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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Daylight in the Swamp!

By Anna Von Reitz

If there's some lying skullduggery afoot, some mean, deceptive, sideways knife in the back, it's always the Brits.  That's 100% of the time.  Those who were reading my blog at the time (and anyone who cares to go back in the archives and look) will find that I reported (months and months ago) that the Brits were the ones in back of the now-infamous Dossier framing President Trump for "Russian Collusion" and now --finally--- this basic truth is coming to light.  

Even if I hadn't seen British fingerprints on it, I would have still assumed out of hand, sight unseen, no questions asked --- that the Brits were the ones at the bottom of it all.  And I would have also guessed that they and their American pals were in fact the ones colluding with the Russians to sell out our Uranium.  So guess what?  

A few days ago it came out that the Italian Secret Service was supposed to be employed to plant emails and other material gleaned from Hillary Clinton onto Trump's computers, so as to make it look like he was the one colluding when in fact it was her behind it the whole time.  Look a little further into the rabbit hole and what do you find?  Oh, a New York-based FBI unit was in it up to their little pink whiskers.  And under whose direction were they working?  Oh, the Secret Service.  

Goodness me, how it all comes around and around and around and always lands back on Britain.  Always in the past fifty years that I can verify.  It's as if everyone else stopped stirring the pot and just let them have at it. 

And here's today's news from the Alt Media---which is the only media we have left:

Those of you who have been reading a while will also remember that I told you it was the Russian Czar who sent his navy to intervene and stand between us and the British at the end of the Civil War.   I mentioned it again just recently.  

Russia has often been our friend and the Brits have often been our enemies, but somehow nobody notices these things because we are not thinking and looking at the facts in front of our faces.  Nor are we trying hard enough to reason our way forward from the facts. 

America has always been the death-knell of feudalism and monarchy.  Every American born on our land is a sovereign in their own right.  350 million of us, all equal to the Queen.  Imagine how that went down the old pipes? 

And it was bad news for the Pope, too.  How could absolute Papal Supremacy be maintained in a world where average people, even low-life dirty American Commoners without a shred of culture, could aspire to rule their own lives, consult their own conscience, and own their own property? 

This is self-evidently why, in 1822, the then-Pope and the then-British Monarch authored and signed The Secret Treaty of Verona, admitting that our form of government was antithetical to their form of government, and agreeing secretly to undermine us in Breach of Trust.  

They've been at it ever since.  

They co-sponsored the Civil War.  They engineered the substitution of British Territorial States of States for American States of States.  They picked and chose the Presidents from Whitehall.  They lapped up the cream of their perfidy.  They stuck a straw in America and sucked us dry and used us as unbelievably cheap mercenaries in endless wars for profit. And they did it all behind such a nice facade that nearly everyone was content to blame all the war-mongering and evil-doing  on "the Americans, the Americans, the Americans...." 


They have also sought to make the Chinese and the Russians into our enemies, when in fact, neither one have been.  The Chinese just want to have reliable  trading partners who pay their bills.  The Russians want to have peace, free markets and economic opportunities for themselves. There is nothing about our Sino-Russian relationship that is hard to observe or explain....except, why should we be enemies with them?  

To put it flatly and in a nutshell --- because the Queen and the Pope want it that way.  

The Chinese and Russian Communists are in fact closer in sympathy to the American Dream than the European Monarchists could ever be.  They enshrine the Worker and we enshrine the Common Man.  We are not that far apart in our egalitarian attitudes.  They simply focus on the group while we focus on the individual.  At least we are in the same sector of the Human Values galaxy.  

If we became friends and Allies with the Russians and Chinese, that would be the end of the Spiderweb in Europe, and the end of the ability of the Queen and the Pope to use America and Americans as the Bulwark for their own monopoly interests.  

They'd have to pay for their own defense.  They'd have to come out of the shadows and stop pretending that "the Americans" are the aggressors and bullies.  They'd have to take their greasy paws off of Africa and stop meddling in the Middle East.  

It would be a whole new world.  

Interfering in the American elections is the least of it.  They have been interfering with and funding and manipulating and hand-choosing the Electors in every election for decades.  That's a no-brainer and not even worth discussing. 

What should be more "newsworthy" is the fact that they have been running a de facto government on our shores in Breach of Trust for a 150 years. 

It's not just the elections, folks.  It's the whole Shizzam.  It's the two party system.  It's the Democrats and the Republicans. It's the whole concept of having two groups of lobbyists in Washington, DC, fighting over the spoils and handing off large chunks of the profits to the Pope and the Queen.  It's everything we have taken for granted and "trusted" and not questioned. 

Daylight in the Swamp!  


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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Memorial Day Visitation

By Anna Von Reitz

The Virgin Mary has appeared to me exactly three times in my life.  She has a presence and aura that is all her own, unique among all others, and the scent of roses fills the air around her as if all the roses of a thousand fields of bloom were present in the room.  

Last night she came to me in her gentle way and gave me a bouquet of roses to bring home to you, to this world.  Each rose is a gift and a blessing symbolizing some Great Good --- kindness, compassion, friendship, loyalty, generosity, hope. 

All this she sent to each one of us, to our country, to our world. 

I don't know what to expect.  I can tell you that that was the basic thrust of the action and the message --- to deliver blessings to our world. I can also tell you that each time she appears huge changes appear soon after.  

On both of the other occasions when she has come to visit me, within three days, major changes and challenges have come.  

So, while I am blessed and while it has been given to me to bring blessings, too, I cannot tell you by what path or motivation or opening of doors this is to be accomplished.  

Buckle up your seat belts.  I am certainly buckling mine. 


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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