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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Trade Wars and Trade Polices

By Anna Von Reitz

I have often explained the difference between "trade" --as in "international trade" and "commerce"---- trade being private and unincorporated businesses and people swapping goods and services, and commerce being business conducted between fully incorporated business entities.

If you read the Territorial Constitution you will note that among the nineteen "powers" exercised by the Federal Government ---which are also responsibilities and duties owed by the Federal Government -- they are allowed to set our Trade Policies.

They are not allowed to regulate our Trade, but they can cut deals with other countries related to our trade and thereby seek to influence and control our economic relationships with other nations.

There is currently a big flap and spurious talk of Trump causing a "Trade War" with China and talk that this hurts American workers by increasing the cost of Chinese goods.

What these critics don't say is that China has enjoyed an outrageously beneficial position with respect to the Trade Policies set up "for" us by the vermin who have been planning to move their operations to China since 1922.

China has had free access to our markets, while keeping their own markets virtually closed to American goods and services.

In this way, China has built up a huge "Trade Surplus" -- meaning that they sell us a lot more stuff than we sell them.

Because they have been allowed free access to our market while keeping their own closed, their industry has thrived and ours has declined.

The once great American steel Industry, for example, no longer exists. The only reason for this is cheap imports of steel from China.

Cheap steel is a benefit in some respects, but it also means the loss of American jobs and leaves us dependent on China.

So, all you Trump Critics --- here is the quid pro quo: cheap steel versus American jobs and independence. Mr. Trump chose American jobs and independence.

In the days to come you may look forward to a much better work place for American workers, higher levels of employment than you have seen in your lifetimes, a burgeoning economy, the resurrection of American industry, and the "Made in America" label being back in style.

What Donald Trump is doing is profoundly good for America. He is playing for our team -- not theirs.

The evil men who have plotted all this crappola against us and who have abused our own Delegated Powers to enslave us and undermine our country are on the run. Let's make it our business to keep it that way from now on.

Hopefully, China and the Chinese Government grasp the nature of the parasites they are harboring and will also jettison the flotsam.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I sincerely doubt it, since all their decisions are also based on GREED and POOWER...!!

  2. True if he was a zionest he would act like bill Clinton
    let the Chinese generals tour our bases , let Chinese spy work in our secret technology labs, favored nation trading status.

  3. Evil needs to be eliminated , period , made extinct


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