By Anna Von Reitz
The only Office that President Trump now has that is fully empowered, is the same Office that Abraham Lincoln held: Commander in Chief. And like Lincoln, he is presiding over a bankrupt government entity in receivership to foreign banks, which are actually Secondary Creditors that shouldn't be naming the Bankruptcy Trustees.
That's the facts, Ma'am.
If Trump hadn't signed the smoking pile of Pork Barrel perks and placed the Territorial United States more than another trillion in debt, the military wouldn't have been funded and there is no telling how long it would have taken for the members of this Nasty Congress to gather the votes to either override his veto or support a new budget offer.
Fancy a month or two with no military?
And leave Trump with no power at all to control the situation inside or outside of the District of Columbia?
And leave Trump with no power at all to control the situation inside or outside of the District of Columbia?
Congress doesn't care. They are sitting on their little island, ten miles square, impregnable--- at least so they think. Most of them are either outright traitors to the American cause or so stupid they couldn't light a candle in the dark to save themselves.
It's a game of Chicken, and the President blinked--- but it isn't lack of courage or resolve that made him blink. It's the fact that he needs the military and he needs his military Office to clean up the Mess, so in this case, it's a matter of losing to win and denying the Congress the ability to leave America open to invasion by UN mercs and others just itching for an excuse.
You want to know the essence of the problem?
It's the same problem we have had since 1860: the Territorial Congress. Both political parties. And the mistaken loyalty of the military which has protected these treasonous bastards under the mistaken belief that they "represent" the legitimate National Government when they don't.
Stupid conservatives have been slinging dirt at Trump all day for signing the Omnibus. Smart conservatives have been silently thanking God for Trump, instead. He knew when to bite it and why to bite it and how to bite it. As a result, you are all safe --- and he and the military have a fighting chance to deal with the bankruptcies, the gross corruption, and the restoration of the government you are all owed.
Ever had to take a step backward and pivot, in order to take two leaps forward? Well, you've seen him sign the Porkulous Bill, and you've seen him appoint Bolton. Now watch for the two leaps forward.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
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Thank you Judge. Trump will learn from this "Game of Chicken" and will never forget. So will the Military and We the People.
ReplyDeleteYes you are correct! Not a big religious man, "but when I read the book of Obadiah Chapter1, especially the 4 verse,I couldn't hardly believe this scripture was fitting the picture of America today. How & why was this show of military might shown in the Philippines area fitting this scripture which lead me to Revelation 2:9, 3:9, then Revelation Chapter18:1-25, I'm afraid we are in big trouble for what our leaders & forefathers did in the past, I believe we're entering into a trap & the is about to pay in full for what we have done around the ��, especially here & in Africa, lead by the profiteers. God please forgive us and help Judge Anna cause! Wake up people before its totally to late!!!
DeleteWhy President Trump signed the Omnibus Bill that will Drain The Swamp and End The Cabal.
LET'S BE FRANK! Trump is a carnally minded man whose gods are sex, money and power and probably in that exact same order. He is a snotty, rich nowhere man, who knows how to push the right buttons, leading his brain-dead followers into the pit of anhilation while instituting a police-facist state right in front of them. Ignorant, proud, boastful, dishonest, a serial adulterer and fornicator--all of the evils good people shun he is proud to be and more... Trump is only the CEO of the United States Incorporated. The corporate charter for this corporation does not and cannot apply to state nationals and their private property. Any ULTRA VIRES attempts to commercialize private man or trespass upon his rights and property will be resisted! Death to the international bankers and the new world order!
ReplyDeleteGosh, Frank!
DeleteWhy don't you tell us how you really feel?
Geez. StarRangerX15. And how would you write a paragraph about yourself? My suggestion is to be sure to use the words "hate, loathe, despise and Judgemental". Let he who has no sin cast the first stone...or in your case, why not a whole mountain?
DeleteYou might be right, since the brown dwarf star Nibiru & Mayan Prophecy seams to be linking up who's the very fears if Thomas Jefferson's quote: "Indeed I Trimble for my country [the Indi/Hebrew/Arabic/Kemet lands America now occupies by genocide] when I reflect that God is just: and his justice will not always sleep." I truly wonder at what point and time will the sins of our father's come for payment, can't we see what the bank profiteers did to our futures through greed, selfishness, hatred of the aboriginals,spiteful acts of divisive systems of the society they built for us? I didn't until I studied Jain Elliot "Blue Eyes/ Brown Eyes Exercise & the true honorable Judge Anna call to wake up! May God protect JUDGE Anna Von Reitz & Paul Steamer charge for justice, freedom for all Americans!
DeleteStarRanger....God has always worked in strange ways..!! Sometimes God actually picks the worst of us to complete his the apostle PAUL (formally Saul). You couldn't be more evil and full of hate for God's people than Paul..yet that is the person God choose to do great things...!! You can't go by what we think of people because most of us have never walked in someone else's shoes... and none of us are angles...except You get the drift..!! Have all of you noticed how many movies are coming out about figures in the bible...."Sampson", Paul, and others...!! I hope they are accurate..!! The truth is that I don't care if God picks Satan himself to help us as long as he does his job at freeing us from this slavery system..!!
DeleteThis makes me proud to be a Non-Citizen National of the United States on Uncorporated America everybody needs to be flying a Civil Peacetime flag and God bless Trump hope you stay safe and keep praying. God bless everybody and stay vigilant!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother "fact" as usual, which is left out of the "explanation" for why he signed this Bill is that this is not a constitutional budget, it is an Omnibus Bill, NOT a "budget"!!! It contains "suggestions" on how and where to spend it but Trump can ignore them just as Odummer did for 8 years!!! So, Trump wins again!!! As far as Bolton, the Brain Dead Israhell Firster Dolt, all this is going to do is speed up the destruction of that "eternal city"!!! As per Gal. 4:25, 30, which most brain dead Christians never read, nor understand, Jerusalem is going to be "cast out" as Hagar and Ishmael was!!! Jeremiah also predicted that the city would be so destroyed as a potsherd that it will never be rebuilt. So, the FINAL and permanent destruction of that place has just been sealed with Bolton's appointment!!! Yes, "watch" for something, but you folks won't be enjoying what you "see"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteUnknown..appearantly you are "omnibus" bill is not the same as a Budget..!! As far as Is real facing the wrath of God, that is also true in my opinion... But not Jerusalem!! That city will be spared, because that is the site of the "ARK of the Covenant", which has the "mercy seat" that Jesus will eventually be sitting on when he returns..but up until then, two thirds of Isreal will be destroyed before the last one third will accept him and be saved..!! I have no idea where people get the idea that Isreal will be it any less evil than anywhere else on earth....HELL NO..!! That is another false doctrine...!!
DeleteIsrael is nothing special, and I don't understand why so many 'churches' stand with israel. Honestly, I have to say I do not know what God means in his reference to 'israel'....but I do know that those living there are not 'gods chosen people'. That description of them is not in the bible at all, but is a reference given to them by Man, unlearned ignorant man, probably originated by the zio's who run america.
DeleteIsrael, the nation today, is very very wicked, and God does not favor ANYone or any nation that is wicked, and does wicked things. Period. Therefore, I cannot stand with israel.
There is a remnant of 'jews' that God will save, but none of us has any way of knowing just who or where they are. Here again is where I require more proof or evidence before I ''stand' with anyone.
There is a big difference between the STATE OF ISRAEL and the Nation of Israel. The first is a manmade, Rothschild funded construct on paper enforced through the Balfour Declaration, the UK and the UN. The second will not be established until Christ returns and not one day sooner no matter what any of the ISRA-HELL firsters may say!
ReplyDeleteWow, people act like this world is Life itself; as if everything depends on IT. I can only presume that this mindset is due to the lacking of God, the lack of knowledge about God, and the lack of possessing God as their Father and Jesus as their Savior.
ReplyDeleteI attribute this to two things: (1) the gross failure of churches and pastors to teach any basic Truths, which is due to their attending divinity schools of false teaching. And (2) the rebellion of mankind in general who have closed minds not really having any appetite for real Truth. And so, ''people are perishing because of the lack of knowledge of Truth'.
And so the result is they cling to this world with all their might, lol.
One of the biggest mistakes is the lack of understanding of God or the bible. Mankind cannot seem to fathom that God ''can see ahead in Time' enabling Him to tell us in advance what is going to happen; He put it in Writing for anyone to read, yet they do not read.
So they do not know what is right in front of their faces. It IS Written! Read !
Another thing that people fail to understand is that what is written is ''after the fact'' which means God did not ordain any of it, but is all Fact of what Man did with this World they were supposed to take care of, but wickedly abused their privilege.
The Truth is this world is morally bankrupt, and for that reason considered by God to be ungodly. Scripture tells us that ''sin causes God to turn his face from us'. So with that in mind, and from natural observations, we can pretty much conclude that God is NOT going to rescue a world that is swamped in the dens of iniquity.
Once you truly understand that aspect of God, then you will stop the hopium of some utopian fantasy world just suddenly being dropped in your lap. The admonition is right in front of your face:
''seek FIRST the Kingdom of God AND His Righteousness, THEN all these (other) things will be added unto you''.
Abby...people not only don't read the bible, they don't read anything anymore...all my friends that I grew up with are testimony to this... a book might as well be a deadly virus as far as they are concerned..!! And most of the world is like that one reads, anything!! Let alone the bible..
DeletePlease consider that much chaos has been intentionally created due to "words" and languages having too many different meanings which causes so much conflict and angry, hateful and judgemental controversy based on the individuals limited worldly(carnal mind) knowledge and perceptions based on personal life experiences, upbringing and influences of tooo many confusing (carnal mind)interpretations. Seek first within your heart mind (divine,heavenly kingdom within) for the true essence of all messages being shared for a more balanced understanding, and NOW empowered strength and clarity of the wisdom to guide us and overcome all the false teachings and misinterpretations of our past limited Carnal construct programming. Narrow IS the pathway from your EGO Carnal mind to your Spirit heart Mind that WE ALL have been gifted and created/endowed with by our Creator. The kingdom of heaven IS within each and every ONE of us, and therefor ALREADY ON/IN this Earth NOW. Quiet your own EGO carnal mind and seek true love, wisdom and peace within and everything else will start to fall into more balance and harmony in your life. All the seeds of "fruits" of the spirits within start to bud then blossom and you become ONE once again with your creator for a completely renewed outlook and blessed new awareness of what really matters and serves your highest good, for a more peaceful and prosperous life. We have absolutely been tested and pushed to a critical edge of how far we can actually be separated from our creator before we learn/remember who we truly are and our intended purpose of being created in our creators spirit within our co created biological physical bodies. We are NOW being woken up spiritually as well as physically so that we can NOW SEE How separated we allowed ourselves to become and the hell on earth WE have ALL participated in co creating due to all the Carnal mind control and worldly programming we've allowed to close the gap between our physical minds and our wholly spirit hearts mind.
DeleteIt is truly amazing to witness the awakening and "rapture" (raising up) of our primary highest creator within and experience all of our God sparks being triggered, glowing brighter and brighter with each passing day! Real heavenly fruits within ARE NOW wonderfully visible to see in more and more people every moment!! It's a beautiful sight to behold for those choosing to see from their gifted, heavenly eyes!! We ARE making progress, we are finally getting on the right path!!
Seek the energetic essence of ALL messages, not the "words" and true understanding, peace and clarity will easily be revealed (revelations). No more conflict. No more Fear. No more confusion or doubt. No more scarcity. No more envy, greed. No more Jealousy, hate. No more false egoic pride or vanity. All just starts to either disappear or greatly diminish in your renewed spirit heart mind balanced and in harmony with your NOW healthy carnal mind. So grateful!!
We are so Loved, we just have been clueless to what Real, deep love actually feels like! It IS a truly indescribable feeling/knowing. Its like a deep all enveloping warmth within every cell of your being! No, no mind altering drugs brought this healing/cleansing experience into my being.
For me it was triggered when our family was experiencing our youngest adult son in his last crisis of a manic "altered state" which would last for months at a time and command our attention 24/7 while he was in this state. He had experienced these Altered states of reality for the last 10 years after being exposed and traumatized by the evilness of what was going on behind the scenes in this world, and his carnal mind could not cope and took flight. We have learned so much from him while in these altered states of being, and mainly to let go of the fear we felt for him as his parents, but instead learn to be accepting, mindful, compassionate and patient with the entire process, no matter how long it lasted. Every Manic episode had a trigger. We discovered that Every episode had a very strong message/lesson and theme attached to it. Once we let go of the fear of these episodes, the less trauma he or we experienced during the episodes and more awareness and healing was able to be achieved. He would "speak" this last time as if he was many different personas, one was a very angry, bitter old man. This old man would lash out really angry blame, judgment and shame onto us this last time that was extremely hard to take. We had learned the hoponponnno (sp?)technique to respond vs react to him or take on any of the negativity he would throw at us, and to create a healing shield to protect ourselves but also to be there for him and help support him through the journey his mind was taking us all on. IT WORKED!! These are the powerful healing words of hoponnopo:
DeleteI'm sorry
Forgive me
I Love you
Thank You
These were the words that we not only spoke intentionally, but believed in our hearts would help us to overcome and get through this latest episode more peacefully without adding any more traumatic memories or painful feelings onto any of us. Those intentions, those words were/are what has completely transformed and created healing within him and us as a family! These were the words that triggered our spiritual awakening and has brought so much clarity and awareness into the darker aspects that have affected our lives in this world. This awareness IS the key for our acceptance, forgiveness, healing in moving forward. We are grateful NOW, and no longer scared of the unknowns.
So bottom line "words" spoken or understood at merely a shallow, vain carnal and programmed egoic reaction or close minded perspective adds NO REAL value or substance in our lives. The energetic exchanges and essence of our thoughts, experiences shared and intentions of our actions speaks much louder NOW than our mere words alone can ever express. Seek deeper, learn deeper, love deeper and true cleansing and healing will transform your thoughts and change your life. If this is considered a "False religion" by those that are feeling threatened by real life transformations people are experiencing in actual real life crisis, then so be it. I know only one thing for sure, I've never felt or understood this type of deep in my core, knowing of Love, trust, peace or gratitude EVER before in my life, and if I've truly lost my unhealthy carnal thoughts and mind, I'm grateful and never want it back!! LOL I do find it very interesting that its those that claim to hold so rigidly and strictly to THE WORD, from their carnal mind have shown only contempt, hate, unforgiveness, boasting angry, fearful wrath and judgement upon ALL mankind. No thank you. I'll stick to Grace, Forgiveness and Mercy for ALL, everyday, ALL day!! So be it!!
DeleteMuch Love & Peace
From all your life story here, it us full of worldly mindset and shows not one iota of godly spirit. The spirit you describe is 'that other spirit' who is a counterfeit fake, and tries to imitate the One True God of the One True Heaven.
Deletehe is a liar and a deceiver; Gods word says 'and he deceives the whole world'.
When one displays multiple personalities, it is demonic possession. I'm afraid your entire ''spiritual experience' is from the dark side; satanic. That 'spirit' will tell you whatever you want to hear, and strongly influence you to turn everything around; that's why you put 'carnal' for spiritual, and call spiritual, carnal. Actually, you do not know which is which. You also show that you do not know the character of the One True God and mistakenly love thinking 'you are carrying God around inside you'.
Unconditional Love is light energy and pure Spirit.The birthing power is not the Satanic penis head of the Vatican as an inversion Parthenogenesis allows a female which is alkaline and magnetic light energy,to manifest a zygote and create a new born life,without a male sperm donor.The idea that God is a male defies logic and how Energy works.Cause that's all their is,is sound and light energy.Masculinity represents electrons or acidic pH value.Magnetic light is alkaline Ph When your in a state of love and joy,your Energy field resonates at a sound wave frequency of over 600 Megahertz or 600 million cycles per second of vibrational energy That's the level of life force energy that runs through Nature which represents the womb of a Goddess who lives in this planet,we know as the great feminine Spirit of Mother Earth You come in here as a seed in the womb of the birthing power your seed grows from to ultimately reach Spiritual purity of pure love and pure Spirit where alchemy,the 4 elements of Earth,wind,fire and water are in perfect chakra and energetic meridians alignment to be in perfect harmony and balance with the 3 sound wave harmonics of Mother Earth and a love vibration in alignment with the Universe
DeleteAwesome explanation Rose sweet, thank you! The experience and the intenseness of this feeling is/was and has been challenging for me to attempt to describe, as there seems to be very few "words" that can express what pure Love within feels like. Awe-mazing and Grateful is all I can really say!!
DeleteI'm glad I recognize New Age bullschitt; after I have a hearty laugh, I have to say they don't make hip boots that go high up enough for this utter nonsense from you two.
DeleteNo matter what anyone thinks of Trump, there is no way that he is going to do anything unless he gets a deal out of it. That is his standard mode d'operendi. So the real question here is: what did he negotiate in exchange for signing this bill? I believe that this is what Anna is referring to as well.
ReplyDeleteHe also said that "no one read it"...Maybe because it was a 2200 page bill that Congress only had 48jrs to read before the vote came down...A typical Bill written by attorneys... I personally don't think that any Congress member ever reads the bills for that reason...who in there right mind is going to read bills that are 2200 pages long...NO ONE..!! But Trump has no choice because of the time element of shutting down govt again..!! But you heard him say..." I will never sign a bill like this again...under pressure and with very little time left before another shut down..and most people around him including his own cabinet, probably assured him you got everything you wanted..!! The introduction of any Bill in Congress should be no longer than 10 pages laying out the true intention of the longer.!! And the 10 pages better be a good representation of its intent, without trying to seek anything else into 2200 pages..!! God we have to get rid of attorneys..!!
DeleteJames, I couldn't agree more ! There is no reason for any Bill to be any more than 10 pages long; and right to the point in ordinary street we do in here. All that jargon is pure deceitfulness designed by the devil himself !
DeleteSo I wonder if Trump meant he will just let the gov. shut down next time they think to pull a stunt like this !
Do you know when this ''budget' expires?
Guys, long ago I decided I will not get swept into the ''20 questions' cutesy game, so I am not playing. But I do have some ideas, and as I have been trying to learn (sort of) about bitcoins et seems that Blockchain may be the replacement for banks. (we shall watch and see)
DeleteAs I see it at this point in time, early half-hearted studying, bitcoin is the substance; blockchain is like the conveyor belt that carries it from one place to another; and mining companies hunt it up and put it on the conveyor belt.
As for the chinese petro-yuan it appears that it is only the beginning of eventually taking over the petro dollar. So if all goes as china plans, the dollar is on its way to demise. ? And is that what brings in the all-digital currency which is the very 'controlling factor' that the coming world dictator/demon possessed will use during his 7-yr. reign/rule. Sure looks like the handwriting on the wall to me.
ReplyDeleteSOS: Q-squared Delivers a Set of Serious Messages About the POTUS
is he being blackmailed?
ReplyDeleteIt fills my heart with joy to see that there are still others out there that get it. Omnibus bills (overall business bills) are merely handing the President a blank check to spend as he pleases. They are NOT a budget. So in essence, the treasonous rats in congress did him a favor. He can spend the money on whatever he wants, or not! So long as he does not disturb the peace. So programs like planned parenthood, may be forced to cut back on services until they finally dry up, while the military gets huge spending increases for beefing up the American interior to keep the UN forces at bay.
ReplyDeleteThis actually gives us, the unincorporated American Nationals a chance to further our efforts to build up our teams of Jural Assembly members and restore the republic.
For information on joining the Ventura County Jural Assembly, Join me on Skype
I may only one man, and not that great of a speaker, but at least I am trying.
Ya have that correct Thank You!!!
DeleteGamesmedic, normally I would agree with you if it was any other President except Trump..!! Watch him try to use all that money to build his WALL and I guarantee you, they will try to "impeach him", Mark my word..!! Congress will never allow him to use that money any way he wants.. And he must be more than worried about something since he wants an incredible amount of money dedicated to our military..."something wicked this way comes"...!! He's worried about something..!!
Deletejames, if that is true, then I have to wonder if tomorrow 3/28 when the chinese petro-yuan makes its debut, affecting the dollar, is going to cause a big Storm? Something we've not been told anything about.....
DeletePeople MUST be stupid if they disagree with you.
Trumps wall so called is on old deal going on for many presidents, just like Andrew Jackson and Lincoln are blamed for Indian atrocities when Jefferson put the plan in place much earlier and they simply carried it on. Many people in general seem "star oriented" Like these politicians and apointees are super beings, huge and bigger than life, like Tom Cruise or Cheif Slippery Eel the fortune teller, a big star at the circus. So one guy or one apointee can or will crash down the entire system? What are they like 400 feet tall and resistant to all 9 billion people on the planet? I think some like them so there is someone to blame, like an alcoholic, always someone elses fault and they of course are not a part of the problem yet seem to not notice what they offer is not getting anyone anywhere. Once elected or apointed though well like a gardner you hired gets out of hand what can you do? If they start taking over the house, stealing your stuff, causing a lot of trouble, all you can say is I hired em for the job and now and stuck with them, 4 year contract so even if they trash the place I must put up with it? In 1970s people boycotted grapes on the west coast and they price was lowered, no question. Now people live in fear many afraid suggesting that boycotters are terrorists and conspiracy theorists and run to hide under the dress of the presidents wife either praising some new star politician or "big" official and go back to whatever they were doing hoping that big brother does not hurt them. Actually a perfect set up to take advantage of a people. From the view point of the alleged owners of the planet, who use other people like cows how could it be better? You get to commit all kinds of crimes and people are afraid so say anything about it at all. If you encounter someone on the sea that is needing help and you ignore them it is a crime. Like my drill sgt used to say "What is the effective range of an excuse?"