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Saturday, July 14, 2018

More of "Our" History With China

By Anna Von Reitz

Bear in mind that the information I just published concerns China in the 1920's and 30's and the Nationalist Chinese Government, which became a major Creditor of the Federal Reserve just before the Federal Reserve turned around and used the Chinese Nationalist gold to finance Mao's Communist regime in the war against them..... the demise of the Nationalist Chinese Government then allowed the Federal Reserve to keep the Chinese gold and claim that it was "abandoned assets" and avoid paying even the interest that was owed.

See how this works? The vermin borrow from and then attack their creditors. Just like the Nazis borrowed from the German and East European Jews and then attacked them. Just like the Bush and Obummer Administrations borrowed up the ying-yang against our purloined credit, and set up FEMA camps on our soil, planning to attack us.

But the history of fraud and betrayal and murder from these bankers doesn't end there. There is a sequel, which is the history of the Communist Chinese Government in the 1940's, and how the same vermin came back in and "rolled" the Communist Chinese Government.

Here is a long (very long, very detailed) movie -- All Quiet in Peking -- currently available on Netflix (thanks for recommending, Steve!) that tells what happened in China in the 1940's at the hands of these monsters.

Bank Trolls

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, I am suffering a plague of Bank Trolls.  

No surprises there.  

There's "Derek Apfel" who goes by about a hundred variations of the name and keeps generating new email addresses as a full time job.  I have blocked dozens of his (or her) email addresses myself, so I know whereof I speak.  

There's "Virgo Triad" ---- another name for Kim Goguen, who is mad because I didn't let her just walk in and rule the world.  Too bad.  

There's a whole host of ignorant well-meaning people who don't know any better picking up the garbage these Trolls are spreading, like dogs carrying bones.  

Most of this consists of one screenshot photograph of a page out of my book, Disclosure 101, that shows my whole (very long) name and my work as "private attorney" for Pope Benedict XVI --- an unpaid mission and favor to him, as he was overwhelmed with the task of giving Notice of the fraud to his employees and colleagues.  

And Another Tidbit and Proof of the Guilty Parties

By Anna Von Reitz

Thanks, Tom!

I often I get people "bridling up" against me. I am telling them things they don't know, haven't heard of, can't believe.... bad things about what they have mistakenly thought of as their own dear government, outrageous evidence of Gross Breach of Trust and international law, fraud by banks on a Titanic scale, all sorts of things that must --- to many people --- sound crazy.

So it always helps when the rest of you speak up and add your piece to the jigsaw puzzle.

Today, I went back over the history of the rats (no, I know, "rats" is too good, but I try to keep it clean) preparing China as their next parasite host. I covered the seminal period from 1922 to 1943.

And here, below, the 1980 Trilateral Commission Plan for benefiting China (and their own investments) at our expense:

And yes, Donald Trump is finally putting the kabosh on the Globalist Agenda of bleeding America dry and charging the Americans for everything and leaving all our markets wide open to benefit other nations while their markets remain closed to us.

Yes, thank God, we can begin to recoup and see the actual "Enemy" that has been here all along, insidiously eating away like a tapeworm.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 

The Federal Reserve and China

By Anna Von Reitz

The Living Law Firm and our crew of researchers have been digging into the corners of what went on in this country between the two World Wars and what is emerging is a startling view of China and the relationship of the Federal Reserve and the Territorial United States Government with China.  

Essentially, what it cranks down to is this: The bankers were getting ready to tank the American Stock Exchange (which they did with malice aforethought in 1929) but prior to that, they needed to stock up their own coffers with gold. 

Why gold? 

Trade Wars and Trade Polices

By Anna Von Reitz

I have often explained the difference between "trade" --as in "international trade" and "commerce"---- trade being private and unincorporated businesses and people swapping goods and services, and commerce being business conducted between fully incorporated business entities.

If you read the Territorial Constitution you will note that among the nineteen "powers" exercised by the Federal Government ---which are also responsibilities and duties owed by the Federal Government -- they are allowed to set our Trade Policies.

They are not allowed to regulate our Trade, but they can cut deals with other countries related to our trade and thereby seek to influence and control our economic relationships with other nations.

There is currently a big flap and spurious talk of Trump causing a "Trade War" with China and talk that this hurts American workers by increasing the cost of Chinese goods.

What these critics don't say is that China has enjoyed an outrageously beneficial position with respect to the Trade Policies set up "for" us by the vermin who have been planning to move their operations to China since 1922.

"These References Don't Match Up!" --- There Is A Reason Why

By Anna Von Reitz

I've been getting complaints from my readers --- "These references you gave as part of the China article don't match up!"  and "Title 46 doesn't exist!" and even "You are publishing false and misleading information." 

So here's the explanation of where you have to go and where you have to look for those who are unaware of even such relative recent history as what went on in 1946:

You have to find and read the Old Federal Code pre-1946 when the Municipal United States took over as "service providers" and "revised" the Code and basically repealed all of it except for one small brutal section of Title 50, the Trading with the Enemy Act.   Everything referred to in the China article is pre-1946 and pertains to the time period 1922-43.  By the time the vermin in DC began their "Revised Code" scheme in 1946, the China Deal was already done and over. 

Just like when the Supreme Court goes back to the meanings of the words in 1789 to interpret the Constitution, you have to go back to the Federal Code as it was prior to being Revised to grasp what was going on in the time period prior to 1946.  The "Post-War" Era was the beginning of another round and run up of the Great Fraud.  Everything changed according to Bretton Woods and FDR's idea of America as the bank and policeman of the world. 

People also need to become more adept at reading and de-coding Federal-ese.  What does that long list of corporations and "mixed-government" corporations have to do with the generation skipping trust scheme that deprives Americans of the benefit of their own actual estates?   

The False Claims of the World Bank and IMF

By Anna Von Reitz

The attached file is a letter from Karen Hudes to officials in Japan conclusively demonstrating the false claims being made by the World Bank and IMF against our lawful government as Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Territorial and Municipal United States corporations.

This letter fully discloses the basis of these false claims being made by the banks and the identity of the entity held in abeyance --- the Federal United States.  

Pursuant to these false claims the IMF and World Bank have proposed to take over our government administration and to declare the election of President Trump invalid. 

Please note their appeal to "the rule of law"  when it suits them, and how they totally ignore that actual rule of law and operation of law which automatically returns delegated authority to the Donor of that authority upon the incompetence of the agent exercising the delegated power. 

They had already secretively crippled the Federal Level of the United States Government during the Reconstruction Era, and now they planned to "vacate" both the Municipal and the Territorial Levels of the Federal Government by consecutively bankrupting them and leaving us at their mercy. 

They conveniently forgot the existence of the actual Donor of the Delegated Powers --- The United States of America [Unincorporated].  And the "several States" of the Union Federation, too. 

Imagine their amazement when we stepped forward with all our ducks in order and posted the Indemnity Bond for all the States?