By Anna Von Reitz
question has come at me from multiple sides for many weeks now--- sometimes
softly, and sometimes loudly, but the same question voiced in many different
ways and even languages: “Our world is in trouble, because of crooks infesting
and controlling the monetary system--- what do we do about it?”
Before I
can deliver my answer, I have to cover some basics.
---- Money versus Legal Tender
The world has used many forms of money, but central to the
definition of “money”, it has to have actual value as well as any symbolic value
we attach to it. For example, the United States Silver Dollar
(that is, our “United States”, not THEIR look-alike sound-alike version) is
defined as a weight of fine silver. That is the actual “value” of it—the weight
and the purity of silver.
addition, because people around the world trust Americans (not citizens of the
United States) to deliver the actual weight of silver in the specified purity,
the United States Silver Dollar has also acquired a certain amount of
“non-tangible value”. Given a choice between our United States
Silver Dollars and coin from other places, many people would still rather choose
our coinage because it is known to be a quality product.
That is what lawful money is---- an actual specifically defined
unitary measure of an asset (an ounce of fine silver for example) with a brand
name (United States Silver Dollar, for example).
actual money, our real coinage, has to be issued by our land jurisdiction
government because it is an actual asset, as opposed to being a legal fiction
asset. Lawful money is always a land asset and can only be issued
by an actual land jurisdiction government ---- not a corporation.
That is, the body having authority to issue our actual money is
the Continental Congress which is an unincorporated body politic composed of
sworn Fiduciary Deputies from every state participating.
The United States Congress represents our states in some strictly
delegated arenas of international jurisdiction----and it only controls
“commerce”----not “trade”.
is business conducted between incorporated entities--- think GM, the Public
Broadcasting System, and SEARS. Trade is conducted between living
people and unincorporated businesses---think me and you and the Mom and Pop
Grocery Store and Brady and Sons, Lumber Company.
The United States Congress as it is presently composed can only
issue legal tender, that is, “commercial instruments” – such as bonds and
letters of credit, as a result of its failure to operate with full commercial
liability and its members’ failure to act as sworn Fiduciary Deputies of their
From the beginning the members of Congress were enabled to operate in two roles--- on the land as Fiduciary Deputies of their home states, and on the sea as Representatives of their home states overseeing the functions in international jurisdiction delegated to the federal government. Over time they ceased to operate as Fiduciary Deputies (See the 19th Amendment to their “Constitution of the United States of America”) and ever since have vacated the land jurisdiction side of their office, which is the Public Office.
From the beginning the members of Congress were enabled to operate in two roles--- on the land as Fiduciary Deputies of their home states, and on the sea as Representatives of their home states overseeing the functions in international jurisdiction delegated to the federal government. Over time they ceased to operate as Fiduciary Deputies (See the 19th Amendment to their “Constitution of the United States of America”) and ever since have vacated the land jurisdiction side of their office, which is the Public Office.
That inability or unwillingness on the part of the United States
Congress to operate in Public Office explains why all the “quarters” and other
coins have been altered and “redesigned” and had base metals added to them to
make them separate and different from our actual money.
Even the
coins have been adulterated and falsified and made to look like, but not
actually be, our money.
This is why no actual United States Silver Dollars have been
issued since the 1920’s and the reason that the rats had to contract to use
legal tender “as” money.
further agreement with the Federal Reserve Banks to rent the Fed’s private bank
script at interest was just more pure gross corruption, greed, and disregard for
their duty to the American states and people--- a simple siphon or “conduit
exchange” used to double dip and unlawfully transfer our assets into their
coffers, with the Federal Reserve Banks getting a nice cut of the proceeds.
landlords and sovereign entities and Protected Persons, we can fill our vacated
Fiduciary Deputy offices and send our State Fiduciary Deputy Delegations to a
Continental Congress in Philadelphia and they can lawfully issue United States
Silver Dollars and take care of a great deal of the other long-overdue laundry
list of work-to-be-done. We simply need to get busy, organize, and
do it.
So yes, we already have lawful, asset-backed money and have always
had lawful, asset-backed money in circulation and we still do have sufficient
quantities of it in circulation worldwide. We can trade on the new
Chinese IEX system tomorrow.
In the
meantime and in the same vein, we are enabled to operate under Article X of the
actual Constitution and issue, for example, “American States Silver Dollars”
using new designs for the mint imprints.
That is,
even though all “United States Silver Dollars” are ours, there is nothing
stopping us from issuing other forms of asset-backed coinage and currency so
long as we are willing to operate under full commercial liability for the
quality of our product.
“Full commercial liability” in this case means that when we
promise that each coin is a specified amount and quality of metal, it has to
meet that standard and be that product, or we are liable to pay the difference
and whatever damages result.
If your
intent is to deal honestly with other people, there is no reason to fear full
commercial liability.
So let’s
get back to the actual, factual United States and recognize these foreign
corporate interlopers for what they are, before the entire world.
We are not responsible for what these British Subjects have done in
Breach of Trust and commercial contract, nor are we responsible for what they
have failed to do without our knowledge and consent.
United States Congress now seated in Washington, DC is functioning in the
foreign international jurisdiction of the sea as an incorporated commercial
entity composed of elected representatives----- proxies, in other words. Not
Fiduciary Deputies. Not able to issue lawful money.
Let me say it in another way, to make sure everyone understands
it----actual lawful money, for example, our United States Silver Dollars, are
issued by the land jurisdiction government, our Continental Congress, acting in
international jurisdiction under Article X--- the reserved powers of the “states
and people” in that jurisdiction.
United States Congress operating as a foreign corporation can only issue legal
tender---bonds, stocks, letters of credit, etc. That’s why they
have issued all this fiat money and contracted to use private bank scripts
instead of lawful money.
Founders left them no other choice.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Why do we allow corporations to exsist at all. There very for exsistance is for the sole purpose of "limited liability", which then requires insurance companies to exsist for the same reason, which eventually works as a virus infecting every individual, because not one person really wants "full liability"(responsiblity) for anything in this world. People want to be able to drink and drive without real consequences except a slap on the hand. And with limited liability comes the necessary evil of attorneys being involved causing all law to become "colorable"(all grey) and corrupt peoples natural moral character of taking full resposibility into "persons" who in reality want "NO LIABILITY" for anything they do. Simply put, Corporations can never exsist side by side with real people. Therefore, all corp. have to exsist as an unincorporated "man or woman" and liable for taxes like any other man or woman without transfering any of that liability to their employees. Their only incentive for becoming a huge company will come in the form of a lower "flat tax". "NO MORE CORPORATIONS PERIOD"....EVER. And if someone even tries, they get a one way ticket to the grew bar motel...problem solved.
ReplyDeleteThe big zionest banks all have safe havens offshore secret accounts . For example the camen. Islands british Switzerland dutch.petro dollar is sheer military muscle for sale..when it's jeopardized heads roll.hell of a way to do business.