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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Fundamentals 3: Your Flags

By Anna Von Reitz

Every country on Earth has both a martial flag, otherwise known as a "war flag" and a civil flag known as a "peace flag".

They also have a military -- armed forces in charge of the war flag, and a civilian service --civilian government employees in charge of the peace flag.

In this country, "Old Glory", the "Stars and Stripes" is the war flag.  And the United States Civil Flag, the one with vertical stripes, is what it says it is--- the peacetime flag of the civil service.

In America, we are served by principle branches of military service: Army, Navy, Air Force, and US Marine Corps, plus other forces, like the National Guard, all of which fly the war flag, the Stars and Stripes, for obvious reasons. 

We are also supposed to have a federal civil service and that service is supposed to be flying the United States Civil Flag, a distinctively different version of our flag with vertical stripes-----but isn't.  Why not?

The United States Civil Flag should be flying over post offices, customs houses, departmental office buildings like the United States Department of Labor, etc., and agencies like the FBI, FAA, BLM, and so on. 

Instead, all of these federal entities, whether martial or civil, are flying the Stars and Stripes --- the war flag --- and have done so as far back as anyone can remember. 

There isn't an American now living who can remember when the Post Offices flew the United States Civil Flag.  It disappeared in the confusion and aftermath of the Civil War, in the so-called "Reconstruction Era" which, it turns out, should have more aptly been called the "Obstruction Era".

We have very early tin-type photographs from newspapers and drawings and lithographs from before the Civil War showing the United States Civil Flag flying over post offices and courts and other civil office buildings ---all with vertical stripes; there are notable letters and official documents and period publications confirming these facts, and we even have photographs documenting the use of the United States Civil Flag at polling places and other public events after the Civil War ended.   

The most accessible and easiest proof of the existence and use of the United States Civil Flag is at the very beginning of Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic novel, The Scarlet Letter, where he describes the United States Civil Flag in detail, flying over a federal custom's house.  The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850, a few years before the illegal mercenary conflict we have been taught to call The American Civil War.

Our National Government-- the federal government we are supposed to have running the delegated federal services--- has been secretively mothballed by the foreign British Territorial United States Government ever since the end of the Civil War.  They have usurped upon the American National Government in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract and substituted themselves as the primary federal service providers, having unlawfully converted the original States of State into Territorial States of States, and otherwise "re-constructed" things to suit their best interests, howbeit, without the knowledge or consent of the American states and people. 

Our national level flags -- both of them -- have their origins during the Revolutionary War.  The Stars and Stripes was (and is) the banner of the Federation of States doing business under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence as The United States of America (Unincorporated) (1776) 

The so-called "rebellious flag" with vertical stripes was adopted as the banner of the Confederation of States doing business under The Articles of Confederation as the States of America (1781).

Thus from the infancy of the government of this country, there were two Unions of "States" --- a Federation and a Confederation. 

The Federation operated under the auspices of The United States of America (Unincorporated) includes the international land jurisdiction States known as Maine, Florida, Wisconsin, Texas, California, et alia. 

The Confederation operated under the auspices of the States of America (Unincorporated) included the original State of Maine, State of Florida, State of Wisconsin, State of Texas, State of California, et alia.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) and its States occupy the land jurisdiction of this country and retains the undelegated powers of the combined states in the international jurisdiction of the sea per Amendment X. 

The States of America (Unincorporated) and its States of State, such as the original State of Georgia, occupied the international jurisdiction of the sea and exercised the delegated powers vouchsafed to the National Level Federal Government. 

The British-backed Territorial United States had a limited Trustee role to play on "the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" and in providing security for the District of Colombia, Puerto Rico, Guam and other "Insular States" but was never intended to serve in any National Level government capacity for us and has no consent to do so. 

What should have happened after the so-called American Civil War, which was in reality an illegal mercenary cat-fight among federal government service providers and would-be government service providers, is that the States of America (Unincorporated) should have been allowed to hold new elections and seat new delegates in the National Congress, and life should have gone on peaceably and normally in this country. 

Instead, shysters serving "as" the members of Congress during the armed hostilities, decided to make a buck after the fighting stopped. Acting in sheer treason they pretended that the National Level Federal Government owed to the actual states and people of this country was "in abeyance" and they substituted Territorial States of States for the original National States of States, deceptively calling one by the same name as the other. 

That is, they substituted a British Territorial State of Florida for the National State of Florida we are owed.  They operated the (Territorial) United States Congress to do this, and rolled all the assets of the original National State of Florida into land trusts which they named Florida State, Wisconsin State, and so forth----which they also controlled.

On the surface, so far as average Americans could see, everything stayed the same.  There was a State of Florida before the war and a State of Florida after the war.  In fact, a profound fraud and change had taken place.  The original National State of Florida was under the direct control of the actual Florida Legislature, which was in turn elected by the living people.  The Territorial State of Florida was operated as a corporate franchise, dba "State of Florida, Inc." operated by the British Crown and controlled by British subject shareholders.

In this way, by fraud, deceit, and Breach of Trust, the British contrived to control what appeared to be our National Government and to get their filthy fingers into our pockets and steal our resources, to control our commercial dealings, our trade policies, and our war-making decisions via the substitution of their own (Territorial) United States Government operating as our National United States Government--- all the while excusing this to the rest of the world and pretending that our government was "in abeyance". 

It was the Biggest Con Job in human history and they have played it to the hilt. 

Bear in mind that all this was accomplished by owning and controlling a relative few Americans who were elected to serve in something calling itself the "United States Congress".  The perpetrators just neglected to tell us which "United States" this Congress was supposed to be serving --- the actual National-Level United States Congress?  The Territorial United States Congress?  The Municipal United States Congress? 

Most of this evil was accomplished by such simple omissions and obfuscations and by "deceptively similar names deceits"---and it is all purposeful fraud undertaken in self-interest from 1860 onward. 

The (Territorial) United States Congress embarked on a series of copyright infringements and more Breaches of Trust by naming its principal corporate franchise after our legitimate and still-standing unincorporated government. In 1868, they created "The United States of America, Incorporated" which they bankrupted in 1907.  They also created "the United States of America, Incorporated" which they bankrupted in 1933. 

They used this similar names deceit to give Americans and the rest of the world the false assumption that we were bankrupt, when in fact, it was only their own territorial and municipal corporations being deliberately bankrupted as a means to promote our assumption of their debts.

The British Crown and the Bank of England and their Buddies have carried on with all of this fraud and duplicity and criminality and have promoted all this treasonous activity in Breach of Trust and violation of their Treaties and Commercial Contracts right under our noses.  They would like for us to interpret this situation as a political issue, but in fact, it is a matter of international crime --- theirs. 

The Territorial United States can fly the Stars and Stripes in wartime.  They can't fly the National Level United States Civil Flag, which is the property of the States of America--- our mothballed and purportedly  "in abeyance" National-level Government.

Since 1999, they haven't even been able to fly the official version Title IV Stars and Stripes they adopted.

In that year, the bankruptcy of the "United States of America, Incorporated" which began in 1933, ended.  As part of the settlement, the Territorial United States Government had to abandon the District of Columbia and decamp, leaving behind all the buildings and the flag and other public property rightfully belonging to The United States of America (Unincorporated), the American States and the American People, who were then and who are now their Priority Creditors. 

Commander Russell-J:Gould stepped into the gap, rescued the Title IV Stars and Stripes, reopened the Post Offices we are owed, and established the continuance of the evidence of our actual government's existence--that is, the National-Level unincorporated government and our unincorporated Territorial Government, as well. 

The perpetrators of these fraud schemes could not fly the actual Title IV Stars and Stripes during the corporate bankruptcies they engineered as a means of picking us clean, so they flew decorative versions with gold fringe and caps on the flagstaffs as "National Colors" instead.  They hung the Stars and Stripes vertically in the Congressional Chambers as a pretense of civil authority and substitute for the United States Civil Flag. The perpendicular hanging of the Stars and Stripes also "strikes" that version and gives Notice of their international bankruptcy. 

Here's the cheerful news.  The United States of America (Unincorporated) owns it all, absolutely, all across the board.  The unincorporated government is the sovereign government.  All the rest of this is just international crime by foreign governments and foreign corporations-- Breach of Trust, Fraud, Unlawful Conversion, False Claims in Commerce, etc., etc., etc.  None of it has any validity and none of it is our fault.

As important as the States of America organization was as our National Level Government exercising our Delegated Powers and as outrageous as it is that our then-elected public servants and international Trustees allowed and committed these frauds against us and our lawful government, we are still in control and the flags are still ours. Both of them.

During the Obama Administration the perpetrators had one last throw at us. 

They couldn't work out a way to force us to void the constitutional agreements, so they contrived to vacate them, instead, by bankrupting both the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government at the same time.  That would leave all three levels of the Federal Government inoperative and all the constitutional agreements vacated.  We would be at the mercy of every pirate and bounder and international bank in the world.

The mothballed National Government --- all those juicy State trusts -- and all the "personal" ESTATE TRUSTS the perpetrators established and operated "in our NAMES", would then be easy pickings for the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Territorial and Municipal Government organizations to claim as "abandoned trust property".  We would be left with nothing, penniless and homeless in our own country.

Instead, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and concluded agreements with new "Federal" Partners, the American Indian Nations. 

This action prevented any "vacating" of the constitutional agreements from the federal side and again gave Notice to the world that our assets are not abandoned.

Just to drive the point home again, the Hereditary Head of State and owner of both The Great Seal of the United States of America and The Great Seal of the United States, issued the Declaration of Flag/Conveyance of the Abeyance/End of Presumed Interregnum and Proclamation in Addendum on October 21, 2017---and placed it in the public records internationally.

Our United States Civil Flag is fully restored and in use again and our Stars and Stripes has never been retired. 

Despite all the lies, all the criminality, all the effort to overcome our lawful government by fraud and deceit and Breach of Trust and every other means--- we are still standing, and you can be proud of both your flags and your seals.

In celebration of the restoration of your National-Level Government, we advise and invite everyone to fly the United States Civil Flag. Both flags are ours and they are both honorable for our part, but of the two, the United States Civil Flag is most uniquely and recognizably our own.  No foreign territorial or municipal government in the world can fly it, including those that claim to exercise some of our delegated powers. 

We continue to press our charges and our claims and to absolutely rebut any presumption by any party anywhere that our actual sovereign government is now or ever has been in any sort of bankruptcy or interregnum. We claim every cubic centimeter of American soil, and all trusts private and public naturally belonging to the American states and people. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Three brief videos of ernie-wayne: ter Telgte filmed on March 17 2018, regarding the Peace Standard and ernie's intent to fly that Standard in court at Eureka, Montana, March 22 2018, in a trial by jury.

    Elias Alias

    1. Yea, a "trail by jury"...!! But what about HIS PEERS..!! Is he going to get a bunch of "tortfeasors" or is he going to really get what he talks about..."his peers".!!!!

  2. Fantastic letter. I am 1/8 Cherokee so I am glad the Indian Nations have been brought in !!! Hope that 3.5 Magnitude earthquake in Unalaska didn't hurt anybody or damage property.

  3. Here is the text from The Scarlet Letter:
    In my native town of Salem, at the head of what, half a century ago, in the days of old King Derby, was a bustling wharf,—-but which is now burdened with decayed wooden warehouses, and exhibits few or no symptoms of commercial life; except, perhaps, a bark or brig, half-way down its melancholy length, discharging hides ; or, nearer at hand, a Nova Scotia schooner, pitching out her cargo of fire-wood,—-at the head, I say, of this dilapidated wharf, which the tide often overflows, and along which, at the base and in the rear of the row of buildings, the track of many languid years is seen in a border of unthrifty grass, — here, with a view from its front windows a down this not very enlivening prospect, and thence across the harbor, stands a spacious edifice of brick. From the loftiest point of its roof, during precisely three and a half hours of each forenoon, floats or droops, in breeze or calm, the banner of the republic; but with the thirteen stripes turned vertically, instead of horizontally, and thus indicating that a civil, and not a military post of Uncle Sam’s government, is here established. Its front is ornamented with a portico of half a dozen wooden pillars, supporting a balcony, beneath which a flight of wide granite steps descends towards the street. Over the entrance hovers an enormous specimen of the American eagle, with outspread wings, a shield before her breast, and, if I recollect aright, a. bunch of intermingled thunderbolts and barbed arrows in each claw. With the customary infirmity of temper that characterizes this unhappy fowl, she appears, by the

  4. Having been a paralegal in a law office back in the 80s and 90s, I personally, made up (prepared) documents of articles of incorporations for people who desired to be in charge of an incorporated entity. One of the requirements to incorporate, was to have a name for the corporation. In order to find a corporation name that was not already in use, I would call up the Texas Secretary of State, Corporations division, and ask if a certain name was available for a new corporation. They would tell me yes or no as the case would be. In order to submit the documents to the Secretary of State, the corporation name was REQUIRED to be in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. If the name was upper and lower case, it would be rejected. (That requirement has since been changed so now a corporation name can be upper an lower case in Texas.)
    My point is, in the above article, it says that The United States of America, Incorporated (1868), and the United States of America, Incorporated (1933) were the names of corporations.
    I don't know if a corporation in all corners of the united States of America was required to have its name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, like they used to here in Texas, but apparently, not.
    I think, at one point, I wrote a letter to the Texas Secretary of State asking if Texas, Texas state, Texas State, state of Texas, State of Texas, STATE OF TEXAS, TEXAS, TEXAS State, and TEXAS STATE were all one and the same. I never got a reply on that one.

  5. Obama's administration run us into liquidation .what stopped them from taking the trust they rolled everything into?crooks didn't want that hand caught in the cookie jar?

  6. I've been watching a lot of movies lately, like "Mission Impossible" and other similar movies, and they always involve "The Syndicate"...!! They call it what it actually is in movies...not the "elites" or the "cabal"..!! You can always count on the motion picture elites to tell us the truth in esoteric ways..!!

  7. So just who is going to implement any of these things? Are we to believe these imposters will ever vacate their positions and stop running the show?


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