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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Common Law, COMMON LAW, English Common Law, American Common Law....

By Anna Von Reitz

Just the title should clue you in that, like everything else, there's common law, and then, there is COMMON LAW..... 

The Masters of Deceit have been at work. 

Common Law has its origins in the Stone Age.  It's the tradition, often verbal, that a group or tribe has established as its standard of justice over time.  Please note that such a standard applied to a Zulu Warrior standing before a gathering of his tribal elders is just as much the "common law" for him as British Common Law is for a Brit. 

For the Record, Rothschilds v. Rockefellers

By Anna Von Reitz

It isn't the Rothschilds that are primarily responsible for the misery and defrauding of America. It's the Rockefellers, Morgans, Mellons, and all the other Players named yesterday in my explanation of the fraud process used to undermine and commandeer our institutions including our governmental organizations.
The Rothschilds are businessmen. They are there to make a deal. If they can make money or leverage an advantage, they take the shot, they win or they lose. They are, for the most part (some noted exceptions) rather jaundiced and jaded, unimpressed with money and all it means, merely very, very adroit users of money as a tool -- which is all that money is or was ever meant to be.
They, of all people on the planet, know what "money" and "credit" are, and also all the uses of "debt" and "securities".
But taken on the whole as an entire family, the Rothschilds are not particularly malevolent or ill-intended. They generally take the tack that good business results in profit for everyone. They'd rather milk the Cash Cow than kill it for the insurance money.

"A" Does Not Equal "A"

By Anna Von Reitz

The fact that the name "John Mark Doe" can function as either a Trade Name of a "vessel" belonging to one of the land jurisdiction states operating in international trade, or as the name of a Foreign Situs Trust belonging to the Territorial United States operating in international commerce, was the basis of the entire fraud  that FDR used to fleece your parents and grandparents out of everything they had--- their labor, their money, their land, and their peace.  

Since "John Mark Doe" looks exactly the same as "John Mark Doe" there is no way to tell the difference, except whatever anyone claims and can prove.  So they got your Mother to sign an undisclosed contract and they lied and told you that you had to sign up for "Social Security" when in fact you were never eligible and didn't want to apply.  And they took title and claim to everything including your DNA in exchange for nothing but their hot air. 

Similarly, there is little or no distinction visually or verbally between the unincorporated United States of America that our organic states are part of and a foreign for-profit corporation merely calling itself the United States of America (Inc.).

Are you "John Mark Doe" an innocent private non-citizen "vessel" belonging to one of the sovereign states of the unincorporated United States of America? 

Update on Cookie and a Couple Notes

By Anna Von Reitz

Cookie has returned home and her symptoms are much improved. She has dutifully gone to the lab and had blood drawn for a gozillion tests and is being examined with other diagnostic tests to find out exactly what is wrong.
It could be a number of things--- interference with the electric pulse or contractile status of her heart caused by an electrolyte imbalance or mechanical obstruction, enlargement of the heart, leaky valves in her heart or veins or arteries--- or even kidney failure, leading to excess water retention, toxicity, and strain on the heart....
We just don't know yet, but the search is on and the testing process has begun in earnest.
It's a difficult time for her, her family, and of course, her friends.
We all look forward to whatever relief there may be in finally having a name for the malady. It seems that for us mere mortals not knowing for sure what it is, is at least as bad as the illness itself.
It will be about a week before results start coming in and the process of diagnosis moves forward. Meantime, she is slowed down to a mere 1,000 rpm instead of her usual 10,000 rpm---- zippppp!
Slowing down is really hard for her. Almost comical. Imagine a Chihuahua running on a waxed floor suddenly having to think about this....? Oh, hey, I have to slow down.... and how do I do that?

The End of the "Re-Flagging" Controversy

By Anna Von Reitz

I apparently startled a great many people with the "news" that the "Stars and Stripes" war flag is not our flag---not at this time, and not at any time since 1814:

"From the loftiest point of its roof, during precisely three and a half hours of the forenoon, floats or droops, in breeze or calm, the banner of the republic; but with the thirteen stripes turned vertically, not horizontally......"    Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Introductory: The Customs House" , The Scarlet Letter, published 1850. 

In my article about the need to correct your political status (since your identity has been stolen and your political status deliberately misrepresented almost from birth) I also addressed the necessity of "re-flagging" your "vessel" to function in international trade instead of international commerce. 

The Very Brief Explanation of the Corruption Process

By Anna Von Reitz

This was sent to me by John Mayer as part of a detailed article about the feudalistic practice of pledging [which is discouraged and severely limited to one day’s worth of borrowing in scripture] and Colonel House, whose scandalous deceit and cruel calculation against the American people was explicitly described in the “Horse’s Mouth” article earlier this week on my website:

What follows is an excerpt that --- in only three paragraphs--- brilliantly describes the parties who colluded together to do this and the process they used to corrupt our federal government.  I can only add that this same process was used in a more general way to corrupt the churches, state governments, and county governments, too.