  That is, you can't cross over and vote in the Private Corporate Elections of the Jural Societies, and they can't come over and vote in your Public Elections of the Jural Assemblies. 

The two jurisdictions are mutually self-exclusive, as one cannot be on the land and on the sea at the same time.

Once your Jural Assembly Jury Pools are filled and your Officers have been elected, your Court is open for business --- for your members only.  As these are people Courts they deal only and exclusively with people business---issues of private property and assets, marriages, probate, and estates of people, rights of people, and so on.  They can hear "Mixed Jurisdiction" cases in which people and unincorporated businesses have issues with other unincorporated or incorporated businesses, and Jural Assemblies can act as Parties to cases.

For example, People of Colorado versus Simon P. Jenkins and Sons, or People of Lords County v. IBM. 

These are, essentially, the equivalent of "class action cases" in the land jurisdiction courts of our States and Counties.

They don't hear any issues arising among incorporated (commercial) entities. That is the business of the Jural Societies and their courts.

It is important to understand from the outset that these two court systems arising from the two different kinds of Jural Organizations under discussion (there are others) are completely separate hierarchies.  Many people have grown up with the assumption that their State and their County are still functioning --- and yes, they are, but just by the skin of their teeth.  

The organizations that were at one point operating the land and soil Jural Assemblies have been largely displaces in many areas by private corporate courts operated by Jural Societies instead.  That is largely the result of the Great Fraud perpetuated by FDR and by the desire of many persons (as opposed to people) to share in federal racketeering kickbacks such as "Federal Block Grants". 

Many auspices of our State and County and Local Government have been taken over via a surreptitious, secretive, and fraudulent undisclosed process of unlawful conversion, which takes place when a State or County organization is "converted" to operate as an incorporated "State of State" franchise of any foreign Territorial or Municipal Commercial Corporation.

No Jural Assembly, no actual State, no actual State Court, no actual County, and no actual County Court can be incorporated. Upon being incorporated, people become "persons" and the law of the land is converted to the law of the sea and the courts are operated by Jural Societies under international law instead of being operated by Jural Assemblies under National and local law.

If you think about it a moment you will see how the process of "incorporating" everything has been used to promote a de facto take over of our government and led to the rampant criminality with which we now contend.  You can also see how important it is for each one of us to get off our duffs and do the work.

Our unincorporated courts still stand over theirs and our people still stand over their persons ---- but we must do this work of self-governance or we will have no country and no justice left.  We must awaken our sleeping friends, families, and neighbors and ring the alarm.  We must organize our Jural Assemblies and operate our States and Counties and re-enter all the Offices that have been secretively vacated. 

Millions of us remain to be awakened and much work remains to be done, but there are now Jural Assemblies operating in every State of the Union.  


See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.