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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Public International Notice for the High Courts and United Nations

You have all received Notice regarding the fraud scheme attempting to use Alex Tallon and his doctored documents as a shill to justify claims against the Code FLAT Assets. We have, by my count, now contested his claims and proven that they are fraudulent no less than four (4) times, and have the administrative and court records to prove it. It's time for him to be in jail, not lauded as some kind of Seven Star "Secretary Governor General" of the UN.
Next, it's time to transition politely and calmly and expediently from any presumption that Jimmy Carter had the right or authority to turn over any of our state laws or offices to the United Nations for administration. A sovereign nation can sleep as long as it likes without asking permission from its employees.
We wake to find a great many people taking a great many liberties with our property rights, and others making completely insupportable assumptions, so let's clear the air and the records.
All Treaties and all Land Grants up to 1860 universally belong to The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States. All the interlopers and incorporated imposters fronted by the British Crown and the Popes since then have no standing whatsoever with respect to land and soil in this country.
All land "titles" that the Queen has assumed are hereby dissolved by action of the sovereign government, except in those cases where the title holder is actually and voluntarily and knowingly acting as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen under conditions of full disclosure. All other land claims depend on our Treaties, United States Land Patents and our cadastral survey and landmarks.
After 1860, all land interests entered into Territorial Statehood according to The Northwest Ordinance. As of October first of 2020, all those Territorial States were enrolled officially as States of the Union by those State Assemblies established prior to 1860 entering their unanimous Roll Call Votes upon the Public Record. All now-fifty States are indeed actual States of the Union, owning all land within their borders and free of any Territorial custodial interest.
The Corporations, including incorporated Corporations, which have been established in our names ever since 1860 are all interrelated to associations and charters granted by the Kings and Queens and Popes operating in our names via fraudulent assumption of powers never granted to them, and now all those parent corporations are bankrupt and in receivership to us, their Priority Creditors. Every single one. Any idea that these corporations are free to run rampant is completely wrong-headed. The charter-interest has simply reverted to the actual owners and these corporations, both Territorial and Municipal, are now standing under Public Law, not private law.
If they fail to operate lawfully --- a far higher standard than to merely operate legally -- the corporations will be dissolved, and their officers will be arrested.
We hope that everyone is in agreement that living men and women should not be endangered in any way by lifeless, faceless, unaccountable business organizations, which have no right to exist apart from public tolerance.
Finally, for today, another Filipino Fraud scheme has reared its head above the horizon, with claims that the Philippine Island Archipelago has been sold to unknown investors. No, it has not. In order for that to happen, they would have to buy the Philippines from us, and we have not sold our interest in the Philippines nor do we tolerate any fraud artist attempting to "represent" us in this matter.
Whoever is claiming to have purchased the Philippine Islands is either the victim of a fraud or the perpetrator of one, and in either case, they hold nothing more than a vacant pledge or title from some Party never having an interest to sell.
Please note that the controlling interest in the land of the Philippines is established by the Spanish-American Treaty established as a Treaty of Paris in 1898, and also note that the Territorial Corporation was acting as our Agent in the matter and our money paid for the accommodations and the issue was settled in a jurisdiction wholly belonging to us.
The most interest that the Territorial Government could ever claim would be in the nature of a custodianship owed to The United States, our unincorporated Government operating the soil jurisdiction of this country.
It follows that the Territorial Government was similarly limited to its own interests and jurisdiction in passing on The Treaty of Manila Bay, which in effect, only transfers administrative duties from one British Crown Corporation to another, and has no impact whatsoever on our land jurisdiction treaties with the Spanish and International Powers.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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Setting the Record Straight Concerning Boston Brahmins

 By Anna Von Reitz

Recently, there have been articles and "news" --- I hesitate to call it "news" because it has been in front of our faces for over 400 years --- talking about the British investment companies that funded colonies here in America and the so-called "Boston Brahmins" who were their representatives and administrators in the New England portion of this endeavor.
These are the Tories' descendants, but don't forget, there are others who qualify as Boston Brahmins who have always been their Nemesis. Take a step back---
Investment in the New World was the hottest thing around in the late 1500's and early 1600's.
The Spanish were becoming unimaginably wealthy as a result of their exploits in the New World and the desire to invest in and exploit this vast new territory rose to such a fever pitch in many parts of Europe that investment groups had to be paired up with specific locations in the New World.
I don't have the records in front of me, but, for example, investors in Liverpool and Leeds might be paired up with a specific County in Massachusetts, while investors in Essex and Glastonbury would be paired up with a County in Connecticut.
This is the reality, people. These companies didn't come here for fun. They came here for exploitation. They came here for profit. They came here hoping to find vast deposits of gold and silver and precious gems and whatever else might be found here.
Some of the people who came here came for religious freedom. Some, like my husband's family, came for adventure. Most people came here to escape poverty and squalor in Europe, hoping to make a new and better life for themselves and their families --- and most of them could not afford to pay the passage and the grubstake needed, so they came as indentured servants or as slaves owned by these same European investment groups.
Bear in mind that in those days, both indentured servitude and slavery could be overcome. After seven (7) years, the "bonds" of indentured servitude were paid off, and the man or woman was set free of the obligations of their servitude. Slavery had no set and certain limit of years, but carried with it the certainty that their "masters" were obligated to pay for their basic support including adequate food, shelter, medical care, and education by law, as long as they lived, or as long as they remained slaves.
That legal obligation to support slaves is what Mr. Lincoln removed with his "Emancipation Proclamation" releasing all the Southern Plantation owners from their obligation to provide these basics. In other words, the ones being released were the Southern Slave Owners, not the slaves. Lincoln hoped to make the living conditions of the slaves so intolerable that they would revolt and join the Northern Army. The Emancipation Proclamation had nothing to do with offering slaves any actual freedom.
That said, it was always possible for the slave to "purchase himself" and his family members, if he was bright and industrious and could shift for himself on the side. Substantial numbers of plantation slaves did exactly that, and became Freemen as a result, often with the help and support of their former Owners, who accompanied them to the Northern Free States to affirm their Freeman status on the Public Records.
My husband's family arrived in Boston in 1608 and began building a custom's house, a trading facility and dock, warehouses, stables, roads, quarries, and, most enduringly, Old South Church, which still stands to this day. Over time, they would own many businesses, build numerous schools and establish Princeton University. Some members of the family served as Royal Governors of multiple Colonies, some became famous judges and academics and members of the clergy, some became Admirals and others became famous artists, and yes, you could call them Boston Brahmins.
Those same Boston Brahmins supported America in The War of Independence and granted every American born on our soil the same sovereignty in their own right that they themselves inherited from William the Conqueror. They fought and bled as members of the Continental Army. They loyally supported George Washington's troops at Valley Forge and paid for and led one of the few supply missions that made it through to that then-remote location.
They may have been and may still be regarded as Boston Brahmins by history and birthright, for they certainly helped to build Boston from the ground up, but they also served this country in its First War and in every war since.
My point is that despite ignorant and misguided assumptions being made by some parties in the Patriot Movement, history shows that while some "Boston Brahmins" were Tories and still are, there are others equally qualified as Boston Brahmins who sacrificed everything including their lives to make the break from Britain possible.
If the Tories among them have worked their wiles and played their games to benefit Britain for the past 160 years, it should not surprise us. They were Tories then and Tories now and what they could not win by force of arms, courage, and moral integrity, they have endeavored to win by guile, deceit, and moral sophistry. They have worked in collusion and calumny with the British Government and the British Crown to those ends.
They were never true Americans and they didn't simply vanish after the end of The War of Independence. They never stopped yearning for their elitism and their snobbery, their rigid caste system, and their sycophantic, infantile desire to please the British Monarch has never ceased, either.
I think it is pretty clear that the Tories among us have suffered arrested development and so wish to remain dependents all their days, but there were others who also came from Britain who carried a much different stamp and attitude, those like John Adams who had a greater vision of what it means to be a man. My husband's ancestors stood among them, and fought at White Plains and other places across the frontier of our new country.
So when these men so cavalierly talk about Boston Brahmins have a care.
There were Boston Brahmins on both sides of the issue of independence and there still are.
It's time to rise up and take back from the British what they purloined via fraud and deceit. We don't need to fight any second revolution. We simply need to expose them for what they have done and employ the solid rod of international law, instead--- and in the case of those who have lived here among us and undermined the Constitutions and betrayed our trust while pretending to be our friends and allies, let them find their peace at last, as the criminals they are.

Let the seeds they have planted return to them in great abundance, and may the spoils they have racked up for themselves be the inheritance of honest men, and may they learn to regret their duplicity and the loss of their own reputation among the nations of the world, and may they be packed up and sent home to England, where they can have their egocentric, evil, and arrogant world all to themselves---- like so many rats in a pen.


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